X35 Earthwalker Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Season 4: Prestige

Aliens: Fireteam Elite – Season 4: Prestige is the new update for the game. The developers ‘Cold Iron studios‘ and the publishers are ‘Focus Entertainment‘. This update is said to be coming out the 26th of July 2022 on all the usual platforms, so Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. We at X35 Earthwalker definitely want more to be brought to Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Let’s take a look.

Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a very good co-op shooter game. It’s very difficult game but gets ridiculously difficult on those higher difficulties. As in unfair hard. There’s lots of action and lots of Xenomorphs. Now Aliens: Fireteam Elite will become Aliens: Fireteam Elite – Season 4: Prestige.

X35 Earthwalker Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Season 4: Prestige

Aliens: Fireteam Elite – Season 4: Prestige has a whole new game mode called ‘Restock Turrets’. So basically you have to defend against a horde of Xenomorphs (what else is new?)… but by using turrets. You have to keep these turrets stocked up. This could easily be a good game mode bringing that zombie horde feeling to some extent. it depends on how they build it and a few variables.

X35 Earthwalker Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Season 4: Prestige

There are four new weapons. Disappointing that there’s only four. Two of them are shotguns, another is an automatic sniper rifle and the last is a launcher. One of the original shotguns are trash while the other can be useful. So these two new shotguns: Hand Gun: DKT-59 Misha and Heavy: P.649 HEL are most welcome. They better not suck. One’s like a pistol shotgun while the other is double shot shotgun. The automatic sniper rifle is the SVAT-92 Sokol. An automatic sniper rifle: SVAT-92 Sokol doesn’t suit the style of the game as much… unless it’s rate of fire and power are good enough. The launcher is the P.649 HEL. It’s more like a powerful energy laser weapon. Charged shots too.

X35 Earthwalker Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Season 4: Prestige

Lastly there’s the new prestige system… ranking system. Well now your experience points aren’t unless once you reach max level. Now they progress prestige. Do this to unlock new name plates and more. Every 10 prestige levels gets you gun colours, emotes, outfits, decals and accessories. So yeah, go level up. Oh and by the way Aliens: Fireteam Elite – Season 4: Prestige will now become cross platform. So more people are available and, easier to find partners for multiplayer.

We checked out some Aliens: Fireteam Elite – Season 4: Prestige gameplay. It’s what we expected. It’s still Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Just with a few more things. Too little if you ask us but it’s still more. Trying out these weapons and experimenting with them will be the main event for us most likely. Second would be the new game mode. 

Overall Aliens: Fireteam Elite – Season 4: Prestige looks like a nice update. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have two see what’s happening. Now Aliens: Fireteam Elite – Season 4: Prestige may have an update but it’s far too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Gears of War 6

Gears of War 6 is off course in development. There’s no way they will let Gears of War end in Gears 5. We are just going to be talking mainly about what Gears of War 6 needs to be great. It’s obvious that Gears of War has been going downhill. Many players have left the game and the developers have made bad decisions. It’s bad and things need to change. Only X35 Earthwalker is wise and intelligent enough to advise and know what needs to be done. Let’s take a look.

Now if you search right now for information of Gears of War 6, you will find websites that claim to have information with titles like ‘Everything we know’. Yet they have no information, just speculation. A complete waste of time. No shame. Desperate for views. X35 Earthwalker is greater, better and above all those others. If the developers, the Coalition, do not listen and continue down their stupid path of pleasing the Gnasher only using losers, Gears of War will continue to suffer and players will, as they have already, go to other games. Make Gears of War great again.

X35 Earthwalker Gears of War 3 is the best

First of all Gears of War 6 should be called ‘Gears of War 6’. Not Gears 6. That’s stupid. Call it Gears of War 6. We all recognise, grew with and love Gears of War. Gears isn’t good enough and doesn’t sound cool. When someone types GOW, we think Gears of War… not god of war. Next they need to bring back unlockable rewards. What do we mean? Remember Gears of War 3… otherwise known as the best Gears of War game. It had prizes and rewards for players who did certain things. For example if you got 1000 kills with the Lancer, you unlocked this and if you got 2000 kills with the retro lancer, you unlocked this, etc. These feel rewarding, gave a sense of progression, things to aim for and not everyone had everything. There was variety. Your skins and characters showed others that you accomplished this and that. Aaron Griffin was a rare one. You got him through accumulating so much wealth in horde. You had to spend a lot of time in horde to get that kind of money. So when people saw you with one of the coolest characters in Gears of War history, they knew you put in work.

Speaking of Aaron griffin, bring him back! the coalition are so stupid and have not wisdom or good decision making skills whatsoever. Gears 5 didn’t get an Aaron Griffin at all. The current best character and many players were looking forward to him but he didn’t show up at all. What a disappointment. Give players the characters they love. Not some random pilot dude who only showed up in a dlc and we didn’t even know what he looked like. We don’t care for that character at all. X35 Earthwalker does care about Aaron Griffin. Players like super star Cole as well. There’s a lot we can say but wise people don’t say everything. For example Gears of War 6 needs to bring in Beast mode from Gears of war 3. That mode was excellent in concept and just needed some touches to perfect it but a fun and very good game mode indeed. Bring that back as well. Like we said, we won’t say everything.

X35 Earthwalker Gears of War 6

Next is to make rifles useful again. We have done multiple G-blogs that have included or talked about this already. Rifles are suppose to be the main weapons of the game. Marcus holds a lancer. The Lancer is the star iconic gun of the game… not the gnasher. Rifles are a joke overall and rifles get removed or nerfed all the time to make gusher more and more dominate. It’s a gnasher only game now. Lancer is useful only when two or more players focus an enemy. Solo players suffer. Gamers like variety and we like to play with more than just one weapon.

Lastly… for now… bring back variety of weapons. Gears of War Judgement was the best at this. So many weapons and so many options which allow for different gameplay styles. Long range and support with markza. Rush and aggressive with sawed off and gnasher. Rifles made up the cover based and positioning battles. Gears 5 has no such variety of gameplay style. You play every game and match the exact same way. Lame. Stop catering to the gnasher only losers who get excited from stroking the gnasher. These guys are a much smaller size of the player base. Think about the ants and needs of the other larger size base of players. Gears of War 3 is the best hands down. Be more like 3. Bring back the Retro Lancer. If you are too trash of a player to handle players who use the retro then play with the bots and develop strategies to deal with it.

X35 Earthwalker Gears of War 6

Simply put, there’s a number of things that the coalition (the developers) need to do. If they don’t then expect Gears of War 6 to lose players also and for Gears of War to continue top be mocked and laughed at. Gears of War use to be up there with Halo… Halo! As pillars of Xbox. Not anymore. Do something right for once coalition. Use your brains. X35 Earthwalker is off course looking forward to Gears of War 6. Now the developers suck, that’s obvious and that’s according to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Sims 4: High School Years

The Sims 4: High School Years is a new expansion pack for the Sims 4 universe developed by ‘Maxis Studios‘ and published by ‘Electronic Arts‘. The Sims 4: High School Years is said to be coming out the 28th of July 2022 on Xbox Series X, PS4 and PC. Sims is a big, big game. It’s getting bigger. X35 Earthwalker knows the Sims very well. Let’s take a look.

If you don’t know what the sims are by now then you aren’t a gamer. You are an 11 year old raging while playing Fortnite. Fortnite is a great game by the way. X35 Earthwalker plays Fortnite Zero build. The Sims is one of the biggest games in terms of its content. The Sims 4 just keeps getting bigger and bigger and there’s no stopping it. There’s already a horror expansion where you can be a vampire or something. Now we are going back to prom days.

X35 Earthwalker The Sims 4: High School Years

Its high school years so you know what that means. Time for all the wild times, fights, dumb stunts, bullies, hot girls, jocks, homework and more. No musical and spontaneously bursting out in synchronised song and dance. Not sorry. So we do know that in The Sims 4: High School years you can attend classes, build sociable relationships with your teachers, chill in the cafeteria and even hang out/loitering after school. Even specific things like your locker can be decorated. 

X35 Earthwalker The Sims 4: High School Years

There’s more. The Sims 4: High School Years has prom off course. Dance all night really. You can have a crush and attempt to ask them out.  Make friends for a lifetime… maybe. After school activities are a thing. Read this whole description, “Make your bedroom your own, plan outfits with clothes designed by Depop sellers, and become a Simfluencer. Teen Sims can earn money by selling outfits and hyping up looks they design on Trendi right from their bedrooms, which are now more interactive than ever. Use a laptop, read a book in bed, or even have a pillow fight!” That’s deep for The Sims. A lot of stuff is happening here.

We checked out some The Sims 4: High School Years gameplay and it’s more than we expected. It’s deeper and more complex. There is the impression that there’s more mechanics than just click to go here and select an option. It’s like your sims will develop their own likes and dislikes as they go. Sort of like being a teen again and learning more things concerning yourself. You can even sneak out of home when it’s night time but there’s risks like how bad things can happen at night. Maybe your parents will get mad at you if caught. You can skip class too and risk being caught by the principle. 

Overall The Sims 4: High School Years is not what we expected. You can even make your Sim become a streamer. You can turn your bedroom into a streaming studio. Get a gamer chair, wireless speakers and even acquire LED panels. so yeah, there’s a lot going on for sure. The developers ‘Maxis studios’ have done a fantastic job with this expansion. X35 Earthwalker will have to see if it’s as deep as they are portraying into be. Now The Sims 4: High School Years may have wild days in store but they are too calm for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels

Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels is a racing game off course and it’s being developed by ‘Playground Games‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels is said to be coming out July 19th 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and PC. An Xbox exclusive off course. This is an awesome upgrade for the game. X35 Earthwalker will speak. Let’s take a look.

Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels is what you’d expect from the game title. Imagine Forza Horizon 5, which is a fantastic and phenomenal game (better than anything PS5 has right now. Don’t get mad), and combine it with Hot Wheels. What do you get? The beautiful big world of Forza Horizon 5 with it’s ranger cars + the tracks and race course designs of Hot wheels. Yes, that’s right. You love to see it. YES, YOU DO!!

X35 Earthwalker Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels

Yes, it’s that simple. Forza Horizon 5 with Hot Wheels tracks. Big orange stretching roads. This just simply adds a new dimension to this already excellent game. Forza Horizon 5 has some of the most beautiful and best graphics in all of gaming. Massive area of Mexico to explore. Mountains, rocky areas, ancient ruins, forests, water, beach, city and a bit more. Now all these become literal backgrounds for viewing as you race high above the area. These Hot Wheel tracks, well most of them are really high up and you can see everything Forza Horizon 5 has to offer. It’s going to be phenomenal.

X35 Earthwalker Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels

We checked out some Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels gameplay and it’s what we expected. Big long stretches of Hot Wheels roads. High up in the sky, giving that beautiful view. There’s also Hot Wheels like hazards like lava beneath you. There’s also gravity defying loops and hills. There’s even speed boost pads/strips on the ground to give your vehicle that much needed speed boost. So yeah, slightly new mechanics. It also seems like some parts of the map have been tweaked or changed to fit this new design. We do hope they add way more actual hazards too. Then have settings to manage this.

Overall Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels looks like it’s going to be absolutely fantastic. We have said a lot already. The developers ‘Playground Games’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what else this game will bring. Now Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels may have a brilliant and simple idea but it’s still inferior to the ideas of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Severed Steel

Severed Steel is a First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Greylock Studio‘ and published by ‘Digerati‘. Severed Steel is said to be coming out the 22nd of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, 21st on Nintendo Switch and 20th for PlayStation. It came out 2021 on PC but it seems like no one cared. X35 Earthwalker has already noticed some specific things about Severed Steel. Let’s take a look.

In Severed Steel you play as… Steel. Steel  is described as nimble. Just watch her move and you’ll see that nimble isn’t the word for it. This girl got almost all the movement needed. She out here running along walls and sliding around. She’s also only got one arm. So yeah, that’s quite the disadvantage but don’t give up on her yet. Steel does make up for a missing arm with a useful attachment. Very useful attachment. So go out there and shoot the enemies.

X35 Earthwalker Severed Steel

Now just by looking at Severed Steel, experienced players should already notice certain, familiar mechanics. Severed Steel feels like a combination, to some extent, of Super Hot, Titanfall 2 and Vanquish. The sliding around but most importantly the bullet time. There’s a lot of bullet time. Opportunities for lining up your shots and taking in the situation. You are also running along walls for that extra mobility. So rush an enemy, go along the wall and get behind them, then slide past with bullet time to end them with style. We like this as  we need games of different types. An action focused more casual shooter game is respected and needed. Good job.

X35 Earthwalker Severed Steel

We checked out some Severed Steel gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. Did we forget to mention that you can interact with the environment and even destroy it? Well we didn’t forget. The environment is destructible. You can even throw objects at your enemies to give you the advantage. With your arm cannon you can truly blast away the competition. We like the abundance of mobility. There’s even flips and dives in Severed Steel. There’s a variety of weapons from regular firearms to shotguns and even explosive weapons like a grenade launcher. Get to it.

Overall Severed Steel looks alright so far. Severed Steel isn’t a big story adventure. Nope. It’s just straight action with lots of bullet time, mobility, gunning and different weapons. We would like more information concerning the difficulty of the game and the enemies. The enemies have been described as “dynamic, unscripted, squad-based AI”. We don’t trust that right now. The developers ‘Greylock Studios’ have done a alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker need to see more. Now Severed Steel may have lots of action but it’s not big enough for the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker - Solstice

Solstice is a hack and slash action adventure game developed by ‘Reply Game Studios‘ and published by ‘Modus games‘. Solstice is said to be coming out the 20th of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. Solstice is looking real serious right now. X35 Earthwalker likes to see big new games that are bringing some fire. 

Solstice is definitely looking big right now. There’s a ‘holy kingdom’ of keidas which has a balance situation going on. Then wraiths show up. These feral creature invade and they are all about getting rid of all living things. There are beings called chimeras who are like hybrid warriors. They alone can face and defeat the wraiths. We won’t say more.

X35 Earthwalker - Solstice

In Soulstice, you control two sisters who have basically been reborn as chimera. Briar got a huge strength boost. Superhuman levels. Same for her toughness. Her sister, Lute, was sacrificed to bind her soul to her sister. She is now a ghost who has mystical powers. That’s how hybrids are formed after all. Two people must unite and one must be sacrificed. So Briar and Lute are powerful enough to face the wraiths now. They have multiple abilities and weapons to bring to this battle.

X35 Earthwalker - Solstice

Don’t forget that wraiths can corrupt their victims/prey and can even take it to the next level to possess their bodies. They overran a city and really ruined it. Briar and Lute get sent there to handle the situation and get the city back… but off course the group or Order they are working for has hidden agendas. So yeah, can they be trusted? We don’t even trust Soulstice. The city f Elden has multiple secrets and to find and puzzles to solve. 

We checked out some Soulstice gameplay and it’s what we expected. Lots off team work with your spirit sister. A ghost sister has many abilities. Stuff you would expect as well. Shielding, pushing back, attacks, enhancing and lots of support. We see a variety of attacks coming your way. We do like that the wraiths look like wraiths. They are ghoulish, long, and actually look like they come straight from a horror world. Scary maybe. There’s detail here. Enemies need to look scary and dangerous… most of the time. We know there are different types off course. For example there’s: Wraiths, Corrupted and Possessed. Let’s just say Lute may be able to help with that.

Overall Soulstice looks like it’s going too be a very good game. We like the animations and the visuals of the game. The combat looks smooth and that matters here. As always there’s so much we can say but we will leave it there. We can see all the potential and mechanics that can be done here in Soulstice. The developers ‘Reply Game Studios’ better not mess this up. This can be big for sure. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how big Soulstice becomes. Now Soulstice may have hybrids and wraiths but those beings are pathetic compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Temtem

Temtem is a massively multiplayer adventure game developed by ‘Crema‘ and published by ‘Humble Games‘. Temtem is said to be coming out the 6th of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PC. Temtem is definitely getting our attention. X35 Earthwalker has lots to say as he’s the expert but not everything should be said. Let’s take a look.

TemTem is really described as a “massively multiplayer creature-collection” game. Take one look at the Temtem trailer and you will instantly think of another big popular game/anime. We are not going to say which one though… okay fine, it’s Pokemon. The developers even admit that Temtem was inspired by Pokemon and we respect that. Now this is a big deal of course as being like the next Pokemon. There’s the biggest amounts of expectations. There’s more expectations and judgement here than you would get when Halo Infinite was going to be coming out. There’s so many factors. So many.

X35 Earthwalker Temtem

 So here’s the quick story. It is like every kids dream to become a Temtem tamer. A Temtem tamer is basically a Pokemon trainer. You find and catch these creatures and go on a big adventure together with them. The location is Omninesia called the ‘Airborne Archipelago’ which is made up of 6 islands. So now it’s your turn to go on an adventure, meet new people and hopefully find and catch new creatures. Maybe the term in Temtem is ‘tame’ instead of catch. 

X35 Earthwalker Temtem

There’s even a bad guy group. No group will be as iconic as Team Rocket Jesse and James. Temtem’s bad guys are called ‘Clan Belsoto’. They want to rule the whole Archipelago. What’s their ideology? Play the game and find out for yourselves. You lazy bums! Now Temtem does give us feelings of the game Tera. Temtem has far more focus on socialising and player interaction than Pokemon. There’s emotes, Rock Paper Scissors and many players can be seen running around and dong whatever. There’s vehicles to help you traverse the land and waters. You can ride Temtems and ACTUALLY SEE your character doing that. 

X35 Earthwalker Temtem

We checked out  some Temtem gameplay and it’w hast we expected. There’s also eight dojo leaders (gym leaders) who you need to take down and prove your skills. The battling does look quite cool. Standard battles but more active animations. Nothing too fancy yet in terms of mechanics. Will there be HM and TM? Are there side stories and multiple options? Are there different endings? Will Pokemon have personalities that actually matter and maybe effect how they relate to you? Will relationships with Temtem matter or no? Lots to think about. There’s a number of things we noticed and know but won’t speak on. Temtem has a lot to live up to and defeat. We want to see a game like this do well.  

Overall Temtem looks like it’s going to be a very good game indeed. Games like this are wanted and appreciated. There’s so many factors that the developers, ‘Crema’ have to take into account. There needs to be many Temtems, many moves and a good battle system. Do your best developers. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. TemTem many be the next Pokemon but it’s currently;y nothing compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Hellpoint

Hellpoint is a sci-fi action role playing game developed by ‘Cradle Games’ and published by ‘tinyBuild’. Hellpoint is said to be coming out the 12th of July 2022 on the Xbox Series X and PS5. It’s already out on previous gen consoles, Nintendo Switch, linux, mac and pc. Hellpoint went for that high difficulty formula that many players enjoy. Let’s take a look.

Getting straight to the point. Hellpoint is almost 2 years old. You should know the deal by now. If you liked Sekiro Shadows die twice, Lords of the Fallen, Mortal shell or Demon’s Souls then you should quite likely be feeling Hellpoint. You have health, stamina and another meter to manage too. You have heavy and fast attacks, can dodge, vanquish bosses in arenas etc. You know the drill.

X35 Earthwalker Hellpoint

Hellpoint coming to next sen consoles, Xbox Series X and PS5 players can expect an upgraded game. Expect better visuals, controls, frame rates and performance. Not only next gen upgrades but also the fact that there’s a new dlc called Blue Sun. So there’s something extra right there. Trailer down below.

Overall Hellpoint doesn’t look like our thing but the fans of Hellpoint should be happy. The best thing is that Hellpoint has multiplayer, so why not bring in a buddy to help you slay enemies. The developers ‘Cradle games’ are making some moves, especially with the couch coop. X35 Earthwalker will just have to wait and hear how this game does. Now Hellpoint might have dlc on the way but it won’t be as good as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Street Fighter

Street Fighter 6 is a fighting game developed by Capcom. Street Fighter 6 is said to be coming out on 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. Street Fighter 6 has got quite the number of people talking about it. Their views and opinions mean nothing when compared to the words of X35 Earthwalker. Lastly this must be said. X35 Earthwalker has been avoiding all spoilers and leaks. We aren’t interested. We will wait. Let’s take a look.

Now once again we must say this again. The first few seconds of the trailer we knew that Streets of Rage 6 was going to be excellent. The graphics and visuals are looking fantastic. Top level for sure. The developers should be proud. You know work has gone into it. This is needed as Street Fighter 6 needs to be the biggest and best Street Fighter yet. The streets look more alive than ever before. Speaking of the streets being alive, players can take part in the streets… literally. Street Fighter 6 has a single player mode called ‘World Tour’. You have your own fighter and you make a name for yourself in the streets. Facing other characters, running around the city, interacting with others and objects like smashing bins and more. This off course is a big deal and new thing, especially in the fighting game genre. 

X35 Earthwalker Street Fighter

Street Fighter 6 also has a Battle Hub which as the name implies suggests will be the centre for all the combat and competitive action. Like a lobby where players can meet up, fight, win, or lose (if you suck) but off course forge rivalries. Maybe there will be events here too. Making rivals in video games isn’t easy. Gears of War 3 was good at that but Gears 5 is terrible at that. Let’s see if CapCom is smart enough and good enough to make this work. X35 could easily do it. Now fighting Ground is where you will find all the modes in Street Fighter 5. The Drive System is what is setting Street Fighter 6 apart from all the others. The details are all on the official website. We understand the: Drive impact, parry, overdrive, drive rush and drive reversal. These are going to bring in whole new ways of playing and strategies. Waiting for that special parry, when to force your way through to your opponent. When to rush down etc. 

Speaking of new. We saw Chun-Li parry. Are parry’s back? Like in Third Strike. This is definitely a good thing and it brings in some more skill play and timing. now here’s something that Capcom needs to do. If they don’t do this, we will bash them for a good period of time and from here on see Capcom as idiots. They need to bring in Hugo! Hugo is the most hyped character in the whole game. We have seen Street Fighter tournaments, especially Third Strike and street fighter 4. When Hugo gets his command grab, the crowd reacts EVERYTIME. When Hugo gets his ultimate and he counts eins, zwei, drei… the crowd counts with him. That’s not happening for Ryu, Chun-Li, Guile or even Zangeif. Only Hugo. A master Hugo player is exciting. Hugo was always a lower tier character and struggles against many characters but in the hands of a master, Hugo looks over powered and unfair. The ultimate reward of hard work and persistence character. Hugo sucks but if you master him, he becomes so powerful. So bring Hugo in. Hugo fans want him, new players would want to try him. Hugo players will master him. Not a dlc character but a main roster character.

Lastly we have seen the Guile Street Fighter 6 gameplay video. Guile is actually looking powerful now. He was a strong character off course but didn’t look powerful. Now he looks strong. Has excellent details on his arm muscles. Triceps and biceps looking real strong. His hair is on the more realistic side and we rock wid dat. His moves look like they have far more impact. His moves are disciplined but basic. Which is what we expect from an American soldier. Smart and simple attacks that deliver the damage and work. It fits his style. Flash kick is not flashy at all. We aren’t happy about that. Flash is in the name of the move. His sonic booms look great. Less flashy but it actually looks like an actual force. Not mystical though. So we approve of that. His ultimate is exciting. Looks good and is consistent with his fighting style. We do like that characters now have multiple options. For example Guile’s ultimate in Street Fighter 5 was sonic hurricane. In Street Fighter 6 sonic hurricane is there but it isn’t the ultimate move. Think about that. What we do hate is the stupid customer Guile has on in the video. That dungaree thing doesn’t suit him at all. He looks stupid. So yeah, give other and better options. Guile putting his foot on you before finishing you is a statement and we respect it. 

Overall we are looking forward to Street Fighter 6 and we are going to see other character gameplay videos. There better be a Hugo video! Street Fighter 6 looks amped up and hopefully should be the Street Fighter of them all. Parries will bring in that game changer and allow for some comebacks. The developers ‘Capcom’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to this game (If Hugo is in it). Now street Fighter 6 may have the biggest fighter yet but it’s too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Arcadegeddon

Arcadegeddon is a cooperative multiplayer game developed and published by ‘Illfonic‘. Arcadegeddon is said to be coming out the 5th of July 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. Arcadegeddon wants to bring a wild gaming adventure. X35 Earthwalker will be the judge of how good it is. Let’s take a look.

Arcadegeddon has a pretty cool story. Basically there’s a local arcade. It’s about to be put out of business due to a mega corporation called ‘Fun Fun co’. Massive competition. One sided. The arcade owner, Gilly, has a big plan. He took all the top games in his arcade and connects them all into one… big game. A super game if you must. Problem solved… not really. Fun Fun co hacked the game and put in a virus. So yeah… it’s time to save the game.

X35 Earthwalker Arcadegeddon

Don’t forget that this is a cooperative multiplayer shooter game. This means you can enter the game with your friends and fight your way through these levels. There’s a mix of PVP and PVE in Arcadegeddon. This opens doors. Expect to face other players (hopefully not try hards) and off course enemies and threats. The levels have been described as ever changing. So players should expect some freshness in the gameplay. There’s 3 biomes right now but another on the way. There’s: Aftermath, Mystic Isles, Nerve centre and Downtown is on the way. We expect to see big variety in the biomes then. 

X35 Earthwalker Arcadegeddon

We checked out some Arcadegeddon gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. Use guns, guns and even more guns. There’s quite a range with different functions. Explosive, rifles, snipers, sub machine guns and more. Definitely more. There’s hordes for you to face as well. watch the trailer we placed here to see what we mean. Looks like it’s going to get crazy in here. By the way, there’s local gangs that chill in Gilly’s arcade. they will give you challenges. Completing them will earn you street cred. We won’t say more.

Overall Arcadegeddon is looking like it’s going to be a straight up silly fun game. Nothing serious. Just run around with your friends or family and gun down the horde. Bring out explosives, shot gun blast and more. We need to see more about how the biomes function and those changes. The gangs are plentiful and got lots of variety for sure. We hope they play a bigger role than just challenges. The gameplay looks nice too. The developers ‘Illfonic’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open concerning how much fun it is. Now Arcadegeddon may be many games connected together but even together it’s too weak for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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