DeadCore is a platformer FPS, developed by ‘5 Bits Games’. This game was already out on PC but will be coming to Xbox One and PS4 July 14th.
Now this is another game that we at X35 Earthwalker never heard of at all. In DeadCore you wake up to see a incredibly large tower standing in the middle of the void. Basically you fell through magnetic storms. So we survived the fall? As with these weird worlds with voids and different worlds, we have no idea knowledge of who we are or where we are. Somehow we know that we must climb the tower and for some reason… Do it fast. So as we climb this tower we will get answers and clues concerning the mystery that is this weird world.
You probably guessed this but climbing the tower will not be something simple. As you go up you will encounter robots who guard the tower. There are also puzzles as in tricky platforming like where to jump, activate switches and lifts while in the air and timing. So how about platform puzzles and robots together, well DeadCore has got that too. The main character is equipped with the ‘Switch Gun’. It’s basically a cool gun which can activate or deactivate most of the towers elements like switches, lifts other mechanisms and robots, temporarily of course.
Now this game doesn’t leave you as you are. There are power ups for you to find which will change how you play levels. For example if you find ‘Dash’, you can do a brief dash through the air allowing you reach new places and move faster. We also like the fact that there are collectibles that when collected unlocks new maps, new music tracks and narrative logs. There is a speedrun mode with dedicated maps but they must be unlocked by finding sparks in the story levels. Each leveis said to have at least 2 main paths but they also have secret paths to find and use to get the best time since DeadCore is about speed running primarily.
We checked out some gameplay and we think it looks real cool. The main problem we have with it is that our character jumps like they are on the moon so some players have easily used this to jump past rooms, gaps and go around areas which they are supposed to go through. This was intentional but it means that somethings, if you know them, are easy and pointless. Either way we like the style and what is going on.
Overall, the graphics are very nice, the environment, like the clouds and everything, look wonderful and the sounds are great. The developers ‘5 Bits Games’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will wait to hear what others have to say about it. This game may be worth checking out. Are you trying to get to the top of the tower? That’s fine as long as you try to do the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: