Genesis Alpha One

Genesis Alpha One is a new sci-fi first person shooter game developed by ‘Radiation Blue‘ but published by ‘Team17‘. Genesis Alpha One is coming out the 4th of September on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Survival games can get real deep and we hope this one is done very well.

The story in Genesis Alpha One is basically, humanity is in a bad state thanks to many wars, very bad pollution and off course corrupt regimes. We all know it’s never complete without corruption. So 4 powerful or should we say influential corporations have started the Genesis program. Players control the captain of the Genesis starship. It is your duty to make sure everything goes smoothly and to make the right decisions.

Genesis Alpha One

So time for the survival stuff. In Genesis Alpha One, players will have to explore a really large universe. It’s never that simple. You will also need to collection and manage resources, build and manage a space vessel. If you can do all of this then completing the main mission is possible. What’s the mission? It’s simply finding new homes for humanities DNA and off course saving humanity from extinction.

Off course things aren’t that simple either. There are aliens around and boy are they hostile. some are even described as terrifying. Worse are alien infestations which off course have to be cleared out and handled, if that’s even possible. This means combat is a big part of the game as well. Genesis Alpha One is a first person shooter after all. Not much information is given about the aliens but some look like taller Juvies from Gears of war 4. There are some tentacle big mouth punching enemies and another that sort of look like a combination of head crabs with the main aliens from Star Ship Troopers. Scary right?

Genesis Alpha One

Not only that, technology is really advanced as you can clone things like creatures and even your own troops. There is permanent death in Genesis Alpha One which means every troop in your team matters. If they die, they stay dead. Every decision you make as captain matters. Sort of like with XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Not only that, it gets worse. It’s all random generated. So every time you journey into Genesis Alpha One, you will get a different galaxy loaded with dangers and things to do. It won’t be the same.

We checked out some gameplay. There is a lot of decisions to be made in how you approach things, whether it’s to set up defences like turrets, is it safe to search the alien bodies for DNA samples? Stuff like that. You also have to keep an look out for infestations which look like small fungus growth. If left unattended then expect a whole lot of trouble. Manage and have enough plants in your green house to keep everyone alive. There is lots going on and we like it. There is customisation as well. For example if you build a quarters for your crew members you can change the colour of the sofa and other individual objects. Glad to see that you can see what resources can be found on each planet. 

Overall Genesis Alpha One looks really cool. Seems like a deep game indeed. The graphics are very good. The sounds are great too. the planets are random generated so you never really know what you will come across out there. The combat is simple, point and shoot. There’s so much that can go wrong and knowing when to fall back is important. The developers ‘Radiation Blue’ did an excellent job. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward bro seeing what Genesis Alpha One has to offer gamers. Now the Genesis program has a big mission but that mission is so small when compared to… the ‘Earth walk!’

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Madden NFL 19

Madden NFL 19 is a new sports game developed by Tiburon. Madden NFL 19 is coming out the 10th of August on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. American football is fast and rough. Let’s take a look.

Madden NFL 19 is a sports game which should give all gamers a very good idea of what it is about. There is no story. It’s just playing sports which is fine. Select and use your favourite NFL stars and dominate the entire sport. 

Madden NFL 19 offers new levels of control and precision over your characters. There is also real player motion which is basically precise control over your characters movements. Now you can decide when you want to make a rounded turn or a sharp cut. 

Madden NFL 19

Let go of the buttons for Acceleration Burst and then move in the desired direction to cut sharply. Use the acceleration burst to dash past your opponents. The controls don’t seem that complicated which is a good thing.

So players must decide when they want to have fast speed but very limited turning or high dodging and quick cut turns but lower speed. So maybe if your opponents make a line then maybe zoom through them if there is an opening. Cut turns for 1v1.

Madden NFL 19

Players can also chain together a bunch of movements smoothly to make some advanced dodging and manoeuvres to get past the enemy. This sort of reminds us of NBA Street Vol.2 when you could do tricks like the ‘slip and slide’. That was cool. So there is some technical stuff to Madden NFL 19.

We checked out some gameplay of Madden NFL 19 and it looks good. Very good. You can select the kind of strategies for your team to use. So an additional layer of strategy and tactics. The animations and how the players interact with each other are very good indeed. It’s quite deep for an American football game. It’s something interested players will have to view for themselves.

Overall Madden NFL 19 is a good game for what it is. We at X35 Earthwalker are not sport game fans and do not care for American football, let alone the game but this game is very good from what we have seen. The graphics and sounds and stadium designs are better than before. The developers Tiburon did a very good job with this game. Now Madden NFL 19 may have star players but even they are small when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Strange Brigade

Strange Brigade is a new cooperative third person shooter developed by ‘Rebellion‘. It is coming out the 28th of August on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. There is quite a historical adventure going on here. Ruins, puzzles and treasure? Sounds familiar. Let’s take a look.

Strange Brigade, is set in Egypt 1930. Seteki was a major problem, and like the mummy that Brendan Fraser faced off against, it’s real bad if they come back from the dead. Well Seteki the witch queen is back. She was erased from ancient history and buried in a nameless tomb for 4,000 years. She has dangerous powers and a army of dangerous mummy monsters.

Strange Brigade is the name of the team that are going to face Seteki and want to stop her. Each of the four members of Strange Brigade are have been trained to face supernatural threats. Players take control of the Strange brigade who can use magical powers and have access to powerful prototype weapons. The official website describes these weapons like “brain-busting Blunderbuss”, “fire-spitting Krakatoa” and “ice cold Chill Burster”. Sounds strange but to deal with mummies it has to be something special.

Strange Brigade

So players should expect ruins, off course treasure and puzzles in Strange Brigade. Players must be on the look out for clues and objects that will help on your adventure. You don’t want to have to travel back to get something you missed. There are even secret entrances for you to find which will save you the trouble of running from rolling boulders and swinging across gaps with your whip.  

There are many locations for the Strange brigade to hunt the witch queen through, such as unstable caves, dig sites, and even exotic places like some cool pyramids. It’s clear this game is going for a very archeological feel and look. Like you are searching these ancient places for exciting discoveries and facts.

Seteki like any supernatural mummy didn’t come back alone. She brought an army with her. This army consists of dangerous monsters like: assassins that can breathe fire, giant scorpions, mummies who won’t shut up and even minotaurs who wear armour. There is definitely much more threats out here in Strange Brigade. oh and yes, those monsters are loyal.

Strange Brigade

What archeological, ancient rune, temple, mummies, super natural threat world would be complete without a bunch of deadly traps everywhere. You know, the good ol fashion crushing ceiling trap, or poison dart traps or delay pits in the ground. So players of Strange Brigade should expect boulders, spinning blades and even fire traps. 

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not exactly what we thought it would be. The movements are good. Things seem to work very well. The combat like the enemies attacks are fluent. There are relics to unlock to get more amulet powers. Look out for secret doors that we recommend you solve as there are some worth while stuff through there. Like with Tera, use power stones to upgrade and improve your weapons. The more powerful the weapon you get the more sots available. The fact that it’s four player co-op is the best. So grab your family or friends and face mummies together. 

Overall Strange Brigade is a very cool looking game. Even excellent so far. The graphics are very good and colourful in many places. The sounds are great too. The level designs is actually deeper than most think and there are multiple paths and ways to handle stuff giving players the option. The developers ‘Rebellion’ did an excellent job with this game. We just hope that the main villain in Strange Brigade is actually a threat, puts up a fight and interesting. Now Strange Brigade may have armies of monstrosities but even they are nothing compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Gene Rain

Gene Rain is a new futuristic third person sci-fi shooter developed by ‘Deeli Network‘. Gene Rain is coming out on the Xbox One the 24th of July and some time later on the PC but it’s already out on the Play Station 4. Let’s take a look. 

In Gene Rain, players take control of the death squad who’s job is to stop the gene rain. The gene rain is basically a spray agent that can mutate genes, which got released into the air. Yep you can guess that this is bad. The agent mixes into the rain. So mutating rain everywhere which causes some issues. The Death squad is made up of three members: Alex, Salman and LiYing. 

Gene Rain

Alex is the leader and is human but also part robot. Salman is known as the shield of the Death squad and is a mechanical human. LiYing is all human and called the soldier of the Death sqaud. Quite an interesting mixture of characters in Gene Rain. from all robot to half and full human. Even though they are different it has been made clear that they all have the same goal. 

Gene Rain has quite a lot of lore, history and back story. Even on their steam page is quite a lot of information from 2049 to 2089. So it’s worth checking out for that extra information. There are three different forces who are clashing with each other. Unlike the Death squad these forces have their own agendas and goals. Let’s hope the death squad are ready for this.

Gene Rain

There are 9 weapons confirmed in Gene Rain and the three main weapons can be upgraded. There are also a good amount of character attributes which can all be upgraded also. In terms of level design and environments there are four types of areas you can encounter. They are: A quiet town, a dark city, a destroyed city and a deep canyon. So basically three city like areas and one cave like place. Not much variety here but they are doing what they can with what they have. We respect that here at X35 Earthwalker.

In terms of the enemies as that’s very important, there is 12 in Gene Rain. Each one is different having it’s own behaviour and attributes. Some examples are the jumping spider which are fast moving can jump very far and like elevated areas to fire down at targets. The thunder has a strong defence and high amounts of fire power. The hunt fly is all about speeding towards you, latches on and then aims to explode. Inspectors are tough, can give commands, very tactical and have long range sight. There are more, some of which can be a real problem.

We checked out some Gene Rain gameplay and so far it’s good for what it is. It’s not a game you can compare to Gears of war or Halo and their super high quality. What the developers have made works well. The companion A.I seem too slow to react especially if an enemy gets past them to come for you. The enemies however do look very cool. This game looks like it will be a huge problem on high difficulties. Some weapons look very weak but there are some strong powerful ones. Good amount of guidance for campaign allowing players to know where to go.

Overall Gene Rain looks like a cool game. It’s a nice project and it’s looking good. The graphics look very good. The sounds are alright. The level design does need more variety. The developers ‘Deeli Network’ did an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker say keep it up and go on to make better games. Now Gene Rain may have the Death Sqaud but they are no match for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Paladins is a team based shooter game developed by ‘Hi-Rez Studios‘. Paladins, Champions of the realm is one of those games that X35 Earthwalker himself got into, sort of recently. So far we have had a fun time but there’s quite a lot going on. Take a look.

In Paladins, two teams of five champions go head to head to either out slay the other or generate and push a payload to their enemies side of the map. Sounds simple but there are many factors to this. There are a bucket load of characters to pick from and each one has a role and their own abilities. The roles are: Damage, flank, Support and Front line. Damage is well… all about dealing damage. Flank are all about getting around and hitting the enemy from the side of behind. Support do anything from buff and heal allies and nerf enemies. Front line are suppose to be tacky (take a lot of damage) and stay in the front grabbing attention.

So the main strategy in Paladins is that the front line goes for the payload and stands in the area for the objective. The support strengthens and heals the frontline to keep them alive. The flank splits the enemy teams’s attention by attacking them from their side while the damage dealer tries to finish destroy everything. Off course, the enemy team won’t let you do that. So you have to keep an eye on their flank, shut down their support and avoid taking damage dealers head on. There isn’t that much variety to the maps to play on but they have been carefully designed and each one off course presents different opportunities. Some maps are more suited for some champions more than others. Make sure to lay all and know what’s best for what champion. Experience is key in Paladins.


Each champion in Paladins has their own abilities. 4 fixed ones, one ultra and one you which is more like a perk that you must keep for the whole match. No characters in Paladins are really similar, despite what haters say. There are three Champions who use rifle like guns: Viktor, Tyra and Vivian but each of their guns have a different rate of fire, clip size and damage per bullet. There abilities and uses truly separate them. Viktor can throw grenades for additional area of effect damage and run very fast to chase down enemies or retreat quickly. Tyra has a grenade launcher which is area of effect damage and fire bombs which sets the area of fire for area denial. Vivian has a frontal shield that takes the damage for her and sensor drones which reveals the locations of enemies in a big radius.

Now just from what you heard about these Paladins characters, you can see where they shine most or come up with different play styles; however there is more. For example if you select the cardio perk ability Viktor heals for 250 health every second while using hustle. So players can chase down enemies knowing that they will have more health than them; or run away while healing making it harder for you to die. If you then use the right card in your load outs you can grant damage resistance during the hustle to make you much harder to kill while chasing or retreating. With Tyra you can use many cards in her load outs to make the fire bomb ability cool down much faster and then combine that with the ‘Burn monster’ ability and she can pretty much shut down a payload objective as no one will want to stand there at all. So come up with some combos.


So you can imagine the many different play styles and strategies that players can come up with the many different champions. Who knows you may even be able to stand up to X35 Earthwalker who has been called the greatest Jenos player in the world. What’s really good about Paladins is that players can see the statistics for the damage of their attacks, how much percentage does damage reduction grant and life steal etc. This makes Paladins quite mathematical. You can actually calculate who would win in a straight up fight through maths alone or know how much of what is needed to survive an attack or take someone down. So those who paid attention in school will have a definite advantage here. For example Buck’s shotgun does 700 damage per shot and rate of fire is one shot per second. So if you got level 3 damage reduction Buck’s shotgun will instead do 490 damage to you. Meaning if you are let’s say Tyra, it will now take you 5 seconds to die to buck instead of 4. That extra second sounds small but in Paladins makes a difference.  

Off course a game as statistically and large like this will always have problems with character balancing. Some characters seem to outshine others while some are too powerful maybe. For example many have a problem with Maeve. Her daggers deal 400 damage each. You throw both at the same time which means 800 in total. This means she can kill Vivian within 3 seconds. Others take 4 seconds. Not only that, she has an ability called Artful dodger, where activating nine lives heals her for 400 but then combine her pounce, which nine lives can reset the cool down of by the way, she can deal and extra 800 quickly meaning she can kill someone like Skye in slightly under 3 seconds. Now that’s fast, too fast. Buck is another character that some have something against. He deals 700 damage as we already discussed but can also heal himself 1000 over 1.5 seconds but if you use the a bulk up ability you heal for an extra 600 and your maximum health increases by 300 for 3 seconds. There are also multiple loud out cards that grant damage reduction to using Recovery and Heroic leap meaning Buck becomes one of the most difficult things to kill while dishing out so much pain. Worst of all both Maeve and Buck are FLANKS! They aren’t damage types. 

Which brings us to the next issue. Flanks shouldn’t be able to out damage, damage dealers. Damage champions should be the ones that you don’t one to 1v1 against as you should almost always lose. We have seen Maeve and Buck out damage and kill damage characters in 1v1 and not by catching them off guard which shouldn’t be the case. Flanks should either have low health and second highest damage or medium health but really high mobility to run away and come back later to harass the enemy. Oh well, we aren’t the developers. Lastly for now, we don’t like how long it takes to level up your character naturally. We know you can spend earned gold to level up faster but that’s not how we roll here at X35 Earthwalker.

After playing Paladins for a good while we can say this it’s an excellent game. Always a lot of fun and different things to try. Some characters are clearly harder to use than others. Terminus can be very difficult and match up is everything for him. If you are Terminus and your opponents are Viktor, Lian, Buck, Tyra, those with guns then you are going to have a good time as they get countered by Terminus so hard. We have learnt and discovered so many cool things that there is multiple reasons to keep playing this game this. The good certainly outweigh the bad here. We’ve never had any interest in Overwatch and Paladins but now it’s clear we prefer Paladins. That doesn’t mean that Overwatch isn’t a good game.

Now Paladins may have loads of characters to choose from and the mechanic to ride horses and mechanic cougars but those aren’t good enough to it to compare to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Mothergunship is a new first person shooter bullet-hell developed by ‘Grip Digital‘. It will be coming out the 17th of July on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Mothergunship is serious about making a big mark in the gaming world. Lots of bullets and big problems. Let’s take a look.

Mothergunship has been described as a bullet hell so you know it’s going to be intense and something serious. Not only that it’s a bullet hell first person shooter which is crazy in itself. Players must face off against and defeat an robotic alien armada that has already conquered earth. To do this players must craft their own weapons, which have been described as over the top. 


The developers description says it has “one of the largest gun customisation options seen in video games”. This is a big claim indeed. The guns that gamers could craft have been described as monstrosities that no reasonable person could ever lift. So expect big weapons. Crafting in Mothergunship is actually very deep. You can make a bunch of things happen. Like even plasma, lasers, cannons, rockets, shotguns, machine guns and much more. We have even seen a multi barrel rocket launcher. It gets crazier than that.

Now Mothergunship should make some gamers get a Ultimate Doom feeling or even the latest DOOM. This is because it’s all about mobility, It’s all about movement. If a players stays still they will be dead guaranteed. With so many enemies, attacks and off course projectiles coming your way, you’ll have to keep track of the big enemies and loads of projectiles all at the same time. So keep moving, look for weak spots, dodge enemies, don’t get cornered, and slip through all bullets. Sounds simple right? 

  1. Mothergunship

We believe that players will have a great time in building their weapons. The ideas are pretty much endless. Use connectors, barrels and caps to make any combination really. There are even these attachments by the look of it to add effects like increasing criticl chance. The ultimate goal is off course to fight your way towards the Mothergunship which is where things get real crazy.It’s all random generated levels too so don’t think you can plan for the next area. Just be ready for anything. 

We checked out some Mothergunship gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be mostly. There are many enemies with some variety, many threats, lots of bullets etc. we honestly though it would be more chaotic but maybe that’s the case further in the game to the point where it could be described as unfair. We hope so.  The different weapons are very cool indeed. The bosses so far haven’t impressed us yet. We hope to see more of them to get a better understanding of them. 

Overall Mothergunship is a very cool game indeed. The graphics look excellent and the sounds are very good. The bosses are definitely large and powerful but don’t seem as that much of a threat as of now. The variety in weapons is excellent. The developers ‘Grip Digital’ did a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to Mothergunship. Now Mothergunship may have loads of different weapons to craft but no where near as much options in… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Tempest 4000

Tempest 4000 is the new action arcade style game developed by ‘Llamasoft Ltd‘ but published by ‘Atari‘. It is coming out the 17th of July on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Jeff Minter is the developer of Tempest 4000 and made sure that it stayed true to the original Tempest game. Let’s take a look.

Tempest 4000 since it’s staying true to the original Tempest, players can expect loads of high speed combat, lots of enemies and threats all while keeping an eye on where you are at all times. Sounds crazy but that’s sort of what this game is about. 

So from that it’s obvious that there isn’t much to say about this game we all should know by now what to expect. what we do know is that the game off course has a graphical boost. Expect all the Tempest 4000 action in colourful 4K resolution. There is also a leaderboard so you can see how your score stacks up to the rest of the world gamers. 

Tempest 4000

Like all other remasters/ remakes and whatever, there is new music with beats that could possibly get the head moving and maybe the shoulders (if you know how to dance). There are 100 geometric levels which is allot in case you couldn’t tell. Each filled with different enemies who won’t make this easy for you. Players can also find different weapons and powerups as they are definitely needed. Lastly there are bonus rounds which grant the opportunity to earn upgrades.

There are three game modes (they always do three). They are: Survival, Classic and Pure. Each one will see how good you really are. In Classic mode, players have three lives and given the chance to continue from the last level they completed. Survival mode is where you have 8 lives and you just go to go for a s long as you can. Pure mode is where you also have three lives but if there run out, you must start from the beginning. Pretty cool right?

We checked out some gameplay. It’s what we thought. All chaos and lots of high speed combat. Players will need some reflexes for this game and quite an amount of concentration. Players have to know what side they should be on, when to move and what to get rid of first. Some say, just listen to the music but that isn’t as effective here. Not a big fan of the graphic style though.

Overall Tempest 4000 is a very cool game. It’s not as great as we thought it would but it’s a good  at what it does. The graphics and good but the music is very good. The level designs are very good as well. The developers ‘Llamasoft Ltd’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are not looking forward to Tempest 4000 but we are sure others are. Now Tempest 4000 may chaotic but it’s chaos is no match for the order of… the ‘Earthwalker!’

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Lumines Remastered

Lumines Remastered is a music puzzle game developed by ‘Resonair‘. Lumines Remastered came out the 26th of June on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This game is the new and improved version of the original which came out in 2004. More blocks anyone? Let’s take a look.

Lumines Remastered is one of those games for casual gaming. Having a good time and relaxing. In Lumies Remastered players must drop in and align blocks of 4, which have different colours, normally 2 different colours. Once a combo of the same colour has been formed, it will remain there until the timeline sweeps across. It’s all about getting things ready in time.

Lumines Remastered

To get even more points, you just have to add more of the same colour to the combo. Then there are multipliers which are only gained through having combos that consist of 4 or more quads in a single pass of the timeline. Sounds simple right. Right?

There are over 40 skins with different atmospheres from more relaxed and chill to something faster with a beat.  More can be unlocked in another mode. 2 Player local play is available and have a block off or make it your mission to climb the online leaderboards.

Now Lumines Remastered. Is basically just a superior version. There is even vibration settings which allow for more ways to play such as rhythm & blocks, blocks only and no vibration. Lumines remastered is all about working to the music.

We checked out some gameplay and we aren’t impressed. Lumines was obviously very popular with many gamers but we don’t exactly see why. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, not at all. It’s just definitely not our thing. It’s all in HD and 4K so be prepared for that. Better and more music with more going on than before. Shuffle mode is new and it’s basically the levels you have unlocked but you go through them in random order. Endless mode is still there.

Overall this is a improved version and any fans who loved the original would love Lumines remastered definitely. The graphics and music are great. The developers ‘Resonair’ did a great job. Once again this isn’t our thing out thing and so we at X35 Earthwalker aren’t going to check this out. Now Lumines may have gotten remastered but one thing that doesn’t need remastering is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Super Destronaut DX

Super Destronaut DX is an action arcade shooter developed by ‘Petite gaming‘. It is coming out the 11th of July on the Xbox One, PS Vita and PS4. It’s also coming out later on the PC and Nintendo Switch the 13th of July. Super Destronaut DX is tiger and crazier than before. Let’s take a look.

Super Destronaut DX is all about bringing back that old retro arcade gaming feeling. Straight away gamers can tell what old legendary game inspired Super Destronaut DX. Another clue? Some have called it the king of games. Now you’ve got it. Space Invaders! Just like that game, here players will be fending off against a horde of aliens that keep trying to reach the ground.

super destronaut DX

Now the there isn’t that much differences between the two. The aliens however are of a much greater variety here with very different shapes. Some look serious while others look silly but all are fun. Now developers building a simple game like this need to keep things interesting and show that this game is different, worth playing. Well there are 30 different challenges to conquer in Super Destronaut DX. An online leaderboard for the many challenges and scores. 3 different game modes which are: Time attack, Classic mode and Hardcore. Whenever we hear hardcore we instantly think of Dead Space 2.

This game is all about the score though. Everything is about getting your score as high as possible and being in competition with players all around the world. So that would off course mean there are different scoring techniques that gamers must be aware of. Super Destronaut DX also has 2 player multiplayer. This is always a great idea for games like this. The best 2 player Space invaders game we ever played was Space Invaders on the PS1. There were different powerful bosses, different types of aliens with different attack patterns and effects, and off course different power ups and some upgrades. Super Destronaut has different weapon types as well.

We checked out some Super Destronaut DX gameplay and it’s what we though it would be. Sort of like what Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 did with Pac-Man, basically the same thing but better music, better visuals, crazier and modern. We are really enjoying the music though. We don’t like the narrator voice (Barry Dunne). We saw the homing missiles shots, spread shots, explosive shots and more cool features. This game looks cool.

Overall Super Destronaut DX looks really interesting and fun. It’s basically what you would expect from a game like this. There isn’t much really to say about this though. It’s that simple but got content. The graphics and visuals are very well done indeed. Once again, the music is great. The developers ‘Petite Gaming’ did an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing this game hit the stores and how gamers will receive Super Destronaut DX. Now this may be an upgrade but it still isn’t on the level as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Defiance 2050

Defiance 2050 is a new massive multiplayer cooperative shooter game developed by ‘Trion Worlds‘. It’s coming out the 10th of July on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Defiance 2050 is out to make it’s mark in the world of gaming. Let’s take a look.

In Defiance 2050 players take on the role of a ark hunter who is in a race for alien technology. This is all because some beings called the Votan, showed up and terraformed the earth. Earth is far from safe and your life could end incredibly fast. An ark hunter is a pro in salvaging, tracking, survival and combat. They go where others will never go and retrieve alien technology. When any alien technology falls from orbit onto earth, the ark hunter must race there, fight of other aliens and ark hunters to get the goods for themselves. So players can either hunt alone or in a team. 

The world in Defiance 2050 is pretty much alive. What did you expect it’s a large open world game. There are many main characters who each have their own profile and business to go about. Players must decide if they will be friends or foe. From doctors like Even Niden to law keepers like Jon Cooper.  

Defiance 2050

There is a story mode in Defiance 2050… well sort of… basically their are main missions which are directed by the famous scientist, Karl Von Bach who is the owner and CEO of Von Bach industries. He’s also the chief engineer in the weapons devision. These main missions will take players on a earth republic funded expedition to locate and collect a certain alien relic. Off course there are unknown forces at work here who aren’t going to make our search easy.

There are also side missions in Defiance 2050 which can consist of combat based missions like eliminating and holding of enemies to getting in and salvaging technology items etc. There are contracts which players can accept from some business owners who are chilling in the bay. Completing these contracts will increase your reputation with the owner resulting in reward which includes sweet stuff (not honey) like equipment and even weapons. There are also challenges too. These challenges are just there to test the players skills. Challenges are everywhere and players can earn medals and even aim to get their name on a global leader board.

 A large open world massive multiplayer shooter game like Defiance 2050 has to have a ton of weapons. It does. Thanks to the alien technology and Voltans, crazier weapons have become available. So ark hunters must get their hands on weapons like the Spread rocket launchers, which rains death over a large area, Sub machine guns which are for close range combat, Sawed off shotguns because unlike the salty fans of Gears of war, Defiance 2050 understands that it’s a good weapon, Charged sniper rifles which deliver heavy damage from far away, Light machine guns for that all round favourite gun style more weapons.

Defiance 2050

You thought the amount of weapons was a lot, wait to you hear about the enemies. There are a ton of enemies around and all of them require an attitude of shoot first, ask questions later. There are scrappers who were formed from scrap and salvaged technology who have shown signs of increased intelligence but still hostile. Hell bugs who are dangerous creatures that come from deep below the earths surface and who are coming for both Votans and humans alike. The volge are a world conquering species who have no allies, no mercy and do what they got to do. There strikes are as fast as they are dangerous. The afflicted who are victims of a plague and now from as mindless aberrations, dangerous ones with different forms and weaponry. Not your typical zombie. The Skrill who are basically large than normal glow bugs who have been experimented on to become a powerful, hungry dangerous specifies with natural explosives. There are even more enemy factions that players must watch out for.

 We checked out some gameplay and it’s looking good so far. As a massive multiplayer shooter you’d expect many players running around, gunning enemies, collecting stuff and trying to survive. We are initially disappointed with how easy the game is. It’s almost like you don’t need to take cover. You are another person can just stand there and take out the enemy easily. Not sure why the players jump like they are master Chief from Halo, hovering in the air for a while. The environments are not as exciting as we thought. It comes off as sort of empty but we bet that’s not always how it is. The enemies better stand out clearly from each other and have different behaviour. Otherwise, everything looks good. There is a lot of potential in this game.

Overall Defiance 2050 looks good. We won’t say excellent though. The graphics and animations could be better but we like what they done with the world. We love how cooperative this game is, so grab your many friends and ravage the lands. The developers ‘Trion Worlds’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open for Defiance 2050 to hears what’s happening before we look for it. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check it out for yourself. Now Defiance 2050 may have a huge survival issue going on but the one thing without any issues is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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