Dungeon defenders 2 is great. X35 Earthwalker himself played the first Dungeon defenders with a team and it created great moments for them. Now that the sequel showed up they went in on the sequel. So far they have done what we wanted.
First of all let’s quickly talk about the story which made us stop and think about how dumb the heroes or kingdom was. The enemies showed up and smashed the eternia crystals which were containing the armies of the ‘Old ones’ within. For some strange reason the crystals were left scattered around the land instead of.. you know… gathering them and locking them up in a secure location. Literally, the enemies just rolled up to where the individual crystals were and just smashed them. Seriously so you mean to tell us that after we successfully defended the crystals and sealed away the armies in those things, we left them were we found them, vulnerable to anything that comes by? Dumb move if you ask us. Now that everyone is aware of what’s going on, they decided to gather and hide away the last remaining crystals. Too Late! Too late guys but whatever.
They brought in a bunch of new characters while keeping the original four off course. That’s right. The squire, apprentice, monk and huntress are back with their comical glory and furious might. Much to our joy they made the characters grow up. It’s been five years we believe so they are teenagers now? Yet the squire looks like the biggest muscle teenager we have ever seen but whatever, they look cool and it’s great to see them making progress. The other characters are: The Abyss Lord, Series EV3, The Gunwitch, The LavaMancer, The Mystic, The Dryad and The initiate. They all, except the Initiate, have their own defenses but all do have different abilities. Seriously the Initiate looks like a real cool character, can’t they giver her, her own defenses instead of making her a copy. Disappointed by that but happy with the cast of characters who are coming together to combat the enemies. Off course the other characters outside the original four must be unlocked. Also what’s disappointing is the fact that the Squires description sounds so unimpressive compared to the Apprentice. We encourage you to go to ‘Create character’ and read their respective descriptions and see which one sounds cooler.
In the first Dungeon Defenders game we struggled with the bonus levels as they seem to require you being an immensely high level to tackle but we have lives and things to do so couldn’t really be at that requirement in some ways. There was one in particular level that had an certain enemy which made everything not fun. It was that stupid genie which always stayed in the air and attacked your defenses, destroying them quite quickly. Worse is that he was really fast so a squire player couldn’t really hit him enough times or quick enough. He has high health so it will still take forever for Monks and Apprentices to shoot him down. There were no defenses for taking him down. In Dungeon Defenders 2 the Monk now has an anti-air defense called “Sky guard tower” which as the name implies specialises in taking down air enemies like wyverns and anything else that flies. This would have made life in Dungeon Defenders so much easier. It has nice range, honestly think they should have increased the range, good damage and the rate of fire is something we can live with. Now when we see that flying enemies are showing up, we smile and know we got something waiting for them.
Probably the coolest feature of Dungeon defenders 2 right now is the fact that you can switch between your selected character heroes. This is true. Even in the middle of combat. That’s awesome. So if you need to strike enemies from a distance then swap to the Huntress. Want to jump in the middle of the horde then swap to squire. You can build any of their defenses by switching between them. So use a Squires blockade for ultimate defense, use the Apprentices earth shatter tower for long range heavy damage, the Monks Boost aura to increase damage and the Huntress’s Blaze balloons to damage groups as they approach. Your heroes have separate ability resource meters. So you can switch between each hero just to use their abilities like the Apprentices Mana bomb, Squire’s Sword beam, Huntress’s Concussive shots and Monk’s Heroic wave. You can create some serious combos and different combinations of defense set ups.
There are lots and lots of items and different relics and shards for you to collect, equip and upgrade to make your characters the most powerful in all the kingdom. Decide which relic bests goes with which defenses. Equip armour and weapons to suit your style and off course… pets are still here. Get eggs and hatch them unleash new creatures to aid you in your quest. The levels are nice but we do have some issues with them. We completely hate the whole portals can appear in levels thing. There were moments where we have our defences set up and ready but then a portal opens up right on top of the defenses or right behind them and they can’t defend themselves. Selling your defense isn’t the best thing to do as you never get your full money back for what you spent on it. It’s annoying. Some levels, the enemies at times stray of their path to attack a defense that isn’t in their line. This has only happened on one level though. We also feel that there isn’t enough defense space. When we reach our maximum capacity for defences, it’s like we don’t have enough and have to rely on our characters to handle the gaps. Yes we do know that different defense take up different space.
Overall we are loving Dungeon Defenders 2 right now. The levels have variety, the locations make sense for the story and where it is going. The graphics and sounds have improved. It has a lot of what we wanted the sequel to have. It’s so much fun with a team and everyone is running around to get to where they are needed. This game is free by the way so make sure to support the developers. Maybe a get a new skin for your characters. By the way the skins you can get are very cool, very creative and worth getting if you have the cash. This game is worth trying out. You know what else is worth a try?… The ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: