Hello Neighbor is a first person puzzle game developed by ‘Dynamic Pixels’. It’s coming out the 8th of December for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Gamers are are all getting ready to move into their new house and face their cunning neighbor. Let’s take a look.
Hello Neighbor is a game that needs no introduction really. It was all over youtube and played by many of the biggest you tubers around. Millions of views and lots of videos. Gamers play a man who moves into a new neighbourhood. Things seem normal but then we become fixated on our neighbour who lives opposite us and make it our duty to break into his house, sneak around and get into his basement. I know it sounds like a game for creeps but you know you are going to play it… so what does that make you (think about it).
Hello Neighbor’s story really got the interest of gamers. Games with good mysteries have a good chance of standing out. The neighbour isn’t a normal guy. Some theories suggest that he is working with the devil. some say that he kidnaps children for rituals. Some say his mannequins contain the souls of past neighbours who got in his way. It’s so mysterious that even YouTube channel ‘Game Theory’ got involved. Either way it’s clear that something is up with the neighbor. For starters he is always wearing those black gloves like he’s messing with chemicals twenty four seven or very hygienic. Look at him!
Now sneaking into the Neighbouo’s house is one thing but getting around and solving the many puzzles is a totally different situation. Go through the door, climb through a window or drop in from the roof. There are many padlocks requiring different colour keys, many items like magnets, key cards, crow bars, flash light etc which all have their own purpose. There are normal doors and then there are doors that look like they were designed by a drunk cowboy builder. Now why is this so hard? The answer is the Neighbor. He is an advanced A.I. He is constantly moving around the house minding his own business. He can hear for sounds and will investigate any unusual noises. He will at times sleep, other times work out and do stretches or even pee in the toilet. If he sees you then you have a problem.
The Neighbor in some of the beta is faster than the players but in the latest alpha you are equal speed. Either way he is fast. Meaning if you take those corners too wide, he will catch you. If you hide in a obvious place, he might check that place out, discover you and catch you. If you lock doors thinking you are safe in the storage room well he will break it down and then catch you. What happens when he catches you? No one knows but just promise us that you won’t cry. The neighbour adapts to your tactics and approaches always. So after you respawn you may find bear traps set up around doors that you like to use. You may find some doors locked. You may find some security cameras in certain hall ways which will snitch on you if they see you. He may stay by certain areas more if you are normally seen there. It gets worse.
Being chased is the worse as you are blasted with loud dramatic music for the chase which also doubles as your cue for when he stops chasing you because the music then stops. He can throw glue to slow you down or at one point bear traps. We aren’t sure of other abilities and skills that the Neighbor will have as now it’s the complete and final game which must have received lots of feedback and comments. The neighbour may get a weapon as the game progresses. He may set up decoys or net traps. he may use that mechanical shark which we saw in the second beta. What we do know is that his movement and parkour skills are getting stepped up making him a bigger threat than before and harder to get away which makes sense as this is supposed to be an advanced A.I.
After finally unlocking the basement, the game is over… actually that’s not true. That’s just the start. The basement in itself is a whole new thing. Later builds revealed that the basement is pretty much a maze. Winding paths, contraptions set up, fences, gates, keys and even a dangerous presence… friendly? We think not. So Hello Neighbor isn’t going to be a simple game. it’s obviously clear that it’s large, very deep and a mysterious story. X35 Earthwalker himself and even Diamondz L45 are excited for this game and to see what is happening. What’s the real deal with the neighbor? Why does his house look like that? What’s up with the mannequins. Below is some Hello Neighbor alpha 2 gameplay by CoryxKenshin.
The final build will have a bunch of new stuff and after so many betas and alphas the gaming community just couldn’t wait for this one. Now there are some concerns from us at X35 Earthwalker about Hello Neighbor. In the latest alpha build the player can learn certain abilities to deal with the neighbor like being invisible when crouching and even knocking the neighbor of you when he grabs you. These were cool but they defeat the whole purpose of the neighbor making him less of a threat, and less scary as it’s incredibly hard to lose with those powers. Last point. Why is everyone saying that the neighbor has issues and that he’s the problem when it’s the players who have nothing better to do than spend their day breaking into their neighbor house constantly. Matter of fact, the neighbor is a nice guy for not calling the police! We know we would!
Overall Hello Neighbor is going to be a great game. we just hope the developers don’t get too carried away or mislead and end up ruining it. The graphics good for the style that it has. Surreal. Hopefully the sounds are on point. The developers ‘Dynamic Pixels’ did an amazing job. Please keep it up. We at X35 Earthwalker are definitely looking forward to Hello Neighbor. Without a doubt. Now the neighbor may be up to something but he he certainly ain’t up for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: