X35 Earthwalker Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is an action role playing game developed by ‘Don’t Nod‘ and published by ‘Focus entertainment‘. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is said to be coming out February 13th 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS5 and pc. X35 Earthwalker sees some interesting factors of this game already. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden clearly wants to to make it a journey. Let’s take a look.

Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is set in 1695… in New Eden. The stars of this game are Antea Duarte and Red mac Raith. They are lovers but more than that, they are also banishers. Banishers are basically ghost hunters. They take a vow to protect the living from the dead. More specifically specters and ghosts. They were busting ghosts real good… until the last mission.

X35 Earthwalker Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Antea got hurt… real bad. Described as fatally wounded. She also became a spirit… and she hates spirits… well the mean ones. Now they are both in North America, in the haunted wilds. They are searching for a way to free Antea from her horrible situation. Desperate people right here and understandable. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden will have players go on a journey.

So yeah, Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden is clearly a supernatural world. It’s a world that’s full of wandering souls, ancient things and off course supernatural creatures. Ghosts are doing their thing. Casper too… maybe. You arrive in New Eden and interact with the people who live there. You solve haunted ghost cases.

X35 Earthwalker Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

The best part? Fighting these ghosts. It’s the main thing we currently care about. It’s like a hybrid style. Red has his arsenal of weapons while Antea has spiritual powers and abilities. We like this hybrid combat. there’s room for creativity in this style. Hopefully they explore that. You must defeat the souls/specters/ghosts and banish them. Banishers will not tolerate the dead tormenting the living.

X35 Earthwalker Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

We checked out some Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. There’s going to be skill based combat. Parries and timing of actions are a thing for sure. We hope to see actual team work between the two. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden does have a your decision affects the story and the lives of the people factor. Readers should know how X35 Earthwalker feels about this mechanic by now. Hard to do and harder to do it right. We hope they nailed this. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden wants there to be a conflict for players. Between deciding to keep your vow or break some rules to save your love. 

Overall Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden looks like an excellent game easily. Their story is there. The stakes are there. It will be easy to hit the emotions of players with this set up. There’s said to be challenging decisions that will impact your story (we will see). Graphics look excellent and the creativity of the spirits and ghosts are so far looking good so far. We got torches and even guns. Things to look forward too. We hope to learn more. The developers ‘Don’t Nod’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game.

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X35 Earthwalker Still Wakes the Deep

Still Wakes the Deep is a horror game developed by ‘The Chinese Room‘ and published by ‘Secret Mode‘. Still Wakes the Deep is said to be coming out in in the first quarter of 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and pc. X35 Earthwalker knows what makes an excellent horror game and what mistakes to avoid. Still Wakes the Deep trying to be a unique horror experience. Let’s take a look.

Still Wakes the Deep is set in the past. 1975, Christmas time. Players control an off shore Glaswegian worker stationed on an oil rig in the North Sea waters. Sounds like a dangerous but happy times. It’s a typical day on the Beira D oil platform but then disaster strikes. wouldn’t be a horror game if everything was all honky dorey.

X35 Earthwalker Still Wakes the Deep

Now you out here fighting for your life. More like running and hiding for your life. All communications are cut off and all the exits are not available. Sucka you trapped. You will need to survive and keep your crew alive through a mean storm, dark, cold sea water and claustrophobic surroundings. It gets worse. The character players control will have to face some phobias like high heights (climbing towers), squeezing through tight spaces, paths that are submerged and off course leaps over high drops. None of that sounds scary to us. Still Wakes the Deep you better make this stuff scary.

The real problem in Still Wakes the Deep though is that the horror is now on board. There’s a persistent threat that’s said to be so powerful that “there’s no hope of fighting back.” So you know what that means. No fighting for you. All hiding, ducking, running, climbing and avoiding this threat. You got to survive all this stuff while helping the crew. One crew member will need you to restore power, something could be up with your boss while another member might be trapped somewhere.

X35 Earthwalker Still Wakes the Deep

We checked out some Still Wakes the Deep gameplay and it’s what we expected. The location does look dark and segregated. some parts look like a real health and safety hazard. Hopefully we get more roaring waters and loud thunder for atmosphere. You can clearly see that something wrong is going on here. Your character feels like as regular person. Nothing special, just trying to survive. A game like this can easily be good and give great scares but the horror elements need to be right. We truly hope the developers are aware of these. Concerning the horror open board, it’s clear the way to beat it, is to take it on… to face it… 

Overall Still Wakes the Deep is looking like an excellent game so far but that can easily change. Horror games are getting harder and harder to get right. Atmosphere so far looks good. The horror on board will make or break this game. It will decide if this game scary or not. How annoying will the crew be? That matters too. The developers ‘The Chinese Room’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what Still Wakes the Deep scares. Now Still Wakes the Deep may have a persistent horror but it would gotten lost trying to chase… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Mars 2120


Mars 2120 is a sci-fi metroidvania game developed and published by ‘qubyte interactive‘. Mars 2120 is said to be coming out the 28th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker is the master of metroidvania games. Mars 2120 will need to make a strong impression. Let’s take a look.

Mars 2120 is off course set in the future. Basically the first Mars colony has gotten itself into some trouble. It needs help and off course we need to know what happened and what’s going on currently. This is where the player comes in. Players control Sargeant Anna Charlotte, also known as “thirteen”. You lead a team of elite space marines. No not the ultra marines… wrong dudes. 

X35 Earthwalker Mars 2120

Now obviously things go wrong and you get separated. Otherwise it wouldn’t be this type of game now would it. Mars 2120 wants to really be the ones to nail the whole combat thing. There’s a lot of combat layers here. Mars 2120 has loads of melee combat. There’s even combos. skilled players can juggle enemies and even string things together for great control over the battle and big damage. combat slide, lunge, strike and more… maybe take it to the air.

On top of that are the elements. Some special abilities are tied to elements like fire, electricity and ice. Yeah we see the connections here. If it isn’t obvious by now then let us explain. It’s clear that Mars 2120 has been inspires by other games. Metroid prime clearly and castlevania: symphony of the night (the best castlevania game). Two top tier games. Getting ideas and inspiration from them can easily work out well. so about those elements. Metroid Prime had the same thing. Wave beam (electricity), ice beam (ice obviously) and plasma beam (fire). Let’s see how Mars 2120 will handle all this.

X35 Earthwalker Mars 2120

We checked out some Mars 2120 gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. The game visually looks better than expected too. That’s great. The animations are very good. Not the highest levels but very good and gets the job done. The elements look weak here. They need to be applied more clearly and more powerfully. The special abilities are going to mix things up but we hope the variety and the elements of them are epic. It’s a 2024 game after all, we expect bigger things than the past. Do your best game. There are also bosses off course and some look great while others looked kind of generic.

Overall Mars 2120 looks like it’s going to be a great game. We can’t give it the excellent rating as we have some real questions concerning the story and the secrets of mars and the first colony. Combat and cool enemies are one thing… a big thing still. We like the variety of the levels and the environment designs. We can see how Mars 2120 can be top stuff. The developers ‘qubyte interactive‘ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Mars 2120 may have serious combat but it all looks plain when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’  

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X35 Earthwalker Die by the Blade

Die by the Blade is a weapon focused action game developed by ‘Triple Hill Interactive‘ and ‘Toko midori games‘ but published by ‘Kwalee‘. Die by the Blade is said to be coming out 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker respects the high risk precision. Die by the blade is looking to be a serious game. Let’s take a look.

Die by the Blade is very easy to understand. Players must aim to be the best. A master samurai or a true blade master. Our you could, you know… die… like all the others. Die by the Blade is a beat em up game but the clear difference is that y’all you need to win is one clean hit. That’s it.

X35 Earthwalker Die by the Blade

Die by the Blade is all entered around that basically. Players are forced to take their time and get tactical. Or they could just rush in and hope for the best. If a fighter over extends then it could leave them open for a punishing strike. If someone gets too close, then the opponent can do a quick strike and hit them as they advance. It’s that dangerous and risky.

So yeah that’s whats going on. Die by the Blades is suppose to be a slower played game and each round is suppose to be intense and edge of the seat. As one wrong move will lead to your death. Die by the Blade is all about online fighting and slashing your friends in local matches too. so get competitive.

X35 Earthwalker Die by the Blade

We checked out some Die by the Blade gameplay and it’s what we expected. There is another game that reminds us of this. What’s more advanced than that game though is that not only out character but your weapon matters as well. Go with the katana for speed or maybe less speed and more power with the nodachi. There’s a dual wield weapon too to throw another factor into the loop. so this alone adds layers to the combat. More things to think about and more match up knowledge is required. Now each character has certain minor stat changes which off course benefits certain play style more so than others. So now you have to learn the characters too.

Overall Die by the Blade seems like an excellent game so far. It’s traditional japanese with cyberpunk style. You can fight in snowy fields or off course the neon streets. Historical armour or more cyber style. Make your character more unique to you. Not completely unique though. The developers ‘Triple Hill Interactive‘ and ‘Toko midori games‘ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what goes on with this game. Now Die by the Blade may have one shot kills but that’s not serious enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker No Rest for the Wicked

No Rest for the Wicked is top-down action role playing game developed by ‘Moon studios‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. No Rest for the Wicked is said to be coming out… Well… Maybe we know and maybe we don’t. No Rest for the Wicked is coming to the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. We at X35 Earthwalker definitely couldn’t miss this game. We got something here. No Rest for the Wicked is clearly aiming to hit hard and massive. Let’s take a look.

No Rest for the Wicked is set in the year 841. The dude King Harol is dead. Now like many great kings in history, king harol has a son who just ain’t on his level. His son is Magnus and he’s described as arrogant and untested. This alone can ruin a whole kingdom and cause massive problems. It gets worse though. There’s scarier things going down in the hollow…

X35 Earthwalker No Rest for the Wicked

On No Rest for the Wicked, there’s a pestilence described as an unholy plague. Well it’s back… crap. Hasn’t been seen in a thousand years. The pestilence is spreading fast and making its way across the land and it’s messing with everything it touches. so as you can imagine things are getting very chaotic… maybe even political. Yep, different sides and people want different things to happen and you are caught in the middle sort off. Who’s you?

Players control a Cerim. Basically part of a special mystical group of holy warriors. Cerim are wielding special powers and their sworn mission is to defeat the unholy plague, the pestilence… by any means necessary.. or at all costs. you ain’t the only thing that matters in No Rest for the Wicked. There are other significant characters in this world who are taking action. Like Madrigal Seline. She is “a ruthlessly ambitious figure in the church”. She see’s the pestilence as a chance to prove herself in the eyes of her god. Moon studios better do this character right and not disrespect religious characters like many other games do. Madrigal Seline has a plan and she about that action.

X35 Earthwalker No Rest for the Wicked

The main action takes place on the backwater Isola Sacra. The provincial government is fighting rebel groups amongst the ruins. Even events like this will make your mission more messy and complicated. You’ll get caught up in affairs of people, don’t forget the political struggle we mentioned earlier. Also this land has been through some stuff so don’t expect merry and singing locals. Decisions will need to be made amongst the chaos in No Rest for the Wicked. What direction will you allow yourself to be pulled towards?

X35 Earthwalker No Rest for the Wicked

We checked out some No Rest for the Wicked gameplay and it’s not really what we expected. No Rest for the Wicked is nothing like Ori and the Will of the Wisps in terms of graphic style, design and game genre. A whole new big thing. This top down action looks clean. We also see some mystical abilities like a fire blast of some sort. There’s fast mobility like dodges and dashes. Different weapons from a bow & arrow to a sword.  This definitely looks like it about that action. Action, plus mystical, plus story is hard to produce something bad. We definitely will like to see more.

Overall No Rest for the Wicked looks like an excellent game. No Rest for the Wicked already has us excited. Ori and the Will of the Wisps is the best game ever made. We knew Moon Studios had to be up to something all this time but staying silent. Now we see what it is. Know from seeing the trailer just once we already pieced some things together. Pretty convenient that the plague shows up when king Harol dies… hmmmmmmmm. There’s definitely going to be some lore and a deeper story here. One that will make players conflicted and torn. Maybe somebody gon cry. The developers ‘Moon Studios’ have done a excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to playing this game. Now No Rest for the Wicked may be the secret project but it’s basically an open book in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is a first person action adventure game developed by ‘Massive Entertainment‘ and published by ‘Ubisoft‘. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is said to be coming out the 7th of December 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and pc. X35 Earthwalker loves creativity and beautiful worlds. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora might have this. Let’s take a look. 

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is off course set on the world of Pandora. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora has a standalone story. So be prepared to see some different stuff. Players will play as Na’vi. You will travel or should we say go on a journey across the ‘western frontier’. The western frontier is a part that hasn’t been seen before. This alone brings some excitement.

X35 Earthwalker Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora was developed for the next gen consoles. So imagine how great things will look on the Xbox Series X especially as the most powerful console. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is open world and so far the world looks beautiful. We are seeing vibrant colours and flora dominating the place as it should. This world is described as “living and reactive”. We will look to see if this is in fact true. If so, that would be a medium plus.

X35 Earthwalker Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

As Na’vi you have higher strength and mobility. So get moving and put that strength to use. Your character is customisable and players can craft new gear. Of course a game like this has upgrades. So improve those skills. Weapons can also be upgraded. Now hopefully Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora has upgrades and abilities that work with the actual environment. The species native to Pandora are well adapted to the place and so we expect to see very suitable abilities that also allow for different play styles.

We checked out some Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora gameplay and it’s what we expected… for the most part. There’s characters to interact with and creatures in there that will be doing their thing. What for sure will be there is the RDA. Face them and push them back. It’s not going to be easy but… someone gots to do it. We do like that there is the traditional weapons route like the bows and spear throwing or you can go modern human with rifles and even a shotgun. So there are some options.

Overall Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora looks like a very good game. We like that players can bond with and ride a Banshee to traverse this big area and even engage in aerial combat with the RDA. There’s even some mystical looking structures and anomalies. A environment like Pandora should easily house numerous mysteries, ruins maybe artefacts. Developers better get creative with it. Definitely hoping to see more of what Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora has to offer. The developers ‘Massive Entertainment’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep our eyes open for this game. Now Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora may have a never before seen environment but it’s obvious stuff for… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Pixel Cafe

Pixel Cafe is an arcade visual novel game developed and published by ‘Baltoro Games‘. Pixel Cafe is said to be coming out the 30th of November 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has big respect for coffee barista games all because of just one game. So X35 will look at this. Pixel Cafe is looking to be a bit of a journey. Let’s take a look.

Pixel Cafe is all about a small town girl who sets out own her cafe serving adventure… basically. Her name is Pixel who’s a barista and she has big goals. Small town girl no longer… hopefully. So she will do some travelling, reach different locations and work jobs. Pixel will have a variety of bosses who you will have to interact with them and make sure to pay attention to the dialogue. So yeah, serve drinks, serve food and do your best. 

X35 Earthwalker Pixel Cafe

Pixel Cafe definitely has that that whole arcade world map thing down. A very beautiful and detailed looking world map. Pixel Cafe has multiple locations and players must get Pixel to travel around. She’s moving to make her dreams happen. So yeah, take time to appreciate the world map. Question though is whether the map will expand as you play or will you see the whole map from the start but off course some places are locked up? 

X35 Earthwalker Pixel Cafe

Pixel is so cute but she Pixel has quite a bit going on in her life. Significant memories that have obviously impacted and shaped her life. Players will get to see and learn of these things. It does explain a bit and allows you to know more and care more for Pixel. So players will have conversations with family and others who maybe knew your family or friends. The dialogue matters, after all it is a visual novel so be prepared to read…. you can read right? 

X35 Earthwalker Pixel Cafe

We checked out some Pixel Cafe gameplay and it’s what we expected. Things seem to make sense. Some of these bosses though be giving some serious suspicions right of the bat. Time management is a party of this game. Players will need to think on their feet and decide the order of doing things. After all things get bigger and more difficult as you progress. Customers will get more annoying too. Also, try not to get fired. 

Overall Pixel Cafe looks like a very good game. We liking what we see. You get to see Pixel learn from her memories of their past and grow as a person. You see the journey and some struggle… maybe.  It’s not just drinks but food also that you have to serve to the customers. Use your hard earned cash to decorate and fill up your apartment with furniture and more. It’s a journey, so grab a drink, possibly a snack and reading glasses if you need them. Then get ready. The developers ‘Baltoro Games’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an eye open for this game. Pixel Cafe may have drinks, memories and a dream but those are just simple things in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

Flashback 2 is an action platform shooter game developed and published by ‘Microbe‘. Flashback 2 is said to be coming out the 16th of November 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has never heard of this or the first gamer before. Flashback 2 is aiming to make a big show off. Let’s take a look.

Flashback 2 is set in the future. The 22nd century. The solar system is quite peaceful. The united worlds are all across it. The peace of course is ruined by the Morph invasion. General Lazarus is behind this invasion. Our main guy Conrad B. Hart is getting back into the action. His main focus is finding his lifelong friend Ian. Conrad will be working with his allies and an AI powered weapon called A.I.S.H.A. Your enemy? The Morphs.

X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

Definitely looks like a lot is going on here. Of course we are most interested in the combat. It’s a full on battle for survival. The maps and locations are proper 3D and have room for exploration. What’s even better is that it’s not just facilities and buildings. There’s the environment and outside world too. We got a whole jungle area and it looks very good.

X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

We checked out some Flashback 2 gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. The enemies aren’t playing around. The technology is definitely futuristic. The shields you can deploy to protect yourself. The projectiles the weapons fire looking like blaster lasers. Were hope Flashback 2 does get kind of crazy. They keep saying it’s been 30 years but it’s actually 31 years. Strange.

Overall Flashback 2 looks like a very good game. Visually things are good. The details are very good too. The focus is there. The Morphs don’t seem that intimidating which is disappointing. They better be a major threat. We also hope that Flashback 2 makes use of the whole invasion by Morphs thing. It needs to be visually clear and used effectively. The developers ‘Microids’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how gamers deal with this. Now Flashback 2 may have waited a very long time but it’s incredibly short from the perspective of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn

Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn is a new expansion developed and published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn is said to be coming out the 9th of November 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker will see what this is all about. Now Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn is looking like a big expansion. Quick note; X35 Earthwalker will be making G blogs smaller from now on. Let’s take a look.

Tales of Arise in case you didn’t know has been described as this, “On the planet Dahna, reverence has always been given to Rena, the planet in the sky, as a land of the righteous and divine. Stories handed down for generations became truth and masked reality for the people of Dahna. For 300 years, Rena has ruled over Dahna, pillaging the planet of its resources and stripping people of their dignity and freedom. Our tale begins with two people, born on different worlds, each looking to change their fate and create a new future”. This does remind us of another storyline from a game we played in the past. Tales of Arise is easy to understand. Good grounds for a good story.

X35 Earthwalker Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn

Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn is bringing in new characters, some additions and changes to combat and even the mechanics. Beyond the Dawn is the next chapter. This next chapter takes place one year after Tales of Arise. From what we hear, Alphen and his crew encounter a girl whose name is Nazamil. she is the daughter of Dahnan and Renan lord. Nothing strange or unique about that… right? The crew are going to help her out. Something to do with the curse of the mask. You could as someone who has experience with masks like Link.

X35 Earthwalker Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn

Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn is a big expansion for sure. Beyond the Dawn is said to be around 20 hours of content. There;’s also more dungeons and off course more bosses. That’s the most exciting part for us. If it isn’t obvious, there are more quests as well. You love to see it. YES, YOU, DO!!!

Overall this expansion “Beyond the Dawn” is looking good. Brings not a few but a whole bunch of things. Never waste gamers time and get us excited for a small expansion and little things. Especially in series they care about. Get us excited and then deliver with the good stuff. The developers ‘Bandai Namco’ have done a great job with this one. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how gamers receive this expansion. Now Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn may be a big expansion, it’s still small compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield needs no introduction. This massive Role Playing Game was developed and published by ‘Bethesda’. Starfield is a Xbox exclusive. Starfield is truly an adventure in the future and space. X35 Earthwalker can confirm that Starfield is an excellent game. There is so much to do in this game. Players easily have over 100 hours in this game and it’s probably one of the easiest games to get over 100 hours in. Starfield is massive in more than one way. Let’s take a look.

