Twelve Minutes is a point and click adventure game developed by ‘Luis Antonio’ and published by ‘Annapurna Interactive‘. Twelve Minutes is said to be coming out the 19th of August 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC. Rumours about how Twelve Minutes might come to other consoles too but remember they are just rumours.
Twelve Minutes is very simple to understand and we like that. Basically players control a man who is having a romantic evening with his wife. Welcome it was romantic but then a police detective busts into your home and accuses your wife of murder. That’s bad but it gets worse. The police detective beats you to death! Like what the heck. Like this is actually funny. Don’t you just hate it when you are having a quiet time at home and then some random police detective rolls up to your house and beats you to death. You can’t make this up. Except the developers clearly did for this game. Back to what the game is about. After dying you wake up again, twelve minutes before your engagement with the police detective. You are stuck in a time loop until you change the future. You have twelve minutes. So yeah, don’t get beat to death.
There’s a bit more going on with Twelve Minutes than on the surface. Remember when we said that players have twelve minutes? We meant in real time. You have twelve minutes. You got to think how to use your twelve minutes wisely. This makes us wonder though concerning what Twelve Minutes will offer as it’s a game with a simple concept. It could get boiled down to trial and error. So how deep is this game. Will it be like the Stanley parable, having many endings and twists. There has to be some depth to it otherwise it will be another quick small game. Something to think about.
We checked out some Twelve Minutes action and it’s pretty much what we thought it would be. We like that what we can see is very limited. You see one room at a time. You can only see what’s there when you enter, like the kitchen for example. The lighting and colours also add to the atmosphere. It can help display dread and fear. You do seem sort of powerless though as the character we control isn’t powerful or special in any way. The guy even had a knife and still lost to an unarmed police detective. The guy can’t even fight good So players need to think outside the box to deal with this evil police detective. We hope to see more gameplay.
Overall Twelve Minutes seems like it’s going to be a cool game because of the curiosity and mystery but an alright game. We are interested to know what’s going on but Twelve Minutes itself hasn’t got enough going on. Work went into this for sure but we need more. The developers ‘Luis Antonio‘ have done an alright job but it definitely looks like more is needed. Now Twelve Minutes may not be a lot of time but it’s more than enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is a arcade action platformer game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Let’s just say this right now. Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is fantastic, brilliant and worth your time. Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is a brutally difficult game. If you plan to take this game on then keep that warning in mind. Let’s take a look.
Let’s get this out of the way. X35 Earthwalker not only beat Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection but 100% it too. This was done on the Nintendo Switch. X35 Earthwalker is the only gamer that we know who has done this on a pure Legend difficulty run which means you don’t lower the difficulty to beat a specific level or part. 100%-ing this game was too painful. There’s two specific levels in the shadow versions that brought the vast majority of the pain. Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is cheap and we aren’t talking about price. This game is cheap in terms of how unfair it is. This was all done ON PURPOSE. Some gamers of lower intellect say that Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is badly made or some parts weren’t made well but actually those things they are talking about were designed that way intentionally to troll the players. Capcom are a bunch of dirty trolls when it comes to this game and it shows and makes players suffer. More on that later though.
Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is what fans of the series would expect and appreciate. There has been Ghosts n’ Goblins, Ghouls n’ Ghosts (the best one), Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts and Ultimate Ghosts n’ Goblins. This is known as the probably the hardest video game series in existence. X35 Earthwalker has beaten this series. We can say that Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is the hardest of them all. The others are easy compared to it. We are saying all this to give gamers an idea of how hard this game is and what you bums are getting yourselves into. So yeah you Ghouls n’ Ghosts fans will definitely be happy with this game for sure. If you hate it, it’s mostly because you suck at the game. Now the tradition of beating the game twice is still there. Going through the game once is 50% of the game. You only truly beat the game when you go through it TWICE. It’s been that way for every game in the series except Ultimate Ghosts n’ Goblins but it had a huge twist. This is where youtubers like ‘ericvanwilderman’, ‘ryukahr’ and ‘darksydephil’ have ALL FAILED. These guys beat all the levels ONCE on legend difficulty and then bailed like cowards. This means they didn’t beat the game. They didn’t get the main ending or true ending either. Nothing. They folded. So X35 Earthwalker is better than all of them.
Now the big difference here with Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is magic. Yes there was magic in Ultimate Ghosts n’ Goblins but it’s way bigger here. You got to collect the umbral bees to return to the umbral tree to get magic. These magics are game changers. Very powerful. Players will need these to truly beat the game. We love the big variety of magic here and what is available. You’ve got flame walls to cover you from ground based enemies. You’ve got passive upgrade magic like kitted out which lets you hold multiple weapons. There’s magic like transmigifrog which turns enemies into… well… frogs. Off course the iconic lightning magic is here so you can blast them all away… no team rocket. In most parts magic makes the game easier while in possibly two areas it feels like it’s a necessity. Concerning the youtubers we mentioned earlier we did notice they relied too heavily on magic while one did gorgon spam which is lame. The gorgon magic is like the cheapest magic in the game. It turns all small to medium sized enemies into stone. They can’t move or hurt you. Not only that, there’s a chance that when you kill them while stoned (get it) they drop items including armour. It’s overall the best magic in the game. Our free tip to all players who want to 100% the game and get magic quick. You have to aim for the umbral bee net magic. That magic will save you soooooo much pain and troubles. Just get it. Shut up! Don’t argue with us, just get the net and thank us later.
The bosses are big but not a big deal for the most part. Most players agree that the hard parts of Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection are the levels but the bosses are easy in comparison. The bosses are easy. The only one that gives real problems is cerberus. He has the most unpredictable and random actions. It can go so wrong very easily. The others have a more fixed way of beating them. The Bosses are basically remakes of the original bosses from the previous games. Fun fact the cyclops originally was called a unicorn in the first game. These boss fights are good fun though. In terms of difficulty from hardest to easiest we would say: cerberus, shielder, dragon then cyclops.
The design style of Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection game looks very nice indeed. We like how the game looks. It isn’t what we wanted though. We don’t think this is the best style for this game but we certainly appreciate all the work that went into it. As we said before it looks good. The music is very good and we like the variety they got going on. The Execution Grounds music might be our favourite and then Crystalline City.
The levels are designed very well in Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection. There’s so much to say about the levels. There’s so much reference and designs done to pay respects to the original games. With zone 1 & 2 the bottom levels are based on Ghosts n’ Ghouls while the top levels are based on Ghosts n’ Goblins. These levels are made with difficulty in mind. The levels constantly spawn many enemies. They never stop, forcing players to move quick but you can’t rush though as that leads you into all the traps. Some levels have areas where you reach a specific spot and then numerous enemies spawn. The developers Capcom are real trolls here. The worst we’ve seen. There are some spots like by a jump where a specific enemy will ALWAYS spawn just to meet you where you would land if you jumped. There’s multiple moments like this.
There’s a part in hellfire hamlet where it looks safe but a Fire Fennec will always land there and knock you. You aren’t safe there. There’s even a cursed moment in Cavern of the Occult, the shadow version, where at the very end, after you’ve struggled so hard to get there (hardest part of the game for us), you have to jump of the stone dragon and land on solid ground. The developers double layered the troll here. First there’s a drawing, an exact copy of the landing area in the background but earlier. It looks exactly like it but slightly darker so players jump thinking it’s the right time but it leads to death. That’s the first part. The second part is worse. After you fall for the first troll (which we know you did) and try again you jump to land on the safe ground, except a plant monster pops up basically at the edge waiting to knock you back into the bottomless pit to die. How horrible. piece of crap scumbag move capcom. You scumbags. Expect trolls and things to ruin you.
We do like that there’s a good amount of variety in Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection. We like that weapons seem more balanced than previous games. These weapons have their moments and reasons for using them. We have tried all and enjoy them all for the most part. We really like the hammer as well and it’s satisfying to kill many enemies be untouchable and even kill bosses with it but it’s sill the worst weapon overall in the game. Now Let’s talk a bit about the negatives of this game. Back to the weapons. The developers haven’t learnt from previous games. Everyone knows that the daggers (according to official booklets from previous games they are swords) are the best. No debate needed. They should have mixed things up. Unless you have the kitted out passive upgrade you can only have one weapon. The only weapon everyone would pick and it’s the one you truly only need is the daggers. That’s bad design. Like for example why would you pick the lance over the daggers? Exactly, never. No one we’ve seen online pick lance over daggers either. Balance the weapons to make it so that players really have to decide at times what’s best for what’s going on.
Second complaint is how the levels get locked away after you’ve beaten the game completely as in the shadow levels. The first time makes sense as you are sent back to the start to go through the levels again but in shadow mode. After you’ve beaten the shadow mode levels why do they lock away the levels again? That’s a dumb move. We already beat the game… relax for a moment. The third complaint is that when you beat a level more than once skulls will appear next to the name of the level. These skulls make the level harder. We believe the maximum is two skulls. It could be three though. When two skulls are there, the levels have more aggressive spawns, there’s therefore more enemies. We can’t control this at all. This is a problem because when X35 Earthwalker first went through all the levels, all was well but then he entered levels again to find the umbral bees and black chest. Then he beat the shadow versions of the levels, which forced him to play through them all again to unlock the levels so he can go for the umbral bees and black chests AGAIN. By this time the levels got skulls. This means when trying to beat the hell holes, and find all the collectibles, X35 had to do that with a harder version of the level. That’s not fair. This whole game isn’t fair so that’s saying something. The fourth complaint would be the Red Arremer final secret magic where you transform into Red Arremer. It’s inferior to the real thing. You can’t fly forever like the actual demons, you have limited mobility and it’s not fun to play as. We rather be Arthur than red arremer which shouldn’t be the case. It’s a let down. Our big award for getting all the umbral bees is a lame red arremer form. Not happy. The fish complaint are the actual red arremers themselves. They are too hard to beat. We found a way to beat them but it isn’t guaranteed. There are some places where you can’t use the technique. Lightning magic level 3 is the best solution to those demons but that’s end game when you have loads of umbral bees. When everyone first faced the red arremer no one knew what to do, even the seasoned ghouls n’ ghosts veterans were like how do you kill this guy.
Now to be positive again here’s some more stuff we truly like. We like that Ghosts n’ Goblins has good stuff from the previous games like level design from the first two games. Upgraded weapons due to having special armour just like Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts. In order to get the true ending and real final boss you need to collect all of the demon orbs just like needing to get all the rings in Ultimate Ghosts n’ goblins. The special armour you get as a reward for truly beating the game which includes beating all hell holes, collecting all demon orbs, beating the final true boss and getting the true ending. This special armour actually makes you invincible. Enemies can’t beat you. Falling in bottom pits and falls can still kill you but no enemy can kill you. You can’t get killed. It’s awesome. Now that’s a good reward. We liked that they kept the arcade feeling of the game. We do care about the score and getting the items for points. The magics are versatile and fun to use allowing for different tactics. We liked the challenges set for players in this game. They are all fair and doable but are actually challenging. When you complete them all, you feel real good for sure.
Overall Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is a fantastic game. You will hate the game during some parts and you will completely disown the game and say you’ve never heard of it when trying to 100% it but it’s great fun. We have watched many gamers, some of which are actually skilled, fail and die many times in a single level. Like over 100 or even 200 deaths on the first few levels. It’s so tough that not even ‘ericvanwilderman’, ‘ryukahr’ and ‘darksydephil’ can beat this game on legends difficulty. Remember that going through the levels once isn’t beating the game. It’s the best game in the ghouls n’ ghosts series yet easily. It didn’t go for innovation like Ultimate Ghosts n’ Goblins but decided to stay to the original style which off course worked out very well here. There’s so much more we can easily say about this game but we have to end it here. It’s long enough as it is. Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is currently one of the best games of 2021 easily and an easy 10/10. Play it… unless you suck. Now Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection may be 10/10 but it’s not perfect unlike… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Greak: memories of azur is a side scrolling platform action game developed by ‘navegante entertainment’ and published by ‘Team17‘. Greak: memories of azur is said to be coming out 17th of August 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Greak: memories of azur has sibling teamwork. Let’s take a look.
Greak: memories of azur is set in the lands of Azur. There’s three siblings: Greak, Adara and Raydel. Two brothers and a sister. Players will control these guys. One at a time off course. Basically an invasion is going on. A faction called the Urlag. Basically the Urlag is fighting a magical race called courine. The courine are losing their home lands. So it’s a desperate and dangerous situation.
Greak: Memories of Azur is about the three siblings. Greak is the courine and so he uses magical abilities and attacks. His sister Adara also comes off as magical but possible the most mobile of the three. Lastly Raydel is what you’d expect from the big brother. He is mainly strength, even wielding a sword and shield. You can always count on big bro right. Greak: Memories of Azur allows players to switch between Greak, Adara, and Raydel at any moment so you can use their abilities to your advantage either in combat of platforming around the land. Players like freedom.
We checked out At first it is not so in Greak: Memories of Azur. At the start you control Greek and his first goals to reunite with Adara and Raydel, help them out in their different situations and then work as team to escape. Greak: Memories of Azur is hand drawn art and animations. It looks very good and runs smoothly too. That’s always great to see. So imagine the performance on the best console the Xbox Series X.
We checked out some Greak: Memories of Azur gameplay and it’s what we expected. What we find funny is that the Greak, Adara and Raydel plan to escape the lands of Azur by “building a zeppelin piece by piece.” That sounds so silly but we like different things and want to see that work. We like Raydel the most so far and his shield which he can use to even block beams to allow others to pass through. The enemies are sort of disappointing though. We hope they become more cool and stand out. There must be a bigger difference between between Adara and Greak.
Overall Greak: Memories of Azur looks like a good game. We like what we see but we want more. It’s not a big enough scale for what’s happening in the lore, like oh we don’t know, an invasion. It’s not active enough. The graphics style is nice but the graphics and visuals themselves are excellent. The developers ‘navegante entertainment’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear out for this game. Now Greak: Memories of Azur may have an invasion but it’s far too weak for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Astria Ascending is a JRPG (Japanese role playing game) developed by ‘Artisan Studios‘ and published by ‘Dear Villagers‘. Astria Ascending is said to be coming out 30th of September 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PC. Astria Ascending is looking like a whole new big adventure for sure. Let’s take a look.
Astria Ascending hasn’t given much information concerning the story but we can piece it together. For starters Asstria Ascending is set in the world of Orcanon. Players take control of one of the so called “fated eight”. These characters are customisable and are different races, have very different skills and different in character to each other. They “must sacrifice everything to save the world.” Sacrificing everything sounds like the fated 8 will lose their lives too. That sounds like a problem.
But wait… there’s more… in Astria Ascending. There’s also 12 ancient beasts. Now these beasts are obviously special since they are called ancient but what’s the deal with them. Sounds like they need to be eliminated. It’s also been said that the fated 8 will fight against their destiny. This in a way does remind us of Final Fantasy 13 (in some ways) which we enjoyed playing. We definitely want to know more about the 12 ancient beasts. There’s 5 cities to explore which holds their own creatures.
This whole world is hand drawn. That means a lot of time and work went into this for sure. Hand drawn ain’t easy. So yes there’s 5 cities but there’s also 20 dungeons. Wait a minute! 20 dungeons? There’s 8 fated heroes and 12 ancient beats. 8 + 12 = 20! MIND BLOWN!!!!!!! See you get the best content here with X35 Earthwalker. Now this world in Astria Ascending isn’t mystical happiness and fun times. Expect betrayal and even terror. There’s a lot going on.
The team developing Astria Ascending has some serious people on the team. Developers from Final Fantasy, Nier Automata and Bravely default. There’s apparently lots to do as well. There’s over 50 hours of gameplay. There’s mini games too. A fantasy themed card game which interests us. There’s a shoot em up and even environmental puzzles. Talking about options, we hear there’s 20 classes to choose from concerning your character.
We checked out some Astria Ascending gameplay and it’s what we expected. Loads of skills to use against your enemies. Build up and get powerful enough to use legendary cosmo breaks. There’s “over 200 different monsters” for you to face. There’s even summons in this game. Legendary beasts that you can collect bring into the fight against your foes. There’s quite a lot of options when it comes to combat. We like the look of that. We just hope the turn based combat is actually tactical with high enough difficulty to force players to not walk through it but use their brains.
Overall Astria Ascending looks like a very good game. There’s going to be some serious music especially with the help of these developers from Final Fantasy and Nier Automata. We expect lots of content, lots of combat and some awesome creatures for sure. We hope the summons are epic and actually useful. The developers ‘Artisan studios’ have done a great job. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye on this game. Now Astria Ascending may have legendary summon but those beings are pathetic and useless against… the ‘Earth Walk!’
King’s Bounty 2 is a turned based role playing game developed by ‘1C Entertainment‘ and published by ‘Prime Matter‘. King’s Bounty 2 is said to be coming out the 24th of August 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PC. We got a fantasy world with magic, beats and danger. Let’s take a look.
King’s Bounty 2 all takes place in the kingdom of Nostria. Nostria real quick gets a new king. This change of leadership is never really easy but that’s not even the main focus. Nostria has a lot of troubles coming their way. Big dangers actually. Off the such like sabotage which always sucks, conspiracies which makes communication hard and even necromancy which is always bad. All these threats and more are on the way with many mystical enemies and battles.
King’s Bounty 2 is not going easy on the situation with loads of drama. On top of what we have already listed there’s also “kingdoms in disarray, counties demanding independence, bandits prowl the roads, all the overseas nations have denied the King’s authority over them, and blighted creatures lie in wait for the unwary.” So off course Nostria needs a hero. This is where the players come in. Pick one of three main heroes and we hope they are interesting. So off course players need an army. The means recruiting and building that army. This also won’t be easy as betrayal is a factor so keep an eye out on this adventure.
Our interest off course lies in the beings and creatures of King’s Bounty 2. The enemies and what you can expect to face. We have seem what looks like elemental beings, there’s golems, there’s human enemies, necromancers, beasts looking like big cats, skeletons off course, glowing plasma like big birds, gargoyles or maybe demons. We see a lot of threats and having a variety of enemies and dangers work very well especially in fantasy worlds like King’s Bounty 2. We wonder if they have the creativity to bring something new up in here but let’s see.
We checked out some King’s Bounty 2 gameplay and it’s what we thought but not as cool. Something we didn’t talk about much is that this is turn based strategy. You have hexagon ground layouts for combat, measuring the field and where units can stand. The combat doesn’t look exciting. We like the visuals and effects on attacks like lightning and fire. It’s definitely magically but we hope the actual combat gets better and more exciting. We like the details that given to us during combat and things are clear and easy to understand. We like the variety of the attacks as well like ice throw from an ice golem, magical blasts from spell casters and even arrows from archers.
Overall King’s Bounty 2 looks lie a good game. Nothing huge but another good game with a adventure for gamers. It’s clear quite a lot of work went into King’s Bounty 2. So far it hasn’t attracted or impressed us yet. We do want to see more though. There’s dialogue and decisions that need to be made. We know there’s consequences for your actions but do they truly matter? Most games fail with this choice to consequence stuff. Let’s see if King’s Bounty 2 fails better. The developers ‘1C Entertainment’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker hope more is done on this game. Now King’s Bounty 2 may have Nostria but that place is too lame for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Lost at Sea is a adventure survival game developed by ‘Studio Fizbin‘ and published by ‘Headup‘. Lost at Sea is said to be coming out the 15th of July on 2021 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. Being lost at sea is a whole problem in of itself but there’s a bit more going on here. Let’s take a look.
Lost at Sea is all about Anna. She is described as being in the later stages of her life. She is now alone though. Which is also a problem. So she’s in a situation where she’s going over her life, her memories. She has to construct her memories though. You must find objects and stuff of interest. Anna is basically thinking about her life and is now asking the question… “Did I do it right?” Many have asked that question but not all. So yeah, help Anna out. Lost at Sea style.
Now all this Lost at Sea action takes place on an island. This island isn’t normal. There’s different biomes on the island. Each biome represents a different phase of her life. Players have to explore each biome and phase of her life. This means solving riddles and piecing things together. This is all happening while Anna’s fears are hunting you, chasing you. Your fears are here to prevent you from progressing and keep you in sorrow.
We checked out some Lost at Sea gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s more like an exploration chill game with a big focus on emotions and feelings. A game that has some sort of lessons concerning life for players. This game is literally supposed not be about life. We at X35 Earthwalker will be the judge as to wether their advice is accurate or not. Players can take their time. We like the different biomes, the night sky, the lights and even the trees. There’s differently some creativity here and we like that. Lost at Sea shouldn’t have been described as an adventure game though.
Overall Lost at Sea seems like an average game really but with heavier content. We like the graphics and visuals. The theme is good but we hope it can be handled well. Nothing truly stands out about the game except that beautiful night sky with stars and the orange balloons. Lost at Sea can be great but we need there to be more. The focus should be on the fears and how it looks like a darkness. The developers ‘Studio Fizbin’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have see what Lost at Sea accomplishes. Lost at Sea may have questions about life but they don’t understand life as well as… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Imagine Earth is a space simulation strategy game developed and published by ‘serious bros’. Imagine Earth is said to be coming out the 9th of July 2021 on the Xbox Series X and Xbox One. It’s already out on PC. This is managing civilisation on distant planets… in space. What could go wrong? Let’s take a look.
Time for another smaller G-Blog. Imagine Earth is all about building up global civilisations on far away planets. This off course means managing them, handling resources and keeping everyone alive. You should know the routine by now. Strategy simulation. Build, expand and manage… but you’re in space and you’ve got some competition, sort off.
In Imagine Earth you can form alliances with competing corporations… or you can go against them. Wage an economic war and see who crushed whom. So make sure to harvest all those goodies to make more goodies. It’s all about the resources. So it’s all about business and good decision making. Something most people lack.
We checked out some Imagine Earth gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. Scroll around, be observant, set tasks, decide what to do and manage a kingdom basically. We do like the visuals though. We definitely like the visuals and graphics in Imagine Earth. It looks very good. We like the little details on the globes too. We like how you can manipulate the planets and make big changes to it. We like the planets flora and how alien some look. There’s research options too which can shake things up and unlock new options.
Overall Imagine Earth is another space planet simulation build and conquer game. There’s no combat really. Sure these are disasters to prepare for and defend against and even problems caused by the climate but those threats aren’t interesting at all. Image Earth is good but needs more going on for our taste. The developers ‘Serious Bros’ have done a nice job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear if this game make a splash or not. Now Imagine Earth may have space colonisation but even their technology and methods are pathetic when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights is a 2D action Role Playing Game developed by ‘Live Wire, Adglobe‘ but published by ‘Binary Haze Interactive‘. Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights came out the 22nd of June 2021 on the Nintendo Switch and PC but 29th of June 2021 on the Xbox Series X. Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights has quite a lot going on. Let’s take a look.
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights is all about a girl named Lily. Lily is the last surviving priestess. What happened? Basically it’s the rain. Yes rain. Not normal rain though. This rain is dangerous and can even turn people into the undead. Lily wakes up in a church (Best place to be is church. Facts) but has no knowledge and memory of recent things that took place. So off course your mission is to find the cause of this rain and hopefully stop it.
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights is off course already out so you can literally see the game for yourself so we are keeping it short. It’s more than just the undead. The rain turned all living things into monsters. There’s all kinds of dangers here. They are called the Blighted. Players off course need to explore this entire world. The place is called ‘Land’s End’. Very friendly. There is some variety as there’s a massive castle, a submerged forest and even an underground cavern that’s apparently contaminated and sealed off. Isn’t that suspicious. It would be a shame if we had to explore that place, oh wait.
We checked out some Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. We like that Lily doesn’t actually fight herself. She summons the spirits of the undead who got purified. One has a sword and fights like a warrior, another has a bow shooting projectiles while another is sort of like a mage that shoots fire balls sort of. They do have names like Umbral Knight, Gerrod, the elder warrior, Dark witch Elaine and more. They fight for her. So timing attacks, diving out of the way and using each summoned spirit optimally is essential in this game.
Overall Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights seems like a really cool game and the combat is different. We definitely like the art style and the graphics are excellent. The animations are excellent. The animations of 2D games have really stepped up. There’s a lot of details in this game too, including on the enemies. The game looks like it will get real difficult which is a good thing. The developers ‘Livewire and adglobe’ did a very good job here. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear out for Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights. Now Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights may have killer rain but that rain don’t mean a thang when it comes to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Recompile is a hacking adventure game developed by ‘Phigames‘ and published by ‘Dear villagers‘. Recompile is said to be coming out 2021 in August on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. Recompile definitely looks coo. There’s quite a bit going on. Let’s take a look.
Recompile is all about computer technical stuff. This world is a large ancient mainframe. Players will have to explore this “ancient digital landscape”. You are basically this AI who’s on a journey towards attaining true sapience”. It’ just one big digital adventure. Also we hear that Recompile has different critical paths for players to take and explore. The narrative of the game changes based on the player. Your “play style and choices matter”. So players can expect their own unique experience.
You can run, sprint, jump, fight and even more when you acquire the abilities. Don’t forget that Recompile is described as a metroidvania style game. So you will start of basic but will eventually find new abilities and powers. We even saw the ability to literally fly like a jet in a straight line. The game claims there’s “a full complement of powerful weapons and abilities are available”. We hope so. We even saw firearms, off course digital but still a gun. The action here is real.
Read this whole explanation that Recompile has. “The untimely fall of the Seven Suns lead to a millenia of neglect, gradually transforming the Mainframe’s vast repository of code into a race of half-sentient, half-deterministic subroutines. They exist in a state of flux, as if trapped by their programming in a kind of twisted digital purgatory”. We definitely need more information and hope this is clear in the game itself. We do know that the player needs to make choices concerning the beings of the mainframe. Either help them or go against them. Most of them are hostile though so keep that in mind.
Let’s quickly go over a big feature of Recompile which is the hacking. Pretty much everything is hackable and you can mess with them. Power grids, the inhabitants themselves, logic gates, locked doors and even massive machines. Thanks to the fact that they are powered by “interconnected logic gate circuitry”. Make certain beings obey your commands. Override, disable and even invert to your advantage. So basically hack everything. Hacking is a huge weapon and ability for you.
We checked out some Recompile gameplay and it’/s not what we though it would be. It’s definitely all 3D and far more action than your typical metroidvania. We certainly like the variety of locations and how digital and data-like everything looks. It’s designed well. We like the sounds of the lasers, blasts and attacks made. Computer sounds which is very fitting here. We like how there’s multiple options and upgrades available from what we can see. We hope there’s more though. Recompile its about AI, data and computer stuff right? We would imagine that through data there should be endless creative means of upgrading and doing new stuff. Everything looks smooth and still smooth during combat. We are seeing quite the variety of enemies from snake like ones, to drones, shape build ones and others that look more like beasts.
Overall Recompile is looking like a very good game. Very different from what is already out there and we like that. We respect unique games. We like the good pace and platforming. We like the combat and the variety available. We aren’t sure how the finding upgrades and powers work though. We need more information. There’s excellent in game effects and lighting. The developers Phigames has done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing Recompile in action. Now Recompile may have data, AI and programs but all that too insignificant for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Yuoni is a first person horror game Developed by ‘Tricore‘ and published by ‘Chorus worldwide games‘. Yuoni is said to be coming out the 19th of August 2021 on Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. Yuoni is taking a simple game concept and making it into a big deal. Let’s take a look.
Yuoni is set in Japan in the year 1990. It’s about Ai. She is a grade schooler. So clearly young and not Laura croft. She is in a world where the sun never sets. Ai is forced to play hide and seek. No this isn’t some friendly game. This is a lethal and deadly game of hide and seek. As in, of you get found, you die! So basically Ai has three choices here. Run, as fast as you can. Hide, very well or just die. That sums up the game really. It’s hide and seek but lethal.
What iS ai hiding from in Yuoni? There are shadowy beings that will harm her. There’s also some horrible creature which has many big eyeballs. There’s also what looks like a small demon boy too who will find you and drag you out of hiding. These enemies all have different behaviours. What’s worst is that these creatures are somehow start to “bleed into the real world”. That’s bad off course. We do hope there’s a good range of enemies in Yuoni.
These enemies have the advantage here as Ai is only 10 years old. She is too small and weak to fight. The enemies of Yuoni has weaknesses though.There are some enemies that are blind so you must sneak past them. Another enemy is deaf, meaning you can run past quick without consequence. The blind one can still here so you must use the hold your breathe mechanic. Your breathing is noise. So know when to hold your breath.So this makes us wonder what other behaviours and weaknesses these enemies have.
There’s items for players to find in Yuoni. You will need these items to escape the situation you are in. There’s also mentions and warning for players to “remember the paths you’ve taken or risk being trapped there forever.” This lets us know that there are decisions and options to make. How well is it done though?
We checked out some Yuoni gameplay and its sort of what we imagined. We didn’t expect the highest grade graphics or design but it does its job. We know that there’s more to Yuoni than shown as Ai’s friends are brought into this somehow. It states that they “harbour dark thoughts and harrowing secrets”. That children and can be more cruel than the spirits themselves. So there’s more going on for sure. We do hope the game gets more polished visually but keep that same wood looking style though.
Overall Yuoni looks like a simple game with a simple objective but a serious twist. We hope things are done very well. There’s more than one ending as the website states that after clearing the game, “another ending will become available to you.” The foes will be more challenging. That’s a good touch. The developers ‘Tricore’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker hope Yuoni does well. Now Yuoni may have hide and seek but those games are too easy for… the ‘Earth Walk!’