Oddworld: Soulstorm

Oddworld: Soulstorm is the new game in the Abe series developed by ‘Oddworld inhabitants’. it’s said to be coming out for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This is the game that we at X35 Earthwalker have been waiting for. Let’s take a look.

Now Abe is one of our most favourite characters. He is a simple Mudokon who ended up doing great things. He destroyed Rupture farms, he ruined soul storm brew and even blew up Vykkers lab. He rescued many of his people from slavery. X35 himself has clear memories of playing Abe’s oddysee for the first time with his family. Trying hard to avoid alerting Sligs who would kill you instantly, disarming mines, dodging saws and running for dear life from Scrabs and parasites. It was a great game that impacted any gamer. Now after Abe’s Oddysee, Exodus, Munch, stranger’s wrath, new ‘n’ tasty, we finally get the latest big brand new Oddworld Abe game… Oddworld: Soulstorm.

There isn’t that much information given out concerning Oddworld: Soulstorm but a number of things have been made clear about the game. firstly we know that this game directly comes after Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty. Abe has just saved 301 Mudokons (assuming the player did). He is the leader of his people and will be starting an uprising. This is a complete story retake. Oddworld: Soulstorm will be going in much deeper and darker on the whole story of Abe, the cruelty and slavery of the Mudokon race. Nothing will be pretty here.

What’s definitely new ‘n’n tasty is that players will now have to manage their followers is an even more dynamic and dangerous world. We see from the UI that you can see which of your Mudokons  are fine and which ones are in danger or dead. There is also health, ammo, what looks like ‘chi’ (maybe stands for ‘chant’) and also moolah (which is the currency in Oddworld). this does remind us of Munch’s oddysee as some mudokons got guns, their was money and health. Off course Oddworld: Soulstorm has an inventory and a crafting system. So players will need to build and have the right things for what is up ahead. There are also multiple powers for Abe now and that is something to be excited about, especially if you remember what happens when Abe turns into Shrykull.

Oddworld: Soulstorm - X35 Earthwalker

The developers made it clear that there is now more than one way to handle the different situations so players can use their items and powers how they see fit to get the solution. They wanted players to have more freedom instead of a fixed journey. So collect and accumulate your power and then it’s up to players to decide when to use it. This is one of those sweet changes that we are are excited to see how it fits in and if it works out. There is no real showing of gameplay right now and that’s how we know it’s going to be a big change more like Munch’s oddysee because they are leaving it for a grand reveal. There are so many mysteries surrounding this game and the new retake of the Abe story. Like why is Abe’s lips stitched up. I believe it’s because Abe is special. He has a destiny. 

Oddworld Soulstorm is without a doubt the number one game that we at X35 Earthwalker are all looking forward to. Abe’s oddysee and Exodus were huge hits in the gaming world and certainly left a big impact on any gamers who played it. X35 himself and his family worked together on saturdays to tackle the puzzles in the game and save all the Mudokons. It wasn’t easy and we died many times but it was all fun. Abe made us laugh and the deaths at times were comical. This will change though as Soulstorm is confirmed to really get into the pain and anger that the Mudokons felt. A race pushed to their limits. The experiments done on them. The pointless deaths and mistreatment all in the name of business and profit. The Mudokons and have forgotten who they are.

Overall we are hyped as maximum possible for Oddworld: Soulstorm. The graphics from some images and the UI look great. No information on sounds or gameplay. If you have’t played the previous games then you should to get ready for what’s coming. Get ready for that Soulstorm. The developers ‘Oddworld inhabitants’ have done an outstanding job. No other game has gotten us this hyped this year. We at X35 Earthwalker are definitely getting this game when it comes. Oddworld: Soulstorm is worth checking out. Now Abe may be the leader of his people but even he can’t lead… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Visage is a new psychological horror game developed by ‘SadSquare Studios’. Visage is coming out later in the year 2018 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Visage got supported on Kickstarter and many people seem to be behind it. We at X35 Earthwalker got interested. let’s take a look.

The world of Visage is set in the 1980’s. You are in s secluded town (like that ever ends well), in a house which is really old. it’s been around for centuries. Yet, it doesn’t look like it’s been effected by time at all. It’s still in good condition. It’s confirmed that many families have lived in that house. Now any fan of horror movies can guess what’s going to happen next to some extent. Many of those families. Some of them died horribly. Now it’s up to the players to discover the truth. But is there something more going on.

visage - X35 Earthwalker

Now how the game works is that you will encounter moments in history. These will reveal to you bit by bit what is going on around here. Each one is there to also terrify players. You will witness how some people died. See twisted things. Unreal things. Stuff that will make curl up in a corner telling your friends that you have seen some stuff. Remember Visage is a psychological horror so it will try to mess with your head. Now each death has it’s visage. This should be for the hardened gamers but we all know you tubers and streamers will do it for the scares and the views so be prepared for that also.

Now the style of visage will require players to really explore and check everything and we mean everything. Examine, pointing and clicking on certain objects is required. Leave no stone unturned. A real life horror simulator. Very little emphasis on jump scares and more emphasis and focus on atmosphere. Basically making players not want to go down that hall way because you just feel that something is waiting for you. after all, you ain’t alone in that house.

Now the developers, ‘SadSquare Studios’ made it clear that atmosphere is their focus so that means they must have high quality music and sounds. They do. They have a lot of different ambiences and music to set the mood, control the pace and trigger certain reaction in players. They have a lot from plaintive and wandering to menacing and dissonant. We grew that music is crucial to making a good game that also stands out and makes impact. So we will be listening out for them and making our own judgement.

We can just imagine it already though. It will have all the old tricks that got people in movies. Players would go to the bathroom and see a mirror but because of their knowledge of how horror games work, they wouldn’t want to look in the mirror because something is always there, but when they finally get the courage they don’t see anything in the mirror, but when they turn around, that’s when something is there but it doesn’t attack, it just approaches and then disappears and everything goes back to normal. We at X35 Earthwalker hope they implement stuff like this into their game as that is good psychological horror right there.

visage - X35 Earthwalker

We checked out some gameplay and it is pretty much what we thought it would be. It was predictable but obviously playing the game would be a different matter to some extent. We do hope for at least a few jump scares as then the players will never see it coming and have maximum effect. This isn’t the case for everyone but horror from just the atmosphere and music does not have any effect on X35 Earthwalker himself. Once he knows nothing will happen then he’s calm all the way. Sort of with roller coasters, once you know you are safe, what’s there to be afraid of. The game played out smoothly and everything looks well done. This game will haunt some players for sure.

Overall Visage seems like a really cool game. In terms of graphics and sounds, visage has got those set on high quality. The visuals are done very well, especially that area that can be reached by a bridge and their a giant tree. Like who wouldn’t be interested in that. The developers, ‘SadSqaure Studios’ did a fantastic job. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing the impact Visage has on the gaming community. Now visage may mess with your head but one thing can never leave your head and that’s… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Earth Atlantis

‘Earth Atlantis’ is a new side scroller shooter game, developed by ‘Pixel perfex’. It’s going to come out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC later this year but already out on the Nintendo Switch. Just straight away, from looking at Earth Atlantis we were immediately interested because this game looked different from everything else. Let’s take a look.

In Earth Atlantis the world a huge disaster struck. It was called the Great Climate Shift. Basically ninety six percent of the earths surface is now underwater which means humanity is in a critical state. That is obviously bad… but it gets worse. The machines have gotten a serious upgrade and adapted to the situation. They somehow adopted the shape and form of certain water animals like crabs, squids and even sharks. The whole ocean is filled with these things! It’s up to the player who is a hunter to find these large monsters and take them down.

That’s the whole point of Earth Atlantis. As the hunter, players must hunt down these large and powerful monsters in the ocean and destroy them. This will not be an easy task as there will be a lot of enemies which makes sense as there is a lot of fish and machine in the world. There will be enemies that fire projectiles. enemies that will attempt to ram you and enemies that will keep their distance but all will destroy hunters who are slow and have no reflexes. 

Now the most impressive and cool thing about Earth Atlantis is how the game looks. The olden map colour style looks very nice and makes the dull colours actually work. it fits the scenario of the game very well. It’s like you are looking at a moving map from Harry Potter or something. The animations of the machine sea creatures are awesome. They way how they turn around is is the best part of it. You see it clearly. It’s these looks and animations that really got us wanting to know more.

Earth Atlantis - X35 Earthwalker

We at X35 Earthwalker checked out some gameplay and what we saw pleased us. There are two game modes: quest mode and Hunter mode. Twenty five large monsters to hunt plus 4 enemy ships (what’s the story behind the enemy ships). There are also four ships for players to choose from and use, each with their own weapons and abilities. The graphic style is suppose to give players the feeling of a 14th century ocean exploration and it does that very well

Overall Earth Atlantis looks like a very good game indeed. The graphics are awesome. The animations are excellent. The sounds and music are very good. The environments are done well and make it clear that this is still earth but off course post-apocalyptic. The developers, ‘Pixel Perfex’ did an amazing job with this game. It is worth checking out. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to this game. Now Earth Atlantis may may have an ocean full of monsters but not even monsters can handle… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Call of Cthulhu

Call of Cthulhu is a new Investigation RPG developed by ‘Cyanide Studio’. It’s coming out later this year for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This isn’t your typical Sherlock Holmes investigation story. this is something much darker. Let’s take a look.

Now this may be an investigation game but it isn’t as boring as it sounds. Call of Cthulhu has some stealth and psychological horror mechanics in it. Some have described Call of Cthulhu as a survival horror game as well. This should liven things up for gamers. Seriously when we first heard about this game we were so close to ignoring it because investigation and detective games were never our thing but Call of Cthulhu has gotten our attention.

In Call of Cthulhu you play Edward Pierce who is a former veteran and private investigator in Boston set in the 1920’s. Quite the interesting past. Edward is on a mission to find out what really happened concerning the death of an acclaimed artist and her family. The artists name is Sarah Hawkins. It doesn’t take long for the player to realise that a whole lot more is going on than a simple death or murder. Things get real dark as the ‘Great Dreamer’ called ‘Cthulhu’ prepares for his awakening (so is he asleep? if yes then how is he preparing his awakening?).

We checked out some gameplay and it did surprise us to quite an extent. The game looks very good visually. The rocks, the water. the creepy locations, the lighting all does a very good job at making players feel uneasy about where they are. There definitely is some horror aspect to the game but it’s clearly all psychological. Like players will question whether certain things are real or not. Then there are moments where the player has to leap into action like a good ol fashion chase or hiding and knowing when it’s safe to get moving again.

Overall ‘Call of Cthulhu’ is very interesting. It’s more than your typical detective game. The blend calm moments with orzo go well from what we have seen. The graphics and sounds are done very well indeed. The developers ‘Cyanide studio’ did an very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for ‘Call of Cthulhu’. Now Cthulhu may be making preparations but he certainly ain’t prepared for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Episode Ignis

Final Fantasy XV is getting a new DLC called ‘Episode Ignis’, developed by ‘Square Enix’. Episode Ignis will be available on the 13th of December for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. We at X35 Earthwalker certainly love the amount of effort and work that goes into the Final Fantasy DLC’s. A lot of content is on the way but now it’s Ignis’s turn. Let’s take a look.

All Final Fantasy gamers will currently know Ignis. He is the composed and serious one but stays cool. he is the tactical and brains of the group. We couldn’t play as him in Final Fantasy XV but worked with the players but now… It’s his turn to shine. In Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis. Players control… well… Ignis (who else?). This DLC takes place as Noctis is still unconscious after the trial of Leviathan. Ignis has an adventure of his own. He puts his tactical mastery to use in Altissia to protect the city.

Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis - X35 Earthwalker

Now we love Ignis at X35 Earthwalker because of his personality and because strategy and getting tactical is definitely our thing. Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis is suppose to be not only breath taking but emotional. The developers want to really get the players into what’s happening here. Ignis will protect his comrades, especially Noctis at any cost… even if it means sacrificing himself. Now this kind of friendship and duty they have for each other is beautiful. Friendship can be the strongest bond there is and the Bible teaches this as well.

From what we have seen of the DLC gamers can expect some huge battles, towering enemies, being out numbered and facing familiar foes once again. Everything looks smooth and the combat looks awesome. At times it looks like Ignis is more dangerous than Noctis. The tactical ones are normally the ones who win. The Zoom around the battlefield, travel from roof top to roof top and use elemental attacks and even work with allies to defeat your enemies, defend the city and off course Noctis. The action certainly hasn’t turned down here.

Already a number of Final Fantasy fans are excited and have good things to say about what they have seen already. We know Episode Ignis means serious business because Ignis means business. Seriously look at his face. Look at him straight in the eyes… now that’s serious.

Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis - X35 Earthwalker

Overall from what we know and have seen, this DLC might just bring some feelings to gamers. The graphics look great as always, the attention to detail is excellent as well. The sounds still sound relevant and nicely done. As you go through the game some of the stuff happening in your surroundings are just worth taking a look at like when that air ship got punched by that large humanoid being. The developers ‘Square Enix’ did an excellent job with this DLC so far. This is worth checking out. Now Ignis may have an episode now but one thing always had an episode and that’s… the Earth Walk!’

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Resident Evil 7 Not a hero

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is getting a brand new free DLC called, ‘Not a hero’. it’s coming out the 12th of December for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Many fans are quite hyped abut this one but also cautious. Let’s take a look.

Many gamers agreed that Resident Evil 7: biohazard was a great game. Many liked that fact that you weren’t a heavy weapons power house where you blow everything away. You had very limited ammo, items and had to really use your head to handle some areas. The sexting of being in the Bakers house and being hunted by the bakers themselves. We at X35 Earthwalker do agree that Resident evil 7: Biohazard worked well. Great news. Now the DLC, ‘Not a hero’ is actually very different.

Not a hero takes place immediately after the main story line of Resident Evil 7:Biohazard. Instead of playing a regular dude like Ethan, instead you play as a professionally trained, ready for combat, Chris Redfield. As you can see already, it’s a different style of gameplay, sounds more like Resident Evil 6 as you will have a range of tactical weaponry. Honestly, you are going to need those weapons when it comes to dealing with the enemy here.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - Not a hero

Now Chris Redfield is after Lucas Baker. That name should haunt some players as he is considered the worse of them all overall in terms of how sadistic and smart he is. Sort of like Jigsaw (but not at that level. Now Chris Redfield has been instructed to bring lucas in alive which makes things more difficult. Lucas has already shown that he is more than a match for Chris as several umbrella operatives have gone in and tried but have lost contact with them over the radio. Are they dead or in one of Lucas’s twisted games? It sounds like a capture and rescue mission.

We checked out some gameplay and we certainly like what we saw. The HUD looks cool but also simple which is how things should be. The melded are back and more mean than before. They are here in numbers as one folded certainly doesn’t stand a chance against the weapons you have. There are more dangers though. The environment is also an enemy. You are in an abandoned mine which has a deadly biohazard present. As high tech as your gas mask is… it won’t protect you forever in the cave network of the mine. So time seems like another factor in ‘Not a hero’. Also what we heard was true. In Resident Evil 7: biohazard you can finish of molded who you have knocked off balance with your fists. think of it like a glory kill from DOOM. Pretty cool and why not have that mechanic?

Overall Resident Evil 7: Biohazard’s DLC, ‘Not a hero’ seems really interesting right now. It’s a different and familiar style from the main game. This allows fans of both styles to be pleased to do what they love best, Survival or shooter. The graphics are looking very good right now. The sounds are great and the noise of getting a headshot on the molded sounds real good and crunchy. The design of the mines look nice, nothing special though. The molded do seem a bit like they are fodder for the players in this DLC but we will have to see. The developers, ‘Capcom’ did a great job with this game. This game is worth checking out. Now Chris Refield may be well equipped to handle this mission but not even he is ready… for the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Battlestar Galactica Deadlock

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is a new 3D turn based strategy game developed by ‘Black Lab Games’. It’s coming out on Xbox One and PS4 the 8th of December. It’s already out on PC though. Being a turn based space game sounds really interesting. We at X35 Earthwalker hope they pulled it off. let’s take a look.

In Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, the Cylons and the humans were in a deadlock. The Cylons however: launched a brutal surprise attack which allowed them to eliminate the colonial fleet high command. This off course is very bad for the humans. Now it all falls down to the rear-admiral Lucinda Cain. Here is where the players step in. Battlestar Galactica Deadlock requires players to get real strategic from what we know. Every decision is important and literally one move could make or break everything.

You get to control the whole colonial fleet from the shipyard called ‘Daidalos’. Make sure to build a big and powerful fleet because the task ahead is big. There are twelve colonies that are in danger because of the Cylon. Decide what ships you should have in your fleet. Build and design it how you want it. There are many ships with some serious firepower like the Jupiter class battleship and the Manticore Corvette. Others like the Raptor scouts and viper squadrons all await your orders. Already we are liking the sound of this.

Now Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is completely 3D. This means you can rotate the camera and see from any angle. Make your units fly anywhere and everywhere to flank enemy ships, attack from behind, retreat etc. After deciding your moves and actions you can watch it all play out in real time. You can also pause the real time as well. Maybe you want a better angle and to careful see what took place. Pretty cool if you ask us. If that wasn’t detailed enough, you can rewatch your whole battle with the auto cam replay. So you can see where things went well or went wrong. What’s very useful is that there is an in game too which allows players to easily export their battles straight to YouTube.  

Now the Cylon are a serious enemy. They do not only have a charge head first strategy. this enemy actually comes at you in more than one way forcing players to stay fully alert and ready to handle multiple tasks at once. For example the Cylon may board a ship or colony meaning it’s up to your marines to defend, hold off and defeat the Centurion boarding parties. Wardriver electronic fighters may try to hack what systems you have, meaning firewalls are required to defend against them. Or the classical let’s bomb them out of the sky approach with Basestars launching missile salvos and Cylon raiders attacking. so not a simple enemy indeed.

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock

We checked out some gameplay and honestly it didn’t seem as fluent or as fun as XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. yes it is a different style but it seems like there is far to much planning instead of action. It’s great that there are many ways to go about it and that there is lots to look at but it makes it come off as slightly more boring. Off course, seeing gameplay is different from playing it and we haven’t played Battlestar Galactica Deadlock so we cannot confirmed this but who knows, it may give a different feeling when actually played. We do like the level of layers to this games strategy aspects.

Overall we think Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is a very good game. The graphics and environments look very nice. The music and sounds are very good as well. The story we hear goes quite deep and it’s more than a simple destroy the aliens story. The amount of emphasis that the game puts on decision making is how strategic games should be in most cases. As in it only takes one move to change everything. The developers, ‘Black Lab Games’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. This game might be worth checking out. The Cylon may be a serious threat but they ain’t nothing once compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Praey for the gods

Praey for the gods is a new action survival adventure game developed by ‘No Matter studios’. It’s coming out in December 2017 for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The concept behind this game is very interesting allowing for a story worth knowing about. Let’s take a look.

In Praey for the gods players are in a dying world. A desolate frozen wasteland. Apparently the weather there is eternal winter (which would suck so bad in real life). The seriously is never ending. Players control a lone hero who has nothing but the clothes on their back. We assume we will learn more about the hero as the story develops but keeping it a mystery would work well here as well.

Praey for the gods

Now the adventure here in Praey for the gods isn’t a pleasant one. certainly no winter wonder land. It’s brutal and the dangers and obstacles you face are huge and at times literally. You must save and restore balance to the land which is easier said than done as you will have to slay the very gods themselves. It doesn’t get harder than that. The concept of killing the very gods that the character believes in order to save the land and faced with questions that no one has the answers too just triggers thinking and mystery.

Now you must explore and progress through the lands, discovering some items like a bow and arrow and even a grappling hook which will allow you to take powerful enemies and make progress. This game sort of reminds us of tomb raider but definitely not the same. There is more of a dark souls feel in terms of timing your actions and dodges to succeed and avoid serious damage. We hope a game like this has high emphasis on difficulty.

We checked out some gameplay and we saw some of the so called gods in Praey for the gods. They were all big. Some extremely big like that bird creature while another is like a giant alive snow golem. another looked like a ing from Metroid 2 but more windy and flies like a spirit. Basically something from a horror game. We are already appreciating the variety and games need variety to keep things interesting and to keep players guessing. Definitely looks like some exploration is required. The controls also seem like what you’d expect. Nothing complex. There

Overall we at X35 Earethwalker think that Praey for the gods is going to be a very fun and interesting game. We wouldn’t call it special but definitely interesting. We can see some of the survival elements like avoiding lesser enemies like regular wolves and bigger elements like how it’s easier for the player to be killed and so actions like dodging must be for a reason and timed well. The graphics look very good indeed. The developers ‘No Matter studios’ did a excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for Praey for the gods. This is worth checking out. Now the gods may get plain here but nothing can slay… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Skyforge is a MMORPG developed by ‘Allods Team’. It’s coming out the 29th of November for Xbox One but already out on PC and PS4. Now when it comes to MMORPG, there is much that has to be taken into consideration. Has Skyforge done it right? Let’s take a look.

The story in Skyforge is actually kind of exciting. You play an immortal warrior who will walk the path to become a mighty god (as if being immortal isn’t enough). On your path you will gain followers (who know you aren’t a god but trying to become one by the way). You must fight to protect your world. The more followers you have  Now there is a special group called the ‘order of keepers’ who are known as the most powerful and best there is. They also get to shape the fate of the world. That sounds big and sounds like quite the journey. Now the more followers you have, the more powerful you become.

Now Skyforge has been inspired by some other top action- combat games. There is animated action not just wait around and click etc. So expect everything like combos, finish moves, movement and dodging. So not point and click basically. The combat gets deeper as you can switch between your classes with one click. So if some enemies require some ranged tactics then you can switch from a close range fighter to maybe an archer. What they did right though is that you can level up and improve all your classes at the same time. Like having exp share item in pokemon.

The world is always in danger here in Skyforge. The types of dangers range from other immortals, invaders and much more. So the mortals of the world need the players to protect them. Do so well and gain followers. You can also select what type of activity you want to take part in. For example there is: group, PvE, solo, PvP, raids and more. So there is at least some options. 

There are 14 different classes each with their own powers and abilities and off course style. Some are the cryomancer, the berserker, the paladin, the gunner, the light binder, the witch, the kinetic,  and much more. The Gunners are awesome by the way. As for the players after becoming a god you become over powered but there is a higher level… the elder gods. Who take OP (over powered) to another meaning. So watch out for others gods who have a bad temper. There is lots to do in this game literally like divine forms, invasions, big raids, distortions, anomalies and much more.

We checked out some gameplay and everything looks smooth. It’s what you would expect of a MMORPG. you have your character and you are running around exploring the big world and you may see a giant spider and so you cut it up. Find quests, complete them, you know the drill. Nothing wrong with it so far but seeing it and playing are quite different. 

Overall this looks like a great game so far. The graphics are very good, the sounds are good and the different locations and environments look like they are worth exploring. Only if we play the game can we get more information. The developers ‘Allods Team’ did a very good job with this game. Skyforge is worth checking out. now the gods are pretty strong but nothing is even half as strong… as the ‘Earth Walk!’.

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Spelunky 2 will be here and that’s exciting. It has to be the most exciting thing, in terms of gaming, that we have heard all year. Literally we are more excited for Spelunky 2 than Destiny 2, Evil within 2, Emily wants to play too etc. Spelunky was an excellent game and certainly worth playing. It was difficult, exciting and had a lot for players to do and try out. Spelunky 2 will eventually be here. Let’s take a look.

Now from what know about Spelunky it is safe to assume that the play style will all be the same. The developer ‘Derek Yu’ made it clear that some new things will arrive and some old stuff will make a return. The new things will have to be items, enemies, mechanisms etc but the old things will probably have to be the stuff that were signature to Spelunky like the ghost that shows up when you run out of time.

The developer also revealed his influence for the story of Spelunky 2. He got married and had a daughter (congratulations by the way and continue to have a great marriage Derek Yu). This is what’s happening to mr Spelunky as in the trailer he has a beard which shows time has passed. The child receives mr Spelunky’s signature hat as if passing on the mantle to his daughter but he fades away. His daughter looks out the window in deep thought but diligent. 

This all makes sense. Think about it. mr Spelunky gets out of the strange cave that he explored for treasure. If you completed Spelunky then you know that he found a lot of treasure, treasure which would easily gain him fame and a comfortable life. He can afford a house and to have a child. The child is easily amazed and super interested in her fathers adventures and judging from her clothes wants to do what he did or does. Maybe Mr spelunky went on one more adventure and hasn’t returned yet which is why he faded away. Does she go after him using the knowledge she learnt from her dad? A much deeper story here.

Now Derek Yu did say that he wants to keep what made Spelunky unique. Well that obviously has to be the whole cartoony feel of it all. Little characters with unbelievable upper body strength to carry three friends at once while climbing a rope for example. It was anything serious but casual fun. Casual fun but very challenging and you would see that if you watch the Northernlion plays Spelunky serious on Youtube. Another unique thing was off course the ghost the horrible moment of encountering the ghost for the first time, knowing you can’t stop it but it’s coming for you. Also what’s unique is the silly cartoony physics chain of events. For example you throw a pot at a powder keg to set it off. it blows up but the explosion throws a rock at you, which hit you in your head, which knocks you of the platform, which makes you fall unto spikes which results in your death. There are many wacky chain of events that people wouldn’t believe until they see it. Lastly that is definitely unique would be the tough shopkeepers who make you learn the hard way that you shoplifting is wrong. Also don’t try anything funny. Below is a video of X35 Earthwalker doing his first ever Spelunker run on the Xbox One:

Spelunky was considered by many to be almost perfect. Our suggestions for Spelunky 2 would be to make it bigger. After all, when you master Spelunky you can actually beat the game quite quickly and a bit easily. It becomes no where near the challenge it was. It needs more levels and maybe pathways like instead of heading to the jungle, you can go towards the dry land area or something like that, allowing more time spent and exploration. Maybe secret door ways that have various conditions for entry like number of enemy kills on that run. Make levels more chaotic as in more danger can show up at almost any time forcing players to be on their guard much more instead of casually causing through levels. We have more ideas.

Overall we at X35 Earthwalker are so excited for Spelunky 2 but disappointed that it will not be on Xbox One as that means we can’t play it until much later by the looks of it but we aren’t the developers and so it’s not our decision to make. As long as Spelunky 2 is released for many to enjoy that’s fine with us. Not much information has been released on Spelunky 2 and so we encourage everyone to be on the lookout for new information. Spelunky 2 is something you have to check out. Now we are excited for Spelunky 2 but nothing is more exciting than… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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