Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is a turn-based strategy RPG developed by ‘Snowhound Games‘ and published by ‘1C Entertainment‘. Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is said to be coming out the 24th of March 2020 on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC. We have never heard of this game. We hope it’s good. Let’s take a look.

Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is set in a dystopian future. Mankind has been scattered through the galaxy. Human society is also changed. There are two classes, basically the poor and those who are well off and cozy. Well players control someone who’s poor and a stateless outcast. So you live off scraps wherever you can find it. Now rumour has it, there is an alien derelict ship rumoured to be somewhere in the deep sky sector. Why do you care? It’s what’s going to help you get citizenship and a better life on a decent planet. Yep, simple story.

Simply put, Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is all about recruiting others to join your team. You must build them up, train, get stronger and gather items, materials, weapons and more. Scavenging is the main thing here and you must travel from room to room, which is procedural generated by the way, to find stuff and fight of attackers. You can return to home base and that’s where you can upgrade your gear.

 We aren’t going to say much about this game as it’s really clear what to expect from this. What also stands out is the art style. It’s comic book art style and it’s good to see something different from time to time. The most interesting thing for us about Deep, Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition has to be the monsters you can fight to get loot. How a game presents and design their monsters makes a big difference. Players can also explore alien ships, space stations and also planets which aren’t very safe. 

We checked out some Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition and it’s what we expected from a game like this. This definitive edition is the base game plus two downloadable content: “New Prospects” and “Station Life.” These off course add new gameplay features, enemies, character upgrades, missions other stuff. We just need to something bigger or more interesting to get us to want to play it. It has a very different style but art style isn’t enough. 

Overall, Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition does seem like a good game, not our kind of game but still good. It’s got some deep mechanics but we need more for us to get into it. The art style is done well and looks good. There are two modes, story and arena players will play it more than once because of the procedural generated rooms thing. The developers, ‘Snowhound Games’ have done a good job with this game. Now Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition may have comic style graphics but what will always look better is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Ritual: Crown of Horns is a fast paced action game developed by ‘Draw Distance‘ and published by ‘Feardemic‘. Ritual: Crown of Horns has already come out and is on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC. This game straight away let’s players know what to expect. Let’s take a look.

Ritual: Crown of Horns has been described as a slaughterhouse game. Basically Ritual: Crown of Horns is set in the Wild West type world but instead there are lots of monsters, demons, threats everywhere. Players control a bounty hunter who has come back from the grave thanks to the witch. He’s got a bone to pick as he’s out for revenge against those who got him killed. He’s working with a witch (that always ends well… are we right or what?) who supports him with rituals. Off course she has her own motives and reasons for helping him. 

Here’s how Ritual: Crown of Horns goes. You must fight and fend off the hordes of enemies coming primarily for the witch but also to kill you if you get in there way. Use your many weapons to blast, shoot down, rip and destroy your foes while the witch does her thing. Simple right, well it is. Run around, think fast and shoot… oh and don’t forget to aim. 


So there are weapons like rifles, shotguns crossbows, six shooters and some other stuff that definitely weren’t around in the Wild West at those times. There is an auto aiming system in place. You also have spells. So switch between them and use when best. You can unlock new powerful items and tools that off course make your character more powerful. This game is a journey as you must travel through the whole of America

We checked out some Ritual: Crown of Horns gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s simple you know. Run around, move away from enemies, keep firing, protect the witch, get stronger, know what to prioritise in each situation and survive. We saw there are some traps you got to avoid and watch out for. We saw supernatural classed enemies too. There is character customisation so make sure you pick the hat you want. 

Overall, Ritual: Crown of Horns seems like a simple good game. It does what it says on the box. You run and around and blast numerous enemies with off course some thought and strategy to it. The graphics are good for what it is and the sounds are good too. It’s just a fun time that will have some difficulty and require thinking. The developers ‘Draw Distance’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear what this game has really brought. Now Ritual: Crown of Horns may have numerous monsters but even they are nothing against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Element Space is a turn based strategy role playing game (RPG) developed by ‘Sixth Vowel‘ and produced by ‘Inca Games‘. Element Space is said to be coming out the 24th of March 2020 on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It’s already out on PC. This game is suppose to be a futuristic battle, so let’s see what it’s got. Let’s take a look.

In the universe of Element Space, the year is 2199. That’s not as far future as Halo but still far. So basically earth somehow was close to being destroyed, so humanity had to expand into space. An organisation called the sixth vowel, the movement of light, made space travel and their missions possible. Suddenly though this same organisation turned on humanity. There was a big war which lasted years. Now the factions that worked together are now having tension amongst each other. There will be another war. The players job, is to bring the starship inspiration which is the symbol of the galactic war to the city of Truce so that the first galactic congress can be held to unite all the factions. 

Element Space all turn based combat so players need to take their time and think about what to do next with what options they have. An excellent example of turn based combat is XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Information tells us that there is a variety of strategies and approaches because there are 32 ranged and melee weapons and character skills that can help mx things up. Games like this need vary and options in abundance. 

Another factor that’s important is the enemies. Element Space is said to have a range of enemies. Some have blasters, others have rifles, some have a great sword, others have two short blades, some have multi hits and fast, basically there’s stuff to be concerned about in this game. The factions have different uniforms and we hope that there co meat style and strategies are different and distinguishable too. So expect to see these guys across 24 different levels.

For more variety and flavour you can unlock and acquire new weapons and perks as you make a name for yourself with the galaxy’s factions. Get the best equipment for your squad. Speaking of squad, throughout the world of Element Space you will encounter and recruit new allies who will aid you in your mission and off course combat. Each companion has their own unique skills. The developers have also given them their own story and past so you can know it if you want.

This is tough but Element Space is trying the whole, your choices and actions effect the story or characters mechanic. Most games don’t pull this off well and fail at it. We hope this isn’t the case. Aid factions will make their leaders support you and unlock you those perks and weapons we talked about but if you fail them, they may turn against you when you need help.

Your companions have upgrade trees where you will decide what they would be best at. Also decide what roles to take with you into combat like: Duelist, flanker, tank, support, gunslinger or assault. The cover system is here too in Element Space. Full and half cover. Full is obviously better better but both are destructible. All cover is destructible so keep this in mind when on both the offence and defence.

We checked out some Element Space gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. It’s definitely more action packed than we thought. There’s some awesome hand to hand combat animations for moves, we mean proper fighting. It looks good. You can use grenades, rockets and abilities to really do damage and we like that. The bullet trajectory and hit detection is better than XCOM 2’s but the overall flow and quality isn’t on the same level but it’s still very good. We are only comparing it to XCOM as it’s the best and Element Space is doing very well. We hope it’s even better for the console releases.

Overall Element Space looks like a really good game. We actually like what we see. The graphics are good, the sounds are nice we wanted more but it’s nice. The environments make sense and a good amount of cover for options. We hope there are even more dramatic enemy designs so it isn’t just all people in armour. The developers Sixth Vowel have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Element Space may be a battle in the future but it’s still miles behind… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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7th Sector is a new adventure game developed by “Noskov Sergey” and published by “Sometimes You“.  7th Sector is said to be coming out the 5th of February 2020 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. It already came out on PC the 5th of March 2019. 7th Sector’s style should remind you of something. Let’s take a look.

So yeah, not much information is given concerning this 7th Sector. Once again, we don’t go to the PC released from last year for information. What we do know is that players are in a world that’s described as cyberpunk. It’s also very mysterious. So don’t expect things to be normal. In this world players will need to discover the story of this place. This can be done by gathering scattered information, which means looking for them, so don’t get lazy.

This journey will be quite the unique experience. Players are basically a spark but clearly conscious and can take over mechanical beings like robots, or enter exposed wires to manipulate and control terminals etc. Like an alpha ghost in the machine or shell. There is going to be puzzles that require a bit of brain power to solve. Nothing crazy that we know of.

Now off course there is going to be some threats and dangers. There are some mechanical units that has what looks like a mounted rifle or machine gun. They will shoot you if they see you… well not at the spark but whatever body you possessed. There are other threats too in the form of the environment like large heavy machines slamming, moving, grinding, falling heavy objects etc. So you have to time when you pass through, when to do something and hide or even fight hostile machines.

We are sure that 7th Sector will remind some players of probably another game. Let’s say it together now… Inside. Yep, you have simple controls, in a mysterious world, environmental and living dangers, on a journey, lots of mystery. Now the style of the game and the mechanical world and beings does to some extent remind us of Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee. These are two games that many gamers enjoyed and did things very well, from the world to the gameplay its self. 

We checked out some 7th Sector gameplay and we like what we see so far but more than how we liked Inside. There’s more going on here, actual combat, a so far col looking world. We like that there’s multiple characters to control and they have their own abilities which will help you progress through the game. 7th Sector has the feature where your actions and choices will decide what ending you get.

Overall 7th Sector looks like it’s here to bring players a new experience. We hope that the combat is in decent supply as games like this tend not to work well with lots of combat. We hope the dangers in this game actually feel like real threats. The graphics and visuals are very nice, the sounds are good too. Let’s hope the translations are good though. Now the developers “Noskov Sergey” have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what 7th Sector really brings to the consoles. Now 7th Sector may have machinery control but but that control is real weak when compared to the powerful mind of the… ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Ori and the Will of the Wisps is an adventure platform sequel developed by ‘Moon studios‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. Ori and the Will of the Wisps is said to be coming out the 11th of March 2020 on the Xbox One and PC. May also come to Nintendo Switch (maybe). Ori is back and this time it’s a much bigger adventure. Let’s take look.

Now if you played the first game, Ori and the Blind Forest, then you should have a very good idea of what to expect from Ori and the Will of the Wisps. The style is the same which is a good thing as that style works and many players liked it. You once again control Ori that little spirit guardian but this time there’s an owl and this owl is a useful ally in your adventure. Speaking of adventure expect a bigger and more epic one this time around. It has also been made clear that in Ori and the Will of the Wisps that you’ll get to uncover Ori’s true destiny.

The Ori and the Will of the Wisps official website made it clear that it’s going for an emotional story as well. This should give experienced gamers an idea of what direction this game is going for. This world you will explore has far more sites and environments to be seen and from what we have seen so far, it looks wonderful. From the icy cave areas, to the wildlife and stuff going on in the background of forests, to the sun rays slipping through the trees u=in a forest and even the different colours. We like when developers throw creativity into their games and they have done that with the environments and world in Ori and the Will of the Wisps. 

There are a bunch of new characters in Ori and the Will of the Wisps. They will help you discover Ori’s true destiny. Remember that owl we mentioned? Well let’s just say another familiar looking character will be there to help too. Expect a whole new shard system. Ori’s abilities can be powered up turning Ori into something more dangerous than cute. Ori now has new attacks and weapons. This is always exciting to see in a sequel. There are new skills, combat mechanics, spirit weapons and spells for players to learn and put to good use.

Now this is what many have been waiting for and that’s the huge monsters and creatures that have no problem getting rid of Ori. Well in Ori and the Will of the Wisps, they are bigger and scarier than before. There’s also going to be some escape sequences too as at times it’s wiser to get away than to face it. Expect a giant bird monster, giant wolf, giant spider and more. So far, our favourite thing about Ori and the Will of the Wisps is the giant boss monsters. They fit in so well and look like a legitimate threat.   

There are additional things in Ori and the Will of the Wisps like the spirit trials. Basically it’s time trial. So go as fast as you can. Be an Ori and the Will of the Wisps speed runner with challenges. 

We checked out some Ori and the Will of the Wisps gameplay and it’s basically what we expected. It’s a lot of action. You will be running, jumping, dashing, fighting, thinking quick, solving and platforming. We need to see more to understand the mixture of combat and platforming. The environments again look wonderful and we truly like the design and threat of the big monsters. We also liking the flow of the combat and how smooth it is. Even better gamers can expect to experience Ori and the Will of the Wisps in 4K and HDR on the Xbox One X and Windows 10.

Overall, Ori and the Will of the Wisps looks like a very good game. We just hope that the developers are smart enough to not make similar mistakes when it comes to the story since it’s suppose to be emotional. We won’t give away the answers. We also hope that Ori’s interaction with the giant monsters is believable. These monsters have to be a real threat. The graphics are amazing, the environment designs are also amazing. The developers have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye on this game. Now Ori and the Will of the Wisps may be a big adventure but it’s still tiny when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Music Racer is a musical arcade game developed and published by ‘AbstractArt‘. Music Racer is said to be coming out the 29th of January 2020 on the Xbox One. It’s already out on PC though. So what stood out to us was the graphic style. So racing plus music. Let’s take a look.

So there isn’t a story in Music Racer. It’s literally just a straight up arcade game in terms of it’s all about the gameplay, that’s it. Now players control one of two types of vehicles: a car and aircraft (we think). Just travel along the track along to the sounds of YOUR music. As you go along you must hit the beats and get the rhythm. So literally just race along and chill to the beats YOU are playing.

The type of music that YOU select will impact many factors like: the length of the track, how much time you have and the movement speed of the player. So think about the music YOU select for each round.

Now if you haven’t caught onto the clues we gave you, then shame on you. Music Racers requires YOUR music to play the game as in your very own music! So players need to have music files like MP3, Ogg, Flac, Wav etc (at least the PC version required them). You can stream from YouTube too so you can get tunes from there.

We checked out some Music Racer gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. You are racing through what looks like a digital world with neon tracks. Move left or right to catch the beats and get that tune going. Nothing special but looks good though. There’s multiple colours and since the track is dependant on song, there will be great variety.

Overall Music Racer just seems like another quick, fun arcade game. Nothing serious at all. Just  casual fun. The graphics are good for its style. The music is dependent on the players taste. We haven’t seen anything that makes us want to play but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. It does what it says on the box. The developers ‘AbstractArt’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what Music Racers will do. Now Music Racers may allow us to use our tunes but no matter what you bring, it’s dry when compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains is an arcade top down shooter game developed and published by ‘Triangle Studios‘ but also published by ‘All in! Games‘. It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains is said to be coming out the 28th of January 2020 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4. It’s already out on PC though. Aliens wanting brains is strange. Let’s take a look.

It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains at first look will give players an exact idea of what this game has to offer. Pretty much everyone knows what arcade top down shooters are about. Run around, get items, survive while firing like crazy at the hordes of enemies that are coming after you. This is what’s going on mostly in It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains. 

Basically the story of It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains is that a dangerous alien race has shown up. They invaded earth and mercilessly feed on brains. Human brains. Players control a guy who is described as no-nonsense. This guy has two things in life: a weapon and a flashlight. For some reason the military is not doing well at all and everywhere you look, there’s chaos. You have to save the world again.

We checked out some It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains gameplay. There’s a campaign which has 6 missions, this whole game is local co-op and there’s suppose to be a whole range of weapons. There’s even special abilities too called powers. There are different modes like setting a highscore and survive for as long as possible. Just expect a whole bunch of enemies all coming for you as you make your way, so be prepared to fire… a lot.

Overall, It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains is just another arcade top down shooter game. The graphics are okay for what it is and the levels don’t seem all that interesting but there are some mechanics that does add some elements to the fights. So far there isn’t anything that makes us want to play the game or interests us. Definitely isn’t the best looking game of it’s type but it’s still a whole game that got developed through work. It’s something you must check for yourself. The developers have done an alright job with

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Overpass is an off road simulation racing game developed by ‘Zordix Racing‘ and published by ‘Bigben‘. Overpass is said to be coming out in the first quarter of 2020, most likely February, on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 and PC. Overpass claims to be very different from all the other games. It’s to do with the off road stuff. Let’s take a look.

Overpass is all about the off road action. So expect nice smooth tracks. There will be none of that. All the terrain will be hazardous and dangerous. Go through the woods, across mud, up hills and not just simple hills but also steep hills with risky slopes.  Like literally this isn’t just racing. It’s more like obstacle courses with variety.

Since Overpass is about driving, let’s focus on the vehicles. We know that there are quad based vehicles and buggys. The best way to describe Overpass in terms of their vehicles is to think of the game ‘Smugglers run’. That was a real fun game. You had so many rigged and tricked out vehicles that were all made for the huge hills, rough terrain and annoying trees. They were rough vehicles, not polished or smooth looking at all. So Overpass should be like that.

The developers have made it clear that Overpass has a very detailed and realistic physics engine. This physics design is said to allow players to have “precise and meticulous control of your speed and acceleration”. This adds a skill requirement. So if players do not master this skill then their vehicle may flip over, lose grip or momentum. Brands like Suzuki, Artic Cat and Yamaha are here on the vehicles too. 

We checked out some Overpass gameplay and it’s what we expected from what we have seen. There’s some creative obstacle courses, lots of wild tracks and tests for the players to face. There’s 2 or 4 drive wheels, differential locking, transmission type: “the player has been given all the tools they need to discover the real vehicle options that will let them adapt their driving to the terrain”. We are currently liking what Overpass is doing here by going for a different racing approach. It’s more like an adventure than a race. Going across bridges, balancing and managing speed while tackling slopes, going over absurd roads and blocks etc. It’s different and really does represent some real off road driving. Hopefully there will be great variety amongst vehicles.

Overall Overpass seems like another racing game but more like a hybrid between ATV quad power racing 2 and Smugglers Run. There’s a career mode where you get to manage your vehicles and choose which is the best for each track. The graphics look very good. We d like what Overpass is ten  to do though. The developers Zordix Racing have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what Overpass will do. Now Overpass may have the vehicles for off road racing but one thing that’s perfect for all terrain is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Doom 64 is a first person shooter action game developed by ‘id Software‘ and published by ‘Bethesda Softworks‘. Doom 64 is said to be coming out the 20th of March 2020 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC. Now this game is a classic for sure and the demons are back. Let’s take a look.

Doom 64 is basically sort of still Ultimate Doom. If you know Ultimate Doom then you know what to expect. There isn’t that much to say about Doom 64. You literally fight and kill demons through 32 levels. Grab your shotguns, chains guns, plasma guns, BFG, rocket launcher and more and destroy all kinds of demons. The objective is to find and defeat the mother of demons (whatever that is) and off course stop hell. Can someone please explain why demons can be killed by an earthly shotgun?

Now there is a cool catch though. The developers of Doom Eternal are saying that if you pre-order Doom eternal before the 20th of march 2020 then you get a free digital copy of Doom 64. This is a very cool deal, not as good as the Doom 3 Resurrection of evil deal where when we bought the game, in the extras menu you had the option to play Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and Doom master levels. Still a good deal though. Players can get two games for the price of one.

We checked out some Doom 64 gameplay and it’s what we expected and it’s definitely what you are expecting if you know anything about the game. Run fast and shoot, open doors and shoot, collect keys and shoot, pick up weapons and shoot, go berserk and punch but when that runs out you will shoot. You get it. Players must remember that like with other Doom games look out for secret rooms and areas that have powerful weapons, lots of ammo and even power ups.

Overall Doom 64 isn’t anything new to add on about. We do like the difference art style when you compare Ultimate Doom and Doom 64. The Unmaker is a powerful anti- demon weapon that is only found in Doom 64 and not the previous Doom games so players get a chance to try that thing out. The developers ‘id Software’ have done a good job with all of this. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an eye out for this game. Now Doom 64 may be a classic blast from the past but this blast is far too small to phase… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Zombie Army 4: Dead War is a new action zombie shooter game developed and published by ‘Rebellion‘. Zombie Army 4: Dead War is said to be coming out the 4th of February 2020 on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Now zombie games are basically all about the same thing. Zombies are dumb and come at you in numbers. So let’s see what’s different.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War is all about zombies. Players will continue the alternate history of the Zombie Army Trilogy. So to recap, zombie hitler has been defeated sent into Hell and his army lost. Suppose surprise though as the zombies are back. This time they want brains more than ever before. So it’s up to the player to face the horde once again.

Let’s get something very clear. It’s a zombie game so players should know what to expect. Expect a whole horde of zombies with off course some variety. Well in Zombie Army 4: Dead War players can expect shadow demons, grabbers, explosive suicide zombies a zombie tank and of course the armoured ones. 

The melee has been boosted in Zombie Army 4: Dead War. Expect some powerful crazy melee weapons and even techniques like takedown moves, stomping on zombie heads and more. Remember the Sniper Elite series? Well you expect some stuff from there here in Zombie Army 4: Dead War like the slow motion of bombs, bullets and more destroy the organs, body and bones of the enemies. Witness the destruction.

Expect deeper character customisation and progression in Zombie Army 4: Dead War. Get upgrades for turrets and even the ability to take them with you. Level up slaying abilities to be that destructive power or be a serious tank who can take all the damage for your allies. Also, because it’s trendy, there are taunts, and emotes. Don’t forget the different outfits. Zombie Army 4: Dead War is all all about slaying both literally and in looking good. Get it?

We checked out some Zombie Army 4: Dead War gameplay and it’s what we expected. Sort of reminds us of Left 4 Dead and World War Z in some ways. We like that there is multiplayer and we like the weapon upgrading system like adding an electric mod to fire off electric rounds. There’s also a bigger horde mode where the longer you are alive, the larger the map gets which is interesting. Things look cool so far.

Overall Zombie Army 4: Dead War looks like another cool zombie game where you face hordes of enemies as a team, set up traps, turrets and use whatever you got to defend against the horde. Different types of zombies and enemies, melee, upgrades etc. You know what to expect. The developers ‘Rebellion’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look will keep an eye out for Zombie Army 4: Dead War and see what it gets done in the gaming world. Now Zombie Army 4: Dead War may have a zombie hitler and zombie army but even that’s a complete joke if it faces… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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