20XX is a action platformer developed by ‘BatteryStaple Games‘. It’s coming out on the Xbox One the 11th of July, PS4 and Nintendo Switch the 10th of July but already out on PC. Now 20XX has been heavily inspired by Mega Man and it’s clear but do they have more to offer? let’s take a look.
There isn’t much of a story in 20XX. Basically players are fighting to save the human race (maybe). We say maybe because that what the developers keep putting after that sentence. So are we the good guys? What’s really going on here? Guess you’ll have to play to find out. Just like Mega Man X players must run, jump, shoot and blast their way through enemies and levels. 20XX does offer gamers a bit more though.
20XX is also rougelike. You know what that means. Yes, the levels are all random and always changing. 20XX uses procedural level generation algorithm that combines different game mechanics to also change how players handle each level. Some levels will have more emphasis on combat while another may be heavy in platforming like timing jumps. The more difficult ones will be the combination of heavy platforming and dangerous combat.
Like any good rough like game there are many power ups and all are random as well. There are over 100 power ups. As you play through 20XX players will earn soul chips, which can be used to expand the pool of items you can find and get powerful upgrades which are permanent. You can also buy upgrades back at your HQ to make future runs easier. By way did we mention ‘die’?
Dying is the last thing you want to do in 20XX (duh) because there is permanent death too. Once you die, yes you go back to HQ for the opportunity to buy upgrades but you will have to start again. Like Spelunky. It gets better. Players have the options of playing different modes and there are difficulty modifiers too. So like with the skulls in Halo players can really change up the game to some extend to make things easier or super challenging.
20XX’s biggest feature and the thing that gets people’s attention is it’s multiplayer. Yep. Full co-op for all gameplay features both locally and online. So get that gaming couch out and call that friend over. You have some blasting and jumping to do together. Lastly to keep things flowing and give players objectives there are weekly and daily challenges.
We checked out some gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. We do love the power ups though. like the sharp sharp spear which has more range and damage. The Pollster boss looks simple and dumb at first but then things escalate real fast with him killing first time players almost too quickly. It’s all good and done very well. 20XX definitely got the Mega Man look and feeling down and as it’s more modern looks like it did a better job than Mega Man its self.
Overall 20XX looks like an awesome game. If you are a fan of Mega Man then you will love 20XX. The graphics and sounds are excellent. The game flows smoothly and the controls are said to be very good indeed. The level designs are quite clever with platforming, enemies and even traps. The developers ‘BatteryStaple Games’ did an fantastic job with this game. We at X345 Earthwalker look forward to seeing this come to consoles. Now 20XX may have been inspired but way more have been inspired by… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition is a strategy RPG developed by ‘Larian Studios‘ and now published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. It’s coming out the 31st of August on the Xbox One and PS4. Many highly rate this series. Let’s take a look.
The events in Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition is basically the improved version of of Divinity: Original sin 2 with feedback from 2017. It takes place generations after Divinity: Original Sin. Sourcerers are now criminals. Also those who have source powers are being captured, hunted and then forcibly have their powers removed but leaving behind only an empty body which can’t make decisions for it’s self and has no emotions. How horrible.
Gamers can choose to play from six origin characters. each has their own interesting story and motives. Beast, is having his second attempt at defeating and stopping the tyrannical dwarf queen. Ifan Ben-Mezd has turned against the divine order and sees to kill Lucian’s son. Sebille was a slave that broke free from a villainous master who used her to hunt her own kind, now she seeks revenge. The Red prince was exiled and started getting hunted by assassins but stays determined to reclaim his rightful throne. Lohse is battling against a darker unknown voice that’s trying to take over body and soul… she must find a way to control this entity in time.
Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition is definitely multiplayer allowing 4 player co-op. Split screen as well. You can either work with your friends to try and accomplish your own goals or fight against each other. There is even PvP match making too, arena mode where up to four players can battle it out in intricately built stages. It’s all turn based action so think carefully about each move you want to take.
The definitive edition is said have thousands of changes. So expect things like the fact that the elves can eat the flesh of the fallen to remember distant memories. Quest lines that push the boundaries between peace and problems. character disagreements and romances. Tutorials, map markers, group inventory management, tool tips and a new journal.
We checked out some gameplay and it looks excellent. The graphics are very excellent indeed. Even the environment and stuff in the background look so good. The sounds are very good too. We like the wide range of abilities and the different strategies you can create from them all, like swapping the positions of allies and enemies, going invisible, moving explosive barrels etc. Lots of options indeed. Elevation grant advantages to units too which is always a wise idea.
Overall we can see that Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition is a very good game and has a lot to offer, especially with the definitive edition which is clearly superior to the first. Although we wouldn’t say it’s the best role playing strategy game like others say. We still think XCOM 2: War of the Chosen is better. The developers ‘Larian Studios’ did an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t looking forward to this game but know it will have a big impact. Now Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition may be liked by many but one thing that has way more likes is… the ‘Earth Walk!’
No Man’s Sky has come a long way from it’s initial release. Firstly, No Man’s sky is finally coming to Xbox One the 24th of July 2018. It’s also coming to the WeGame which is a platform in China. Many hate this game and the developers, ‘Hello Games‘ but just grow up for a moment and listen to what we have to say and show you. Let’s take a look.
No Man’s Sky has been adding many updates and lots of new content which they said it would have. No Man’s Sky has had three major updates: Foundation, Pathfinder and Atlas Rises. Atlas Rises was the biggest and the most successful. it brought forth a new story. It’s said to have 30 hours worth of new story content such as a new inter dimensional race, ancient portals are being activated, the amount of lore and interactions got doubled, a waking Titan, a world of glass, mysteries like the meaning of Sixteen, the sentinels and more. Improved waypoint systems, better inventory management, new worlds, guilds, salvage missions and crashed giant freighter ships, missions agents, combined crafted products and much more. Literally if we listed them all it could take up the whole blog. They put in work to make this the largest game to date… but wait… there’s more.
When No Man’s Sky comes to the Xbox One it will automatically have the last three updates: Foundation, Pathfinder and Atlas rises… plus a new and biggest update they have been secretly working on: No Man’s Sky Next. That’s right, they aren’t done! Listen to this. No Man’s Sky Next will be a FREE update for PC and PS4 (as it’s already released on those). As we mentioned above, yes it’s launching on Xbox One as well but with 4K and HDR on the Xbox One X. No Man’s Sky Next will have full fledge multiplayer. You encounter random travellers. You can work together or attack them. Build shelters or big complexes together. Fight like pirates or work together like being a distraction in big space battles. You can even race exocrafts and even build your race tracks online.
So remember how big the game was, in terms of size, when it first released? Now imagine it’s bigger, with a actual story, missions, quests, guilds, complexes, space battles, racing, multiplayer, crews travelling, other players chasing you for your loot, many creatures and more. Yep, sounds like a serious game now doesn’t it? There has also been a ton of patches as well. Here are some:
Increased variety in weather, planet and structure names
Improved differentiation of weapons
Improved planet resource lists
Added freighter classes
Added new holographic cockpit HUD elements: mini map, pulse drive warning and target ship
New Gek, Vy’keen and Korvax medals
Improved pirate systems including the ability to call in support or negotiate
Trust us when we say there is much much more than these.
Overall it looks like no Man’s Sky is much different from what it use to be. They added in many things like they said they would. With the ‘next’ update coming as well, it looks like this could be a huge game that many will jump into across all platforms. The graphics and sounds have been improved too. The developers ‘Hello Games’ have done an excellent job. We at X35 Earthwalker are actually saying that we are looking forward to seeing what this game has to offer. Now No Man’s Sky might be very large, but it’s no where near as big as… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Earthfall is a new co-oprative shooter game developed by ‘Holospark‘. It is coming out July the 13th on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game has been described by many to be like ‘Left 4 Dead’. There has been quite a number of people waiting for this game. Let’s take a look.
earth fall takes place at the so called end of the world. Basically a global meteor strike took place and that off course devastates the earth… but it gets worse. Aliens emerge from the meteors. They swarm and ravage the place. No mercy. So humanity does what they can. Get together. Grab some weapons. Put up defences and fight back. This is exactly what players must do in Earthfall.
Now off course piling up bins and boxes will not stop aliens. neither will a golf club work well against a swarm of them. You’ll need the good stuff. There are 3D printers that can be used to create barricades, defences like turrets and even weapons. imagine having those printers at school. Earthfall just keep everything simple. Just grab your friends or meet some new ones. Complete objectives, defend and holdout in strongholds and makeshift fortresses. Simple and fun.
Now this is a four player co-op shooter game so team work is quite important. Off course you can still play with game solo and have bots fill in your team. We do not know how useful they are though. There are four characters to choose from: Roy, Danny, Maya and Jonas and each one has their own personality but all want to save earth.
There is said to be a variety of aliens which tests your skills and level of adaptability to the situation. There is a Whiplash alien that can grab a player, rendering them useless and run away with them which is incredibly annoying. There is another called a sapper which pounces and like with the pouncing in Evolve, take continuous damage until someone helps you. Also a spitter which, you guessed it, spits at you for projectile damage. Off course there are much more like large melee aliens that just can’t wait to get their hands on you.
We checked out some gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. Four players, with co-op action, running around together, finding weapons and items. Taking on groups of aliens, covering each others backs, running away from a boss enemy, running out of medkits etc. These kind of games are lots of fun and it’s good to finally see some developers bring them back. Everything looks great and fair so far. The aliens could use more variety in their design as they all look sort of similar while the action is happening. The big brute melee enemies do need more health. Maybe there is selectable difficulty.
Overall this game is looking excellent. The graphics are great. We know that they used Unreal Engine 4 for the visuals. The sounds are very good as well. The aliens seem like an interesting enemy but right now look too easy to beat. We also hope there is a good variety of defences, aliens, and weapons to add that extra gaming flavour. The developers, ‘Holospark’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Earthfall truly has to offer. Now aliens are a problem but there is one solution that always work and that’s… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Gears of war 5 was announced at E3 and is being developed by ‘The Coalition‘. Many Gears fans have been waiting for this game. It has been said to come out in 2019 on Xbox One and Windows 10. So much new things are happening and that’s a good thing. We at X35 Earthwalker respect exploring different directions and taking some risks. Let’s take a look.
First things first. The lead character for Gears of war 5 is Kait Diaz. The story will be mainly entered around her, her family mystery. Already some fans are being stupid about this and complaining, saying that Gears shouldn’t have a female lead and that this is a feminist movement thing. If there was no solid reason for focus to be on Kait then we would agree that the story could centre around something else but this is not the case. Kait and her family have the biggest Gears of war secret right now. Something that many if not almost all the fans have been asking about. Let us explain.
Gears of war 1 we heard a narrative female voice who sounded like a leader talking about the horde and humanity’s attempt being pointless pretty much. In Gears of war 2 we meet the Locust queen who surprised us all… even Cole Train who said “I thought she was suppose to be butt ugly”. She was human but how was that possible. In Gears of war 3 we know that she had communications with Adam Fenix who is Marcus’s dad. So everyone has been wondering how does a human lead the monstrous locusts and boy has that springed forth some theories. Then in Gears of war 4 we find that Reyna was being treated differently by the Swarm (who are the Locust), held in a separate place sort of like a throne and that Kait has the Locust symbol stating that it belonged to her grandmother. We demand answers. Was the Locust Queen mistreated and abandoned by humans, found by gentle locusts before they were war hungry and she with hatred for humans inspire and lead the locusts to take their rightful place living on the surface and taking it away from humans who fight each other and pollute the planet?
Now the characters have received some design changes. Del doesn’t look cool in the slightest, his armour and hat makes him look actually quite silly. We don’t like it. Kait looks the same and that’s good. JD has the biggest change, having a shaved head, looking rougher than ever, which is understandable as there isn’t someone going around with a cart selling vaseline and coconut butter for their skin. He also has some sort of arm contraption that seems to stabilise his arm (where did they get the technology for that). His arm looks infected and dangerously red like he was wounded and infected by a new Swarm species and thus needs that contraption to keep him in check. Marcus however; hasn’t aged a day. In fact he looks like he got younger. We aren’t joking. Look at Gears of war 4 old man Marcus and then Gears of war 5 Marcus. You see? We told you so. How? We don’t know… maybe it’s maybelline…
Gears of war 5 is guaranteed to be the largest Gears game yet. Notice the large environments like those glaciers. Notice how Kait and Del used a vehicle to traverse the ice. This means that exploration will be part of the story. It’s confirmed that in Gears of war 5 players will travel across glaciers, check out sunken ruins and even head across deserts. Like seriously, sunken ruins. Did someone call Lara Croft. Honestly like with Halo Infinite, Gears of war 5 is sounding sort of like an open world game. We aren’t saying is but sort off. Gears of war isn’t that big of a game for that but we definitely will be travelling.
The Swarm have definitely upgraded. There are some new ones around and following the patterns of the original Locust. There are some small numerous ones flying around in the air like how schools of fish swim around in groups. This is just like the aryls from Gears of war 1. They were a great enemy and good to see something like that back. There is a giant leech like enemy that can latch unto people and uses a big mouth to try and devour you. There are some that act like parasites and can infect machines. Some old Cog bots like the DR-1 have been taken over by the swarm and can now move and worse, fire at you with their shoulder mounted tri-shots. There are also large Scions who wild two large spiked clubs that are perfect for smashing your head in (who would have guessed). Well those juvies are still here and man are they so annoying.
Now as a Microsoft release, expect cross platforming between the Xbox One and Windows 10. The whole campaign is playable in co-op. Both online and local with a friend. That guy sitting next to you. Gears of war is meant to be a visual showcase as well. So players can expect amazing HDR at 60 frames per second with 4K Ultra HD resolution on the Xbox One X. All wonderful stuff. Check out the trailer down below for some extra sight seeing.
Overall Gears of war 5 is looking to be the be a huge impact. They didn’t release any information concerning the multiplayer, weapon balancing etc but without a doubt many will be waiting and eager for that. Just make sure that the Gnasher shotgun isn’t the clearly dominate weapon in the game From a story point of view this is going to be huge without a doubt. Now once again, concerning Kait being at the centre we have no problems with it but the whole family mystery thing can easily be solved and revealed as a strong secondary while having the main story focusing on taking the fight to the Swarm but either way, we hope it’s done well. Now Kait’s family may be mysterious but no where near as mysterious as.. the ‘Earth Walk!’
Halo Infinite was announced and teased at E3 2018. Halo Infinite is the latest major Halo game developed by 343 Industries and man are we at X35 Earthwalker excited. Now very little information, in fact minimum information has been given but that doesn’t mean we don’t know anything. Let’s take a look.
Many fans are excited. The flagship of Xbox is here and there’s not a single thing Playstation or anyone can do about it. Now this blog post will be mostly on using what we know to come up with ideas and theories of what is going on because we just got a teaser trailer but it already rises up questions and theories from gamers already. First of all, check out the trailer down below before reading the rest of this blog.
Okay, now straight away we know that the story will be based back on Master Chief again, as it should be, after all everyone loves the Chief. The main action will take place on a Halo ring which has many different environments ranging from ice mountains and forest to sandy deserts and what looks like a savannah. Pay attention as all this links together. We spot some wild animals like some hench deers and even rhinos showing this Halo ring is alive and wildlife will be a factor in this game which is awesome. We also know that vehicles and travelling will be a part of the game because of the warthog vehicle that was having a nice cruise through the area. Off course we know that Halo Infinite will has a new art style. The developers 343 Industries made that clear and that’s thanks to their new engine called ‘SlipSpace’ which is something they have been working on parallel with all the post release content for Halo 5 Guardians.
What we just mentioned isn’t everything from the trailer but let’s start making some connections. We at X35 Earthwalker believe that Halo Infinite is going to be an open world game. Doesn’t sound that crazy, does it? There’s no better game to be open world than Halo. Look at the Halo universe with many alien species with alien names, their own history, background, wars and more. A large Halo ring planet will have enough room to hold all of them. We can tell this because of the different environments shown in the trailer. There could be underground areas which will bring back the drones from Halo 2. We hope they bring them back a that will be a unpleasant surprise. The Warthog acted as a main form of transportation there which suggests that the Master Chief will have to explore these different environments by traveling, both In vehicle and on foot. Imagine how awesome it would be if drove up to a ruins to investigate but a predator animal comes out of nowhere like a tiger and the Master Chief punches it in the face and then finishes it off with the assault rifle.
At the end Master Chief is putting another A.I disk or whatever into his helmet which suggests that maybe he has a new partner now. We know that Cortana been having some issues lately and needs to cool off somewhere else. Is the Master Chief here to look for his old A.I companion or did they pick up traces of Guardians being here? Either way it’s a huge mission which supports the open world genre direction. Different wildlife, different environments, warthogs for travelling, big mission and a huge world all screams open world to us. We seriously hope it does. So let’s assume that it’s going to be open world that would mean that an old enemy will come back. Oh you know what we are talking about…
The flood. Think about it. Like with the other Halo ring planets, the flood have always been present there, either contained or hiding sort of. It could be like Terraria where if the flood is released they will slowly spread and take over the planet, meaning she areas will become flood territory. maybe there will be a planetary display systems that shows the state of the whole ring maybe. If so there is opportunities for global random events where maybe an over powered covenant team shows up to do some scouting for digging and it’s up to players if they want to take on that team. There even could be covenant outposts of different strengths and defensive capabilities that grants big rewards for overtaking. The possibilities are infinite… well maybe not infinite… but a game as big as Halo has so much potential with a game like this.
Overall we like many fans are excited for Halo Infinite. We know these are all just theories and ideas brought forth from a. short trailer but that trailer revealed quite a lot when you think about it. Even the name ‘Halo Infinite’ suggests a massive size and possibilities. Open world is become more popular and sort of like a trend. Why not Halo? What’s that? At least it isn’t a battle royale? Well Halo has the weapons and large spaces to pull that off if it wants too. Maybe that will become a multiplayer mode. Who knows. Either way, Halo Infinite looks like it wants to make a massive impact. Now Halo Infinite isn’t truly Infinite but but one thing that’s infinite is the awesomeness of… the ‘Earth Walk!’
NeiR: Automata is an action RPG developed by ‘Square Enix‘. It is coming out on the Xbox One the 26th of June but already out on PC and PS4. NeiR: Automata has already gotten loads of positive feedback and reviews. Let’s take a look.
NeiR: Automata is very futuristic. Basically humanity has been forced from earth by robots, from another planet, who have invaded. These mechanical beings struck without warning. So the humans fell back to the moon for refuge. Humanities response is to send android soldiers to fight and destroy these invaders and get earth back. These android soldiers are: android 2B. 9S and A2.
NeiR: Automata boasts of having no are loading. So players can just go from area to area with no delay which is really cool. All the environments have sub-events giving players more to do and it’s all in 60frames per second. once again NeiR: Automata reminds us of a Final Fantasy XV which is another excellent game.
As NeiR: Automata is an RPG expect those players can customise a loadout for different play styles, level up in combat, collect and use a variety of weapon types and off course learn new combat abilities. So players should be aware of what to expect on their play through.
We can confirm that the combat is really where this game shines as it’s deep but not too complex. You can execute high-speed battle actions by combining light and heavy attacks, plus swapping through your increasing arsenal of weaponry all while evading enemy attacks. Players will face bosses and hordes of enemies so style has to change from time time, like switching between melee and ranged attacks. Expect fluid action combat.
When it comes on the Xbox One, players can get the ‘Become as gods edition’ which supports 4K resolution (2160P) and HDR on Xbox One X. It also includes the 3C3C1D119440927 DLC which contains the Young man’s outfit for 9S, Destroyer outfit for A2 and the Revealing outfit for 2B. Special music video “Deserving of life”. Sub quests which are three different battle challenges at three different colosseums.
We checked out some gameplay and we can confirm that it looks awesome. The mechanical beings that invaded earth have a good variety of designs. The combat is fast and fluid indeed. Loads of abilities, ranged attacks and moves to extend combos like sliding into enemies to send them into the air. Massive and powerful bosses. The environments are designed very well and look excellent. Strange and questionable in-game philosophy though. The android soldiers do not look all that interesting but they are powerful.
Overall NeiR: Automata looks very good indeed and it’s a start for us to see why it got such high praises and reviews from many. When it does come to the Xbox, we at X35 Earthwalker will see what it truly has to offer. The developers ‘Square Enix’ did a fantastic job with this game. Now Earth is off course in trouble but one thing that’s never in trouble is… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Streets of Rage is one of those games that many played back in the day on the Sega Genesis. X35 Earthwalker himself was one of those who played this legendary game. Quite recently Streets of Rage was made available on the Xbox One. This was the perfect invitation to play the game again. So what do we think about it? Take a look.
Streets of Rage gets straight to the point. The slowly scrolling text explains the whole situation quickly and simply. Basically a city is full of chaos because of a criminal syndicate who controls everything, even the police. The leader is Mr X and he’s caused villains and crime to sky rocket. No one is safe (Will someone please think of the children!). Three cops vowed to work take to the streets, clean it up by romping all the villains trash with their fists and put a stop to all this evil. They will clean up… the Streets of Rage. You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Remember that this game came out in 1991 so you have to accept how simple it is. Players can pick from three characters: Adam, Axel and Blaze. Their stats are displayed simply with a ‘A to B’ ranking system for three categories: Power, Jump and Speed. Power is how much damage they do, Jump is how high they jump and how good their jump attacks are and Speed is how fast their movement is. Now Adam and Axel do the most damage. Adam and Blaze have the best jumping attacks and height. Overall Adam is the strongest character as he excels in the two categories that actually matter. Blaze will there for be the weakest but streets of Rage has been designed in a way that all three characters are still useful, feel different from each other and can beat the game with skill.
Adam is a boxer and so his attacks are more simple and rely on his strength. Axel is a martial artist so his attacks are quicker and more technical. Blaze does Judo so her throws rely on those use your opponents weight against them, plus she does some cool flip attacks. Each of the characters can grab and throw enemies or grab and slam the enemy on their head by lifting them completely of the ground. All can grab and land powerful strikes which best to follow up with a throw after two strikes for maximum damage. All have a jumping attack which is useful against rushing enemies or groups of enemies in a line. All also have a rear attack which basically lets your character quickly do a strike behind them to hit whoever is dumb enough to sneak up on you. Lastly all can call in a powerful artillery strike from a fellow police officer which defeats all enemies on the screen but just damages bosses.
There are eight stages to clear and each one is littered with lots of enemies. The enemies are simple but do their job. There are the standard dudes who can hit you with the simple right, right, left jabs. There’s a guy who like to throw you and at times slide into you smoother than M. Bison from Street fighter. Also a woman who thinks it’s funny to whip people. A martial martial artist who specialises in flips and kicks. Lastly a juggler who juggles fire, axes and then throws them at you (what a neat trick). It gets worse. As you progress through the Streets of Rage, you will encounter improved versions of the enemies you have faced so far. So the standard blue jacket dudes then become green and then red. The throwing guys get purple and then green outfits. The whipping women find black and lastly green clothing for the occasion. The martial artists graded up to having red and then a cool black and red uniform. Lastly the jugglers just find some alright black clothes. The improved versions have more health and more aggressive as they attack more frequently.
Each stage also has a boss who can be a serious threat. Stage one is where you face the boomerang hunter (we are giving them our own names) who has a lengthy kick and throws his boomerang which of course comes back, so watch out. Stage two is the domain of the claw hands man, basically a wannabe Fredy Kruger who is has a crazy technique to avoid jump attacks. Third stage is where the wrestler is, who does heavy damage with a running single punch. The fat man boss is hanging out in stage four. They breathe fire and forget about throwing this big boy. Stage five just so happens to have the twins who were enjoying their cruise. They are over powered. Stage six the hand claw man makes a return. Stage 7 has no boss but stage 8 has every boss you have encountered already, all ready for the rematch with off course the final boss, Mr X himself waiting and ready.
Bosses are seen by many as too hard and unfair. This is mainly due to the fact that almost all of them almost always hit you first due to their greater range and fast attack speed. It’s true. if you take these bosses head on, they will mostly likely kill you first. The best trick is to approach them from they sides by coming in from higher or lower on the screen. This will allow you to dodge many attacks and even allow a free grab on the boss themselves for big damage. Players should call in their police officer when they are needed. Don’t just save it for the boss at the end because if you die, that police call is wasted and you’ll get a new one. If you get surrounded or having a hard time against mob of enemies then use your police call ability to clear them out. It’s there to help you. Don’t just grab every health item you see. Instead go as far as possible while keeping the food on screen, their may be a fight next, where you take damage and now the food is useful. Also save the meat that at the boss fights until you are low on health. Bats and pipes are useful weapons and should never be passed up. The knife is also good but the bottle, not so much.
Maybe the best thing about Streets of Rage is the music. We are sure that pretty much everyone can agree that the music is amazing. Like seriously, who was the guy working in the studio. He clearly had too much fun. The boss music might just have to be our favourite but the music on level four is too smooth. The music is awesome. The controls are good and work very well allowing for reactions and quick actions. The bosses are creative and difficult without the right knowledge.
We have a few complaints though. The twins however are the most overpowered bosses in the game and even good players struggle tremendously against them. When it comes to stage eight, many players and have fallen to them right outside Mr X’s doors. It’s frustrating, especially when you don’t have the police call ability to help you out. They have no clear weakness at all. They always out grab you, they at times grab you through your attacks or at the start of their jump. Last complaint is why do you still have to face both the sisters even in single player. Everyone other stage sends one boss against the one player but the sisters always come together making it a two on one battle. It should be one on one like with all the others but it’s still a challenge though.
Overall Streets of Rage is an awesome game and certainly worth playing today. You will have lots of fun fighting your way through the streets, trying out different combos. There are some hidden tricks in the Streets of Rage games that players will have to discover. We also heard that their is a secret ending for Blaze but it’s a bad ending. We won’t spoil anything but it’s worth checking out. Now the Streets of Rage needed to be cleaned up but one thing that doesn’t need cleaning up at all is… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Crazy Justice is a new third person shooter game developed by ‘Black Riddles Studios‘. It’s coming out later this year on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. There is lots of information on this game and it was successfully funded by gamers, more than passing their required amount. Let’s take a look.
Crazy justice, straight way from the character design and graphic style, should remind many players of another game. Maybe Fortnite… Now not much information is given concerning the story but we do know that players control a character who is out to stop the forces of evil, like every other story. You do this by activating hidden Tesla coils. Don’t ask us why. This all however cause some major issues in the world, lots of chaos. The enemy is the steampunk horde. Crazy Justice aims to deliver an entertaining action packed story. The main focus of the game is actually the multiplayer.
As you play you will collect items and even win items too. Find new heroes, collect special weapons. There is character customisation and players can construct their own skill decks. In the final version of the game, players can battle it out with their character on five different maps in five different game modes. Games like this have one thing in common… continual expansion. Gamers should expect additional content and downloads coming to Crazy Justice to add more to the game.
The multiplayer game modes are very different to each other. ‘Survive the Tesla’ is where there is a Tesla coil in the middle of the map. it’s generating a shield. As players battle and kill each other, that shield gets smaller and smaller until the max limit. If you are out of the shield, you die. Simple right? ‘Survive’ has 6 sectors. Over time each sector one by one will be destroyed. Players in that area must run for their lives. Lastly everyone will be in one sector to settle the score once and for all. ‘Protect the Tesla’ is two teams facing off against each other. Both teams have a Tesla to defend and it’s surrounded by a fortress, which can be upgraded if players have the right amount of materials. Build traps and other defence systems to help. Whoever destroys the enemy Tesla or has done the most damage wins.
Crazy Justice did something right that many games have done wrong. The biggest offender of this is off course Halo 5 Guardians. Crazy Justice supports local splitscreen multiplayer. Players can even connect an external controller, allowing for some great gameplay with friends.
It’s clear that the developers of Crazy Justice got some inspirations from others game, which is a good thing and learnt from other games too. For example all the maps in Crazy Justice have both high and low cover for characters to hide behind and fire from. just like in Gears of war.
The game has lots of destructible environments. Now destructible environments are excellent additions to games. They allow for deeper layers of multiplayer strategies, it’s more fun and makes the game more realistic since we know for a fact that rockets and blood up rocks in many cases. We have seen a player shoot out a floor, so that they can descend into the area below. Pretty cool. By the way, this destructible environment was done using Unreal Engine 4 and Nvidia Phyx
Crazy Justice is very versatile and this is why. Crazy Justice supports some crazy Cross-Network play! That’s right. Players who own Crazy Justice can play with players from the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. For preference reasons, players will have the option to only play with same platform players as well. Having a choice is a great move.
We checked out some gameplay and Crazy Justice definitely reminds us off Fortnite but more of a steam punk like style and more ground based combat. It’s not battle royal but has different game modes as we mentioned above. The building system is like Dungeon Defenders 2, simple but works. The cover system works well with the destructible environment. This means that multiplayer will be quite dynamic.
Overall Cray Justice looks like a great game. Seems like a friendly place for casual gamers to step into. Obvious aspects for competitive and pro players to dive into and a good amount of variety. Plus new content will be coming over time which is a great sign. The graphics are good for it’s style, the sounds fit the theme and style of the game. The developers ‘Black Riddles studio’ did a excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to what crazy Justice truly has to offer gamers. Now Crazy Justice isn’t about justice at all, but one thing that does have justice is… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Edge of Eternity is a new action J-RPG developed by ‘Midgar Studio‘. It’s coming out later this year (2018) on the Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac and Linux. Edge of eternity was funded through Kickstarter by many supporters. Let’s take a look.
Edge of Eternity takes place in Heryon. Heryon was, as with every other place in video games and anime, a peaceful world. There are also three realms: Dehostra, Astrya and Junor. Each of these realms have the same access to magic powers through crystals. So it’s clear that this world is about balance. Then off course trouble comes along. Invaders in a massive spaceship appeared above Junor and destroyed everything and took possession of the realm.
Reynan who is the grand General of Dehostra’s armies was in command of the defence of Heryon. He formed the consortium and led the counter attack. The consortium got the upper hand and was pushing the invaders back. All the way to their spaceship. Their ship transformed into an invincible fortress. The general and his forces couldn’t break through. The invaders then cheated by releasing a deadly biological weapon, called the metal disease. The war continues still. Players control Daryon who is wanted and hunted by the consortium.
Edge of Eternity has character progression and is all about exploration. There are a lot of large open areas and many locations on the world map for players to dive into. Edge of Eternity gives players two choices concerning the combat system. You can either have active time battle or turn base. The fact that Edge of Eternity is giving players a choice is awesome. We at X35 Earthwalker already node in agreement of this decision. Nice one! The combat in this game has an event system which even takes into account factors like the time of day and the weather. Depending on the time and weather, either your team or enemies will gain advantages or suffer from it. Your team can have up to four characters allowing room for experimenting with combinations and strategies.
So as a J-RPG, best there is character progression with experience points and increasing sats but Edge of Eternity takes it further by adding another layer. There is a weapon customisation system too. It’s based on two things: crystals and levelling up. As you fight with your weapon, you it will eventually level up thus getting more powerful and even evolving. The crystal side of things is different as it’s here where players can choose which branch to go along and the different crystals grant different effects like stats, skills and powers. When you take a look at the crystal system, the first thing that may come to your mind is the levelling up system from final fantasy XIII and XIII-2. It’s practically identical.
Edge of Eternity is said to have an adventure that responds to your choices. Your characters effect have a direct impact on each area they visit so keep that in mind. The story is said to be non-linear and that players and choose and their own paths. There are many quests, people to talk, different options and even random events that will take place.
We checked out some gameplay and Edge of Eternity looks amazing. The graphics, size of the whole and environments remind us heavily of Final Fantasy, which is a good thing as those are great games. Lots of work clearly went into this and their is potential for more too. Some of the enemies look too large and powerful while others are clearly fodder. The running animation for the characters does look silly though. The lighting and different spells and abilities look very cool. The music is very well done and at times epic. This team has been putting in work.
Overall, Edge of Eternity looks like an awesome game. They have so much going for it right and there is a good amount of well deserved hype. We hope this game takes a different direction in terms of story from other games concerning certain characters and enemies. The developers ‘Midgar Studio’ did a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what Edge of Eternity has to fully offer. Now Heryon is in trouble but the perfect solution would be… the ‘Earth Walk!’