Darksiders III is the new action, adventure, hack and slash game developed by ‘Gunfire Games‘ but published by ‘THQ Nordic‘. Darksiders III is off course the latest Darksider game and is coming out the 27th of November on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The Fury is coming soon. Let’s take a look.
Darksiders III is now all about Fury the only female of the four apocalypse horsemen. By the way isn’t it interesting that so many popular games, anime and books got inspiration from the Bible (Think about that). Basically the story is that the earth has been taken over by the seven deadly sins who off course have their own minions and evil creatures serving and assisting them. The charred council won’t let this slide so they send Fury to solve the problem… by fighting, slashing and destroying all enemies and things that stand in her way. It says, “from the heights of heaven dow through the depths of hell”. sounds like a big battle if you ask us. Fury must restore balance to the situation and also aims to prove that she’s the most powerful of the horsemen. Isn’t death automatically suppose to be the strongest of the four horsemen?… whatever.
Now in Darksiders III the protagonist, Fury, fights differently from the others. Fury relies on both her physical abilities with her whip and magic. Now this magic also allows her to use her other forms well hollows to be exact. The Force hallow basically gets her very physical. She wields Scorn as quite a big hammer for powerful defense shattering, heavy damage attacks. This hammer while not as powerful as Thor’s mjolnir can also act as a focal point for magnetic attraction. This means she can pull in rocks, enemies and even energy and then make it all go boom. She can even travel along certain walls and ceilings if she maintains that magnetic force ability as a sphere.
Another Hallow is the one we all know called Fury, where she wields the whip and magic at the same time acting as more of the all rounder and default form, handling pretty much any situation. Another Hallow is Flame. Now her Scorn takes the form of two flails that are on fire. So this means a whole new menu of attacks and the blazing fire means explosive area of effect attacks too. While in this Hallow she can go through lava and fire without any damage and even perform a very high fiery jump. This all means she can reach areas she couldn’t before with this hallow. Rumour has it that there are more hallows for players to discover and use to their play style and advantage. Do you prefer evasion, quick attacks and high mobility or would you rather smash things in your way? You decide.
The world in Darksiders III works and reminds us off Metroid Prime in the fact that it’s a open ended big world with multiple areas that players will have to revisit at times to access new locations, discover new things, fight a boss that you couldn’t before, etc etc. It works very similar. For example there was. apart in Metroid Prime where you needed the plasma beam to get through a iced of area or certain doors in a place you already been too. In Darksiders III you will need the flame hallow to get through some lava to reach that other area. So get use to your locations as you advance the story along.
The main real enemies in Darksiders III are off the course the seven deadly sins. They are powerful and dangerous and one is apparently very lazy…. you might even say it’s slothful… fine we’ll stop. Their personalities are off course determined by what sin they represent. each one fights differently and has a different style. Wrath carries two large sword like melee weapons which he uses to crush and destroy, Sloth when he decides to finally fight is not as slow and lazy and as you would expect in battle, Envy’s appearance is very misleading so don’t underestimate the terrible fashion statement that is it’s robes. We are sure you can guess the rest of the names.
We checked out some gameplay and the first thing that came to our minds was Dante’s inferno which was a fun game by the way. Fighting monsters, demon looking things, combat in Hell, a weapon that extends like Dante’s scythe combined with the use of magic like Dante’s cross. Smashing open objects to collect energies or souls that pull towards you, executions etc. This is a good thing though as the way Dante played was great for it’s time. Darksiders III brings a smoother and more superior graphics game. The evasion is very good as Fury looks like she just about dodges some sweeping attacks and confirms that timing is important for those dodges.
Overall Darksiders III looks like a very good game so far but we are more concerned with the story and how it delivers. Will it be a simple here’s a checklist of bosses, kill them, game over? The graphics and sounds are very good. The combat is smooth. The whip weapon needs to look more exciting though. The developers ‘Gunfire Games’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are not exciting or looking forward to this games as there isn’t anything that gets us excited or makes us want to play it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t good though and there are fans waiting for this game. Now Darksiders III may be have a strong female horseman but even she is nothing when against… the ‘Earth Walk!’
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