Gigantic is a new MOBA game developed by ‘Motiga’ and coming out 20th of July for Xbox One and Windows 10.
Now this game will remind some gamers of Paladin and Overwatch. We can confirm that it isn’t exactly the same though. This third person shooter game is all 5v5 pvp action. Meaning that players have to think fast, act fast and be bold about it.
So straight away we should know what to expect from this game except Gigantic has something else… Something big… Something gigantic (see what we did there?). Your team must power up, defeat the enemies and control the map to unleash your guardian. The guardian is basically that gigantic thing. These large creatures will rule the field and trash everything so make sure to have your guardian first. X35 Earthwalker, What happens if both teams unleash their guardians? Well that’s simple. An gigantic epic clash of gigantic monsters.
Your team will have creatures which will help you control the map and gather power. These creatures are worth summoning and protecting. Simply because you can upgrade them making them tougher and more of a pain for your enemies to deal with. Gigantic is a fast and fluid strategic hero shooter. The key word is ‘strategic’.
Now there are a range of heroes to choose from. There is said to be 18 heroes. Each hero is very different from each other in looks and role. The many characters are said to cover every major type of gameplay there is. That’s a big statement. Heroes like ‘The Margrave’, a tank, who replaced the arm he lost with the arm of a demon. ‘Imani’, a shooter, who is said to wreck anyone who enters her sights. ‘Wu’ a fighter, everyone of his limbs including his tongue is dangerous. Mozu, a caster, who has a range of spells and can teleport. Many more heroes to check out and test for yourself.
Overall this does seem like a cool game. We checked out some gameplay but it was a beta so the real thing will be much better. The graphics were nice and colourful. Gigantic had really cool environments like the clouds, the maps that you battle on. The sounds could be better and should be for the real release. The action was indeed fast and quite a bit to do. The gigantic guardians are epic though but we hope that they do more on the battlefield though. This game might be worth checking out. Gigantic has powerful guardians but X35 Earthwalker has… the ‘Earth Walk’!
For more information check out the link below: