Master Chief and Doom guy are if not the most two iconic and famous armoured super soldiers in video game history. They both had huge impacts on the first person shooter genre and the games they are in has influenced and impacted other parts of gaming too like how Halo revolutionised multiplayer etc. Doom Guy is in DOOM while Master Chief is in Halo. Now one of the biggest questions being asked is who would beat who in a fight. It’s a good question and a fair one. We want to settle this once and for all. Let’s take a look.
Let’s get this out of the way. We have heard multiple people’s opinions on the matter, we’ve seen videos on this of people explaining why one would win over the other. We ignore fan boys who say one will stomp the other or one shot because whatever whatever even though their reasons proves nothing. Let’s give examples of three people who did their best to decide who would win but ultimately their videos were terrible. HiddenXperia, Midnight and Roanoke Gaming all were very good at gathering information and finding feats but were absolutely terrible at applying that information to a fight. Maybe this is because the owners of the channels have never been in a fight before or they were the kid who use to get beat up all the time and stuffed in school lockers so they can’t imagine or have little knowledge concerning fighting. X35 Earthwalker has over 12 years of official martial arts combat training and more so we have a better idea of how fights go and what matters when it’s humans fighting. We’ve done many debates. We have to explain this because sadly the average person doesn’t understand this. Some feats make a character cool or shows their strength or something but doesn’t mean anything in a fight against certain opponents. Match ups matter.
Let’s explain a big one that voters for Doom Slayer use. They always say that Doom slayer beat a titan without his armour. Is that impressive by regular human levels, yes but does it mean doom slayer would beat master chief in a fight, no. It honestly doesn’t prove anything. Hear us out. Titans are these huge demons that move quite slowly and have giant strength. Meaning you need a way up to reach them and enough strength to maybe bust through the head to reach the brain or a vital organ. Nothing has shown that Doom slayer punched the titan in the chest and it fell over or that both locked hands and in a battle of strength doom slayer was stronger and pushed it over. It’s clear he beat the thing by moving faster, maybe running up it’s arm and struck something vital. If that’s the case then Master Chief can do that, better and faster than Doom slayer. Master Chief is a spartan 2 and in the lore they can run up to 80mph and jump incredibly high, we mean ridiculously high. We know that the icon of sin was bigger than the titan doom slayer ‘slayed’ back then. We saw in doom eternal how he needed to make his way through buildings and climb walls in order to get up high enough to fight it, which took him a long time. Master Chief could jump onto a building then jump to a higher one, wall jump or whatever, get high enough and then sprint and jump with that speed and strength smash through the head or whatever to kill it. So this feat proves master chief can do the same thing. Besides none of that matters in a 1v1 fight with human sized enemies like each other. No one is running up anyones arm here.
Doom slayer also has a not explained history. They say he’s human yet his strength and speed and unlimited stamina isn’t human at all. We get that the makyr technology machine thing gave him real power and boosted him but that was after his original fighting in hell… but he’s suppose to be human so where did this strength come from? Also some say he was fighting in hell for thousands of years. This can’t be true as the events of Doom eternal and Doom 2016 are said to take place in the 22nd century while ultimate doom and doom 2 are in the 21st century. Even the serious fans don’t agree on these dates. 22nd and 21st is separated by 100 years. So how can doom slayer be fighting in hell for thousands of years if the events are 100 years part. We searched online and there was no answer. Maybe time is different in hell. After all if doom slayer is human then how did he live for thousands of years. Maybe nothing ages in hell. If that’s the case then master chief if in hell wouldn’t age either and could perform similar feats except for the stamina part as spartans can keep it going for hours but their stamina isn’t unlimited. That’s a clear advantage for Doom slayer, he has what seems like unlimited stamina. People have said that the enemies of Doom slayer would destroy master chief… not true as the demons doom slayer faces aren’t real world demons which are spiritual, immaterial meaning you can’t physically touch them. The demons in DOOM are physical and even a earthly shotgun can kill them. This means that advanced technology and the shotgun that Master Chief uses from the 26th century would work just as fine or better against them. This means Master Chief who has regenerating energy shields, greater agility and reflexes can beat hell too. Master chiefs motion detector (that radar) will let him know what’s moving around him and in hidden compartments and walls at all times while Doom slayer can only see what he’s looking at (if he has enhanced senses then let me know). Simply put Master chief can match doom slayers feats and do them better and the history and stats of doom slayer aren’t clear. No one can agree on how much tons doom slayer can lift or give a real feat that shows doom slayer has amazing reflexes. We haven’t seen anything.
As we mentioned in our DOOM Eternal review we noticed and theorised that the developers watched a Death Battle video of master chief vs doom guy and decided to gear Doom slayer up for a rematch. What? You don’t believe us? Hear us out. Think about this:
Master chief from Halo 5 could spartan dash, now Doom guy can dash too.
Master chief is incredibly athletic, now doom guy is swinging of poles
Master chief had spartan charge which he used to get through cracked walls. Doom guy dashes through cracked walls now
Master chief survives a fall from orbit to a planet, doom guy now got shot out of a big weapon and smashes through a wall at high speed and survives
Master chief is a legend and leader amongst spartans, now doom guy is a legend and leader amongst the sentinels
Master chief has cortana who stays in his head in a chip like form, doom guy near the end of the game has Vega (an A.I) go into a capsule button like form and attaches it to him (for a short time)
Master Chief has the energy beam sword, doom guy now has the argent energy sword
See what we mean? Anyway.
Now the actual combat concerning weapons. Doom slayer has the clear advantages here. For example his rocket launcher can hold 50 rockets and almost rapid fire them. While Master chief’s rocket launcher is stronger, it carries two shots and he needs to reload. He needs to reload all UNSC weapons. Off course being a master of every weapon he can reload super fast and evade and use cover to his advantage but never needing to reload is better than fast reload. This means Doom slayer can keep up the pressure. Remember that Doom slayer doesn’t have unlimited ammo though so he can’t fire too crazy now. Yes Doom slayer gets ammo from chainsawing enemies, which doesn’t make sense. Are the demons a piñata stuffed with ammo and armour shards… but whatever? The problem is that Master Chief while called the demon isn’t an actual demon so he’s not getting armour shards or ammo from Master Chief with his flame belch and chainsaw; however the flame belch still does damage. This is a 1v1 so there’s no demons for doom slayer to use as fodder for health, armour or ammo. Master Chief has the advantage here since he also has rechargeable defence but his is a full body shield which recharges ON ITS OWN. So if Master Chief takes some damage he can run away and stay away until shields recharge. “Hold on X35 Earthwalker, the smartest person alive”. Woah, calm down guys, that’s too much of a compliment. “Doom slayer is faster than Master chief and will catch him if he runs.” Good point but not true. According to Doom lore, in game movement from Ultimate Doom and fans, the main number everyone seems to agree on is 57mph. Which is really fast. According to Halo lore and Midnight who at 0:50, even brought this up in his video that spartan 2’s can run up to 80mph. This means not just Master Chief but also his spartans and friends are all much faster than Doom slayer. So if he ran away to get back his shields, Doom slayer can’t catch him. If they ran for a day then yes doom slayer will eventually catch him because of unlimited stamina but this 1v1 fight won’t last a day. We think minutes.
Master chief’s armour does take damage and so does his suit from plasma shots when NOT shielded. Doom slayer has a plasma rifle so that’s a good weapon to use. Lore revealed that Master chief survived a tactical nuke to the face and we know from the games also that he survived a fall from space. These two big feats are consistent with each other in terms of how big they are so they do count. So if a rocket hits him, he will be fine. If a ballista shot or guass cannon round hits him, again he’s fine… takes damage but it will take much more. Yet we see a single plasma grenade kill him. This is one of those lore, game clashes. If he can survive a tactical nuke to the face then he should survive a plasma grenade to the face but if master chief was invincible in the games then it wouldn’t be challenging at all. Doom slayer’s armour according to lore is indestructible. Yet we’ve seen revenants rip off his arms. Again this can be just one those game things as a death animation but unlike master chief who has consistent feats to show he’s ridiculously tough we haven’t seen that for doom slayer. Having indestructible armour is one claim from Dr Samuel Hayden. We aren’t convinced it is, if it can be ripped apart. So since this is another lore, game clash we will assume it can’t be ripped apart for arguments sake. We do know like with master chief and plasma rounds, doom slayer takes damage underneath the armour as he can be burned, slashed up, crushed, ripped apart, shot, explosions etc. Some fans go as far as to say he is invincible or indestructible. Sorry but no. We just listed things that harm him. For crying out loud an exploding barrel kills doom slayer unless he has the extra shields. Yes an explosive crate kills master chief in the game but that contradicts the consistency evidence of master chief in the comics, shows and lore like surviving a fall from space and taking a tactical nuke to the face. Doom slayer hasn’t got consistent feats that cleary show he takes more than exploding barrels (That we now off. Please tell us if you know any). After all Doom slayer doesn’t survive by tanking through all the hits, no. He evades fire balls and attacks. He runs around. He avoids explosive barrels or shoots them at a distance (a wise player does anyway). They are a threat in every game. Now you can say it’s a lore, game clash thing which is fine but need to see something that shows him surviving massive explosions and falls.
Let’s quickly address one big problem. Games, movies, anime and comics aren’t consistent a lot of time especially against each other. For example Doom Slayer survived getting shot out of the cannon and smashed through the solid wall and was fine… yet zombie dudes can kick and smack him to death. Doesn’t make sense. We doubt those zombies hit with the strength of a high speed launching cannon. Same with Master Chief. He survives falling from space but an elite can slap him enough times to kill him in game. Doom Slayer has not shown to punch harder than the force of falling from space. Neither does Master Chief look like he punches harder than that launching cannon. The game changer is that Master Chief has shown more consistent feats of durability and toughness.
hiddenxperia even said at around 10:08 that Doom slayer because he carries all his weapons on him and still moves fast that his “strength seems almost infinite”. What?! Not even close. This guy is the last person I want to hear about battle match ups from. First carrying all those weapons is no where near infinite. Second him carrying all those weapons is just an in game feature. Marcus Fenix from Gears of war carries multiple weapons but you see them on his body. Where does Doom Slayer carry his weapons? It’s just a game design feature. If you accept that, then MMRPG characters like from Black Desert can one shot both master Chief and Doom Slayer as they have huge expandable bags carrying over 99 units of certain items and numerous big weapons which is huge amounts of weight. It’s just an in game feature, nothing more. He doesn’t have an infinite space technology bag. roanoke gaming is pretty much just as bad. In his video he said that Doom Slayer strength doesn’t seem to have a limit. That’s nonsense. It clearly does. He struggles a bit to pry open doors. He doesn’t face demons head up with his brute strength. He either grabs them first and rips or when a big boss is knocked down and can’t move, he then tears them apart. He has never wrestled the demons in the game. He said that bullets and plasma work on Master Chief, he says that like they don’t work on Doom slayer also. They also work on Doom Slayer too. So he was being one sided biased there. He even stated that Doom Slayer has amazing intelligence where he understands weapons and use them instantly giving him great tactics or whatever. That’s very old and we didn’t know that but Cortana is smarter still. WAY smarter. Cortana and Master Chief are in the future so the UNSC may have information on the events of earth around Doom Slayer’s time, meaning they might have information on the Doom Slayer himself (if in same universe). So Master Chief would know all about him too through Cortana. So their videos as we mentioned earlier were terrible. If they had better evidence, they should have used them. So there videos didn’t convince us.
Also let’s clear this up. When it comes to lore like the comics vs games. It’s mostly better to go with the lore as they normally better represent the character. Remember we said game, lore clash? Look at superman. There are games of him being damaged and killed by certain things that make him look weak or give him a limit but when you check his comics and those feats you see that even exploding suns don’t kill him. What’s more likely, regular thug bullets killing Super man in a video game or him surviving black holes, super novas and planet busting attacks. Exactly. Master Chief survives a tactical nuke to the face and falling from space. If the game was consistent then it wouldn’t be a very challenging game as the covenant troopers and even the tanks wouldn’t be able to kill him. A game has set principles to allow your character to die and off course have challenge to it. The lore represents master chief better than the games. While with Doom Slayer most we know about him IS in the games. We know there are some outside sources but from what we have seen and heard, there isn’t much clear feats that show him matching what Master Chief can do. So lore over games in most cases.
When it comes down to weapon combat, Doom slayer has the advantages like no reloads, many guns and more firepower but that doesn’t matter against Master Chief. It’s great against hordes of enemies like the demons and even the covenant and flood but against master chief, no. All his guns work the same, it fires a projectile that travels in a straight line. Master Chief has dodged machine gun fire and hand gun fire at point blank range. So whether shotgun, super shotgun, plasma rifle, rockets, master chief can and will dodge them all. Even the BFG 9000 doesn’t do it. Youtubers like Midnight even believes that a BFG 9000 shot’s heat wouldn’t penetrate master chief’s armour due to him surviving the hot atmosphere of falling from space. Besides the BFG moves slower than master chief and he can outrun it if he needs to. The opposite isn’t true for Doom slayer. Not only has he not shown to be faster than bullets or have reflexes near that level but bullets work on him. Think about DOOM Eternal and DOOM (2016). The zombie guys with the shields use a shotgun to attack Doom slayer. The marauder uses a super shotgun to harm Doom slayer. Those are guns with bullets and Doom slayer can die too it if hits enough times. If 22nd century guns work then 26th century weapons do work. We haven’t seen anything that states that bullets the enemies use are argent bullets for example or anything like that. You might say that’s just in the game but majority of all most know about Doom guy is from the games. Bullets will hurt master chief too it’s just that he’s shown to be able to dodge it with extreme reflexes, even fire at point blank range. Also even though Master chief injured himself running extremely fast that was near the start of his training with the armour, he’s stronger, more experienced and has better technology so it’s safe to assume he shouldn’t have that same problem now. Also the unmakyr only works on demons so that won’t work Master Chief. So Doom slayers chances of killing master chief through weapons is very low while Master chief’s chances of killing doom slayer by weapons is is a good possibility. We repeat, Master chief isn’t immune to gun fire. It can and will kill him like Doom slayer, it’s just that he is way better and has evidence of being able to dodge it all completely.
So let’s give an example of weapons combat. Let’s say they both start shooting at each other while running both will miss at the start but soon master chief will start to hit doom guy. You say how can master chief hit a full speed running doom slayer. That’s easy. For starters Master chief is more than a master sharp shooter. Spartans are masters of every weapon and they have hit targets faster than 57mph and smaller too so they can easily hit a sprinting doom slayer and it’s laughable to hit a non sprinting doom slayer. Also the spartan laser is hit scan, meaning it hits instantly where master chief is aiming. Master chief as a spartan can track objects way faster than that and land a perfect shot. The spartan laser does supreme damage. Master chief is said to be the best shooter in the UNSC military, only second to Linda. If doom slayer gets some good shots on master chief then chief can then run away being faster (80 mph) giving him time to recharge those shields, undoing any damage doom slayer did. There’s one more thing about master chiefs armour that we will reveal later. Doom guy uses the rockets and master chief dodges, he has caught rockets and thrown them back before and with his reflexes can probably grab and throw as fast as doom slayer shoots them out. Plasma gun would probably make master chief evade and dodge the most. When all else fails, the BFG gets it done. Doom slayer would get the BFG ready but then one of two things will happen. Master chief being smart sees danger and will choose evasion. He will run from it and get to safety out of the way but due to his armour if hit by one of the BFG trails, he would still be alive, able too withstand the heat. The second outcome is that Master chief will hear a voice telling him to dodge and be giving him clear information and alerting him to all danger around him. That voice is cortana. Oh you forgot about cortana? The most advance and powerful A.I. She’s basically his spider sense. She can look at doom slayer and give intel to master chief about doom slayer. She can warn him about the BFG and more. Cortana is with Master chief since the first halo game and stayed with him throughout all those games. So she does count. So BFG, ballista, guass cannon and rockets all aren’t strong enough while the weaker weapons will lower the shield IF it hits enough but then Master Chief can just run to get shields back or use the covenant beam sword which can block bullets and projectiles. Master chief uses this sword too. Master chief will eventually kill doom slayer if he hits him with enough bullets. Doom slayer isn’t an idiot and will try to close the gap as he always does.
This means it’s now down to what real matters. Close range combat. Doom slayer has been fighting for a very long time against the demons but his fighting style is still the same. He’s best described as a brawler. He rushes you and wants to punch your face in. He grabs to rip and tear. Nothing technical there at all. We haven’t seen anything that states he knows boxing or martial arts or anything. While Master Chief is an expert hand to hand combatant. Spartans are better trained in combat than soldiers and ODSTs. They know martial arts too. So master chief is a much better fighter than Doom slayer. Combine his fighting skills with the fact that he has much greater agility and reflexes and Doom slayer can’t touch master chief. Want proof. Think about it. In the first spider man movie, when Peter Parker was fighting the bully Flash, we got to see from spider mans perspective. We saw how slow the bully was moving to him. He had lots of time to dodge and land attacks of his own. That’s what reflexes basically allow you to do combined with speed. Now master chief isn’t spider man level but he dodges gun fire and dodged point blank pistol fire. That’s crazy fast already. The armour that master chief wears also boosts his abilities by a factor of 5 according to some. Midnight again stated this in his video as well. This means master chief who already, thanks to his argumentations from experiments, are boosted even more. He’s stronger, faster, more agile, more reflexes and sees way better too. Also the suit is basically connected to his mind. So what movements master chief thinks, the armour does for him INSTANTLY. This is better than the best reflexes. Not only that but master chief is much taller too, this means more reach with punches and kicks which does make a difference in a fight. Doom slayers strength has been widely debated. We know he can punch and dent steel but some even calculate he can lift 18 tons.
Master chief has been calculated by some to be able to lift 80 tons:
No there wasn’t any provided evidence from this source nor do we believe he can lift 80 tons. Many factor in that he can flip over a scorpion tank. It’s an official game so that’s cannon. You might say that in ODST those humans flipped a tank too. Yes that’s clearly just in game mechanics as ODSTs don’t have super enhanced strength so it’s clearly not official for them. Master chief has ripped apart metal and the top of tanks, punched tanks to death (explode) and flipped them. Some estimations with the x5 suit boost have put master chief’s lifting strength at 7 tons. So let’s minimise master chief and say his strength is 7 tons. Guess what that changes?… very little. 7 and 13 isn’t big enough of a difference to make the weaker one’s strength negligible. This means master chief would have to avoid getting hit as much as possible but we already established that’s too easy for him. Doom slayer can’t get a good chance to hit him. Master chief has insane reflexes and instant movement linked to thought with enhanced agility, recharging energy shields to protect from blows and if you want to factor cortana would provide more assistance. So doom slayer can’t use his strength. You might say so what’s master chief going to do? Punch him to death? Well, yes. Look at Doom Eternal. zombies if they slap doom slayer enough times can kill him. Zombie soldiers can punch and front stamp kick doom slayer to death. So off course a stronger master chief can beat doom slayer to death, easier and faster. An imp can slash doom slayer to death, so off course master chief who is stronger and faster and more tactical aiming for specific spots of the body with a combat knife can do way worse than an imp. If an exploding barrel can kill doom slayer and bullets harm him, then a plasma sticky grenade can kill him and his guns can harm him. Off course he will need more than one plasma grenade though.
Also let’s explain agility more. When you drop a cat, they swing round and land on their feet even at low distances with little time. If you throw a cat, they turn fast and grab onto your hand in mid air. That’s agility. Doom slayer has no agility that we can see. In the level Urdak of Doom eternal when the icon of sin smashed the platform where the heart was and doom slayer slid off. He couldn’t grab anything, fell like a brick and bounced like a ball. He didn’t land on his feet, roll and get up. No. He just dropped and laid there for like 2 seconds. Not just master chief but all spartans have shown to flip, spin, rotate, cartwheel, summersault and more and land on platforms, their feet and more. They have agility, so even dodging in midair is no problem. Now concerning their swords. Argent sword versus beam sword. Both are easily capable of killing the other. The simple rule is like with regular sword fighting… don’t get hit. Sure the plasma sword is made by advanced aliens with their 26th century technology putting it ahead of UAC technology which is 22nd century but that changes little from what we have seen. The argent blade cuts through pretty much anything smoothly plus with doom slayers strength it would be easy to slice master chief in two. This also applies to master though with his sword. Plus the beam sword can block projectiles and bullets. The argent sword has three hits only while beam sword lasts longer but all you need to do is catch them good just once. So the outcome is the user, even if they swapped swords the outcome would be the same. The reflexes and instant thought movement off the master chief would make most likely that he can dodge and exploit openings through parrying or whatever. So if they both whip out their swords, it will come down to the better fighter, the speed, reflexes etc. This means a much much greater chance of Master Chief winning.
The grenade launcher would be useful to create space or get some damage in but again it pops up, fires, the grenade needs to land and then explode, which is more than enough time for Master Chief to dodge, also if Master Chief survived a tactical nuke to the face then a grenade from Doom slayer is too weak to d significant damage. The flame belch would do minimum damage and more like put pressure on Master Chief, not harm or kill him as he’s survived the hot temperature of space, falling from orbit. Doom slayer did get a dash ability, or double dash which actually helps in this fight but can be countered by the huge agility and reflexes of Master chief who can dash to the sides and backwards and forwards with his own reactions. Plus Master chief since Halo 5 naturally and halo 4 as an armour ability can also dash. So both would be dashing about but that dash is Doom slayers best mobility option while Master chief can not only keep up with it and keep track of it but with his insane jumping still has more mobility and yes, Master chief can swing of poles too. Lastly is the new blood punch which is powerful and something master chief has to dodge or will take a nasty hit. Sadly though it’s still a punch and like with a regular punch, can be dodged.
So when these forum pages and you tubers say well doom slayer fought for thousands of years and beat a titan without his suit so they conclude that doom guy wins, is completely stupid and low intelligence. There’s more to a fight than that. Strength, reaction speed, fighting style, techniques, reflexes, agility etc are the big factors. Not, Master chief has beaten the flood and covenant so he beats doom slayer, no, that’s equally dumb. That means nothing. It’s what would happen 1v1. When we take it all into side points this is what you get.
Doom Slayer: strength, stamina, firepower.
Master chief: agility, durability, full body energy shields (defence), reflexes, fighting skill and technique, speed, jumping (mobility)
Yes. It’s that one sided. The clear winner is Master Chief. We will explain now in detail with an example of how the physical fight would go.
DS (doom slayer) MC (master chief). They both close the gap and get ready. DS being the more aggressive throws the first punch in a back punch style, MC seeing this and can react as fast as thought will parry it or dodge and with his speed strike the ribs. There’s other options but yep. DS will with anger throw another swinging punch. MC could easily do an iron broom sweeping kick, which sweeps the opponent of their feet. So DS has hit the ground like a brick since he hasn’t got great agility. Now on the floor DS is opened up. He could surprise MC by using his gauntlet wrist blades to swipe at the ankles. Either MC sees and reacts in time with a summersault, or simply move his feet but cortana could also warn him too. So it most likely wouldn’t hit. For arguments sake, if it did hit, it would most likely trip MC as his armour is thick and strong and that blade shouldn’t be able to cut him especially with the full body energy shield. Chief could then strike again now being aware of the wrist blades or back off to let his shields regenerate. Chief could also take out his combat knife knowing that blades are involved. DS gets back up. Since it’s short blades now, both would close the gap and like with their fists, MC is still faster, greater reflexes and with instant mind thinking reactions could dodge all swings and swipes and slash at DS when opened. Remember MC is a better fighter and knows martial arts. mince slashes from imps can kill DS then stronger clean swipes from MC will get the job done. If DS managed to grab MC and now trying to rip his arm off, MC can resist or twist out or whatever to get out. From actual experience X35 has done take down training before with twists and grips. When someone stronger grabs and tries to twist your arm or bend it, the weaker can stiffen and tense that part of the body and actually resist against stronger foes. Besides the biggest issue with grabbing someone if that you are using both your arms while the one grabbed has one free arm. If the strength is too much and MC realises that then he can just use his free arm to repeatedly strike DS until he lets go. This is all free damage. DS seeing he doesn’t have the upper hand here will have to push MC away or let go. Remember MC has dodged gun fire and even point blank pistol fire meaning he can easily dodge punches, kicks and grabs from DS which are way slower. So if DS has the strength advantage it doesn’t do anything if DS can’t hit MC. So eventually MC will punch and beat DS to death or slash him to death with his combat knife in hand to hand combat.
Now lets answer some questions we have heard or gotten.
Q: If Doom Slayer is that much stronger then wouldn’t his strength overwhelm Master Chief?
A: If the gap in strength was bigger yes, but even being half as strong you still stand a chance and can work around it. For example while Master chief can’t match doom slayers fist, he can still with his reflexes (remember spider man and the bully flash) can move to the side and deflect the punch, then throw his own punch into doom slayers ribs. His much better agility and reflexes means he can either dodge, deflect, move with and counter smoothly.
Q: Wouldn’t Doom slayers argent sword work?
A: Yes it would. One slice through should do it. We have’t seen master chief block swords with his hands or anything… but… master chief can do the same with his energy beam sword. So the same facts of hand to hand combat applies to sword fighting. The reflexes, instant mind reactions of Master Chief gives him the advantage here.
Q: Wouldn’t master chief get hit by the blood punch has it has a blast wave, like an area of effect?
A: Yes but that only happens when Doom slayer actually hits his target. If you swing normally it is a normal punch but when it connects with an enemy, then it does that area of effect. Also the blood punch doesn’t kill tyrants or cyber mancubus in one punch and those two would die to a tactical nuke or a fall from space so it’s reasonable to assume Master chief would survive that punch, especially with his full body energy shields.
So yeah, Master Chief wins weapons, fire and hand to hand combat. If you disagree then let us know. Please let us know of any confirmed feats from Doom Slayer that could make a difference here. Don’t get mad at us if we missed something as the videos of the youtubers we mentioned above haven’t included any big game changing feats of Doom Slayer so I’m also working with what they presented too.
For more information check out the link below: