Mechwarrior 5: Clans is a mechs simulation action game developed and published by ‘Piranha Games‘. Mechwarrior 5: Clans is excellent. Truly a level up from Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries, which was also a fun game. X35 Earthwalker has dived in and a lot has happened. This just might be mech battles… at its finest. Let’s take a look.
Mechwarrior 5: Clans right off the gate does some things differently and even adds new things. First of all the game got these cinematics going on that previous Mechwarriors’s didn’t have. The story has more real characters with very different personalities. The chemistry is there and believable. Being good friends and better comrades, caring about each other, taking jabs at each other, laughing. They feel like a squad. To the point that when a previous member earlier in the game was having doubts and struggles but died in his exam, the group felt it and it still did hurt. There was some impact. This is a big deal for Mechwarrior 5: Clans as this whole character thing was never at this level with previous games.
For example some can understand the situation that Liam is in. Descendant of a super famous important figure in their nations history and so getting compared all the time, held to high standards all the time. Makes one mistake or does something different and gets called out by command ALL THE TIME. Told he’s disgracing his blood line… ALL THE TIME. He feels invisible. The only see the ancestor and not him, even though he is talented himself. That sucks. Reminds us of Sam Coe from Starfield in a way. Naomi has her own story with her previous squad and it does show in her behaviour with the team. She is new and doesn’t have that chemistry. She is also older than them and when you get into the game you can see why this does effect things top some extent.
There’s also pilot upgrades for the characters. For example there’s evasion which increases the chance of enemy incoming fire to miss. Powerful stuff. The command wheel has been improved and it’s way easier to access on console. This makes adjustments much quicker and adds to the whole simulation gameplay of Mechwarrior 5: Clans. Players can use Override in serious situations to prevent an overheat shutdown. Throttle Decay as well for players to decide based on how they want to move. Tell your entire squad to be passive and not attack enemies they see… maybe for some stealth. There is a stealth mission after all.
Then there’s the map. Y’all should know by now that X35 Earthwalker loves a good in-game map. The map is very good in Mechwarrior 5: Clans. Updates real time, accurate information, Tracking of enemies and the map doubles up as another place to give instructions to your team. Direct whole team or specific members to certain locations. Get them to use a ammo or medical bay for the mechs or even to guard an area. It’s a lot but take the time to learn and don’t be hard on yourself. This map is very useful. Again adds to the whole mech simulation of Mechwarrior 5: Clans.
Mechwarrior 5: Clans has 5 player co-op. So you and the crew can all get in there and blow up some mechs together. Mechwarrior 5: Clans getting some work with the latest Unreal Engine. To add more tactics to the combat Mechwarrior 5: Clans has “dynamic destruction”. So shoot the buildings, structures, boxed and whatever to expose enemies, tear down cover and more. Use your head. To this day it’s still satisfying to target and take out a mechs legs for the whole things to come tumbling down.
Mechwarrior 5: Clans forces players to make wise decisions. You can select the missions in the order that you want but you must read them for the details. Maximum tonnage matters, location matters and the type of mission more so than before. For example in the opening missions after complete the first two available missions two more are available but one is too hard for players. Attempting it will lead to failure unless you play super safe and long range. There’s technically an actual order to the missions and players should figure it out. Make sure to do wise purchases and use your merit points to benefit your squad with the repairs.
Getting your hands on new mechs feels satisfying. Different builds, different tons, different weapon locations etc. All lasers or more ballistic weapons? Then there’s the whole change your weapons, swap things around, replace etc. The problem seems to be the same as Mechwarrior 5: Mercenary. There isn’t enough room and freedom for mech customisation. You have to do so much sacrifice just to add certain weapons. Definitely need more freedom with these mechs.
The mech combat in Mechwarrior 5: Clans is quite punishing. If your weapon is on your right hand, be aware that your right arm can be destroyed in combat, therefore losing your ability to use that weapon. If a leg is destroyed then mobility will be affected. The HUD is loaded with mech information. You can keep track of the mech damage and which parts specifically. Protect yourself for real. Foes sometimes be targeting for real. Annoying but make sense.
Mechwarrior 5: Clans is so far excellent. We aren’t in deep enough yet but there’s msg much more for us to discover and experience. The combat is gun. The variety in missions was interesting and allowed for different pacing. We don’t like how over the top some missions are though. They send so many mechs at you that it becomes an unfair endurance battle. Those aren’t fun. We definitely liking the diversity of characters in the game. People of different ethnicities, which is something that gaming needs. They also handled it right. No forced dumb lessons or anything. They are all people and that’s that. X35 Earthwalker is looking forward to experiencing more. Now Mechwarrior 5: Clan might have excellent mech gameplay but it’s not deep perfected enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
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