Infernax is an old school adventure platformer game. X35 Earthwalker himself has beaten this game twice with two different characters. We can straight of the boat say that Infernax is a very good game. Infernax is suppose to be like the old games. It’s suppose to remind gamers of the old days with those old games. Like NES games. They did a very good job of this. Infernax is successful.
If you wanted more information on Infernax and the plot then read our previous G-blog on this game. simply put you are the duke. Warrior duke who returns him to find that demons and evil is around. A specific book brought these evil things here. Many are dying and being slain all around the place. So yeah. Time to fight.
It’s definitely old school. Pixel graphics, little health, many enemies, experience points, side scrolling, bosses, areas and more. It felt good to play a completely different style of game from what we usually have in these days. This game also has more going on in it than you’d originally think. Multiple side quests and even some secrets. It’s not a simple mash a button game. Infernax has multiple endings as well. 8 we believe. Simply put there’s the good ending, pure good ending, evil ending, pure evil ending and then there’s 4 more extra endings, including one where you are evil but then turn good in the end. So the replayability is definitely here.
There’s many enemies in this game. Quite a lot. So much that there’s a whole catalog of them. It’s the demonology. It keeps track of how many of them you have killed. We definitely liked this as it also showed how many more enemies we haven’t encountered yet. Most enemies aren’t a problem in our opinion. This leads a to a problem in Infernax. Like those old games, Infernax is tough. There’s some difficulty to the game but not that much. We can think of many old games that are harder than Infernax. The only time we really lost lives was through instant death falls like pits or landing in the water. The water castle dungeon’s whole gimmick is water everywhere and you can get kicked into the water easily. Just like some old games. That’s not difficult. That’s just annoying. The game was too easy for us. So we was disappointed in that.
The upgrades and magic system was very good. We liked that when you acquired a new mace or armour you actually see it on your character. A colour change and the design. We appreciate that. Always good. Bigger games need a toggle feature for that. The magic is excellent. The magic actually matter in this game. Infernax did good with that. Magic for fast travel, changing the time from day to night and vice versa. Magic to summon birds to fight alongside you and gather coins. There’s magic to give you a projectile. There’s magic for full screen damaging thunder strike attack. We like and have used all the magic in the game. Very good job with the magic.
Now this is our last real complaint. Sure we hated the water castle level. Sure we wished there was more useful npcs and better social interactions. Our other complaint is the a bit funny but false warning/disclaimer. This thing lied to us. There’s no “saucy language”. There wasn’t “copius amounts of gore”. Worst of all… there was no “half clothed demon people of varying degrees of attractiveness.” The closest we got was the final boss who has breasts. That’s it. If you are going to give this much of a warning and attention… YOU BETTER DELIVER! We thought this game might be more extreme with the dialogues, the gore and the half naked demons but whatever.
Overall Infernax is a very good game. The combat is good. It’s definitely old school. Has some difficulty. Good variety of magic. An upgrade system and many bosses. All pretty much looking ugly and clearly demonic. We like that there’s different characters to play as. You have to unlock them. There’s a wizard who uses mana for his standard attack, which is a long beam with multi hit potential. There’s four that we know of in total. They wield different weapons too so give them a try. This is a short review so don’t expect much details here. Play it for yourself. X35 Earthwalker himself had a lot of fun.
For more information check out the link below: