Tanky Tanks is a new tank action shooter game developed and published by ‘EpiXR Games‘. It came out the 8th of November 2019 on the Xbox One and not the PS4 or Nintendo Switch. It is already out on Mac and PC. There is very few games like this. We just had to check this out. Let’s take a look.
In the world of Tanky Tanks, players control tanks. What a surprise? You control tanks and fight other tanks in fast paced action. Well it can slow down depending on what’s going on and how you and your opponents play. There isn’t a story or anything as it isn’t adventure. Just turn on the game, control tanks and blow the others up.
The controls are simple, you control the aiming and moving of the tank differently so like a twin shooter basically. You have shots that do come back on like a cool down. If you rapid fire of all your shots you must wait a while before you can fire again, promoting more accurate firing and not panic. Your shots can rebound of the walls. So you can hit things around cover if you are accurate enough. Walls will get in the way and Walls and structures can get in the way and block your view of missiles or tanks behind them so be careful. You also get mines which you can plant to block of paths or blow up a target. Mines can be shot though and they will explode.
Now when you see gameplay of Tanky Tanks some gamers will get flash backs or remember another tank game. Ever played or heard of Wii Tanks? X35 Earthwalker does and he loved it. It was so much fun. Wii Tanks made players go through 100 levels of enemy tanks trying to take you out. The levels where different in design and some with a certain combination of types of tanks caused some real problems. There were tanks that couldn’t move at all but just fire when it was possible to hit you in some way. Other tanks were more aggressive and really knew how to use the rebounds. We hope that Tanky Tanks takes what was good about Wii Tanks and make something even better.
Tanky Tanks seems have to the same style in terms of gameplay mechanics. Tanky Tanks has multiple game modes like normal which is normal, invisible mode where enemies are invisible, bomb mode where you can only use bombs, speed mode where everything is twice as fast and there’s a few more. The types of tanks seem to be the same types too. (Update) We have played the game recently and it does remind us of Wii Tanks very much and in the good way. Tanky Tanks is definitely challenging and has some key differences.
We haven’t played solo mode yet but we did co-op normal mode and we beat all 50 levels on our first try. It wasn’t easy though. X35 Earthwalker and Diamondz L45 had the advantage because they are veteran tank players from Nintendo Wii Tanks. The tanks so far are in less variety, dumber but stronger. Nintendo Wii Tanks had brown tanks that couldn’t move, grey tanks that move and had single fire, green tanks with faster missiles, light green with multiple rebounding missiles and even more tanks like red, yellow, purple, white and black. In Tanky Tanks the tanks all look similar which is a downgrade. Tanky Tanks have tanks that are dumber, you can trick them into shooting a wall they are right next to to bounce the missile back into them. They are also slower to shoot in most cases. Tanky Tank have stronger tanks though as some tanks are bigger and take multiple shots to destroy. Some tanks have regular missiles while others have slower but bigger, stronger missiles while others have smaller high speed missiles that looks like a laser from Super Man. Overall we wish there was more variety in the tanks and come colour.
We not only checked out some Tanky Tanks but played it too. It’s still a lot of fun and co-op mode can get scary at times especially when your partner is dead and it’s all on you to get the victory. The game got intense multiple times and that’s a good thing, you should be slightly afraid of these tanks but get enough courage with your skills to get out there, dodge missiles and take them on. Tanky Tanks does force players to multi task. You must manage your tanks movements, control your aiming, keep your aim cursor on the screen (as it can go off), see where bullets are coming from etc. You have to focus! Another thing that Tank Tanks has that Wii Tanks don’t have is stage hazards. That’s right in Tank Tanks you can expect some levels to have natural obstacles. For example in some levels we saw basically pendulums or swinging axes. They block your missiles but will destroy whatever it hits, so don’t touch it. We also saw spikes on the ground that will destroy your tanks. Talk about mixing things up.,
Overall Tank Tanks is definitely a good game, we just hope that more work is done and added into it. Overall we still prefer Wii Tanks but Tank Tanks has their own thing going on in terms of multiple game modes, cooler mines, tanks with health and even a big boss looking tank is all great stuff. The graphics are very good indeed but the lack of music is strange. Eventually all you here is your tank moving then when you stop it’s dead silent. That’s not good. The developers ‘EpiXR Games’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to what more Tank Tanks has to offer. Now Tanky Tanks may have strong tanks but those things don’t stand a chance against… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: