Avowed is amazing! It must be said. X35 Earthwalker has dived into this game for many many hours now and so much has happened, so much has been discovered and so much continues to go down. Avowed is another Xbox exclusive banger. Avowed was developed by Obsidian and these guys are top tier developers and it shows. X35 wanted to talk about Avowed for a while. Let’s take a look.
Avowed is just one massive adventure. All the action takes place on the Living lands. Unique name by the way. Simply put, you the player, have been sent to the living lands by the emperor of the Aedyran empire himself. You are his envoy sent to deal with the blight, a curse/plague known as the dream scourge, which is running lives, infecting lands and creatures… including people. No one has cured or solved it. It’s now your job.
When you get to the island that’s where things kick off for real. It’s off course open world so get to exploring. Don’t be like the stupid and foolish reviewers who rushed this game and skipped so much to make a negative review. Just the first area in Avowed is crazy. First area is Dawnshore and the city is Paradis. This area has lots of water around, including a coast. There’s a light house, ruins, old structures, camps, very vibrant and colourful negation, trees, canyon and dungeons. There’s so much to see and explore here. So don’t skip these things.
When you come across a body of water, make sure to jump in and swim. The swimming in this game is the best in all of gaming and the water is the biggest factor here. Very very few games can claim to have as good water as Avowed. The water is beautiful and looks so good. When you jump in and swim it looks realistic how you enter the water and the underwater is immensely beautiful. The fishes are swimming around, the rocks are detailed well. The water and swimming alone deserves it’s own segment for sure. We have found treasure down there as well.
One of the biggest aspects of Avowed is easily the environments and visuals. Avowed has 4 main areas we have seen so far. Dawnshore, Emerald Stair, Shatterscarp and Galawain’s Tusk. Each one is very different from each other. Dawnshore got the coast and ruins, Emerald Stair has ancient sites and Delemgan monarchy, Shatterscarp has deserts, rock climbing and an oasis, while Galawain’s Tusks has a volcano and lots of lava. Each area is beautifully done. Make sure to explore.
The other biggest aspect is the combat obviously. No other game has combat like Avowed. Avowed allows for all kinds of combos. Dagger in left hand and sword in the right. Shield in left and mace in right. Pistol in left and wand in right. It’s up to you. Two handed weapons, parrying, charging, stealth executions, special attacks, shooting and best of all, the spell casting. There are grimoires to find which contain spells that you can cast using essence. Fire balls, ice blades, poison drain, anti-gravity, lighting strikes, barriers, ice structures, meteor showers and more. The spells truly get crazy out here in the combat. All kinds of things be happening.
The story is very interesting and has some twists and points to consider. Your choices affect things from your companions to the area or even world. People hear about what happened in other locations and news spread. There’s multiple outcomes concerning the ending and your decisions decide that too. We won’t say or spoil the story. What we will say is that the companions are a big part of the game. Each one wildly different from each other in terms of behaviour, mentality, skills and combat. Kai, Marius, Giatta and Yatzli. Tank, distant stealth, heavy support and big blaster. Their dialogue with each other and combos make a difference. The best combo for combat though is Kai and Giatta. Too solid with their abilities.
Idiots have lied about Avowed. Hate grifters trying to portray this game as a flop when it’s the exact opposite. Fools claimed there’s no fish. There’s lots of fish actually. A dumber idiot said the npcs don’t even walk around. We have seen npcs walk around. The biggest idiots find one ugly npc and said the game is trash. We found many good looking npcs, not that it even matters. The low IQ haters have tried to take this game down but failed off course. The millions who are playing it have overall been very positive about this game. The negatives are mostly anti-woke mob idiots, hate bandwagon grifters, playstation fanboys and the xbox tax gaming media outlets. The usual suspects.
Now there are tons of numerous unique gear for players to wear. They all have their own effects. Some straight up increase your character stats like Might and Dexterity. Some grant bonus damage like 10% fire damage or ice damage. Some increase dodge distance or parkour speed. While others can simply increase your maximum essence or health. There’s even unique weapons that can change things up as well. There’s even a crazy dagger that grants you health every time you inflict damage. There’s a powerful axe called the emerald Splitter that inflicts bonus stun damage after a full combo. So through armour, gear, weapons and spells, you can make loads of combos.
Overall Avowed is truly awesome. Avowed is its own thing and does that very well. Huge open world, lots of fighting and combat. Numerous items and gear to find that spices some things up. Avowed is its own amazing RPG. So many battles, numerous bosses, bounties to hunt and collect, lots of exploration, swimming and diving, magical spells, combos and cool story with serious and deep choices. Avowed is very successful. Played and enjoyed by millions. Avowed is off course in the Xbox Game Pass and we recommend players to try it. Action gamers, RPG gamers, adventure gamers and more. Now Avowed may be an awesome game but it isn’t as awesome as… the ‘Earth Walk!’
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