Starfield is massive as in a massive success. So much of a success that in September, Starfield was the best selling game in the US. What makes this more impressive is that Starfield is on the Xbox Game pass. This is even more impressive as angry playstation fanboys attacked the game online, swarmed stores like steam with negative reviews to try and bring down its score all because things aren’t going well for playstation and their only game spider-Man 2. Listen to the X35 Earthwalker podcast episode on this matter. Even gaming media outlets and groups like ign are super biased and attack anything Xbox but glorify playstation. The hate for Starfield is so great that when it out performed Spider-man 2 and got more positive attention than it that playstation fanboys finished their exclusive game in 9 hours and went straight back to X (formerly known as twitter) to attack starfield again. Starfield is so massive and successful that over 2 months after its initial release, people are still talking about Starfield. It’s that big. Starfield even caused a surge in the number of Xbox Game Pass subscribers. Starfield elevated Xbox to a higher level. Bethesda’s best game and work yet. It will forever plague the salty playstation fanboys. Now more specifically about the game.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield is also massive as in the literal game itself. There’s so much to do. The first few hours aren’t boring. X35 Earthwalker found it interesting. You got to travel through space, engage in space ship battles and basically raid a facility filled with space pirates… no Samus Aran. How is that boring? Again just online idiot haters. What’s true though is that the game does get much better as you progress. To make this simple let’s break this down to some extent. There’s the main story missions, there’s also side missions, there’s faction missions, there’s activities and there’s constellation missions, infinite repayable missions and bounty hunting missions.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Main missions are obvious, the main story. The side missions can be found as you travel and talk to some people. They are bigger than activities and can lead to additional things. Faction missions are the full adventures you can have with the four factions. For example the UC, Crimson fleet and Freestar Collective. Actives are the small missions and they can come from almost anywhere. X35 Earthwalker found an actives mission just by standing near a group of people who are having a conversation. Normally quick stuff. Constellation normally consist of finding natural formations on certain planets in specific systems or getting a complete survey of a planet. You get far enough you can get the repayable missions like constantly fight terrormorphs to clean up the galaxy and get money and experience points. Bounty hunting is simple. Get a target, find them and fight. Space battles or in facilities.

These alone will take you over 100 hours easily. So many players in Starfield have the same situation which is they are numerous hours in and haven’t even started the second story mission yet. There’s just so much. You can face terromorphs, defend a city from an attack, travel to classified facilities to uncover a dangerous secret that many died for. Work as a space police officer, investigate a big operation, go undercover and during that undercover, go undercover. So you’re undercover going undercover. Wow. so we think you can see what we mean when we say there is so much to do in Starfield. Even the conversations with some of these characters can get out of hand, funny or straight up weird. So try talking to some with actual dialogue choices.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Players can off course build outposts, which are your bases. You can use different designs for your base and the facilities. build a watch tower which is massive and very effective. Set up turrets which will fire automatically on all enemies. build extractors to harvest certain materials and through some base building mechanics can get that stuff dumped right into your storages. You can recruit employees for your outposts or ship and their stats and strengths make a difference. You can even own homes/properties in Starfield and decorate them with furniture and other things you find. There is also off course the ship building. You can buy a ship, deconstruct it and build it up with a lot of freedom. There are many crazy design online that you can look up and see. Including a master chief head and hamburger like looking ship. It’s that crazy.

Overall Starfield is amazing and easily Bethesda’s best work and biggest game. We haven’t even talked about how big the universe is and how many systems there are and the many different planets with the different alien species and flora around. The numerous minerals and materials you can harvest and collect. We haven’t even talked about the supernatural abilities players will obtain in the future. Some call it space powers. there’s sop much that X35 Earthwalker has discovered yet as we haven’t been completed the main mission quests yet. Just started. This should tell you just how massive Starfield is. Xbox and pc players are definitely getting way more than their money worth. Spider-man 2 was completed by some fans in 9 hours while Starfield players are hounders go hours in and still got so much more to do. We knew Starfield will be great and it was more than we expected in many ways but there is still lots of room for the game to be bigger and better. Now Starfield may be a massive game with so much to do but it’s so small in comparison to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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