EVERSPACE is a new rougelike, space, shooter game developed by ‘ROCKFISH Games’ and it coming out on Xbox One, PC and PS4 in March. Straight away we like this game just from what it is about and how it looks. It’s literally an action packed space game where you can blast things and fly around at high speeds. The objective of this game is simple. There is a destination that you have to reach; however there are multiple obstacles in the way. Also there is said to be a great puzzle that needs to be solved so there is something a bit deeper going on here.
Everytime you make the journey, it is different everytime. For example you may end up getting into a dog fight with some dangerous fighters but then the next time you may run into a group of large ships with powerful laser blasters. Off course there is more to this game than just blasting and flying around. You can gather resources, check out comets, ship wrecks and wormholes. If you want, you could just find and attack traders to get their supplies but be warned, they won’t give up their goods easily at all.
Now in order to get to the next area or system to explore and survive, you will need to gather enough fuel to be able to use the jump drive. On top of that you will need to collect resources to upgrade your ship to craft items to upgrade your ship and for repairs. This game is said to be very hard and damage to your ship and systems is unavoidable. You will die a lot in this game, so upgrading your ship and repairs are essential or you pretty much won’t be going anywhere.
The game actually rewards you for dying though, so don’t let the fact that the game is hard put you off. So everytime you die, you will get the chance to to change and improve your ship for the journey. Whether that’s improving your sensors, increasing the capacity of your shields, upgrading your weapons (yes please), increase shield capacity or even adding armour plates. What this game gets right is the fact that most of the upgrades and modifications actually show up visibly on your ship. For example getting new wings will change the shape of the ship. That is very cool indeed. Plus everytime you die will reveal a bit more about the story in the game. So dying is apparently okay in this game.
Now there is a lot of life in EVERSPACE. There are friends, neutral parties and allies out there but majority of the NPC’s are hostile and will make it their goal to destroy you. There are Kamikaze fighters which when near death they will crash themselves into you so evade for your life. Annoying scavengers who travel around and attack whoever looks like an easy target but some have cloaking technology so they can be anywhere. Frigate class ships might show up with big cannons, turrets and more to blast you away, heavy tactics are needed with these ones. Typical group of pirates might show up from hangar of outposts. They fight strategically, so it might be best to destroy their leader as quickly as possible. Most interesting of is that there is said to be enemies that are organic life forms which stay in asteroid fields covered by plasma clouds. That is so far the most interesting enemies. We hope there is a enemy encyclopedia providing information on them.
There will be VR support for oculus Rift and HTC Vive, so gamers who to literally get in the cockpit and take command will have no problems doing that. Also in the future there will be a ‘Hardcore mode’ where permadeath is active. This should only be attempted by the masters of this game since dying is most likely going to happen in this game frequently. The fact that there is no multiplayer isn’t a big deal. Not all games need it, it just depends on what the game is about. If they make it multiplayer in the future then that’s excellent but as far as we are concerned. It doesn’t make a difference.
From what we have seen of the game, it all looks very cool indeed. We gamers do need an actually good action packed space shooter game with some depth to it. The graphics look excellent and space in this game will make many want to just explore it. The cross hair is nice and easy to see. The action is smooth and flows nicely. Lots of work went into this game, and it shows. The customising and crafting screens are easy to understand and nicely detailed. The variety of the vents and things that happen in space are interesting and because there is so much going on, you will never really know what is going to happen. Being able to craft and make changes on the go, even in the middle of combat is absolutely great feature to have since this game requires you to have the right stuff at the right time to survive. The sounds of the explosions, other ships and lasers all sound very good and on point in many cases. enemy fighter ships leave trails behind them from their lights and fuel making it easier for players to track them down and blast them. This space game gets a lot of things right. The different locations in the space in this game have different colours and different size rocks and stuff. X35 Earthwalker himself believes that many gamers have been waiting for game like this.
Overall this game is looking extremely solid. The developers ‘ROCKFISH Games’ did an amazing job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what will become of this game and what other gamers have to say about it but it doesn’t matter what they say as long as you never forget… to do the ‘Earth Walk!’.
For more information check out the link below: