Halo Infinite is the new First Person shooter game developed by ‘343 Industries‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. Halo Infinite is said to be coming out 2020 later this year on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs. Halo Infinite is the number 1 game we are excited and waiting for right now. Let’s take a look.

Sadly but predictable, Halo Infinite is getting some hate from basically fake halo fans and playstation fanboys. Let’s address this firstly. You have some people who wanted Halo Infinite and pretty much every Halo game to be exactly like Halo 1 (combat evolved). They are never happy. Just complainers. There’s sprint, they hate it and it’s not Halo. Like for starters spartans are super soldiers… THEY ALL SPRINT! There’s abilities, it’s not halo. There’s precision weapons besides pistol and sniper, it’s not Halo. If that’s the case then go back and play Halo 1 and stay in the past. Be happy. Off course developers must try new things and bring in mechanics that allow for new tactics and strategies. Now concerning playstation fanboys (not playstation fans) it’s predictable, they are mad and will be negative always. From the games we have seen from both consoles we think Xbox Series X has it by a landslide. They have over 20 exclusives while the only games from PlayStation that interests us is project Athia, the Sack boy game which looks very good and that horizon game with the machine like creatures. We don’t care for racket and clank or demon souls but that’s our opinion. Lastly people talk about the brutes face graphics. It’s not hard to understand that it’s a work in progress, not final build. Stop being stupid, they obviously just needed functioning models for their gameplay. So now that’s out of the way.

The first thing that hits you concerning Halo Infinite was the visuals. The environment, the hills, the grass, the sky etc all looks excellent. Clearly hard work went into that. Now that Halo Infinite is going in the open world direction with certain attributes, getting great visuals is harder to do. They did it very well. Now we wrote about Halo Infinite before the Xbox showcase 2020 and we can proudly say that we predicted this game accurately. Not surprising though. After all it is X35 Earthwalker… the universes ultimate strategist, the legendary soldier himself. One of the things we predicted about Halo Infinite but got to see in the gameplay was wildlife. We saw what looked like gerbils or something small run away after hearing loud noises near the start of the gameplay. We believe there will be much more. There’s going to be deers too. We hoped that maybe there will be wild bears who can try to attack Master Chief and the enemies. That would be cool. Even the animations of the animals were very good.

We made this clear in our video but we love good video game maps. The map in Halo Infinite is the best one we’ve seen. The amount of details is excellent for sure. Look at the lines on the hills and high ground. This shows elevation. The solid structures like borders are clearly identified on the map. The colour choice is a good one. Blue and black works very well together. Black is one of those amazing colours that makes so many things look good. Combine it with blue which reminds people of water, the ocean, cool and bright and you’ve got a great combination. This literally reminds us of the ocean but as you go deeper. The markers are a completely different colour making things stand out, so you literally have to be blind to not see them. This Halo Infinite map gives loads of information. When a symbol is highlighted we get our objectives, the conditions and more info. The map does remind us of the one in Final Fantasy XV even though it’s a very different style but both are excellent maps.

Now Multiplayer and Forge has been confirmed. Now Halo always had great multiplayer. After it all it helped revolutionised multiplayer so it has a standard to set. Now Halo 5 Guardians had the best multiplayer and multiplayer mode… Warzone. Hopefully Halo Infinite has the classic modes like slayer, big team slayer, oddball, capture flag. We also hope they bring back Warzone too. Now on top of that we know that forge is coming back too which is a smart move. Forge is crazy. Halo 5 Guardians had the best forge. Even in earlier games like Halo Reach and Halo 4 people created some really cool things in forge. People made full fledge parkour maps and racing tracks for mongooses. You literally had kill zones to kill you if you fell of the track and respawn you to keep racing. There were teleports connecting parts of the race track with gravity lifts for jumps. People made Mario kart in Halo. Things got even better in Halo 5 which had a superior and better forge. Some even made a pac-man in Halo 5 Guardians in forge. So forge has to come back and we are glad it is.     

Once again we do like the idea of open world and Halo is very capable of doing it. We here the campaign will allow pretty much access to all over the ring world… Halo. We already checked out some Halo Infinite gameplay so we are leaving our gameplay analysis video down below

Overall we are excited for Halo Infinite and believe definitely it’s going to be the next big thing having secrets and collectibles all around the ring world with surprises. They need to prevent Halo Infinite from being predictable as we are facing a new powerful enemy. The developers 343 Industries are doing a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to Halo Infinite and this whole new battle. Now Halo Infinite may be the next big thing but it’s incredibly small when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is a new online action Role Playing Game developed and published by Sega. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is said to be coming out 2021 on the  Xbox Series X, Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis does look like something real big. Let’s take a look.

Now we have never heard about Phantasy Star. Not at all. Never. We saw this being showed at the Xbox showcase 2020. It did get our attention as it was big, fast, pure action and definitely flashy. We saw a big open world and reaction combat with dangerous looking enemies. We don’t know if the enemies are dangerous or not or how easy the game is or not. This won’t be a big or in depth G-blog post.

Now we definitely like open world games with big action. Final Fantasy XV did very well with this. Now the developers of Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis made a very big statement. Read this, “We are working very hard to offer players unparalleled character customization, limitless adventure, and the best action online RPG available on the Xbox One or PC”. This is a big job for sure. Through a bit of research we learnt that Phantasy Star online 2 is praised for it’s character customisation. So we will see if that’s true for ourselves.

The Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis developers said “limitless adventure”. That’s huge. This can be done but either has tons of development work or repeated similar task for grinding etc. We aren’t sure what route Sega will take to do this but hope they do it well. A number of gamers are looking for a open world game that is actually limitless but most developers don’t know how to do that properly. 

We checked out some Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis gameplay and it looks very good. There’s lots of mobility. You can slide around, dash, suspend and attack in the air and sprint around to get different angles or avoid attacks. There’s quite a bit of options here concerning combat. Speaking of options you can not just use your blade but firearms too. So depending on the enemy or what’s going on, players can either get up close or gun them down. There’s loads of lights and colours showing a vibrant game with life in it. We are liking what we are seeing.    

Overall Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis looks like it’s going to be a good game. There are great MMORPG games like Tera and Skyforge which have made some annoying mistakes concerning playing solo or in a team, advantages of guilds/teams and access. We hope Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis does it well. The graphics are excellent and sounds are very good. The developers ‘Sega’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis truly has to offer. Now Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis may have tons of world and action but it’s far too small to be recognised when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Warhammer 40000: Darktide is a new action first person shooter game developed and published by ‘Fatshark’. Warhammer 40000: Darktide is an Xbox exclusive said to be coming out 2012 on the Xbox Series X and PC. Now this game has gotten a lot of people’s attention. Now none of that matters, what does matter is that it got our attention. Let’s take a look.

Now X35 Earthwalker checked this out and we got a healthy amount of information. In the world of Warhammer 40000: Darktide it seems that team work is heavily emphasised. Even in the trailer it’s a team of four with one of them being wounded. These four people are in Tertium, which is a hive city. Players with others will be in another battle between of the imperium vs the chaos factions. This isn’t your friendly neighbourhood hive city. It’s busy, populated and full of enemies… whole hordes of them. They have been described as “enemies you have only seen in your nightmares”. You get to face them.

Now we hope they do look like nightmarish creatures. Many games try to say their enemies are terrifying and scary but fail. We end up blowing through them like they are trash without a care in the world. Nothing scary about them. So Warhammer 40000: Darktide need to bring forth actually scary enemies which isn’t hard to do. Once again if we were put on development teams or better yet in charge we would bring out the best stuff. Like seriously, make them actually scary. Make things dark, have creatures of different speeds, give them scary noises that range in sounds. Have creatures that pounce from the dark with serious consequences. We won’t say more.

Now what we also know that’s great news is that the developers are getting rid of some cheap strategies. They are focusing on making melee and being up close essential in Warhammer 40000: Darktide. Now players can’t play cheap and hide behind powerful ranged weapons all day long which makes the game boring. Now one way of doing this would be to have enemies the are so fast that aiming and shutting isn’t the best option. They could amp up the number of enemies to make it so that you can’t mow them all down with firearms or don’t have time to reload. Either way we hope they do it make that variety in combat is needed, specifically melee.

Apparently there’s more going on down in Tertium. There’s a cult called ‘Admonition’ in Warhammer 40000: Darktide. Their goal is to have control of the planet Atoma prime. They will destroy those who live there and bring an overwhelming tide of darkness. Your primary goal is to sort this cult out. To get rid of the enemy before the whole city becomes a messed up chaotic place (like it isn’t already). Now remember that Fatshark are the same people who developed Warhammer 40000: Vermintide so that excites a number of fans but not us. We didn’t like Warhammer 40000: Vermintide 

There is no gameplay but from the information we gathered on Warhammer 40000: Darktide we basically know what it’s going to be. It’s 4 player co-op, in a dark place, facing hordes in first person action with serious monsters who are chilling in the dark. Sounds like our kind of game. Just make sure it has local co-op. Those games that only has online co-op are just wasting our time. From what we have seen it looks good and we like the concept. They just need to deliver. 

Overall Warhammer 40000: Darktide looks like it’s going to be a very good game. We have high expectations and know exactly how to make Warhammer 40000: Darktide awesome. They better not mess up. We at X35 Earthwalker are definitely looking forward to Warhammer 40000: Darktide. The developers ‘Fatshark’ have a lot to do… do your best guys. Now Warhammer 40000: Darktide may have nightmarish enemies but those enemies are a joke when up against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood is a new action role playing game developed by ‘Cyanide‘ and published by ‘Nacon‘. Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood is said to be coming out the 4th of February 2021 on Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PS4 and PC. We heard there are werewolves in this game. Well there’s more to it but hey. Let’s take a look. 

Now Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood is set in a dark universe that has werewolves in it. Now that should already get some people excited as there are way more vampire games. Basically players control a character called Cahal. He was born under a full moon, and proud werewolf Warrior of the Fianna Tribe. So yes he is a werewolf basically and a strong one at that. Cahal also use to be a protector of gaia. What’s gaia? Well basically it’s the earth. We will explain.

In Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood, gaia is in a battle against the Wyrm which is a cosmic force all about destruction and decay… so not friendly. The wyrm is getting help from Pentex, a multinational corporation who want nothing more than to feast on the corpse of gaia. Cahal (the main character) who willingly went into exile because he lost control in his werewolf form is coming back into action, to help his tribe and off course also help gaia. 

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood doesn’t keep things basic. Cahal is has three forms. His human form, his wolf form and his werewolf form. His human form is best for interacting with people because as you know werewolves can be scary and cause people to run away or attack you. The wolf form is the best for travelling around because of it’s fast movement and it’s also capable of sneaking around so it’s the stealth form. The werewolf form is all about the combat, the fighting and destruction. So players need to know where to use what in Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood.

Now remember this. Your greatest strength is also your greatest threat (sort of). Your werewolf form thrives and goes in with the rage. The rage is your weapon but if you don’t control your rage it will probably lead t your death. This is because when you lose control you give the chance for the wyrm enthrall to consume your soul. That’s right Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood isn’t going to let you go completely crazy. 

Lastly the type of enemies we have seen. Well humans are in this world confirmed and we know that Pentex is a human corporation and so as the enemy we expect human based enemies. Now humans can’t stand up to a werewolf without the right tools. So we expect powerful weaponry and powerful machines like power suits maybe. Not something as high tier as Optimus prime but something powerful. We did see an image of a dude in a exoskeletal construction machine that you control with your body. Reminds us of the machine Ripley used used in her battle against the queen xenomorph alien in the movie ‘Aliens’. So that’s interesting. 

We checked out some Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood gameplay and it’s what we imagined actually. When you go into werewolf mode you run around slashing and smashing enemies around, even joggling some. Some enemies are too big and sturdy so you may have to leave them for last. Lost of humans with good weaponry to put you down and you can even square up with other werewolf enemies. Werewolf on werewolf violence is always encouraged around here. So get ready for it. It’s definitely action with abilities. 

Overall Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood just seems like another action game all about wild fighting. Reminding us of Dante’s inferno and god of war in some ways. There’s much more to learn about this game. We like werewolves and like the multiform game mechanic. Like alucard being able to turn into a bat, gas, or wolf. The developers ‘Cyanide’ have done a good job with this game. Now werewolves may be destroying with their rage but even that can be slapped away by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a new action role playing game developed by ‘Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio‘ but published by ‘SEGA‘. Yakuza: Like a Dragon is said to be coming out 2020 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4 and PC. This game did get our attention but by only a medium amount. We are curious as to what this game has got. Let’s take a look.

In the world of Yakuza: Like a Dragon players control Ichiban Kasuga. This guy is a yakuza… and a low ranking one at that. His boss is someone he has complete loyalty and trust in but gets betrayed… shot and off course left for dead. Off course he is out for answers and by the looks of it… revenge. It makes you wonder though. Why didn’t the boss and his people kill Ichiban right there and then to make sure? Did the boss want Ichiban to survive?  

Not much is known about Yakuza: Like a Dragon. What we do know is that all this takes place in todays Japan and you are armed with a bat. Off course it isn’t a regular bat but incredibly deadly and powerful. This is where things get comical and we like that. It sort of reminds us of ‘Saints row the third‘ and ‘Scott Pilgrim vs the world‘. In a sense that this is super serious gang realistic thing. It’s more comical, more fun, more silly and relaxed. Just get in there and get ready to give a beat down with some serious action. This is a good approach and the right approach. 

The biggest difference in Yakuza: Like a Dragon is that it’s combat is now basically a party turn based RPG. So give commands, get strategic about it and make your turn count. There are multiple different abilities with some being funny. One guy used a move called Pigeon Raid where you throw beans at an enemy and then a bunch of pigeons come along and attack the enemy. Yep we got stuff like that in this game. That should tell you a lot already.

We have seen that there are physical attacks and what can be described as magical attacks. For example we mentioned Pigeon raid but there’s also Pyro belch which targets one enemy but has area of effect and can caused the enemies to get burned. There’s a physical attack called ‘push and shove’ which let’s you shove an enemy with a cane which has a chance to stun the enemy. They have power rankings too like Light, medium and heavy. 

Yakuza: Like a Dragon has been optimised for Xbox Series X which means “Games built using the Xbox Series X development kit are designed to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the Xbox Series X. They will showcase unparalleled load-times, visuals, responsiveness and framerates up to 120FPS.

We checked out some Yakuza: Like a Dragon and it’s not what we though it would be and old fans of the series will notice the heavier differences. It’s a very simple thing to understand. It’s action, it’s RPG, it’s strategy, it’s relaxed, it’s comical in a way. There’s humour and it’s about smashing your enemies. Not only that and what really stands out is that there are some powerful enemies you will face. These guys don’t play around and they will not let you do as you please. The enemies are really interesting looking and even from a trailer we haven’t been this interested in enemies in a video game in a good while. We want to know more about these suckas. 

Overall Yakuza: Like a Dragon looks like it’s just going to be a wild ride for sure. Abilities, weapons, allies a whole city and some cool enemies who ain’t about to let you do as you please. Yakuza: Like a Dragon actually looks like a fun action game to play where it’s not 100% serious and stiff but flexible, silly and just straight up have a blast. In time we will learn more. The developers ‘Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will be waiting for the release of Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Now Yakuza: Like a Dragon maybe have a powered baseball bat but even that is a weak toy compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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HITMAN 3 is a new stealth game developed and published by ‘IO Interactive‘. HITMAN 3 is said to be coming out in January 2021 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PlayStation 5 and PC. HITMAN 3 has been described as the conclusion to the assassination trilogy. Things are about to get real serious in the assassination world. Let’s take a look.

What’s the story in HITMAN 3? Well Agent 47, aka baldi, is back and this time he’s handling the most important contracts of his assassinating ‘career’. This time something is different. Sure he is being backed up by his agency handler Diana Burnwood… BUT!… he is working together with his long lost friend Lucas Grey. Teams overall are better than solo. The words “Death awaits” is a recurring thing and we are not sure why. Maybe HITMAN 3 is the game where agent 47 dies. Maybe not. After all will no one not notice and want revenge?  

Now this mission that agent 47 is on is suppose to be the most important ones yet. The goal is to wipe out the partners of Providence. When you make your target people like the partners of Providence then you know real trouble is coming your way. You don’t wipe out one important person and think nothing bad will happen to you. As you carry out your mission, things will get harder and harder. The action will become more intense.

Expect a lot of scenery and environment as your mission takes you across the world. Sandbox locations included. Now the theme of freedom is quite strong with this game. A good number of these  modern games especially lately and with next gen aim to have open world and more freedom for players. This is a quote from the developers website, “We’ve made sure that players will have unrivalled freedom to complete their objectives and the game world will react to everything they do. All of this is made possible by our award-winning Glacier technology, which powers HITMAN 3’s immersive game world to offer unparalleled player choice and replayability.”. Multiple gems have tried the whole consequence thing. We think HITMAN 3 has the world and setting to do it. Just don’t mess up developers. 

We were never fans of the HITMAN series but from our experience with the games like HITMAN Absolution we know they are good games overall. HITMAN 3 won’t function as one game. In HITMAN 3, players can play all three games and carry some content over. There’s a whole section explaining this on their website so we will just quote it here, “The World of Assassination trilogy is fully realised with HITMAN 3 and we are establishing our new game as the ultimate place to play all three games. Players of our previous HITMAN games will be pleased to know that it will be possible to ‘import’ locations that they own from the previous two HITMAN games into HITMAN 3, essentially putting all 20+ locations from the entire trilogy in one place. Playing the entire trilogy from beginning to end, from within HITMAN 3, also means that the progression systems in HITMAN 3 work across all locations. You can unlock an item in Dubai and take it with you to Paris, for example. We’re pleased to say that HITMAN 2 players will have the option to carry over their hard-earned unlocks and progression into HITMAN 3.”

We checked out some HITMAN 3 gameplay and it looks like another HITMAN game. The graphics are great, the environments are excellent. Same formula so far. You know what you got to do and you sneak around. You stay undetected, pay attention to routes, blind spots, hiding places,  using everything to your advantage. You have different disguises and stuff to wear but ultimately the prize is that kill. It’s HITMAN… what do you want from us? It’s not suddenly going to be Halo. Off course more information is going to come out. 

Overall HITMAN 3 just seems like another HITMAN game but obviously bigger, more action, more intense, consequences to your actions, allies, three games in one, carry over content, more freedom and whatever extra they be bringing. HITMAN 3 has a big opportunity here so don’t waste it. Now the developers ‘IO Interactive’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will leave an ear open for what HITMAN 3 be up to. Now HITMAN 3 may be sneaking up on gamers but one thing it can’t sneak up on is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Skeletal Avenger is a rouge lite hack and slash game developed and published by ‘10tons‘. Skeletal Avenger is said to he coming out in late 2020 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PlayStation 5 and PC. There is definitely some ‘boney’ action going on in this game. Let’s take a look.

The story in Skeletal Avenger isn’t much really. Basically there re a bunch of dead skeletons and they are waiting for their turn to get revenge. Here’s how the developers worded it, “Avenge a thousand wrongs in a reverse roguelite where the skeletal avengers ascend from the depths to demand a payment in blood!” So literally a bunch of angry salty skeletons who just want revenge but take turns to do it.

Now off course you aren’t just some skeleton, as in you get one slap and you crumble. No. You have a number of weapons to pick and use from like hammers, swords, daggers, spears and more. It gets even better. As you succeed and complete revenges you get new gears, weapons and tools. These will provide you with new perks and abilities. So make sure to get them and become powerful enough to face whatever comes your way. C’mon you are a skeleton, use your head… get it? No literally you can take off your head and throw it at your enemy in skeleton avenger.    

Remember that these revenges are always targeted against a certain being. Every run you do, you’ll need to choose who your enemy is. Then hunt them down and make them pay. Even so remember that they aren’t the only enemies around. As you make your way around you’ll face scorpions, hooded figures, worm monsters, fire traps and more. So far we haven’t seen anything unique or terrifying though. The enemies seem generic and nothing seems like a legitimate threat so we hope they step that up. The enemies in a game make all the difference. Look at Maze Time, they have numerous enemies with different levels of threats and some unique. 

Once again we are happy to hear that Skeletal Avenger has co-op gameplay. You can get revenge alone or work together with your friends. 4 player co-op. The more games that have room for co-op the better. Majority of the time it’s better to play with friends.  

We checked out some Skeletal Avenger gameplay and it’s what we imagined it would be. You are a skeleton and navigate around, attack enemies, avid damage and keep on rolling. There are area of effect attacks and you even have the ability to dash to avoid hazards, evade or just move around faster. We like that the items and gear you get is visible on your skeleton character. Not all games do this. 

Overall Skeletal Avenger just seems like another rouge lite hack and slash. This game needs more to be something special but definitely looks functional and good as it is right now. It’s style is traditional with the whole dark, stone, underground theme. It looks good too. The developers ’10tons’ have done a nice job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear what noise Skeletal Avenger makes. Now Skeletal Avenger may have salty skeletons who’s focus is revenge but they aren’t focused enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Medium is a new horror game developed and published by ‘Bloober Team‘. The Medium is said to be coming out “Holiday 2020”. It’s an Xbox exclusive and it’s coming on the Xbox Series X and PC. The Medium aims to give a new meaning tithe word perspective here. We see what it is working but will it work? Let’s take a look.

The Medium is not just horror exactly but psychological horror. So expect the game to mess with your head and expect specific music. In the Medium players take control of a young lady, who is a medium by the way, who wants answers concerning the murder of a child. That same murder has been haunting you in visions. So you head to an abandoned hotel resort which is said to be the place where the event took place.

She isn’t ordinary. This medium is a fraud like mystic meg. This medium can have a perspective that one one else can have. She can travel between the natural and spiritual realm. Thanks to this ability she can see what others see too. In this world and with this ability, you’ll soon learn that everything has another side.

We checked out some The Medium gameplay. From what we have seen this is definitely going to be a psychological horror. There’s a lot of night time, at times silence, there’s also a lot of weird stuff in this game. Expect supernatural elements humanoid beings wearing masks and music. Yeah, a bit about the music. It has been declared that  The Medium has dual soundtrack Arkadiusz Reikowski from Bloober Team, and Akira Yamaoka, the composer guy for Silent Hill.  

The Medium’s advantage is being optimised for the Xbox Series X which means it’s using the development kit to “take advantage of the unique capabilities of the Xbox Series X. They will showcase unparalleled load-times, visuals, responsiveness, and framerates up to 120FPS.”

Overall The Medium looks like it’s going to be a good game but we haven’t seen enough to make us think wow yet. We have seen and written about many psychological horror games. Off course excellent graphics and details are excellent too. The Medium needs more. Are there real enemies? We will have to see. The developers ‘Bloober Team’ has does an alright job so far. We like the idea of world jumping but we need more info. Now The Medium may have music and spiritual realm but none of that is match… the ‘Earth walk!’

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Scorn is a new horror adventure game developed and published by ‘Ebb Software’. It is not clear when Scorn will be coming out. It is an xbox exclusive. It will come out on Xbox Series X and PC. The heavy themes here is horror and puzzles. Also, this is a weird game in case you couldn’t tell. Let’s take a look.

Scorn is set in a weird world. It’s been described as an open-ended world with different interconnected regions. That’s not the weird part but we will get to that. Each region is designed to be like a Maze. Various rooms and different paths. The weird part which you can tell just from looking is that this world is alive, literally and quite breathing. You see what looks like living organism entrails or whatever that grow along the walls like vines and plants. Some things bound to the wall are living things. Sort of like when the Gravemind from Halo with the flood takes over an area like the ship high charity. It becomes alive. Think of it like that.

There are no cutscenes Scorn. This means that everything concerning the story can be found and revealed in the game itself. So looking around and exploring is the responsibility of the player. Players have been given a warning though. The official website said, “the game won’t show you any sympathy if you miss something important on your uneasy travels”. This alone says quite a bit. This suggests that maybe Scorn can be beaten without doing everything but will result in a bad ending that doesn’t answer all your questions. 

Now it’s clear that this game wants to gross players out. This whole design, the character, the beings are all creepy, gross, sticky looking, you see what we mean when you look at gameplay. The game wants players to be fully aware of their character’s body and movement whatever that means. The developers also want players to have a realistic experience. As in you need to use your hands to pick up things (instead of just floating), also machines and certain instruments require the player to grab the levers, controls etc. 

Scorn isn’t some exploration game where you just walk and look around. There are threats in this world. Players will need to think things through and decide when to fight something and when to just hide. Not only that but we knew this game would also make your decisions have consequences as in effecting the world you’re in. You have an inventory to manage and it’s very limited space. So decide what you want and what you may need later etc.

We checked out some Scorn gameplay we can find and yep, there is definitely combat. We saw three different types of weapons which fire differently and all look alive-ish. They come apart and fleshy, with bits. They fire what looks like small pellets which through the organism gun makes deadly like a shotgun. Ammo must be very limited meaning players need to really decided whether to fight or not. The game looks icky and gross but very good. The visuals are very good and you know it’s improved from two years ago so must look better. The world is definitely alive, gross but very cool. It’s certainly atmospheric and we hope they pull of the horror well.Developers make sure not to forget terrifying enemies that you have to avoid. 

Overall Scorn does look like a good game just a very weird one that not everyone will be into. They will look at the game and get turned off. Yet there will always be gamers who will want to play it. We like how different this game is from other games. We like the risk the developers took and the game visuals and style. The developers ‘Ebb Software’ have done a good job wit this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear and eye open for Scorn and what they do. Now Scorn may be risky and different but what’s not risky and hasn’t changed is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Bright Memory Infinite is a new First person shooter action game developed by ‘FYQD-Studio‘ and published by ‘Playism‘. Bright Memory: Infinite is said to be coming out in 2021, so yep, next year. It’s an Xbox exclusive that’s coming out on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC. Bright Memory: Infinite is looking real serious. Let’s take a look.

Bright Memory: Infinite is set in the future. How far?  The year 2036 in a “sprawling metropolis”. Things seemed normal until something unusual happened. Basically something wacky is happening in the skies over various regions. Some look like little black holes or spheres in the skies plus other stuff. The SRO (Supernatural science research organisation), wait that’s two S’s. Shouldn’t it be SSRO? Whatever we didn’t develop this game. Basically the SRO sent out their agents to go and see what’s up. 

Now there isn’t much information on Bright Memory: Infinite but we did pick up some things. We are going to focus on the action s it stands out the most. So whoever we are controlling they are well equipped. Guns for traditional long ranged combat, machine guns, auto pistols but seeing the sword brought things to the next level. The sword can create shockwave blasts when you slam down to the ground, off course swings to slice them up and even break through the defense of certain defensive enemies.

Things get crazier as special abilities are also in play. There was what looked like a time stop ability or should we say stasis as the environment wasn’t effected by time or slow down so more like stasis. Stasis or time is always an amazing power. Also impressive is an energy or ionic tether whip which you can use to grab ip pull yourself to that location or even enemies and pull them to you “get over here” style. Seriously this character is shaping up to be a powerful contender. Think ab out it: Guns, sword, stasis and energy tether whip. We just hope Bright Memory: Infinite has worthy enemies.    

We have to talk about the visuals right now. The graphics are excellent. Completely amazing. We checked out the developers twitter account and he showed comparison pictures of a rock and step showing the difference the engine he’s using makes on the details of the objects. It’s a step up. The grass, the rain effects, the wind, the trees, the wood all looks excellent. The graphics are excellent. When we enter this game we will take a moment to just look around and see what’s happening. In case you didn’t   

We did notice some of the enemies and currently more on the disappointed side. There are off course human enemies with guns who are standard but there’s also what looks like centurion type enemies, shield sword, helmet etc. These guys are tougher, shield block bullets and actually have a projectile. When they swing their blade at you it released a ball of energy or whatever straight at you so evasion is needed. The sword is a good counter against these enemies but even tis enemy isn’t enough. We truly hope for a big variety of enemies, maybe some that can teleport to match your speed and fire power for example. The enemies are currently underwhelming but we will have to see.

We checked some Bright Memory: Infinite gameplay and it’s just pure action. Besides everything we already mentioned there is even more. Basically at the end of the trailer the character called in a vehicle in which she got in and was pursued by another vehicle. It became a car chase. We don’t know if there will be car chases in the game but this trailer is strongly suggesting that this is the case. It’s got to be the main method of traversing the game like with the hover bike like thing in Destiny. So we can look forward to a vehicle.    

Overall Bright Memory: Infinite looks like a very good game. Not much is known from a story point of view but from what we have seen it looks very good. The graphics, environment and action are excellent. There’s some force type techniques too like a push punch. There’s definitely more to be seen. The developers ‘FYGD-studio’ have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what memories, Bright Memory: Infinite will create for gamers. Now Bright Memory: Infinite may have futuristic battles and abilities but those things are no where near advanced enough to match… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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