Final Fantasy XV is getting a new DLC called ‘Episode Ignis’, developed by ‘Square Enix’. Episode Ignis will be available on the 13th of December for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. We at X35 Earthwalker certainly love the amount of effort and work that goes into the Final Fantasy DLC’s. A lot of content is on the way but now it’s Ignis’s turn. Let’s take a look.
All Final Fantasy gamers will currently know Ignis. He is the composed and serious one but stays cool. he is the tactical and brains of the group. We couldn’t play as him in Final Fantasy XV but worked with the players but now… It’s his turn to shine. In Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis. Players control… well… Ignis (who else?). This DLC takes place as Noctis is still unconscious after the trial of Leviathan. Ignis has an adventure of his own. He puts his tactical mastery to use in Altissia to protect the city.
Now we love Ignis at X35 Earthwalker because of his personality and because strategy and getting tactical is definitely our thing. Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis is suppose to be not only breath taking but emotional. The developers want to really get the players into what’s happening here. Ignis will protect his comrades, especially Noctis at any cost… even if it means sacrificing himself. Now this kind of friendship and duty they have for each other is beautiful. Friendship can be the strongest bond there is and the Bible teaches this as well.
From what we have seen of the DLC gamers can expect some huge battles, towering enemies, being out numbered and facing familiar foes once again. Everything looks smooth and the combat looks awesome. At times it looks like Ignis is more dangerous than Noctis. The tactical ones are normally the ones who win. The Zoom around the battlefield, travel from roof top to roof top and use elemental attacks and even work with allies to defeat your enemies, defend the city and off course Noctis. The action certainly hasn’t turned down here.
Already a number of Final Fantasy fans are excited and have good things to say about what they have seen already. We know Episode Ignis means serious business because Ignis means business. Seriously look at his face. Look at him straight in the eyes… now that’s serious.
Overall from what we know and have seen, this DLC might just bring some feelings to gamers. The graphics look great as always, the attention to detail is excellent as well. The sounds still sound relevant and nicely done. As you go through the game some of the stuff happening in your surroundings are just worth taking a look at like when that air ship got punched by that large humanoid being. The developers ‘Square Enix’ did an excellent job with this DLC so far. This is worth checking out. Now Ignis may have an episode now but one thing always had an episode and that’s… the Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: