GRAVEN is a new action adventure role playing game developed by ‘Slipgate Ironworks‘ and published by ‘3D Realms‘ and ‘1C Entertainment‘. GRAVEN is said to be coming out on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 and PC. This game is out here trying to do it’s own thing. Let’s take a look. 

In the world of GRAVEN, players control a “wrongly convicted man of faith” in a dark fantasy world. This means magic, castles, evil beings, monsters etc. What are you wrongly convicted of? We don’t know. We do know that players can expect an adventure. 

Now take into account that GRAVEN is far from it’s release date and clearly still in serious development. Right now it doesn’t look good at all for 2020 standards. Now we can se the graphical style that they are aiming for though. We hope to see more of it’s development. We do like the environments though. There’s what looks like a swamp, castle walls, dungeons, villages and towns. We’ve got variety here. There’s clearly what looks like friendly people in the game who may even help you out.

As GRAVEN is a dark fantasy RPG we expected magic and spells. We were right. There are books which have certain spells. You can hurl fire like a flamethrower, zap enemies with lightning from your hands and cause explosions. There are weapons like a magic staff and even a hand mounted crossbow and off course a kick straight from Duke Nukem. So there is some combat options here. So there’s loads of stuff going on right here in GRAVEN but off course sin heavy development.  

We checked out some gameplay and it currently looks unimpressive and not very good BUT again… it’s in heavy development and a good distance away from release date. We are judging from the current displayed stuff. The running around and kicking is very similar to Duke Nukem which is funny since one of the publishers is 3D Realms who are known for Duke Nukem games like ‘Duke Nukem 3D‘. The foundations seem sound right now with lots of room to put stuff in. So maybe keep an eye on GRAVEN. 

Overall GRAVEN looks like it has potential. It needs time and that’s what people should do… be patient. We hope to see great animations, good graphics and visuals and more options concerning spells and bigger variety of enemies. The developers have got a lot of work to do. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear more about GRAVEN in the future. Now GRAVEN may have a dark fantasy world but even it’s world is too boring compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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BADA Space Station is a new action game developed and published by ‘Terahard’. BADA Space Station is coming to Xbox Series X, PS5, Nintendo Switch and PC. BADA Space Station has a very funny concept and story going on here. Let’s take a look.

Let’s get right into this. The concept of the game and story itself is funny and simple. You are entering into these arenas to fight numerous enemies. Big arenas. Expect giant orc like beings with massive clubs and helmets. Expect what looks like demons, cyclops and even alien threats in abundance chasing you down to destroy you. Your aim is to fight and survive. Make you’re way through the top, build a massive following gain promotions and get paid… very well. There’s something more though.

In BADA Space Station there are companies and businesses out there that want to make money and sell their products. They are going to do it through you. You will get to use their products. This means their weapons, equipment, items etc. After all a product looks so much better in the hands of a winner, a big guy… a champion. Yep, it’s a arena career. The better you do and prevail, the more publicity you get and sponsors notice you. You get more deals and get to slay with their products. Oh and by the way, all this takes place in the BADA Space Station. 

We checked out some BADA Space Station gameplay. That’s all there is. BADA Space Station is literally a career. Get some cool stuff and improve your character. There is a choice of what character you can control from a half or half aquatic creature but clearly humanoid and then there’s this weird purple alien creature with a long head tail like majin bu from dragon ball. Strangest of all… this purple alien thing has some cheeks on it. Seriously, look at the butt. Exactly, we weren’t lying. 

Overall BADA Space Station is a simple game with a relatable progression story. It’s a career. We like that there is some big boss monsters. We didn’t see much variety in the enemies though and we hope to see more types. The difficulty of the game is unclear. it needs to be challenging though and hopefully by tactics and combinations of sponsor products can you match their strength and surpass them. The developers ‘Terahard’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what more BADA Space Station will bring. Now BADA Space Station may have sponsors and aliens with a booty but none of those matter when it comes to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Chernobylite is a new sci-fi survival horror game developed and published by ‘The Farm 51‘. Chernobylite is said to be coming out the 2021 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PS5 and PC. There was a PC early access but we don’t care. Now Chernobylite is looking real different from others games but survival horror aren’t easy to do. Let’s take a look.

In the world of Chernobylite, it is the year 2016. Players control a man who 30 years ago use to work as a physicist at a Chernobylite nuclear facility. A catastrophe happened though and it effected 350000 people in 1986. Your girlfriend is one of those many people who is now gone. It’s now 30 years later from that event and what happened still haunts you. The game describes it as “the demons of the past.” So you now return to a placed called the ‘Chernobyl exclusion zone. 

Now let’s get something out of the way. Chernobylite is also a survival horror game. So expect danger, strategy and combat. Chernobylite has an explorable world. Players can move at their pace and find many things. The world offers a non-linear story.

There are supernatural threats in Chernobylite and some have called them shadows. They will try to kill you but none of them look scary to us. They glow like neon lights. There are weapons like guns which off course are needed to fight back. Chernobylite is still a survival horror though, so ammo won’t be the most plentiful thing, so pick your fights wisely and when to run or hide.

The game states that they will constantly challenge you to: survive, play by your own rules and experience. Concerning experience, it’s up to the player and how you think. Whether you can stay calm, think things through and decide wisely. Remember it’s a horror game, so keep it together. Concerning Survive, player need to craft their weapons and gear in order to survive out here. It’s up to you to decide what happens out here. Concerning play by your own rules, there are challenges and new things everyday in the zone. 

What’s interesting in Chernobylite is that there is other stalkers out in the zone as well. They are also out here surviving, in combat and got stuff to do. Possibly an objective of their own. You can either work with these stalkers and be allies or you can go against them and compete. The game warns you to never fully trust the other stalkers. Stating that they have an agenda of their own. Which is true. After all, they are in the zone for a reason.

Do not forget that Chernobylite is also a sci-fi game. There are many enemies trying to harm you and they are coming from an alternate reality. As you explore you’ll need t learn and future some stuff out. So players will need to collect data through “sophisticated environment and substance analyzing tools.” You will be holding the devices and collecting information. Learning and acquiring what you need to understand and settle what happened here. At least your girlfriend isn’t here… right?

We checked out some Chernobylite gameplay and it’s not looking impressive so far. Too standard for current game standards. Remember that it’s still in development and there was an early release. So we are expecting lots of improvements concerning animations, interaction, movement and more. We truly like the combination of science fiction and survival horror. There are devices to use. Chemicals and supernatural things can get investigated but there is loads of danger, including an humanoid glowy being who is hunting you. 

Overall Chernobylite looks like it’s going to be a good game. The graphics are good. There’s clearly a big adventure going on here. Games like this aren’t easy to do. Hopefully there is actually lots of scares and very lethal enemies with limited ammo bringing a big sense of dread and feeling underpowered. The developers ‘The Farm 51’ have got something here. We at X35 Earthwalker would like this game to do well. Now Chernobylite may have supernatural danger and science but neither of those are accurate enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Rainbow Six: Quarantine is new tactical first person shooter game developed and published by ‘Ubisoft’. Rainbow Six: Quarantine is said to be coming out in 2021 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PS5 and PC. Rainbow Six Quarantine sounds very interesting and it seems like the enemies here are… how should we say… ‘out of this world’. Let’s take a look.

There isn’t that much to say about Rainbow Six: Quarantine. There is some stuff we do know about this game though. Rainbow Six: Quarantine is going to be completely different from Rainbow Six Siege. There is no two teams, defence and attack. It’s just a team of three going up against a whole horde of ‘out of this world’ enemies. There will be an actual story. There will be levels and survival is top priority. We also know that Rainbow Six: Quarantine is being developed by the Montreal branch of Ubisoft. 

Enough with the secrecy. The enemies in Rainbow Six: Quarantine are aliens basically. Mutated alien parasite. They roll by infecting not just humans to be hosts but also the very environment itself. The enemy has been described as very dangerous and difficult. We can’t see how this enemy would be challenging because the Rainbow Six operators have certain set abilities, use guns and there are three of them to watch each others backs. Rainbow Six is set in a realistic world. So unless the alien parasites can do some real crazy then this game will be easy. Those disappointing. We don’t want easy games. We will have to see more to be sure though.

Off course there is no gameplay to view but here’s how they described the Rainbow Six: Quarantine  experience. They said “Prepare to launch into tense, chaotic and totally unpredictable missions as you and your squad risk everything, every time you step into Quarantine.” No offensive to the developers but  normally when they write like this, it hardly is like how they said. We might get something that’s predictable. A number of games have failed in this area. We hope the developers actually pull it off.

Overall. Rainbow Six: Quarantine sounds like it will be a fun game but we don’t have high hopes for this. There’s a medium amount of room here for creativity and what they can do but will they do it? If only they had X35 Earthwalker to help them and instruct them. Come one devs, do your best and make this great. We at X35 Earthwalker hope this game does well. Now Rainbow Six: Quarantine may have alien enemies and a whole new game but none of this means anything to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead is a new is a new physics based puzzle game developed by ‘Clockstone‘ and published by ‘Headup‘. Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead is said to be coming out 2020 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Android, IOS, Mac and PC. Basically almost everything. Prepare to use your brains. Let’s take a look.

Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead has a very simple story. After all this is a game about building bridges. You will be following a bunch of survivors. They are obviously trying to survive against the zombies. Not just the zombies though but also a community of humans who are dangerous and described as hostile. You help them by building bridges AND other constructs.

Let’s keep this simple. Famous characters like Eugene, Michonne and Daryl are in Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead. Recognisable vehicle’s from the series are in this game too. So the Walking Dead fans should definitely see things they like. The biggest stand out for this game is that it’s physics based. So you can’t just build however you want, unrealistically and expect heavy vehicles to not fall through them and blow up. Gravity is a real thing here so keep that in mind. The enemies, zombies, are dumb so using moveable objects, bait and even explosives are viable. 

There is no gameplay of whatsoever but we know you will have a variety of locations to be building your bridges and structures. The description was “bleak landscapes and ruined structures”. The word ‘ruined’ gives some ides but we can expect broken bridges, homes or police stations too. At the end of the day you are using your brain to build bridges and solve many different scenarios. So have fun. Pule lovers should enjoy this. 

Overall it’s a bridge building game. Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead is for specific types of gamers. It’s not our thing but Bridge Constructor has some fans and The Walking Dead itself also has fans so when you combine the two, you may have quite the audience. There’s no comment here on the graphics and sounds. The developers ‘Clockstone’ are working on this. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what this game will bring out. Now Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead may have physics but it’s nothing compared to the reality of… the ‘Earthwalker’ 

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War Thunder is a massive multilayer online (MMO) military game developed by ‘Gaijin Entertainment‘ and published by ‘Gaijin Distribution‘. War Thunder already came out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. What’s important though is that War thunder is now coming to the next gen consoles… Xbox Series X and PS5 in November 2020. This game is all about war. Let’s take a look.

War Thunder is very simple and easy to understand. It’s war based on world war 2 and cold war vehicles. So since it’s a massive multiplayer online you will be in a tank or aircraft and fighting other players. It’s all vehicles, no infantry. So you know what to expect. Just watch the trailer we put down below and you’ll understand completely. 

It’s not only tanks and aircraft in War Thunder. There are naval crafts too. So players will be fighting in land, air and sea. Now there are over 1700 tanks, helicopters, warships and aircrafts. That’s a lot! They have been described as highly detailed and made from “historical documents and surviving sources”. So gamers should expect different controls, movements and functions from the different vehicles even if in the same type. Speaking of historical, there is 100 maps which is said to represent the main historical battle theatres. 

War Thunder is cross platform and this includes players on Mac, Linux, Windows, Xbox One and PS4. So everyone is invited on the same server. In terms of what happens in War Thunder, there is PvP (off course) where it’s full scale combat. There’s difficulty settings too which maybe adjusts the types of battles or vehicles included. There’s PvE so you don’t have to face human armies but you can face historical wars, solo missions and campaigns.  

Now the biggest reason we caught attention of this game is simply because this massive multiplayer online war game is coming to the next gen consoles. War Thunder is going to be on the Xbox Series X and PS5. So greater graphics, better visuals and smoother frames. This means a whole better gaming experience. War Thunder is free to play. So don’t worry about costs. When it comes out, you can jump straight in, enter a tank or whatever and blast away.

We checked out some War Thunder gameplay and it’s what we expected. You could be the one protecting you team from air raids with anti-aircraft guns. You may be the one in a fast boat who uses torpedoes to destroy warships. Destroy multiple air vehicles with a firestorm from multiple rocket launchers. Simply you could be the one who takes control of a tank and start blasting up enemies on the field. So working together and strategy is key… unless you want to destroy everything solo. What’s good is that War Thunder is said to have regular content updates which includes new vehicles, nations, maps and missions. So there’s stuff to do.

Overall War Thunder looks like a simple game that off course has layers to it concerning strategy and combat. Like what vehicle counters what, what environments are best for what vehicle. Who knows, we might get involved… might. We like that you can target certain parts of vehicles. Anyway. The developers ‘Gaijin Entertainment’ have done a good job. We at X35 Earthwalker may keep an eye open for this game when it comes to the next gen consoles. Now War Thunder may have 1700 vehicles but not one of those machines are high tech enough to face… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Evergate is a puzzle platformer game developed by ‘Stone latern Games‘ and published by ‘PQube‘. Evergate has already came out on Nintendo Switch and PC (2020) but will be coming out on the Xbox One and Xbox series X but NOT on the PS5. This has become a serious pattern lately. Developers going with the Xbox Series X and not the PS5. Let’s take a look.

The story in the world of Evergate is easy to understand. Basically you wake up in the afterlife and you are this small soul called ‘Ki’. You must use the power of your soulflame to navigate and get through the afterlife in order to reincarnate on earth. The description states that two spirits are involved. So simply put, you are dead, entered the afterlife and got to make your way through it to get back to earth.

Evergate is another puzzle platformer game so you know what to expect. So there’s isn’t too much to go over. It’s also 2D so this means players need to pay attention to the whole screen. The main stand out point here for Everegate is the soulflame. You can use your powers to activate and unleash the power of crystals you find in the afterlife. Crystals can also combine so if there’s multiple activate them all and see what happens. You can even slow down time with the power of your soulflame. Slow down time enough for you to take your ‘time’ and aim (see what we did there?).

By the way, the name of the game Evergate comes from an actual obstacle in the game. Ki can’t get back to earth because an Evergate is blocking her way. Ki must “decipher her mysterious connection to kindred spirit as she navigates through memories of a time once past.” We know that the players will get to travel across space and time to go through Ki’s memories which grants the opportunity to learn and understand Ki’s connection to “another soul”. So there is some mystery going on around here in Evergate.

It’s not just platforms you got to look out for but artifacts and collectibles too. These artifacts are going to make things easier for you by boosting your abilities, adding new abilities or whatever to make your life or lack thereof, easier (get it?). For example as shown above the ‘Forgotten memory’ artifact will allow all crystals to be used two times. Another example is the ‘glowpetal hook’ which makes collectible essence petals magnetise when nearby. So it’s stuff like that. These artifacts does remind us of Ori and the Will the Wisps with ‘spirit shards’. 

We checked out some Evergate gameplay and it’s slightly different from what we thought it would be. It definitely looks good. We wished it zoomed in more though as we to see Ki better. There’s lots going on in the levels and very active. We like the effects on the items, the dust, the lights and offf course the background and environments. This game isn’t as dark and haunting as they describe it to be. That’s disappointing. We expected more from the afterlife. Evergate looks very good and clearly loads of work went into it.

Overall Evergate is a good game. The graphics are very good. The sounds are good. The environments are very good. We like what we see. The story concept doesn’t make much sense but it’s a fictional game so anything can happen really. We can’t say much concerning the pace though. The developers ‘Stone Latern Games’ have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what’s happening with Evergate when it comes to the next gen console Xbox Series X. Now Evergate may have a whole journey in a afterlife but that journey is small and pointless compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Manifold Garden is a first person exploration puzzle game developed and published by ‘William Chyr Studio‘. Manifold Garden came out August 2020 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4. October 2020 on PC. Most importantly Manifold Garden is said to be coming to Xbox Series X November 10th 2020 BUT not the PS5. Once again another game that’s coming to the Xbox Series but not the PS5. There’s a trend here. Now this game looks real cool. Let’s take a look. 

Manifold Garden is strange but cool. The story is… well… there isn’t really one from what we know. We do know that one of your main objectives is to restore this world, which has been described as barren, with vegetation and life. So maybe something happened that caused it to go barren or maybe it always was barren and you are somehow there to make a difference. Maybe. So all of that is mystery and not the focus of the game at all beside the garden/vegatation part.

Here is the entire description for the game, “Rediscover gravity and explore a beautiful Escher-esque world of impossible architecture. Geometry repeats infinitely in every direction, and falling down leads you back to where you started. Manipulate gravity to change your perspective and see the world in new ways. Master the rules of the universe…”. Now this is short and leaves out a lot but also says quite a bit too. Pay attention. This game is all about exploration. It’s a massive world that expands and pretty much keeps on going. Players have to get around the place but not by natural means.

It’s emphasises that physics don’t work normally here. Rediscover gravity means gravity can now swap, change and maybe even bend or not be there at all in certain places. The buildings have some of the most unreality but creative designs. The world itself has been described as infinite, so constantly moving in one direction won’t make a difference. Fall damage is non-existent. Matter of fact if you fall down, you will get back to where you “started”. Not only is gravity weird but you will have ways to change and mess with gravity yourself.

You can literally just walk up to a wall to start walking along it like it doesn’t matter. When you activate certain panels or area with the blocks you see the same colour run through what can be described as a circuit route to a door or whatever to activate it. Giving players clear directions and indications of what triggers what. The designs of the structures in the distance or nearby shows you that there is some resemblance to real structures but clearly impossible. You get to see how large the place is and that you won’t reach the end of the world anytime soon. You can even jump of the edge of your platform to fall to reach the other side because when you fall you land back where you were. It makes players have to open their minds more to get creative for what’s needed.

The green badge is here. You know what that means. Manifold Garden is one of those “Games built using the Xbox Series X development kit are designed to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the Xbox Series X. They will showcase unparalleled load-times, visuals, responsiveness, and framerates up to 120 FPS.” It’s optimised for the Xbox Series S too. Not only that but Manifold Greens has ‘Smart Delivery’. So if you bought it for the Xbox One, you will get it automatically on the Xbox Series X. 

We checked out some Manifold Garden gameplay and it looks real cool. There are small cubes with arrows on them which allows you to control various things around the world. For example they send signals to open doors, effect water, paths, gravity, move entire structures. All to solve puzzles and make your way around. It’s a growing world and there’s lots of mechanisms here. Lots of creativity. Sort not reminds us of Sable but off course going for a more chaotic, physics, puzzle world where things don’t have to make sense but the mechanisms do. It’s definitely a journey with no direction but an objective. The graphic style works very well here and makes things more defined and solid with the heavy lines design. The sounds though are very nice and suit what’s going on and quiet at times during puzzles for peaceful thinking. 

Overall Manifold Garden looks like a very good game. Simple in concept and design but complex in what goes on. We like that you go at your own pace and things are quite peaceful. The puzzles don’t seem too difficult or mind bending. It’s different from what’s out there currently for the most part. The developers ‘William Chyr Studio’ have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what this games got. Now Manifold garden may have a limitless world but it’s embarrassingly limited when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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In Sound Mind is a new first person psychological horror game developed by ‘We Create Stuff‘ and published by ‘Modus Games‘. In Sound Mind is said to the coming out on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC in 2021. In Sound Mind is taking a risky sub genre for horror. We do hope they can pull it off though. They do have a cat though. Let’s take a look.

In Sound Mind (‘Sound mind’ is a phrase from the Bible but once again no shout out. Lame). In the world of In Sound Mind, you wake up and find yourself in the corridor of a building. Now this isn’t a regular building though. It sort of has a life of its own. The plot thickens though. The building leads you to a group of survivors or should we say victims. They all been effected by an “experimental chemical”.

Our character must be effected by the same experimental chemical as now we are seeing some strange things too as we try to figure out what’s going on around here. You now experience visions, crazy ones. Not only that but a whole load of what’s described as “imposing horrors”. this has to be referring to the dangers and enemies you will face. Not only that but there’s a cat. This isn’t just your cat sitting on a wall. This cat is weird and apparently it’s called Tonia. In Sound Mind has nothing to do with an actual sound mind.

Now remember gamers, In Sound Mind is a psychological horror. Meaning this is most likely just in the characters mind. It’s a mental thing. Unlike other psychological horror games, you can actually defend yourself. There are weapons. So expect a gun. There’s a flashlight to light your way, you know the drill. Oh there’s mannequins by the way but not regular ones as they are sentient. So have fun with that. It might be right behind you now.

Another thing that In Sound Mind is pushing hard is the puzzles. In Sound Mind has emphasis on these puzzles. Beating the bosses, that’s right… bosses, is a puzzle. There are certain mechanics and weaknesses that require gamers to use their heads… for a change (shots fired). Literally the game makes it clear that beat bosses by solving “mind-bending puzzles”. We know that the player will be stalked throughout the game too. There’s lots going on.

We checked out some In Sound Mind gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected for some parts but more or less what we expected. You are jumping all over the place by going through door. You end up in many locations, all pretty much dark and atmospheric. We even saw smoke. There are ghoulish ghost enemies called watchers who are not friendly at all and can’t be defeated straight up. The inventory seems easy to use and understand. Some more solid enemies can be killed by firearms. A headshot can take down an enemy almost instantly. The graphics look good so far but the music is better. Sound track was done by someone called ‘the living tombstone’. Some of the tracks are very good. 

Overall In Sound Mind looks like it’s going to be a good game. We hope the puzzles are good quality and not annoying. That they are of varying difficulty and actually make sense. It’s psychological horror so it better be scary and confuse the player due to mental strain and not bad plot. There’s lots of work to be done in the game. We aren’t thrilled by psychological horror but maybe In Sound Mind can change that. Maybe. The developers ‘We Create Stuff’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what In Sound Mind brings. Now In Sound Mind may have a cat, mannequins and bosses but none of those are remotely special when compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Sable is a new adventure game developed by ‘Shedworks‘ and published by ‘Raw Fury‘. Sable is said to be coming out 2021 (more sources say 2021 than 2020) on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC and Mac. This game looks like another big but relaxing exploration game for players to chill and have a good casual time. Let’s take a look. 

In the world of Sable players control a character called… Sable. Yeah, that’s her name. This is a huge desert world and it requires exploration. So hope on your hover bike and make your way around. There is lots to discover and learn here. after all it is an alien planet. Sable is being described as on a rite of passage. Somehow Sable is connected to this world. She must find her place in it. 

There isn’t much to say about Sable really because this type of game has been done before and you can predict it. You know what to expect. We have seen games like ‘Shape of the world‘, ‘Beyond Blue‘ and ‘Abzu’. You stay relaxed, got good music and just cruise through the game at your own place being large places and being amazed. We know that in Sable there are ships that have fallen from space, monuments that are ancient and even architecture but clearly ruined. So get to it.  

So off course Sable wants to know the history behind these things. There’s more though. You aren’t alone. There is a nomadic people on this desert planet too. Sable has the opportunity to learn how they got here and why they are staying here. This desert planet isn’t full of life, nor is it the most welcoming place in existence. What’s this rite of passage though? 

We checked out some Sable gameplay and it’s what we expected except for the graphic style. The graphics style is very line drawn heat and bubbly particle if that makes sense. The gameplay is what we predicted though. It’s smooth and the hover bikes are a great idea for traversing the world. Climb walls, run, enter, go underground, light up, hover bike etc all around this place. Apparently this is a personal journey and lessons to learn. games haven’t been the best at teaching good lessons for life.

Overall Sable looks like a simple game. We can’t tell if it’s good or not yet. It does what it says on the box. It’s entertainment factor is unknown. It’s an exploration game. No suggestion or showing of enemies so we don’t expect a surprise factor either. We like the design of the planet and environment though. The developers ‘Shedworks’ have done an alright job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to wait and hopefully hear something new about this game. Now Sable may have a large desert world to explore but what’s way more exciting is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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