A very simple game with difficult challenges


Fire Time is a 2D action game developed by X35 Earthwalker himself. Let’s keep this simple. You are a unique flame and you have to avoid all the dangers as you collect the gems. There’s water… a lot of it. Controls are easy but the game is very hard. Don’t rage quit. Give it a try:

  • Over 15 levels
  • Enemies are haters
  • a final score for bragging rights (print screen or take a picture)
  • very challenging, and lots of fun (you will rage quit)

Fire Time is available on PC and Android. The Fire Time game, X35 Earthwalker and Fire Time logo are the property of X35 Earthwalker. 

PC     Android

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X35 Earthwalker Fire Time Title screen

Exciting levels

There’s loads of levels in Fire Time. They are exciting simply because the majority off them are very active. If you stay still too long or look away for a moment, you might find yourself dead. So why take the risk?

X35 Earthwalker Fire Time Title screen

Difficult enemies

There are a set group of enemies. They are very difficult because they are numerous but have specific movement patterns that will catch you off guard. Watch them and learn.

X35 Earthwalker Fire Time Title screen

There are secrets

There are secrets for sure in Fire Time. We won’t say where they are or what they are but they are there. You will need to be sort of observant and quite experimental to find them. They are worth it though.

X35 Earthwalker Fire Time Title screen
X35 Earthwalker Fire Time Title screen
X35 Earthwalker Fire Time Title screen
X35 Earthwalker Fire Time Title screen
X35 Earthwalker Fire Time Title screen
Fire Time - X35 Earthwalker
Fire Time - X35 Earthwalker
Fire Time - X35 Earthwalker
Fire Time - X35 Earthwalker
Fire Time - X35 Earthwalker
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Maze Time is another awesome game that X35 Earthwalker developed. Check it out for more goodness.

Check out Maze Time


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