NeiR: Automata is an action RPG developed by ‘Square Enix‘. It is coming out on the Xbox One the 26th of June but already out on PC and PS4. NeiR: Automata has already gotten loads of positive feedback and reviews. Let’s take a look.
NeiR: Automata is very futuristic. Basically humanity has been forced from earth by robots, from another planet, who have invaded. These mechanical beings struck without warning. So the humans fell back to the moon for refuge. Humanities response is to send android soldiers to fight and destroy these invaders and get earth back. These android soldiers are: android 2B. 9S and A2.
NeiR: Automata boasts of having no are loading. So players can just go from area to area with no delay which is really cool. All the environments have sub-events giving players more to do and it’s all in 60frames per second. once again NeiR: Automata reminds us of a Final Fantasy XV which is another excellent game.
As NeiR: Automata is an RPG expect those players can customise a loadout for different play styles, level up in combat, collect and use a variety of weapon types and off course learn new combat abilities. So players should be aware of what to expect on their play through.
We can confirm that the combat is really where this game shines as it’s deep but not too complex. You can execute high-speed battle actions by combining light and heavy attacks, plus swapping through your increasing arsenal of weaponry all while evading enemy attacks. Players will face bosses and hordes of enemies so style has to change from time time, like switching between melee and ranged attacks. Expect fluid action combat.
When it comes on the Xbox One, players can get the ‘Become as gods edition’ which supports 4K resolution (2160P) and HDR on Xbox One X. It also includes the 3C3C1D119440927 DLC which contains the Young man’s outfit for 9S, Destroyer outfit for A2 and the Revealing outfit for 2B. Special music video “Deserving of life”. Sub quests which are three different battle challenges at three different colosseums.
We checked out some gameplay and we can confirm that it looks awesome. The mechanical beings that invaded earth have a good variety of designs. The combat is fast and fluid indeed. Loads of abilities, ranged attacks and moves to extend combos like sliding into enemies to send them into the air. Massive and powerful bosses. The environments are designed very well and look excellent. Strange and questionable in-game philosophy though. The android soldiers do not look all that interesting but they are powerful.
Overall NeiR: Automata looks very good indeed and it’s a start for us to see why it got such high praises and reviews from many. When it does come to the Xbox, we at X35 Earthwalker will see what it truly has to offer. The developers ‘Square Enix’ did a fantastic job with this game. Now Earth is off course in trouble but one thing that’s never in trouble is… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: