Battalion 1944 is a new first person shooter World war 2 game developed by ‘Bulkhead Interactive‘ and published by ‘Square Enix‘. It’s coming out later in this quarter of the year on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Also an early access for Battalion 1944 is out the 1st of February for PC on Steam. This game is suppose to recapture the core of classic competitive shooters. Let’s take a look.
There isn’t too much information given out about Battalion 1944. We do know that it is multiplayer heavy emphasis. There seems to be limited weapons. We know there will be a Kar98 which is a bolt action rifle and a Thompson. So it’s going back to complete basics. As in everyone has the same weapons, covering fire and heavy single shot damage. So moving around, covering angles and working together are the main factors here in deciding who wins these matches.
Since Battalion 1944’s aim is to be classic there won’t be any power ups or bonus like nukes and dogs from call of duty or armour and spartan abilities like from Halo. Just standard weapons and yourself really. Battalion 1944 is being put together by firstly people who grew up playing competitive first person shooters and professional first person shooter players.
There are a multiple of game modes which we all know by now like Team death match, free for all, Capture the flag and Domination. There is also War Tide which is quite new. Basically there are two teams of five and two weapon armouries. The armouries provide weapons but only as you kill the enemies from what we get from the information.
Yes there are rewards for playing like ‘War chests’ which come after levelling up. Since it’s a classic shooter there won’t be no booster weapons or perks. Instead they are all cosmetic like weapon skins.
We checked out some gameplay and really this game is very simple to understand in terms of gameplay but very basic. The Thompson kills people quickly but the Kar98 if you land the headshot kills instantly so skill is rewarded here. Other weapons like shotguns may be map power weapons. very basic and simple.
Overall Battalion 1944 looks like am good game and definitely there is a group of gamers who would be interested in this style of gameplay. The graphics are good. The developers ‘Bulkhead Interactive’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t interested in this game as it’s not out style or thing but others will be. Now classic shooters keep it simple but far to simple for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: