Cassette Beasts is an adventure role playing game developed by ‘Bytten Studio‘ and published by ‘Raw Fury‘. Cassette Beasts is available on Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch and pc. Right off the bat, X35 Earthwalker can confirm that Cassette Beasts is a fantastic game. No doubt about it. Cassette Beasts is its on thing and does it very well. Take a look.
Basically what’s going on is that you have somehow ended up on in this world. It’s not some normal place on earth. There’s some differences. For starters there are Cassette Beasts… these creatures are very creative and can be dangerous. Very dangerous. People ended up in New Wirral (the island you’re on) but from different places and sounds like different times too. So many questions and mysteries regarding this place. There’s even beings called archangels who are very powerful and not to be messed with. Just looking at some can really hurt.
Let’s make this clear. This isn’t like pokemon. Cassette Beasts is very unique. In pokemon you capture creatures and make them your own, while in Cassette Beasts you record creatures to have a copy of them. So the creature stays free. In pokemon you summon your creatures to battle. In Cassette Beasts you BECOME the creature you recorded. It’s you battling. In pokemon you have HM which are special moves to interact with certain things in the world, like slash down trees, move boulders, smash rocks, go across the seas etc. In Cassette Beasts you unlock permanent abilities from just recording a creature that has that ability. For example there’s a bullet creature that when you record you gain the rocket dash ability where you zoom really fast. Very useful. Lastly Cassette Beasts have fusion. Take two beasts and fuse them together to form a powerful beast that has all the moves of both creatures, has both creatures types as one and improved stats. A game changer for sure. Both are great but we want to make it clear that Cassette Beasts is it’s own thing.
The world in Cassette Beasts, is very lively. There’s puzzles, mysteries, boss battles, numerous creatures, different environments, unfair condition and much more. There’s many to speak to. There’s beast variants and exploration is heavily required. You need to face and defeat the ranger captains who can be real tough and off course find and defeat the archangels who who are even more powerful and at times unfair. So don’t think you are top dog in this world. Cassette Beasts can get brutal at times. Buy items from vendors and be prepared for anything. Here’s some gameplay below.
Here’s more gameplay.
We aren’t going to spoil anything for you. There’s lots to see. It’s truly an exciting adventure. We haven;’t finished the game yet but we are close. Just taking our time and exploring everything. Numerous side quests to complete and creatures to record. Including a metal boxing big dog creature. X35 Earthwalker is the best. So listen to him. So yeah. Cassette Beasts is currently available on the Xbox Game Pass as well. Now Cassette Beasts may have a unique biog adventure but it’s so small and generic when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: