Edge of eternity

Edge of Eternity is a new action J-RPG developed by ‘Midgar Studio‘. It’s coming out later this year (2018) on the Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac and Linux. Edge of eternity was funded through Kickstarter by many supporters. Let’s take a look.

Edge of Eternity takes place in Heryon. Heryon was, as with every other place in video games and anime, a peaceful world. There are also three realms: Dehostra, Astrya and Junor. Each of these realms have the same access to magic powers through crystals. So it’s clear that this world is about balance. Then off course trouble comes along. Invaders in a massive spaceship appeared above Junor and destroyed everything and took possession of the realm.

edge of eternity

Reynan who is the grand General of Dehostra’s armies was in command of the defence of Heryon. He formed the consortium and led the counter attack. The consortium got the upper hand and was pushing the invaders back. All the way to their spaceship. Their ship transformed into an invincible fortress. The general and his forces couldn’t break through. The invaders then cheated by releasing a deadly biological weapon, called the metal disease. The war continues still. Players control Daryon who is wanted and hunted by the consortium. 

Edge of Eternity has character progression and is all about exploration. There are a lot of large open areas and many locations on the world map for players to dive into. Edge of Eternity gives players two choices concerning the combat system. You can either have active time battle or turn base. The fact that Edge of Eternity is giving players a choice is awesome. We at X35 Earthwalker already node in agreement of this decision. Nice one! The combat in this game has an event system which even takes into account factors like the time of day and the weather. Depending on the time and weather, either your team or enemies will gain advantages or suffer from it. Your team can have up to four characters allowing room for experimenting with combinations and strategies.

Edge of Eternity

So as a J-RPG, best there is character progression with experience points and increasing sats but Edge of Eternity takes it further by adding another layer. There  is a weapon customisation system too. It’s based on two things: crystals and levelling up. As you fight with your weapon, you it will eventually level up thus getting more powerful and even evolving. The crystal side of things is different as it’s here where players can choose which branch to go along and the different crystals grant different effects like stats, skills and powers. When you take a look at the crystal system, the first thing that may come to your mind is the levelling up system from final fantasy XIII and XIII-2. It’s practically identical.

Edge of Eternity is said to have an adventure that responds to your choices. Your characters effect have a direct impact on each area they visit so keep that in mind. The story is said to be non-linear and that players and choose and their own paths. There are many quests, people to talk, different options and even random events that will take place.   

Edge of Eternity

We checked out some gameplay and Edge of Eternity looks amazing. The graphics, size of the whole and environments remind us heavily of Final Fantasy, which is a good thing as those are great games. Lots of work clearly went into this and their is potential for more too. Some of the enemies look too large and powerful while others are clearly fodder. The running animation for the characters does look silly though. The lighting and different spells and abilities look very cool. The music is very well done and at times epic. This team has been putting in work.

Overall, Edge of Eternity looks like an awesome game. They have so much going for it right and there is a good amount of well deserved hype. We hope this game takes a different direction in terms of story from other games concerning certain characters and enemies. The developers ‘Midgar Studio’ did a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what Edge of Eternity has to fully offer. Now Heryon is in trouble but the perfect solution would be… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Song of Horror

Song of Horror is a new cinematic third person survival horror game developed by ‘Protocol Games‘. It’s coming out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC later this year. Now this is one song that you don’t want to sing. To be honest survival isn’t guaranteed either but this game does look interesting. Let’s take a look.

Song of Horror takes place in an ordinary world. It’s a Friday. Players control Daniel Noyer who is a advertiser and former entrepreneur. Probably guessed it but Daniel has fallen on some tough times recently. At a publishers house, Daniel receives an urgent but, appears simple, assignment. You must find Sebastian P. Hunter. Why is there always a Sebastian? Sebastian P. Hunter is the company’s top client and most important. Strange thing though, is that no one has heard from him in weeks.

Song of Horror

You realise something is wrong when you arrive at gushers mansion. Like in all other horror games and movies, the lights are all out. Even though it’s night time. This suggests that no one is home. There is even a beware of the dog sign but yet there isn’t a dog around at all. No one is home by the looks of it. We could always just turn around, head home, maybe call the police but noo. Daniel isn’t Caribbean or African so off course he still investigates and goes in through the main door left ajar. 

Song of Horror aims to give players a thrilling movie like experience. The camera in this game is fully automated and could be your downfall simply because it does whatever it wants. It follows the player, turns to face you, backs away and more to create tension and mess with your head concerning what’s about to happen. Song of Horror is also quite large. There is 16 different characters for players to take control off. Yes the main protagonist is Daniel but these other characters are normal everyday men and women who are also exploring the mansion and locations. They must solve riddles, check item and off course stay alive. Can you keep them all alive or will they all receive an untimely end?

Song of Horror

Players must make sure to investigate and check everything in Song of Horror as every clue and observation could be really crucial. You can’t afford to miss anything. Survival is off course the main thing in this game. Staying alive isn’t easy as all it takes to die is to make one mistake or one bad decision. Song of Horror is quite big on mysteries as there are many puzzles and riddles around ranging full on enigmas to simple locked doors. So basically from basic and straight forward to dangerous sneaky and deceptive.

At the start of most chapters, you get the choice of which character to use to face the dangers. All the characters except Daniel have one life. That’s right! Permanent death is here. So truly be careful. If you lose everyone then you have to start the chapter again. To make things even more tense and difficult, there is no going back. No manual saving! So no saving before entering a room, then when you die, load your last save. That’s cowardly.

Last of all you’ve us mention death and dying  before but what enemies are we facing. There are no enemies (sort off) and there is no combat. In Song of Horror players will face ‘The Presence’ which is a manifestations of an eldritch. The presence will warp reality and mess with you in many ways. It will lie in wait for you or simply haunt you. It can effect lighting and even the very atmosphere. It will even set traps which could kill you. So be on your guard and make sure to know when to run, hide, react etc. The presence is no joke.

We checked out some gameplay and it’s looking real cool right now. We like how it’s going for the skeleton undead looking creatures like from the mummy returns at the end. We truly hope that Song of Horror’s decisions and situations does sort of play like a great series we know (which we won’t name). A good number of things to look at and take into account, sudden breaking mirror for miniature jump scares. The Presence though looks like a real problem. It has different forms and springs out at annoying moments. Forcing all players to constantly be on guard.

Overall Song of Horror looks like a very good game. The horror is alright, the jump scares are in nice supply. The graphics are good, nothing special but the sounds are better, adding to the atmosphere. We need to see a bit more of the automated camera though. The developers ‘Protocol games’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Song of Horror has to offer gamers. Now Songs can be wonderful but no where near as wonderful as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Super Bomberman R

Super Bomberman R is a action maze game developed by ‘Konami‘ and Hexadrive. It is coming out on Xbox One and PS4 the 14th of June and the 13th of June on PC but already out on Nintendo switch. This game is said to have more bombs and fun. Let’s take a look.

Many gamers know Bomberman. Either from the days of the Sega genesis or more recent titles like Bomber battlefest. Bomberman is all about indestructible Bombermen who get together and have a blast using bombs and other explosives. Yes they do have a story like stopping dangerous enemies who either split the planet into pieces or collecting the bomb element crystals. This latest title Super Bomberman R is said to be ‘Lit’.

Super bomberman R

Super Bomberman R has the return of the famous bomber men but now there are 8 Bomberman bros: White, Black, Pink, Blue, Red, Yellow, Aqua and green. Each having their own unique personality and silly traits. They are up against their arch nemesis, Buggler who is out to destroy the universe, which is a very dumb plan. He doesn’t want to rule the universe but destroy it? So wouldn’t he die too? Anyway, he has with him the 5 Dastardly bombers who are a group of powerful bombermen who have very interesting powers. The story mode is interesting as of right now.

The multiplayer however; is what we all know Bomberman for. Battle mode has the traditional game mode of last man standing basically. So destroy the others and the be the sole survivor to win. There are 19 different stages to battle on and but it has been made clear that Super bomberman R got even more maps which are said to make matches unpredictable. 

Super bomberman R

Along with the additional maps there are a bunch of new characters as well like: Simon Belmont Bomber, Goemon Bomber, Dracula Bomber, Pyramid head Bomber, Aubis Bomber and more. each having their own special ability which will certainly mix things up on the battlefield. This reminds us of a Play Station 1 Bomber game where some characters had special abilities like shooting flames, detonating bombs with bullets, dashing by rockets etc. It adds layers to matches.

Lastly Super Bomber R gets Grand Prix mode which according to Konami is made for future esports initiatives. It’s basically a package of match types made for 3v3 competitive gameplay. One of the modes is crystal matches where the two teams must collect crystals to score gain points but off course getting hit by a bomb will cause players to lose half of their crystals.

We checked out some gameplay and so far it looks cool. The High high bandits are here and still causing trouble. The boss battles with the 5 dastardly bombers are definitely epic. For example Magnet Bomber isn’t a pushover as he is quite fast, got multiple bombs and his magnet bombs will follow you for a period of time through magnetism. The story mode have over 50 levels. In Battle mode, the biggest flavour comes from the different stages which have different environments and map elements. Everything so far looks real cool. just how they draw some of the bombermen poses do look a little lame, even for a children’s style game. 

Overall Super Bomberman R is a very cool game. The graphics are great and the music is great too. The voices and animations are funny and works well for this style. The campaign can be done in co-op two players while Battle mode can have up to 8 players. We just hope they bring in more game types for multiplayer as that’s a solid advantage that Bomberman Battlefest had. The developers ‘Konami’ and ‘Hexadrive’ did a excellent job. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to playing Super Bomberman R. Now bombermen have a blast but nothing is more fun than… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Shape of the World

Shape of the world is a new first person exploration game developed by ‘Hollo Tree Games‘. Shape of the world is coming out the 6th of June on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch but coming out the 5th of June on the Mac, PS4 and PC. This game is said to get people away from the real world. Let’s take a look.

Shape of the world is very different from majority other games. How? Well in Shape of the world there is no perils, enemies, puzzles, platforming or challenges etc. It’s literally just about exploring, looking around, getting lost, taking in the sights, having a good time and all at the players own pace. That’s right, no timer or anything. It’s just like Abzu which was all about exploration too with no enemies but all under water.

The world in Shape of the world is very much alive. There are colours everywhere. Games like this have learnt and applied the fact that big and colourful worlds with lots going on seem to pull people in the most. Lots or procedurally populated plants which means as you travel, expect a bunch of different plants everywhere. It really does change from place to place so stop and take a look. Also there are lots of different creatures as well. We have seen some that look like round ghosts, there are some slowly flying dolphins, larger but harmless worms and much more.

Shape of the World

It’s all about the player in Shape of the world. The world doesn’t even live without the player. Mainly thanks to the interaction. For example if you come across a forest, you will notice that as you get near to it, it begins to grow and come to life. The forest will also regrow in a new and different way. So players are advised to retrace their steps over time to see what new stuff they see.

We checked out some gameplay and even though the whole point of the Shape of the World is very simple, the gameplay itself is deeper than you think. Players actions will  change and altar the world in big ways, so experiment. Players can also interact with Ephemeral flora, Grand monoliths and even some creatures. So it isn’t as simple as you would think. There is quite a lot to do but it has been said that Shape of the World is a 1-3 hour game, off course depending on the players pace through the game.

Overall, Shape of the World is a very cool game. The visuals and graphics are great for what it is. The music was done excellently as it’s responsive and changes according to where you are in terms of location. The developers ‘Hollow Tree Games’ did a excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are not looking forward to this game as it’s not our style at all but we know others will love this. Now exploration is important but the one thing worth exploring is… the ‘Earth Walk’.

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Stay is a new pixel adventure game developed by ‘Appnormals team‘. Stay is coming out on Xbox One the 23rd of May but already out on Mac and PC the 16th of May. This game is meant to be very deep. let’s take a look.

In Stay players are put to the serious test. The players are speaking to someone, named, Quinn who has been abducted and their fate in in players hands… well finger tips really. Your decisions and words will determine whether Quinn lives or dies.

Now off course like anyone who has been kidnapped, Quinn is not exactly stable right now. He’s on edge to put it nicely. You have to get build trust. You need him to trust you or he might go against what you say. So be careful of your responses and what you say.

If you thought the situation was bad then stick around. Stay is real time! So all the time you are away from the game is how long you leave Quinn alone for. If Quinn is left alone or ignored for too long, he might try things by himself and end up dead. Do not stay glued to your games, make sure to take breaks. 

There are 24 chapters and multiple story branches. This game is quite deep in terms of content as well. Also Stay has high repayable value as there are 7 different endings. That’s almost as much as Catherine

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not very interesting but then again it’s all about communicating through a computer and watching some web cam footage. Nothing action packed there. You select your choice of words, take note of his reactions and be aware. Definitely not a game for everyone.

Overall Stay is well thought of and quite a lot of work went into this game. Quinn might also tell the players lies too, so that’s another thing to think about too. The graphics are good for this pixel style. Again this isn’t our kind of game. The developers ‘Appnormals team’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker, aren’t looking forward to STAY but others probably are. Now helping Quinn may be difficult but what’s not difficult is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Shift Quantum

Shift Quantum is a new action puzzle platformer game developed by ‘Fishing Cactus‘. It’s coming out the 29th of May on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC but coming out the 30th of May in the United Kingdom. This game is expected to really engage player’s brains. Let’s take a look.

The story of Shift Quantum isn’t exactly that clear or written well at all but basically someone called Axon Vertigo promises to bring about better life quality for everyone using the Shift Quantum program. All puzzles in this game are meant to force players to think in different and specific ways. The players task is to solve puzzles. There’s more. You must transform barriers into escape routes by creating negative space. Get to the exit to get exactly what you’ve been promised by Axon Vertigo… happiness.

Shift Quantum

Players need to keep an eye on the whole environment and Shift Quantum world. This is because you have the option to twist the environment and shift the world. Make use of all special gameplay blocks to overcome obstacles and get to the exit to find the happiness you have been searching for and promised by Axon Vertigo. 

Players also have the opportunity to create their own levels as well. Adding the different blocks and areas that change gravity direction and off course making obvious places that can only be traversed through the shifting mechanic.

Since it’s also a puzzle game, expect the difficulty to be amped up. players will have to stop and think how they can complete the level, what is needed and what order should these things be done. Eventually timing will be brought into the equation too.

We checked out some gameplay of Shift Quantum and it does look very cool. The animations are good. The level designs are excellent. The negative space mechanic looks awesome as your character literally gos through the stage to the other side and things flip around the the colours become negative. The black and white visuals work well with this game. The puzzles are certainly worthy of the name ‘puzzles’. Shift Quantum comes of as very unique.

Overall Shift Quantum is a very cool game. The graphics and visuals are very good. The sounds are just good. The level designs are excellent. The developers ‘Fishing Cactus’ did an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing how other gamers take to this game.

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Moonlighter is a new action RPG game with some rouge-lite elements developed by ‘Digital Sun‘. It’s coming out the 29th of May on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It will also come out on the Nintendo Switch in 2018 but not exactly sure when. This action RPG looks real cool. Let’s take a look.

In the world of Moonlighter, players take control of a shopkeeper. That’s right, a shopkeeper who goes out daily to collect items for his shop. Who longs to go on a great adventure and be known as a hero. Looks like he’ll finally get his chance. Some gates were discovered during a archeological excavation which took place a long time ago. A small commercial village called Rynoka was founded near this same excavation site. Rynoka provided a place for adventurers to temporarily stay and sell the items and treasures they found. The people, including the shop keeper learnt that the ancient passages lead to different realms and dimensions.


As a shopkeeper, players must manage shop. This means handling the shop finances, putting items on for sale and also setting their prices. Players can upgrade the shop, kind of like in Animal Crossing with Tom nooks shop. Make sure to also hire shop assistants. Like with a real store, you must be careful as some people might try to steal your stuff. Why can’t people be decent? So as you can see, it’s not just going out and adventuring but also handling a shop on a daily basis.

Like the shop, the village is loaded with different people in Moonlighter. Getting to know the villagers is essential as they reveal their needs as a customer. so the right information can help increase sales. Some villagers have big requests, requiring rare items that players have to seek out and bring back and in return that villager will pay you very generously. Also it’s with the villagers that players can do crafting to get new armour, weapons and even enchant certain items. Kind of reminds you of Minecraft.


As mentioned before, there are many gates which lead to different dimensions and realms. This means they can take players anywhere, which means players must be prepared for everything, so carry equipment and items that covers a range of needs. The enemies vary greatly as well and that’s one thing Moonlighter so far does well, which is variety. Variety is very important for gamers. It was something the new God of War lacked with their bosses. Fighting a similar troll monster multiple times. 

Do not forget. Amongst all the fighting and exploring, the main thing is to collect loot. Grab everything! Treasures, artifacts, valuable resources, armours and weapons. It’s all fair game. Not only that some found loot could be used to make you more powerful but you can also put some of these up in the store for the villagers and customers to buy and keep your shop alive and running smoothly.


Off course, the enemies and bosses are not going to let us just walk around and grab all this loot. They need to be handled. Now Moonlighter has quite a surprisingly deep combat mechanics. All this combat depends on the interaction between enemies, weapons, secondary effects of items and abilities. So players need to get creative, find their own combat styles. Before you know it, players will invent their own combos and flow of actions. Not every enemy can be handled the same way.

We checked out some gameplay. Moonlighter firstly has some smooth animations for movement and combat. There are truly different enemies. some are squishy while others are hard and roll up into a ball. Use a bow and arrow, a bigger broadsword and more. Many items and abilities to use like instant escapes, gap leaping, blocking with shields, healing and much more. Even the history of the character is quite engaging. You can relate to the whole subject of putting duty and responsibilities first.

Overall Moonlighter is a very cool game. The story behind it all is very good and will relate to many gamers. The combat mechanics are quite deep and provide many options for players. the graphics are not that great for it’s style. the sounds and music are very good indeed. It’s creative how this game is designed. The developers ‘Digital Sun’ did a excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing Moonlighter come out. Now not every adventure pays off but one thing that always pays off is… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Awkward is a new casual party question game developed by ‘Snap Finger Click‘. Awkward will be coming out the 5th of June on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC but on the Nintendo Switch the 19th of June. This game we hear really tests relationships. Let’s take a look.

Awkward isn’t some big adventure game and there is no princess to save but that doesn’t mean Awkward hasn’t got a story behind it. Apparently this game was banned years ago because it caused an increase in family feuds, fights and divorces! That’s extreme! Are they being serious. We at X35 Earthwalker right now know for a fact that we are mature and good friends enough that no game will make us fight or anything serious like a divorce. Grow up people.

Awkward is meant to be the ultimate test in learning how well you know your friends, or spouse or family. You must answer a series of questions and the other players must guess what they think the first player answered. Sounds simple… but there’s a catch. The questions get increasingly less trivial and more uncomfortable and eventually bringing out secrets. This is where the problems begin to come out. Prepare for some shocks. 


So that old truthful saying “You truly do not know them” will come to life right in front of many through this game. For example as shown above there’s a question forcing players to decide whether they would save a 1 year old or an 18 year old if they can only pick one. There will be some women who will hate you for not saving the baby. There’s another question where you must answer what you prefer concerning your partner: their body or face. This is a risky one but be honest. This is just the start by the way.

Awkward has all the original questions, which were banned.. they also have a bunch of new ones too. They were written by Joanna Haslam from ‘It’s quiz time’ and Danny Gallagher from ‘Quiplash’. There is a single player mode to see how your answers stack up to the rest of the world or have six players join in which can lead to competitive or cooperative gameplay. There is also multiple game modes too. Awkward also has streaming technology which let’s up to 500,000 concurrent viewers join in, on Mixer, Youtube and Twitch. They don’t need to go to a website or use an app. They play from the stream chat.


We checked out some gameplay and it’s exactly what it says on the box. A series of questions which get more and more uncomfortable and risky to the point where it sparks debates and hopefully not, some arguments. Can you still be friends? Do you still love them? We hope so. If not, then grow up! 

Overall this looks like a fun game. A serious game but still fun. It’s one of those things where you must be mature and think about who you are playing with. Do not play with others who are very sensitive. Be wise about this and decide whether you should play or not. The developers ‘Finger Snap Click’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker would like to give this a try. Now some questions are very personal, but nothing is more personal than… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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SEGA Genesis Classics


SEGA Genesis Classics or also known as the Sega Mega Drive Classic collection is a new collection developed by ‘Sega’. It’s coming out the 29th of May on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This collection has a ton of games. Let’s take a look.

The SEGA Genesis Classics is a collection containing more than 50 retro classic games. So if you are one of those gamers who played SEGA games back in the day then this will bring some memories.

Some of the games players will find in this collection are:

Alien Storm

Golden Axe
Altered Beast
Comix Zone
Ecco the Dolphin
Gain Ground
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master

Streets of Rage

Crack Down
Shadow Dancer
Space Harrier II
Ecco Jr.
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Bonanza Bros.
Super Thunder Blade
Kid Chameleon
Galaxy Force II
Eternal Champions
Fatal Labyrinth
Bio-Hazard Battle
Columns III
Sword of Vermilion
Virtua Fighter 2
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Alien Storm
Decap Attack
ESWAT™: City Under Siege
Golden Axe II
Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole
Shining Force
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair
Streets of Rage 2
Alien Soldier
Light Crusader
Gunstar Heroes
Beyond Oasis
Dynamite Headdy
Golden Axe III
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine 

revenge of the Shinobi

Streets of Rage
Shining Force II
Shining in the Darkness
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic Spinball
Toejam and Earl
Toejam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron
Streets of Rage 3
Revenge of the Shinobi
Vectorman 2
Wonder Boy in Monster World

Overall, this collection basically offers exactly what it says on the tin. Once again, old fans of the Sega will love this. Sega did a great job with this collection. Now the SEGA Genesis Classics may have over 50 games but an army of 50 certainly isn’t enough to stand up to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection is a large Street fighter collection developed by ‘Digital eclipse‘ but published by ‘Capcom‘. Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection is coming out the 29th of May on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. Lots going on here. Let’s take a look.

We are sure most gamers know about Street Fighter. Well all the Street Fighter fans should check this collection out as this one is jammed pack. It’s locked and loaded. This collection contains the original Street Fighter, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II: champion Edition, Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II, Super Street Fighter II: Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Street Fighter III, Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact and Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Yep, that is a lot in case you couldn’t tell. 12 titles.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection

Now there is a bit more than just the 12 titles though. Players can listen to tracks in the music player, an interactive timeline, character bios which will have a lot of information, sprite viewing and even a huge museum mode.  Players will have access to never before seen art as well.

The Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection also has online-enabled versions of Street Fighter II: Hyper fighting, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. What’s even more interesting concerning these four titles is that while playing them, players can battle CPU whilst waiting for online opponents. So you having something to do while waiting. That’s very good indeed.  

We checked out some gameplay and it’s what Street fighter fans would expect. It looks like the Street fighter games and seems to play like it. The graphics and frames are looking good as well. 

Overall Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection looks like a big deal for Street Fighter fans. There isn’t much to say here except that it’s Street fighter. We will say that this collectible is huge and loaded with lots of stuff to go with it. The developers ‘Digital eclipse’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker were never Street Fighter fans but we can see that this is quite the bundle. Now Street Fighter may be a legend in gaming but it’s not as legendary as… the ‘Earth Walk!’  

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