Code Vein is a new action role playing game (RPG) developed and published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. Code Vein is said to be coming out the 27th of September 2019 on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Code Vein is out here trying to be a good vampire game. Vampire games tend to not do well. Will this be any different? Let’s take a look.
In the world of Code Vein you control a Revenant. A Revenant is basically a vampire. So you are a Vampire in a ruined world. It’s been described as “gone”. In the center of all this is a group, or should we say society of Revenants called ‘Vein’. These Revenants fight for survival. They do this by trading their memories for gifts of power. Doesn’t sound like a good trade to us but when it comes to survival it’s up to you. Not only do they get power but they also get an increased thirst for blood. A Revenant who gives into the bloodlust fully risks becoming one of the ‘Lost’. A lost is a “fiendish ghoul devoid of any remaining humanity who wander aimlessly in search of blood.” So yeah, avoid that.
In Code Vein players must team up to survive this journey… a journey to some dangerous and dark places which some describe as hell. You must find a way out of the mess the Revenants find themselves in. You must work with a partner: A.I or a real player and work together to survive. You will go through dungeons as this whole game is about the dungeons. Facing many enemies. Some are tto powerful for you in a straight up fight while others wait for the right moment to strike you unprepared and unawares. Watch out.
Now off course your Revenants can be customised. Character customisation is always a good thing. You can change their accessories, face paint, make up, eye brows, hair, mask frame. purifier mask and clothing off course. It doesn’t end there. You can also customise concerning combat and weapons. So what do you want? Spears, bayonets, axes and more. You can finish of enemies with your blood veil. A blood veil is a blood draining tool and each one has their own attack style and looks different. Your blood veil will open up the means to new strategies concerning combat.
Remember when we mentioned gifts of power? Well Code Vein takes that seriously. You can enhance your characters abilities with blood code enhancements. Each blood code enhancement has their own various gifts, that you use to weaken enemies, gain super powerful attacks, increase your strength and even utilize new weapon abilities.
We checked out some Code Vein gameplay and there’s quite a lot going on. There’s quests for players to face together. Mechanics in combat like dodge and parry which off course require timing. The A.I characters have their own plot and fighting style. Like Final Fantasy 13 (the story so far) you can switch up your build at any time (oh so they claim). There’s difficult bosses and hordes of Lost. The graphics and visuals is very good. The action in combat is nothing special. The range of enemies is very good. The sounds are good. Some players may feel like it’s some combination of Final Fantasy and Dark Souls when it comes to combat.
Overall Code Vein seems like a good action Role playing game. There’s constant action, nice environments to look at. A range of enemies with different designs, multiple combat styles and strategies and options concerning character design. The developers ‘Bandai Namco’ have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Code Vein has to offer. Now Code Vein may have blood lust but something as simple as that can be cured by… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: