X35 Earthwalker has been playing World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap for a good while now and has been using all three character classes which are: Mercenary, Sorceress and Marksman. For now we are going to focus on the Mercenary and Sorceress only. Both classes are powerful in their own way and have different combat styles to consider.
The Mercenary is a the big strong, durable guy. He is simple to understand and simple to use. He has lots of health, able to stand up to the hordes and brawl it out by himself. No player has any excuse for dying as a Mercenary. With that much health, there is no excuse. In terms of armour, accessories and weapons the best thing to do is aim for increasing his resistance to damages and how much physical damage he can give as much as possible. Don’t worry too much about traps as the real monster in the game is the Mercenary. Traps are there just to slow down and soften the horde up for you. X35 Earthwalkers Mercenary has such high health and resistance that some enemies are just incapable of killing him. There was this Quag devourer champion which kept hitting X35 but it did so little damage that his regeneration kept healing him faster. X35 ended up just standing there for a while laughing at the fact that this creature would never kill him, even in an hours time. Having extremely high physical damage + the Bash ability = the strongest move in the game. X35 Earthwalkers Bash ability currently does 15563 damage per hit, which is absurd. Champions and even bosses die quick in his presence. The mercenary isn’t weak against horde enemies at all. Hordes are countered mainly by two abilities: Frost ring and Fire strike. Frost ring is the ultimate ability that every Mercenary player should have. It creates a powerful ice ring around you that hits everything around you rapidly at a generous range and even a chance of freezing them. Fire strike sends a trail of fire that passes through anything in it’s path dealing heavy fire damage. Both abilities can wipe out hordes with one use. The mercenary isn’t a joke.
The Sorceress is the soft, gentle but seriously powerful lady. She is sort of difficult to use but still easy to understand. She has little health. So there is no reason why your Sorceress should be receiving hugs from the horde. She has to stay at mid to long range obliterating everything. Her ice bolt is your main means of annoying the horde. It does nice damage but also freezes horde and normal enemies but slows down horde and giant enemies. Spam the ice out of that move! Lightning is your horde control. It deals heavy damage to everything it hits as it passes through enemies and stuns them for a very short time. The best type of armour and accessories for her are health and damage. Extra health will at least help her survive longer in the field, especially when dealing with ranged enemies while the damage is pretty obvious. She hits hard already but when you increase that (like lightning damage) her attacks can end up one shot-ing lots of enemies. She is the best map controller as she has abilities that stay active on the field for a while such as: Spectral serpent and Spool of fire. Spectral serpent creates a snake that sits there and fires poison damage at enemies that come by. Spool of fire creates a fire pillar from above that tracks enemies and deals continuous fire damage. Plant a spectral serpent and spool of fire on one lane while you go and focus down another lane. Both abilities combined will give the horde lots of trouble. One of her most versatile abilities is Teleport. This can be used to make her travel much faster around the map as it’s faster than running. It can also allow you to jump from lane to lane instead of following the path, saving you travel time. Also once upgraded you can travel seriously far, heal per teleport and inflict damage on the enemy. The Sorceress is pretty… pretty dangerous if you ask us!
So who is better at what? The Mercenary has much higher health and has the highest damaging move in the game. The Sorceress is faster and has greater mobility thanks to Teleport. The Sorceress can freeze enemies with Ice bolt but so can the Mercenary with Frost ring. The Sorceress can jump between lanes and cross big gaps in an instant thanks to Teleport once again while the Mercenary must always take the long way. The Mercenary has more versatile skills. For example he has Bash for heavy damage, Frost ring for hordes, Chain snare to pull enemies away from the gate and straight into your fist and Battle roar to make all allied creatures crazily powerful. There isn’t a situation that a Mercenary is bad at. He can even use himself to block enemies from reaching the gate due to his high health. Lastly he has two great passive abilities that increase the health and damage of all allied creatures. The Sorceress has better map control thanks to Spool of fire and Spectral serpent allowing her to be handling multiple lanes at once. Her long range attacks also means she can attack across lanes and her Teleport means she can be anywhere very fast while healing herself. Lastly she has many passive abilities for increasing the damage that traps deal meaning she brings high pain from everywhere and once combined with a high level Icy wind, can attack every enemy everywhere.
Overall X35 Earthwalker himself prefers the Mercenary as he is the more obviously powerful one who can stand up to any monster with tools to handle any situation making him the better class but that doesn’t mean the Sorceress is inferior as she has more amazing and cool looking abilities making her exciting to use. A sorceress backing up a Mercenary is just scary. Whether you agree or not… just know that it’s all about the ‘Earth Walk!’
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