X35 Earthwalker Elden

Elden Ring is an excellent game for sure. There’s no questions about it. FromSoftware did a lot of things right and does them well. We like the very big world of Elden Ring. We like the variety off enemies and the numerous bosses for you top fight, sneak around, avoid and even outsmart. We like that some enemies have certain weaknesses that can, with knowledge, be exploited. We like the variety to the lands in between. There’s different temperatures, levels of greenery and more. Yet even with all of that and more, the game still isn’t perfect. Elden Ring has problems… but here’s it’s biggest problem. Let’s take a look.

Quite simply it’s the strength build. Or lack there of. The strength build sucks!!! We hate it and it’s running the game for us. X35 Earthwalker himself is losing interest in the game because of the strength build. We don’t want to hear from those ‘know it all losers’ who have over 200 hours, done everything, have two giant super swords, strength stat at 80+ and that one boss who everyone found hard, they beat in two hits. We ain’t trying to hear from you sad lot. There’s no real reason to being a strength build. We started of with the strength and beat numerous bosses including margit the fell omen, renalla girl of the full moon, tree sentinel the tree hugger and crucible knight the scumbag (including when the knight teamed up with that beast boss). We did it all with the strength build just so you know that we have experience and did go far with the build.

When you look at the mage builds they are the easiest baby difficult off course but they are the most fun and coolest. They have over powered broken spells like calling down a meteor shower like attack. A huge kamekameha like magic beam from dragon ball z. You can bring forth a ball of fire looking like the sun, like you’re escanor from seven deadly sins. There’s all kinds of crazy magic that it’s no longer Elden Ring… it’s Final Fantasy XIIII. Now look at dexterity. It’s fast, swings fast, has more than enough time to avoid hits even after hitting. Plus they loaded with bleed effects which does crazy damage. Get the samurai class and dual wield the uchigatana and you set for the longest time. What does strength have? Think about it.

When you think of a strength type characters, you imagine that they are very strong, can take hits and stand up to strong enemies. Instead you have slow swinging weapons and their recovery time with such weapons are slow too, meaning it’s easier for enemies to punish you. Poise doesn’t matter in this game unless you are like new game plus 7 or whatever. Bosses attacks still rock you regardless. You don’t do amazing damage and you still die in three swings. Strength is slower than the dexterity builds, easier to punish than dexterity and don’t have as awesome weapons as dexterity. Also since you are investing points in hp, strength and endurance, you won’t have enough points in faith or intelligence etc to use those cool and crazy incantations and spells. All the really cool weapons with interesting effects require extra stats you wouldn’t invest in. Strength is boring (as Saitama would say). The weapons except for end game stuff are boring, you have all the disadvantages, poise doesn’t help. Strength needs some love. Developers did not balance things at all. We going straight to renalla to change our build. We are done with strength!

You might think this isn’t a big deal but that’s because you aren’t thinking deep enough. We don’t blame you, no one is as intelligent and wise as us, let alone X35 Earthwalker himself. When you are a strength build from the start and make your way through the game, you learn that you are basically playing hard mode and simple. Mage is baby/easy, dexterity is medium while strength is hard to brutal. So you are having the hardest time. On top of that, the majority of cool/interesting/epic weapons aren’t for you. Do you know how many times we find a new weapon or whatever, just to check it out and see that we can’t use it. We don’t get excited when a weapon shows up anymore. What’s this? A flaming super sword once wielded by the gods themselves? Can’t use it! X35 Earthwalker was stuck with the starting weapon for a very long time. Can’t use cool spells either. You get bored. Fighting bosses get boring too. The boss does its combo. You dodge everything, if possible, then there’s an opening so you swing once… ONCE. Then you have to back off or start rolling again. Why? Because if you take a second slow swing the boss would hit you before you have time to roll. That’s why. It’s dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge, swing, then dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge and swing again. That’s not really fun. It’s getting boring. 

Overall Elden Ring off course as said before is an excellent game. This is the biggest issue with the game in our opinion. It’s definitely negatively impacted our experience. Positive experience overall for sure. Enjoying the game but lately this big problem has slowed us down. Now Elden Ring may have strength classes but they are too pathetic for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

Ravenous Devils is a horror simulation game developed and published by ‘Bad Vices Games‘. Ravenous Devils is said to be coming out April 29th 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Ravenous Devils is definitely getting real raw with the concept. This game isn’t for squeamish people. X35 Earthwalker has warned you. Let’s take a look.

Ravenous Devils is unique right of the goat. Here’s the story basically. Players control two characters: Percival and Hildred. They are business partners who set up a tailor shop and restaurant like joint. It’s in a horrible city. It’s described as “city where crime, corruption and poverty are commonplace”. So many here are scum… just like Percival and Hildred. You see this business isn’t normal.

X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

The tailor shop is a front. You don’t care about the customers. They come, you get them clothes but then kill them. Then take their clothes, then dump their bodies in the shoot leading to the kitchen. From there, you use the bodies as ingredients make meals for hungry customers. Yep. That’s the business. You are killing customers to make food to feed other customers. It’s all about money. What a messed up world this game has created. Ravenous Devils is doing something different here. They are trying to stand out completely. The ones we know who surpass these evil lot are the companies and businessmen and women in Oddworld. Abe’s oddysee. Look at Rupture farms. The soul storm brewery, the bonewerks etc etc. This tailor/kitchen/restaurant business in Ravenous Devils is close. 

X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

We checked out some Ravenous Devils gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. You switch control between the two characters: Percival and Hildred. There is some tactics to this game off course. You can run out of ingredients for your meals, so players need to manage their resources. Also murdering your customers isn’t as easy as it seems. We might be wrong here but players will need to actually be strategic about it. You must choose when to kill them. Can you fail and get harmed yourself. This game isn’t trying to be family friendly. You literally throw a body into a grinder and start turning the handle to make some prepared meat. So yeah, if you are squirmish, then prepare yourself. 

Overall Ravenous Devils seems like an alright game. It’s like it’s set in The Sims universe but a bad part of the world where it’s basically lawless and crime is the hobby. Ravenous Devils has a nice, but evil, atmosphere and you don’t feel too bad as many people in that city is bad anyways. The voice acting is excellent. There is an upgrade system for your shop. There’s quite a mission here. The developers ‘Bad Vices Games’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to listen out for news concerning this game. If you want to support X35 Earthwalker then just head to our ‘support us‘ page. Now Ravenous Devils may have ruthless evil business but it’s something easily cleansed by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Halo Infinite Season 2 - Lone Wolves

Halo Infinite Season 2 – Lone Wolves. Think about that for a moment. Halo Infinite isn’t done yet… obviously. A very good as it is already nu8t off course it needs much more. This update is just a start. A wise person would have read the previous G-blogs written by X35 Earthwalker himself. Meaning you’s know Halo Infinite’s strengths and weaknesses. Halo Infinite Season 2- Lone Wolves… some quick thoughts.

The developers explained a number of things, hoping to answer the main questions of the Halo Infinite community. Here’s what they said: “I’m here to answer two questions that we know are top of mind for the Halo community: “What is the Halo Infinite team working on right now?” and “When can we expect new content and features?” I’ll start with brief answers, and then get into more detail, including sharing some new info on what’s coming with Season 2.

This is the focus of the Halo Infinite team, in priority order:

1 – Addressing issues negatively impacting the player experience.
2 – Completing Season 2 and delivering it as promised on May 3rd.
3 – Continuing work on Campaign Co-Op, Forge, and Season 3.

This part alone gives us bad signs already. Notice that the Campaign co-op AND Forge are the bottom priority! That’s so wrong. Bad priorities. The campaign is currently the best thing about Halo Infinite. An excellent campaign. It needs updates now. Forge can easily be the biggest factor of Halo Infinite. Those two are top priorities! Now that’s not to say that addressing (not fixing) issues negatively impacting the player experience isn’t important. That does matter still. One big negative issue is being forced to play with PC players. give players the option to disable that.

X35 Earthwalker Halo Infinite Season 2 - Lone Wolves

Halo Infinite Season 2 – Lone Wolves is said to be coming the 3rd of May 2022. We are hearing about Lone Wolf Spartans. Think of these guys as special forces spartans who tend to work alone deep behind enemy lines. Here’s the description “Lone Wolf Spartans are hunters. Trackers. They’re resourceful improvisers, operating deep in enemy territory without resupply or support. They’re fierce, rugged, and prefer to work alone—but they’re still loyal to the Spartan pack”. Now this is very cool. We like this idea of a variety of highly skilled spartans in different fields with different purposes.

We know that the spartan on the left is Sigrid Eklund and the one on the right is Hieu Dinh. These two look very cool. Fantastic details. They look like they might actually be a problem for the Banished. We want to see this type of graphical details in the game as well with multiplayer. Now will the Halo Infinite Season 2 – Lone Wolves give us a Halo Reach Noble team connection or feeling? We hope to actually care about these spartans and their names while giving them realistic interactions with the enemy within their abilities as spartans.

We hearing that there will be new games modes too. This sounds like it includes Infection. Infection also needs improvements. The whole mode need to be harder for the survivors. The infected need to be scary. The levels should be dark with clear footsteps for atmosphere. The alpha zombies need to be a real threat. Either they can’t be head shotted or they get extra abilities to make their advance more deadly. Infection overall should be a harder game mode. Big team battle doesn’t feel like a big team battle. The amount of vehicles are lacking too.  We are keeping hi short remember? We can easily say so much more.  

Overall we are glad to hear from 343 Industries. Their response wasn’t great but quite detailed. Forge and campaign co-op isn’t coming just yet. We must be patient. Developers, DO NOT RUSH. Take your time. There are a number of things that need fixing and changing. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to Halo Infinite Season 2 – Lone Wolves. Halo Infinite Season 2 – Lone Wolves may have a big update on the way but it’s so insignificant compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Trek to Yomi

Trek to Yomi is an action adventure game developed by ‘Leonard Menchiari‘ and ‘flying Wild Hog‘ but published by ‘Devolver Digital‘. Trek to Yomi is said to be coming the 5th of May 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. We see the colour scheme, we see the samurai weapons and know what’s up. X35 Earthwalker always knows. Let’s take a look.

Trek to Yomi has a simple story concept. Players control a young swordsman named Hiroki. You made a vow to your dying master to protect your town and the people you love against ALL threats. So being a samurai and all, your honour is top priority. You must keep your vow… or should you? So yeah, grab your weapons, get tactical and fight for your life.

X35 Earthwalker Trek to Yomi

So don’t just sit there. You must get going. “Voyage beyond life and death” is how they described it. Hiroki must confront himself and decide his path forward. Quite the description. The fact that you must DECIDE your path means there are multiple paths. So is there a whole ‘your choices have consequences’ mechanic going on? When you go through this game, make sure to check out the environment and surroundings. Have you seen the rocks, the lighting and how the lights go through the trees above? Definitely take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Trek to Yomi

Trek to Yomi is also said to have camera angles and visuals to help create a “true cinematic” experience. Doing the whole old school samurai movie. So take note of those angles. Hiroko is doing all this with a huge burden. He has failed to keep the promise before. So get up and do a beer Jon this time. We are sure you not you noticed by now but Trek to Yomi is black and white. Games that go black and white have a heavy reason for it and are demanding to be taken seriously. We won’t yet.

X35 Earthwalker Trek to Yomi

We checked out some Trek to Yomi gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. Remember when we said that you must protect against all threats? We didn’t say armies. There’s swordsmen off course as that’s obvious. Samurai and blades and all. There’s also supernatural beings as well. This is a very good addition to the game. Just human enemies would be boring in a game like this. Adding supernatural beings does spice things up. So know we have to wonder what will the supernatural enemies be. We expect creativity and actually cool enemies. It’s Japanese mythology after all. We expect some messed up stuff. The animations are fantastic though. We are digging that for sure.

Overall Trek to Yomi looks like it’s going to be a good game. The combat reminds us of batman Arkham city. Multiple hits, counter, they surround you, they come at you one at a time. Yep, that style. This means timing is key and maybe being patient. This doesn’t seem like a hard game though. Might even be too easy. We will again say that the visuals are excellent. We liking how the leaves and trees look in the back. How the wind blows them. The developers ‘Leonard Menchiari‘ and ‘flying Wild Hog‘ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open for this game. Now Trek to Yomi might have samurai weapons but those things are useless against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Bugsnax

Bugsnax is an adventure game developed and published by ‘young Horses‘. Bugsnax is said to be coming to Xbox and also on the Nintendo Switch on the 28th of April 2022. Bugsnax doesn’t really need an introduction really. It was talked about, quite a bit and wrongly made fun of. X35 Earthwalker knew this game wasn’t lame. Let’s take a look.

This will be a quick G-blog. Bugsnax is coming to Xbox and with a big update but more on that later. Here’s a quick story intro. The adventure of bugsnax takes place on Snaktooth island. The beings that live here are basically half bug and half snack… for some reason. Yes, you can eat them. We wouldn’t though. Basically Elizabert Megafig who’s an explorer, showed up at the island and is now gone missing. So yeah, go find her and watch out for the food creatures.

X35 Earthwalker Bugsnax

So expect weird characters, silly characters and funny moments. Use your wits and equipment to capture certain Bugsnaxs. You need to solve the mysteries of Snaktooth Island. There’s exploration required. People have spoken well about this game… only after people gave it a try. 

X35 Earthwalker Bugsnax

This isn’t just Bugsnax. It’s coming with a big update bringing new things. The update brings “around three hours of new story and quest content.” This island came up from the sea. So what’s that about? Also, this island for some reason has Bugsnaxs but they are “giant-sized”. They are much bigger than normal and can even bully you. We saw one bounce a person away. So watch out for burger Bugsnax

All Bugsnax players will also get a free new update: The Isle of Bigsnax! adds around three hours of new story and quest content where you explore a strange island that has risen from the sea, crawling with giant-sized Bugsnax.

X35 Earthwalker Bugsnax

We checked out some Bugsnax gameplay and it’s what we though it is. There’s definitely a lot going on in this world and the character interactions have a a lot of the highlights of this game. So don’t rush through anything. 

Overall Bugsnax seems like a good game. Not it’s not explosions and battle Royale but it has it’s own whimsical silly style. Now that it’s coming to the most powerful console, the Xbox Series X, you can now have the best Bugsnax experience. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an eye on this game. Now Bugsnax may have tasty creatures but they aren’t as tasty as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Winter Ember

Winter Ember is a stealth actin game developed by ‘Sky Machine studios‘ and published by ‘Blowfish studios‘. Winter Ember is said to be coming out the 19th of April on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. Winter Ember is coming quietly and plans to stand out with subtle details. X35 Earthwalker likes good useful details. Let’s take a look.

Winter Ember is set in a “victorian-esque” world. Players control a character called Arthur Artorias. He’s described as a faceless man. He is on a mission. Hunting for answers and revenge. Basically Arthur has been exiled for almost a decade. He now returns to the city called Anargal. This is where it all happened. Where he was stripped of his family, fortune and past. It’s time for action. Maybe quiet action though.

X35 Earthwalker Winter Ember

Now there’s a problem. A group called ‘greater heaven’ have taken control of the city. This group is tyrannical. They are militant and religious. You are no match for them in a head up battle. So this is where the stealth comes into play in Winter Ember. Sneak along the beams of houses and buildings. Go from shadow to shadow. Camp around a corner like it’s Call of duty and then pick your moment to strike. Cut down the number of enemies before getting into a brawl with them. There’s a lot built around the stealth mechanics and factor in Winter Ember.

X35 Earthwalker Winter Ember

There’s going to be a number of places and things to explore. Even hidden passageways. So get exploring. Stop being a coward. Be almost one with the darkness. Those corners must be hugged. We do like what we are seeing concerning the arrows that Arthur can have access too. The arrow crafting system in Winter Ember is deep. It’s said that there’s over 30 different arrows for players to craft. For example there’s a water missile arrow which can be used to extinguish fires and flames which off course creates dark areas for you to sneak in. There’s arrows with ropes, so you can reach high up areas. There’s smoke arrows that can be used to blind enemies. What about a poisonous arrow? Well… get crafting.

X35 Earthwalker Winter Ember

We checked out some Winter Ember gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. there’s real combat. You can face enemies head on. Pick your fights wisely. There’s lots of mysterious to discover and uncover. There’s also lots of treasure too. You must increase your visibility by direct sight. If you haven’t seen it, then you don’t know what’s there. Peep through key holes to spot enemies who might ambush you. There’s three different skill trees: Stealth, utility and combat. There’s over 70 different active and passive abilities for players to obtain and use for their revenge. We do like what they have done here.

Overall Winter Ember looks like a good game. We like that Winter Ember is trying to stand out with details. for example you can knock out an enemy but then that enemy will eventually wake up. Instead you can kill the enemy by slicing their throat. They stay dead but other guards or people will see and be alerted by the blood stain or mess you made on the floor, wall or carpet. Characters actually recognise blood and that something is wrong. The developers ‘Sky Machine studios’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to listen for what this game brings. 

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X35 Earthwalker souldier

Souldiers is an action adventure platformer game developed by ‘Retro Forge‘ and published by ‘Dear villagers‘. Souldiers is said to be coming out the 19th of May 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game looks like it’s bringing some battles. X35 Earthwalker is the master of battles. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker souldier

Souldiers has a bit of a strange universe. Not too strange though. Basically here’s what happened. You and your fellow soldiers re out fighting… for glory reasons. You all get sent to Terragaya. Terragaya is a mystical land that’s on the edges of the afterlife. Caught between the living and the fallen. So expect mythological creatures, expect death, expect enemies. Expect exploration and totally not natural stuff.  Your mission? To find the Guardian and therefore more on to the next world. 

X35 Earthwalker souldier

There’s three characters classes to pick from in Souldiers. Scout, Archer and Caster. Each one off course is different. Different weapons and therefore different ways of fighting. There’s magic, there’s archery and there’s shield and sword. the stats are health, attack, defence and agility. We are sure anyone can figure out what those represent. Right out the jump we are looking at the archer class right now. We hope the scout class (shield and sword) doesn’t become the plain basic one. Hopefully all classes become actually cool and fun to use. Powerful in their own ways. Oh and one more thing… the soldiers can’t die. How trippy is that?

X35 Earthwalker souldier

We checked out some Souldiers gameplay and it’s what we expected from a game like this. Souldiers has very nice animations. there’s multiple mechanics going on here in the combat. The Archer for example can fire different types of arrows. The arrows are on a cool down, so no spamming around here. You can upgrade your character and make your abilities and attacks more powerful. Enemies have the chance to dodge your attacks. So manage your mana, arrows and use your potions right. There’s masteries which is like an upgrade tree with mostly passive abilities to make you better.

Overall souldiers looks like a very good game. We like the environments and levels. Lots of colours around here. The enemies are aggressive and some have their own special abilities. A bat might yell at you… that’s scary. You can interact with the environment and some objects like turn a wind mill to produce wind to clear away poisonous gas. There’s lots of platforming and exploration required here so look around. The developers ‘Retro forge’ have done a very good job. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Souldiers may have undying soldiers but they will stay dead if they faced… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Aliens: FireTeam Elite

Aliens: Fireteam Elite is good hard fun. This is a game that has a lot going on and does many things well. If you just want straight action, explosions, bullets, fire and more then aliens: Fireteam Elite is for you. X35 Earthwalker, Diamondz L45 and N63 Prodigy have dominated the xenomorphs. Whats’s very good is that the xenomorphs fought back and has destroyed us a few times. We have written about this game before. Here’s a quick G-blog about this game.

X35 Earthwalker Aliens: FireTeam Elite

There’s many weapons and they actually function differently with their own strengths and weaknesses. This s a big deal because many games have lots of weapons but many are just an improved version of another making some weapons pointless. We aren’t talking about upgrades and progression like in a RPG. In Aliens: Fireteam Elite it’s different. The pulse rifle in the right hands is more powerful than the smart gun (both iconic guns by the way). The smart gun has smart aiming and allows you to easily handle swarms of enemies and frees up mental pressure that this game brings. Yet the pulse rifle requires good accuracy but when combined with the attachments and certain modifications, especially with the Gunner class, it dominates. There’s a strong rifle that behaves like a mini sniper rifle but if you can’t aim then that gun is trash. You see our point? If not then go boost your IQ.

X35 Earthwalker Aliens: FireTeam Elite

Variety is written all over Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Over 30 weapons, more than 70 attachments. The classes: Doc (Doctor), Gunner, Technician, Recon, phalanx and Demolisher are unique from each other and all are very good… except for two. The phalanx class sucks. It’s terrible. Unless you guys can show us something. We also aren’t a big fan of Recon. We see no real use for it. Just use something else. Yes some classes are better than others but they clearly do their own thing and we can win with each class. Players should get creative in Aliens: Fireteam Elite and find what works. We did and we definitely have combos and attachments to go with it.

X35 Earthwalker Aliens: FireTeam Elite

Don’t worry about not having a challenge. Aliens: Fireteam Elite has multiple difficulties. Normal mode is hard for many players. They can’t beat the game in the normal mode. There’s two more difficulties above that and they are brutal. We mean brutal. The xenomorphs are stronger, do more damage, can take more hits, harder to detect, the stronger units grab attacks can maybe even one shot you. Talk about unfair. You need the best weapons, good attachments and solid team work. If you lack any of those, you have no chance at all! There’s many types of xenomorphs. There’s said to be 11 different Xenomorphs. The big boss ones are just so stupidly annoying. 

Overall Aliens: Fireteam Elite is an excellent game. Multiple levels, high difficulty and can raise it to extreme difficulty where death is almost guaranteed. the horde is an actual horde at times. Many weapons, attachments, lots of combat, different xenomorphs and a whole lot of room for teamwork. Communicating at all times is key, covering your sides and deciding what is the bigger threat in the situation. We had lots of fun in Aliens: Firebase Elite. Lots of tough times too as the game is hard and can get you frustrated. Regardless Aliens: Fireteam Elite is worth playing and more should give it a try.  

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X35 Earthwalker Dolmen

Dolmen is an action role playing game developed by ‘Massive Work Studio‘ and published by ‘Prime Matter‘. Dolmen is said to be coming out the 20th May 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker being the smartest gamer to ever live, saw Dolmen and so now he speaks. Dolmen definitely looks like it could be special. Let’s take a look.

Let’s keep this simple for all of you, we are assuming, wonderful readers. Dolmen is set in a futuristic sci-fi type universe. Humanity has been colonising. They colonised several star systems. They also have space travel technology. They also have “genetic manipulation” basically making it so that humans can adapt to any planet condition. There’s an alien species called Vahani who are causing some problems. The key to all this is a crystal called Dolmen. Yep, we said it.

X35 Earthwalker Dolmen

All the action will take place on a planet called Revion prime where there’s an abundance of Dolmen. The Dolmen crystals are your top priority… well after surviving that is, get the crystals. It has been said that “Surviving is the last thing this world wants you to do”. Dolmen is one of those it’s easy to die games. Dying means your timeline gets eliminated. Exploration of Region prime is key. There’s many secrets for players to discover. It has been stated that you grow stronger with each battle. We would like to see how that works.

X35 Earthwalker Dolmen

There’s various weapons which can be used in combination with moves. We always believe that mobility is a big factor in battle. Players can go from melee to range, to melee once again. Of course one mode is better than the other concerning certain enemies. There’s also an energy mode which applies energy to your melee weapons causing elemental status effects. This should obviously be to counter the specific weaknesses of enemies. Now you can’t spam that as Dolmen requires the management of energy. Energy is also used for ranged weapons. So no spamming. 

X35 Earthwalker Dolmen

We checked out some Dolmen gameplay and it’s also going for that popular style of easy to die while some enemies are powerful. Think of Elden Ring how you can die so fast. Players must time their dodges, do high damage, get mobile, know when to be melee or ranged. The world doesn’t look that impressive. For the futuristic setting, alien race, advanced technology and the use of energy. We expected an impressive looking world. We have high expectations for Dolmen. So let’s be patient and see the improvements. The combat speed matters.  

Overall Dolmen looks like a nice game. Has the potential to be crazy but games have been failing semi recently so yeah, we will wait. When dealing with alien races you have full license to get creative. If the enemies look cool, we already on to something good; however the enemy we saw in the release date reveal trailer was lame. Didn’t feel threatened or impressed at all. We will leave this here. The developers ‘Massive Work studio’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game. Dolmen can easily become special but currently it’s a common for… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Godfall

Godfall is an Action Role Playing Game developed by ‘Counterplay Games inc‘ and published by ‘Gearbox Publishing‘. Godfall is said to be coming out on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Xbox One on the 7th of April 2022. Godfall is already out on PS5, PS4 and PC but we haven’t seen or heard anything significant about it back then. Godfall is suppose to be coming in hot. X35 Earthwalker will see for himself. Let”s take a look.

Here’s some quick small information concerning the story or lore of Godfall. The place of focus is Aperion. It’s “on the precipice of ruin”. Players control a valerian knight. Valerian knights are described as god-like warriors who can equip valorplates. Valorplates are legendary armour sets that make these knights become “unstoppable masters” of melee combat. Make your way through the elemental realms to find and fight macros. Who’s macros? Some dude described as the mad god. Yeah, go beat him up or something.

X35 Earthwalker Godfall

Godfall is all about big action. Godfall has been described as a looter slasher game. Godfall is also described as “fantasy universe filled with heroic knights and arcane magic”. Heroic knights tells us a bit about the game as knights are very versatile depending on the universe they are in but generally have variety options in their arsenal. We expect armour types, armour effects, armour designs and more. Arcane magic is a broader term. Arcane magic can mean anything, so we hope for a creative amount of magics and abilities. Big fantasy worlds must have large amounts of creativity. Not just the standard lame magic groups.

X35 Earthwalker Godfall

Now being a looter slasher means that there has to be lots of loots and things to find. Not every rpg game gets equipment and loot right. Drop rate, rarity chance, equipment effects, rarity actually being special, full pool of loot, can you get the same loot, can you do something with duplicates, equipment sets and do they have benefits, are equipped items visible and can that be toggled, how effective are the valourplate, how much difference do they make overall. We have lots of questions and don’t think Godfall will get it right. A game like this should have and does have multiplayer options. Godfall can be played solo, a couple or a team of three. Is there difficulty balancing for teams vs solo, are their benefits for playing solo and benefits for playing in a team. Or will team players always have the dominance and advantage over solo players? Games like Skyforge failed at this. 

X35 Earthwalker Godfall

We checked out some Godfall gameplay and it’s almost what we expected. It’s fast, heavy, melee action. You have to time the dodges very well. Can get punished. Feels like a faster Elden Ring in a way. We do like the combat and it’s a good speed but the enemies seem inconsistent. Now off course Godfall coming to Xbox consoles is a year or two later from original launch so things should be better now. There’s lots we have taken notice of like the attributes: might, spirit and vitality. We want to keep this short so we won’t dive into them but Godfall has lots of potential but clear concerns already. 

Overall Godfall looks like a good game and it certainly would benefit heavily from being on the Xbox Series X and S with how strong those consoles are. It’s strength is the combat and action. The bosses are humanoid but don’t come off as intimidating. More like a fair fight approach. The visuals are not impressive or up to the level that we expected. The particle effects are alright. The developers ‘Counterplay Games’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what’s up with this game and whether it’s coming in hot or not. Now Godfall may have so called god-like knights but even those are just brats in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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