Halo Infinite is the game that so many many people have been waiting for. It’s a First Person Shooter looking like an open world game developed by ‘343 Industries‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. Halo Infinite is coming out on 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. Halo Infinite has so much potential that it’s crazy. There’s so much room for the good stuff to make this the best game of the year easily. So here we will just talk about what we want to see but we won’t give away everything. Let’s take a look.

Now as the universes ultimate strategist and easily the most intelligent gamer ever, X35 Earthwalker knows what he is talking about is is the most authoritative. Off course we like to hear from you guys so let us know what you think. First things first, Halo Infinite has dropped huge hints of open world. We are convinced that it’s open world and if you want to see our first G-blog post on Halo Infinite then use the link here. Hall is one of those games who can easily make their game open world. Look at the previous halo games and check out those levels where you ride a warthog through the mission and there are trees, structures, rocks etc and you can see how Halo is capable of exploration. When you look at the map in Halo Infinite, just imagine it bigger. Imagine being able to eventually explore the entire Halo ring. After all the Halo ring is basically a planet.

Open world is just the start. The next thing that we want Halo Infinite to have is wildlife. We mentioned this in out first blog post about Halo Infinite. Halo Reach had large animals that can attack and kill you in the night mission with the spartan Jun. Those things were cool but so easy to kill. Halo Infinite showed deer or antlers. We need the wildlife yes as it adds to the environment. After all Halo is a massive planet sized ring. Surely there has to be bears, sharks, insects etc. Bring them in. Imagine killing the banished in the area but you take cover to regain your shields but a bear comes out from behind and one shots you. Scary ain’t it? Hold up though. This is Halo as in the 26th century… the future. Bring in some alien advanced looking animals too. Bring in beasts with large forearms and tusks. Animals that clearly aren’t from earth. Get creative! We want to see a dangerous but passive sand worm thing that you can detect through the rumble of your controller or headphones and you have to stay out of its path or its instant death. 

Another thing we do want to see… is the return of warzone. Warzone is the best game mode in Halo history in our opinion. It’s the perfect representation of a war. You could get ran over by a ghost, a dude snipe your head of with a sniper rifle, or a guy with a sword with three speed boosts running around. Anything can happen, like in a war. It forces players to react, adapt and deal with the constantly changing situations that happen. You think you are safe with Nornfang but then you get assassinated, robbed and tea bagged by a guy who is invisible thanks to active camouflage. Warzone is an excellent mode which does need some adjustments though for Halo Infinite. Warzone is crazy. So they need certain limits of the number of vehicles a team can have, the req weapons be split into tiers and thus make it easier to limit and manage. 

The next thing we want to see in Halo Infinite is a Battle Royale. Hate on it all you want but if there is any game that has the universe, design and right to do a battle Royale… it’s Halo. Look at the view of the land and level in Halo Infinite during the lift segment of the gameplay trailer. It looks perfect for a battle Royale. Imagine a huge map with mountains, grass, forests etc, someone is high up on. A Spartan on a hill with a sniper rifle trying to snipe but there’s someone with an active camouflage sneaking up behind them. Or someone with a banshee flying around looking for the right moments to strike but a player finds a rocket launcher that has homing capabilities goes to take him down. Imagine maybe 100 players. Everyone starts with the assault rifle. There are loot drops in the form of ODST style pods. Boosts to your shields can be found, armour abilities like active camp, sprint and even hard light shield or even bring back armour lock can be found but have limited uses like twice or whatever depending on how strong the ability is. Maybe each player can earn a respawn depending on the number of kills they acquire like killing 1 person gains a respawn but then need 5 kills to earn a second respawn. When respawning you can pick within a radius of where you died that you can ODST drop back in. It’s possible here. 

That’s some of the things we want to see in Halo Infinite and will make the game much better. Make it open world, bring in wild life, bring back modes like warzone and even breakout and do Battle Royale. This is just some of the stuff we want to see in Halo Infinite. Simply put, 343 Industries should not be afraid to try new things. Halo Infinite is being called “the most ambitious Halo game ever made” and even “the most expansive Master Chief campaign yet”. They need to live up to these. Get ambitious. Now X35 Earthwalker is excited for Halo Infinite. We will keep an eye on this game and see what happens. Now Halo Infinite may have all the potential but it’s nothing special when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Psychonauts 2 is a new action, adventure 3D platformer game developed by ‘Double Fine Presents‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. Psychonauts 2 is said to be coming out 2021 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. This is another game that got displayed during the Xbox games showcase. We wanted to write about it quickly. Let’s take a look.

Psychonauts 2 is about a dude called ‘Razputin Aquato’. This guy is a trained acrobat but that’s not all. He’s psychic. Not just any psychic but a powerful one. He has a major dream of wanting to join the Psychonauts, who are an international psychic espionage organisation. The members are basically psychic super spies. He finally fulfills his dream but things aren’t so great right now. Basically the leader of the Psychonauts has changed. Ever since he got kidnapped. So the leader is wack but there’s also a mole (traitor) hiding in the headquarters. That’s a terrible situation.  

So basically it’s up to Razputin to save the day. Why him though? This is a whole team of psychic spies but this new guy is going to be the hero. If they fail then the traitor will complete his mission which is to bring Maligula, who is a psychic villain who kills alot. So that’s the story really. 

Now Psychonauts 2 is going for it’s own style with the character design, body shapes, objects and world. Remember that this game is an adventure. This adventure won’t just be a we have to go here and stop the bad guy there. You will need to enter peoples minds. Allowing you to be able to help them as some have struggles or “inner demons”. There’s going to be some emotional issues. This does make sense since you need to figure out who the mole is amongst the Psychonauts organisation. Access everyones minds and find out who has something to hide concerning the mole.  

Get ready to enter minds by entering brains for some reason. There are worlds that look like creative imaginations. Expect forests, mushroom plants, buildings with an eye, space travel looking worm holes etc. Nothing is normal hear. Fitting in spaces you can’t normally. Appearing in random places. Some of these levels remind of us Super Mario Sunshine. The forest area in Psychonauts 2 brought memories of Pianta Village. The creativity in this game is very good. We even have an area made from teeth. Creepy.

This isn’t our style of game but we have to look at games for their genre and design style. Psychonauts  2 certainly has quite a bit going on here. The biggest thing going for Psychonauts  2 right now is the creativity and the fact that this game is very different to other games coming out and the others in the Xbox showcase. X35 Earthwalker are all about creativity. We have seen psychic abilities like telekinesis and even deflections of projectiles.  Psychonauts 2 is giving is what is claims to have. A psychic organisation, psychic abilities, creative worlds, surreal stuff everywhere. You will experience this all and more.  

We checked out some Psychonauts 2 gameplay and it’s what thought it would be but to a higher degree. This game is weird though. Seems very simple to understand and seems like there’s a good amount of hand holding too. Run, jump, climb, shimmy down, attack, think and solve. We hope they up the excitement for the enemies. Most of them look lame and don’t look like a threat.  

Overall Psychonauts 2 just seem like another wacky action adventure game with psychic powers. How big the adventure is… we don’t know. We do know there’s a loyal body of fans for this game. We like the visuals and creativity of the areas as that’s it’s strongest point in our opinion. The developers ‘Double fine present’ have done an alright job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear how well Psychonauts 2 does. Now Psychonauts 2 may have a wacky style and creative locations but but they are all regular nd plain compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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CrossfireX is a new “fast paced” first person shooter game developed by ‘Smilegate Entertainment‘ and published by ‘Microsoft‘. CrossfireX is another Xbox exclusive that’s said to be coming out 2020 on the Xbox Series X and Xbox One. CrossfireX looks like it’s going to be a big battle that has explosives. Let’s take a look.

CrossfireX is looking like a real serious game. The story sounds quite simple. It’s basically a huge battle between the world’s two strongest and biggest private military factions: Global Risk and Black List. So already you know it’s going to a major league battle. Expect helicopters, vehicles, special forces, advanced weapons and explosives and much more. 

There is a bit more to it though. The developers and even the official website keep hinting at the fact that players need to “Unravel the story”. This is strongly suggesting that there’s more going on than just a simple war. Honestly a simple all out battle would still be fine as you can easily make that awesome and give a simple story. Yet in CrossfireX there’s something deeper. Expect conspiracies, lies, who struck first etc. We took notice of this game because of the Xbox games showcase. 

There’s loads of shooter games out there and some like call of duty tried the whole what’s really going on and learning who you are and what side you are on etc. CrossfireX is looking real serious and we hope they try something new. Like what you ask? We ain’t giving away our best selling ideas. Pay us first at least. Hmph, Kids these days.  Now we’ve seen all kinds of action already. Wingsuit flying, helicopter drop off. Advanced technology like suits with active camouflage. Rifles that not only fire serious bullets but also fire grenades and explosive projectiles.  

We checked out some CrossfireX gameplay. It looks very good so far. The animations of the characters is very good. The guns look good for its style. Headshots truly matter delivering a powerful and satisfying kill. Sniper rifles are very lethal bringing instant death. Global Risk look more like a heavy armed city squad for countering terrorists while Black list look like wilderness fighters. Taking the fights in the deserts, mountains etc. We like that the round mvp walks through fire, a cool entrance for sure. better than what other games have. Team match, spectre and point capture are the three modes that gamers have been trying soo far in CrossfireX. We do like that gamers get the option of playing classic CrossfireX playlist which has no aim down sight and sprint while the modern playlist does. There’s quite a bit going on here.

Overall, CrossfireX seems like a very good shooter game. It doesn’t have anything new or unique coming in here. It’s another big shooter game, with competitive multiplayer modes, a big explosive story and woads of weapons and guns firing. It’s a shooter game, you get what it says on the box. It definitely looks good. Graphics and sounds are good too. The developers ‘Smilegate Entertainment’ have done a very good job. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear what CrossfireX is going to bring. Now CrossfireX may have great graphics and an explosive war but it’s all pathetic when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Inmost is a horror puzzle platformer game developed by ‘Hidden Layer Games‘ and published by ‘Chucklefish‘. Inmost came out on Nintendo Switch, iMac and PC. Inmost isn’t our type of game . It’s pixel styled and very simple controls. It did catch out attention at some point we can tell it is very good. Let’s take a look. 

Inmost is quite simple to understand. It’s a dark, sad world with danger. You play as three different characters: A knight, a stranger and a little girl but yet their stories are interconnected. The story isn’t suppose to be pleasant. There’s a warning on their website which says, “player discretion is advised. INMOST is an intimate story of loss and hope that some may find upsetting.” That should tell you quite a lot. You see. little girl get neglected, mistreated, afraid, bad dad, she cut herself and the mum didn’t care at all. Abuse, kidnapped children, a cursed knight, etc. This game is dark but the monsters are darker. This is a shorter game as it’s been described as something you are suppose to play and finish in one go on a dark stormy night. 3-5 hours long. 

When you play as the little girl it’s the heaviest with narrative and story driven. There’s no actual enemy or danger but just figuring out what needs t be done. You may need to move a table or chair. Carry certain things around the house. You even play hide and seek with a toy who thew girl has conversations with. You see her pain and what she goes through. With the stranger it’s the main part of the game. You platform, move around, evade hazards and dangerous creatures, you climb, collect items, cut away tall grass, break down weak walls, mine things, break down wooden structures and use your wits and to defat your enemies and survive. The knight is the action part of the game. You actually aren’t defenceless. You can slash and destroy your enemies easily, dash, grapple around etc. As the knight you are powerful and can take a hit before dying. Three different styles. 

The game is very silent for the most part which is a type of atmosphere still. Your footsteps and pulling stuff and interactions with environment are louder than anything else. So when something actually happens it acts as an alarm, alerting the player to take action. Some dangers are just like traps, a tentacle on the ceiling while others are small dark substances on the ground waiting for you to walk over it. Then there’s real threats like real monsters that pop up and chase you down. Dangerous and very hostile. You can beat them as the stranger and need to hide, out climb, duck and outsmart them. Players will need to think fast and do the right things to survive. It is a simple game at the end of the day with move, jump and action. It’s simple but very well done. Sounds, lighting, music and different play styles work well together. Not everything is consistent though like with the girl voice narrating the first section of the knight. You don’t hear her again until much later.

We checked out some Inmost gameplay and what it says on the box is what you are getting. It is dark as in there will be candles, fire, lights with some stuff you can’t see yet. Very atmospheric as most of the time things are quiet and your actions, movement are the loudest things in the game. Horror well the game itself isn’t scary but there are shadow and monsters of darkness that are real aggressive and jump out to get you. Thinking is needed to get through the area, and evade death and there is definitely platforming. Expecting climbing, jumping, moving stuff etc. The game is very simple to understand and it’s almost always clear what you have to do. The music or lack off does act to the atmopshere. The story was very predictable though even though they didn’t well to add emotions, sadness and disaster. The story connects up concerning the three characters you play in the game.  

Overall Inmost is a good game. It does what it said it would do, provides different styles of gameplay through the characters, a variety of enemies, dangers and even threats you will have to face later. Players have to be focused when playing and get strategic at times. Inmost’s graphics for a pixel style game is excellent. The music is very well done and adds to the experience. We didn’t get scared or emotional at all though so it failed there for us. The developers ‘Hidden Layer Games’ have done a very good job with this game. It something a number of gamers would get into. We at X35 Earthwalker  like this game and know it’s good even though it isn’t our style or our thing. Inmost may be telling a dark sad story but it has no effect on… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Forza: Motorsport is the new Forza game developed by ‘Turn 10 Studios‘ and published ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. Forza: Motorsport hasn’t much information on when it’s coming out but we know it’s going to be coming out on Xbox Series X and Windows 10 PC. Forza: Motorsport was one of those games that stood out to us from the Xbox Showcase 2020. Let’s take a look.

Forza: Motorsport stood out for one reason only. The visuals. Off all the games being displayed at the Xbox Showcase, Forza: Motorsport visually looked the best of all of them. Everything they showed was declared as “footage captured in-engine”. What’s typical and very biased of many streamers and youtubers who reacted to the Xbox Showcase they lacked the skill and ability to notice this about Forza: Motorsport in the showcase. X35 Earthwalker clearly being greater and better than all of them noticed this and took the visuals into account. Racing games are basically the same at this point. Especially those who want realistic looking ones.

It’s harder to stand out in the racing game genre. You have V-Rally 4, WRC8, need for speed Payback, 2020 F1 etc which all went for a high graphics realistic looking game. Sure they have some differences and racing styles but you get the point and what the common denominator is. What really catches the eyes though is off course the visuals. That’s what it looks like Forza: Motorsport is aiming for. Their official announcement trailer which is embedded below showed the most impressive, visually, racing game ever. Now off course we have to wait for straight up actual gameplay graphics but if what we saw is truly all in-engine then the hopes can be quite high. After all it has the power and backing of the Xbox Series X. 

Forza Motorsport is going to need to do more than just racing across tracks with high speed because we’ve got that already. It shouldn’t just be about the graphics. What modes will there be, will the ‘career mode’ actually be interesting. What features will be there to shake things up. Last time we had that rewind ability which was excellent and gave the game a big stand out factor and something cool, for players to use to their advantage. So Forza Motorsport… what do you have for us this time. We aren’t feeling racing games right now. So give us a reason to want to care. We are impressed with the visuals but that ain’t enough. Bring the action!!

Forza Motorsport has the legendary green badge. You know what this means: “Games built using the Xbox Series X development kit are designed to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the Xbox Series X. They will showcase unparalleled load times, visuals, responsiveness and frame rates up to 120 FPS.” The Xbox website has also declared it will be 4K ultra HD and HDR. So it’s reasonable to have high expectations for visuals and graphics.

Other from what was in the trailer there isn’t that much to go on concerning Forza Motorsport. It’s a racing game with so far the best graphics and visuals. Yet it’s another racing game going for the realistic approach. We truly hope there’s more.

Overall Forza Motorsport is looking real good for now. The developers ‘Turn 10 studios’ are working on it. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to wait and see what happens. Now Forza Motorsport may have high level graphics but it looks like trash when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Gunk is a new third person action adventure game developed by Image & Form Games and published by ‘Thunderful‘. The Gunk is an Xbox exclusive and said to be coming out September 2021 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Windows 10 PC. The Gunk is clearly going to be an adventure and there’s something strong going on with this planet. Let’s take a look.

The Gunk is about two space haulers (scavengers) who make a living by travelling from planet to planet looking for cool and valuable resources they can harvest and off course sell. This isn’t paying out too well but everything changes when they land on a new planet. The planet from a distance does look lifeless and dull but once they get there, they discover that a gunky substance which is actually a slimy parasite is actually destroying and covering up the colourful and vibrant world. This planet I cursed and dying. It’s up to you to help… or is it?

Here’s the problem and it’s what’s causing issues between the two friends. One wants to help this planet and do something about the situation while the other believes it’s not their problem as it’s not their planet and they are just here to try and make money. The developers said this about The Gunk, “To be honest, the game has frightened me many times.” and “Here’s a game about really scary stuff, slimy things and real conflict.” A game like this has potential to be scary. We hope they explore horror attributes in this planet.

You decide to help the planet after learning more about it. That there was a civilisation here and it’s off course ruined and destroyed by this gunk parasite. Now how do you deal with the Gunk? You use your vacuum like device and suck it all up. You ain’t running away from the gunk, you’re going towards it. Now whether there’s a limit to how much you can suck up isn’t clear. Maybe players will need to use something to destroy the gunk since it has been identified as an enemy. Do not take the Gunk lightly. The Gunk can hurt you and some creatures are hostile too.

We checked out some The Gunk gameplay and it’s looking really good. It’s definitely an adventure. There’s a mystery, a broken civilisation, a mysterious gunk parasite. There’s quite a bit to discover and solve. There are enemies in The Gunk and they seem very hostile. They aren’t plentiful though. This game needs enemies besides the gunk but they need a good amount of frequency. Action is needed so we hope there’s enough combat and encounters. The whole reason for the two space scavengers to be at conflict with each other or should we say disagreement concerning the planet comes down to a sense of duty, realisation, kindness of the heart. We like conflict with good meaning that’s realistic. The game does need to be more interesting. It feels more like exploration mostly right now. It needs something more explosive involved.    

Overall, The Gunk looks like good game. It isn’t a simple run and jump and open doors type of adventure. There’s mystery, danger, conflict, scares, basically more going on that initially thought. It’s not a just a blob you have to suck up. The graphics look very good and we are liking this colourful and creative world with great visuals which will be better on the Xbox Series X with the raw power. The developers ‘Image & Form Games’ have a done an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see more of what’s going on but liking what’s already been seen. Now the Gunk may have a gunk parasite but even that’s insignificant when compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Tetris Effect Connected is a new arcade puzzle game developed by ‘Monstars Inc.’, ‘Resonair’, ‘Stage Games’ and published by ‘Enhance‘. Tetris Effect: Connected is said to be coming out 2020 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC. It’s Tetris, that alone should tell you what this is all about. Let’s take a look.

Tetris Effect: Connected is Tetris at the end of the day which means you got to place falling blocks of different shapes and patterns in places to fill up rows to get rid of them and score the big points. If you don’t know what Tetris is then you should be ashamed of yourself for the most part. We never cared about Tetris but we knew what it was. Now Tetris Effect: Connected is like Pac-Man Championship Edition 2… a bigger, better game with the same foundation formula but with new features, mechanics, more colours and more flashiness.

The Single player has been upgraded and levelled up. There are all new modes like ‘Zone Battle’ which has “time-stopping Zone mechanic” which can be the thing that helps bring someone from behind in the game or maybe in front. This shakes up the 1v1 battles. New features and mechanics means new tactics and new things to taken into account. There’s said to be over 10 modes in Tetris Effect: Connected so expect lots of things to do in this game. This isn’t the main thing nor what we care about that much.

What we really care about is the multiplayer as that’s the biggest upgrade in our opinion. The multiplayer has what’s called connected mode. This where up to three players can actually connect their playing fields together and play as a team. This team must do their best to defeat CPU bosses. A whole series of them and they keep getting harder and harder. So working together and doing your best is the solution. We don’t know if there is a difficulty adjustment for the number of players working together or not. 

Tetris Effect: Connected has the green badge of Xbox Series X approval. You know what this means. “Games built using the Xbox Series X development kit are designed to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the Xbox Series X. They will showcase unparalleled load-times, visuals, responsiveness, and frame rates up to 120 FPS.” So expect 120 frames per second of Tetris Effect: Connected goodness.

We checked out some Tetris Effect: Connected gameplay and it’w what we thought it would be just more flashy. There over 30 different stages to play on, more than 10 modes. The effects don’t make things hard to see. It’s Tetris at the end of the day, so don’t expect any sticky plasma grenades. Our favourite thing is clearly facing the CPU bosses like that scorpion. Tetrtic Effect: Connected will have both cooperative and competitive gameplay which will be both local (old for that) and online. There’s options. 

Overall Tetris Effect: Connected is looking like an excellent game so far. Tetris Effect was good but this new game is even better. It has all the previous great stuff plus more. The multiplayer is definitely going to be the best feature of this game and we like the flashiness and work that’s gone into this game. The developers ‘Monstars Inc.’, ‘Resonair’, ‘Stage Games’ have done an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what else Tetris Effect: Connected has up it’s sleeves. Now Tetris Effect: Connected may have a new flashy upgrade but it’s incredibly dull when compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is a new First Person Shooter and horror game developed and published by ‘GSC Game World‘. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is said to be coming out on the Xbox Series X and PC. The release date has not been given but we’ve got clues. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is again one of those games we never heard off and didn’t care about. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is looking big though. Let’s take a look.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is big. Let’s just start off with that. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 has been described as an open world game. The developers specifically said, “The zone in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is one of the biggest seamless open worlds to date.” This is. Abigails claim to match the size of the game. So expect loads of exploration, multiple locations, quests, discoveries and more. 

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 story itself is suppose to be the heavy focus of the game. What we know about this game is that it’s trying that game technique where the players decisions make a difference. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is said to feature a non linear story where the choices you make has both short consequences and effects outcomes on a global scale which would make sense as it’s an open world game. Many games try this and don’t do it well. Hopefully S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 developers learn from others failures and do better.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is an Xbox console exclusive and has a certain green badge. You know what this means. “Games built using the Xbox Series X development kit are designed to take advantage of the unique capabilities of Xbox Series X. They will showcase unparalleled load-times, visuals, responsiveness and framerates up to 120FPS.” So expect top the highest levels of performance of the Xbox Series X.

There is a lot going on in 3. There is multiple endings. The story branches off. Players need to keep this in mind when going about objectives, completing the story and whatever side missions are available. Multiple endings off course mean replayability is here. Now will it be clear on how to get the different endings or not. We at X35 Earthwalker for the most part enjoy multiple endings as you get to see what you truly got when you do a blind run of the game.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 being open world there are many locations and quite a bit of mystery. We have seen what looks like facilities for experiments and growing creatures. There are large woods which must be risky to explore at night. There are underground sections which may require certain equipment to explore like masks for breathing. There are houses, wrecked structures and what looks like ruined civilisation. 

We checked out S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and saw some interesting things. There are mutants and anomalies. Some of these creatures just seem straight up supernatural and have big effect on the environment. One looked like an enemy from Skyforge, a water elemental being (we hate them). It was cool and you should keep your distance. Don’t get distracted as there are other threats around so put your gun to use. First person shooter and horror is a nice combination. The horror tends to be lacking. They need to make sure the horror is strong. If it’s horror then players should be afraid. 

Overall S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 seems like a good game. It isn’t a special game nor has it made us want to play but S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has a good fan base and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 did get the attention of a number of gamers during the Xbox Showcase 2020 so the players will be there. Concerning the graphics they said “The trailer demonstrates the level of graphics and atmosphere we are aiming to achieve on release.” Well do your best guys. The developers ‘GSC Game World’ have done a good job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what’s happening later. Now S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 may have horror in there but it’s never capable of scaring… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Coffee Talk has been classed as a visual novel game or simulation or adventure or whatever… to us it’s a coffee game. It was developed and published by ‘Toge Productions’. Coffee Talk came out on the Xbox One, Nintendo switch, Playstation 4 and PC. Coffee Talk got our attention and we decided to take a look and ended up playing it. This isn’t normally our type of game but this was amazing. This G-blog is going to be quick fire. Let’s take a look. 

The world of Coffee Talk is a familiar one. Not on the surface but once you meet the ‘people’ you’ll understand why. The game takes place in America, Seattle… in the year 2020. A great year for us by the way. So this game is as modern as it gets. The citizens aren’t humans, well not all of them. There’s werewolves, orcs, nekomimis, dwarves, vampires, elves, succubus (demons), mermaids and even an alien. There are a bunch of non human beings but with human problems. You as the player is a Barista (dude who serves drinks). Your job is to serve drinks… that’s it. No seriously, that’s what you do. The customisers come in and you just serve them, listen to their problems and hear what’s going on. Oh and just relax.

Let’s quickly sum this up. The coffee shop only opens at midnight. So it’s a late night place. When a customer comes in, they will normally sit down and order a drink or start talking to you, which ever is first. You must then make that drink for them. There are ingredients for the player to mix and combine to create different drinks. For example you can use coffee as the base, primary and secondary to create espresso. Over time you unlock more ingredients which means more options. This is important as some customers mix things up and ask for a specific drink which has specific ingredients. If you don’t know them, then you will mess up an order which doesn’t help your customers relax. There’s a load of different drinks and you have to discover them for yourself. Our advice to gamers is to experiment and try to learn as many drinks as possible.    

Coffee Talk is all about relaxing and listening (well for us reading) to others and hearing what’s going on. Hearing their stories in the night time of Seattle. You can tell Coffee Talk was inspired by the feeling of having a warm drink at night or maybe after escaping the rain and trying to warm up and talk with your friends. It rains quite a bit in that game. What adds to the atmosphere is clearly the music. Even better you have control over the music. You can through your mobile phone device cycle through and select the music you want playing. Coffee Talk does have a very good selection and some are more relaxing than others while some are more bopping and can get the body moving but still on the chill side. The music plays a big part for us and we are glad that’s it’s there. We certainly know our favourite tune, that’s for sure.

To make things even more relatable and interactive there is a social media that everyone seems to be using called Tomodachi. All the characters in the game are using this. As you interact with the characters you will gain access to more information concerning them in Tomodachi. As you can see below there are four stages to each character. In stage 1 the bar is empty and all you can see is the name of the person. Stage two you get simple basic information. When you max it out you’ll see their hopes, bit more personal information and even their likes. So make sure to come back from time to time to see the new information and learn more about them. It was interesting to learn more about Freya. Makes things more relatable for sure and realistic.

As you listen to characters and go through the days, you will see their stories continue. For example you see how things with Freya develop concerning her goal to become a successful book author, you get to see her hard work and struggles fuelling up on espresso (unhealthy). You will see Rachel and her issues with her dad, here she is right and wrong and what drama surrounds that. You are in their business and they tend to be comfortable and come to you and your coffee place. It’s the get away from everything else. A place to chill, relax, drink and talk. Every character has a story and will unfold. Even the Barista (you) has some mystery and it’s up to the players to try and figure some stuff out. A lot of what we are hearing from these characters sounds similar to what we have heard in real life in some cases. So anyone whom plays this will understand or relate. 

As we said before, Coffee Talk isn’t our type of game at all but this one got our attention and we had a great time with this game. Like we got real into this game. Very few games have done what Coffee Talk has done to us. We even started a little tradition where before we play this game we must make a cup of green tea. We had to be prepared. So yes Coffee Talk is a visual novel as it’s a store for sure containing stories. It’s a simulation as you take the role of the Barista. It is an adventure as each day you go in hoping to get an update on the characters situations. It was exciting getting to know what will happen and how we can make it all more exciting or cheer someone up with a drink.  In addition there are extra game modes like where you have to try to serve as many correct drinks as possible in a period of time from memory. There’s a bit of extra content but we did wish the main story was longer. We wanted more. Yes, we know there’s endless mode.

Sadly, Coffee Talk is another great game that got little to no exposure. We haven’t heard anyone talk about this game. What a shame. This is something way more people should be playing. No it isn’t as huge and detailed as Halo 5 Guardians or Final Fantasy XV but it’s excellent at what it is. It does what it says on the box. We plan to make more videos of this game in the future. The best way to play Coffee Talk is to play at night, alone and with a warm drink. The developers did an excellent job. Now Coffee Talk might be fun and relaxing but it’s no where near as relaxing as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Halo Infinite is the new First Person shooter game developed by ‘343 Industries‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. Halo Infinite is said to be coming out 2020 later this year on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs. Halo Infinite is the number 1 game we are excited and waiting for right now. Let’s take a look.

Sadly but predictable, Halo Infinite is getting some hate from basically fake halo fans and playstation fanboys. Let’s address this firstly. You have some people who wanted Halo Infinite and pretty much every Halo game to be exactly like Halo 1 (combat evolved). They are never happy. Just complainers. There’s sprint, they hate it and it’s not Halo. Like for starters spartans are super soldiers… THEY ALL SPRINT! There’s abilities, it’s not halo. There’s precision weapons besides pistol and sniper, it’s not Halo. If that’s the case then go back and play Halo 1 and stay in the past. Be happy. Off course developers must try new things and bring in mechanics that allow for new tactics and strategies. Now concerning playstation fanboys (not playstation fans) it’s predictable, they are mad and will be negative always. From the games we have seen from both consoles we think Xbox Series X has it by a landslide. They have over 20 exclusives while the only games from PlayStation that interests us is project Athia, the Sack boy game which looks very good and that horizon game with the machine like creatures. We don’t care for racket and clank or demon souls but that’s our opinion. Lastly people talk about the brutes face graphics. It’s not hard to understand that it’s a work in progress, not final build. Stop being stupid, they obviously just needed functioning models for their gameplay. So now that’s out of the way.

The first thing that hits you concerning Halo Infinite was the visuals. The environment, the hills, the grass, the sky etc all looks excellent. Clearly hard work went into that. Now that Halo Infinite is going in the open world direction with certain attributes, getting great visuals is harder to do. They did it very well. Now we wrote about Halo Infinite before the Xbox showcase 2020 and we can proudly say that we predicted this game accurately. Not surprising though. After all it is X35 Earthwalker… the universes ultimate strategist, the legendary soldier himself. One of the things we predicted about Halo Infinite but got to see in the gameplay was wildlife. We saw what looked like gerbils or something small run away after hearing loud noises near the start of the gameplay. We believe there will be much more. There’s going to be deers too. We hoped that maybe there will be wild bears who can try to attack Master Chief and the enemies. That would be cool. Even the animations of the animals were very good.

We made this clear in our video but we love good video game maps. The map in Halo Infinite is the best one we’ve seen. The amount of details is excellent for sure. Look at the lines on the hills and high ground. This shows elevation. The solid structures like borders are clearly identified on the map. The colour choice is a good one. Blue and black works very well together. Black is one of those amazing colours that makes so many things look good. Combine it with blue which reminds people of water, the ocean, cool and bright and you’ve got a great combination. This literally reminds us of the ocean but as you go deeper. The markers are a completely different colour making things stand out, so you literally have to be blind to not see them. This Halo Infinite map gives loads of information. When a symbol is highlighted we get our objectives, the conditions and more info. The map does remind us of the one in Final Fantasy XV even though it’s a very different style but both are excellent maps.

Now Multiplayer and Forge has been confirmed. Now Halo always had great multiplayer. After it all it helped revolutionised multiplayer so it has a standard to set. Now Halo 5 Guardians had the best multiplayer and multiplayer mode… Warzone. Hopefully Halo Infinite has the classic modes like slayer, big team slayer, oddball, capture flag. We also hope they bring back Warzone too. Now on top of that we know that forge is coming back too which is a smart move. Forge is crazy. Halo 5 Guardians had the best forge. Even in earlier games like Halo Reach and Halo 4 people created some really cool things in forge. People made full fledge parkour maps and racing tracks for mongooses. You literally had kill zones to kill you if you fell of the track and respawn you to keep racing. There were teleports connecting parts of the race track with gravity lifts for jumps. People made Mario kart in Halo. Things got even better in Halo 5 which had a superior and better forge. Some even made a pac-man in Halo 5 Guardians in forge. So forge has to come back and we are glad it is.     

Once again we do like the idea of open world and Halo is very capable of doing it. We here the campaign will allow pretty much access to all over the ring world… Halo. We already checked out some Halo Infinite gameplay so we are leaving our gameplay analysis video down below

Overall we are excited for Halo Infinite and believe definitely it’s going to be the next big thing having secrets and collectibles all around the ring world with surprises. They need to prevent Halo Infinite from being predictable as we are facing a new powerful enemy. The developers 343 Industries are doing a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to Halo Infinite and this whole new battle. Now Halo Infinite may be the next big thing but it’s incredibly small when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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