Projection: First Light is a new action adventure game developed by ‘Shadowplay studios, Sweaty chair and Blowfish studios‘. Projection: First Light is said to be coming out this year (2019) on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Mac and PC. Now this game does have a very cool mechanic. Let’s take a look.
In Projection: First Light, players control a girl called Greta. This girl is living in a strange world. Basically it’s a shadow puppet world. Greta is on a journey of “self-enlightenment”. She will travel through different cultures and explore them. The places named are: Indonesia, China, Turkey, Greece and England (19th century). Now these places are very different from each other allowing for level variety and creativity. Off course this shadow puppet world is mythological. So don’t get all historian on the game.
Now Greta will not be completely alone in Projection: First Light. Within each culture she will be assisted by heroes who have been described as legendary. How they will assist you? Not clear right now. They could be a guidance who show up to give help and tips. They could maybe grant a special ability for that culture at the time etc. We have had a bit of fun trying to think who these ‘legendary’ heroes could be.
Projection: First Light introduces players to the main mechanic of the game early. Near the start of her journey, Greta receives the ability to control and manipulate a source of light. Players can use this ability to therefore effect shadows. In Projection: First Light, shadows are platforms and walls. So by moving and shifting this source of light, you can lengthen and even move shadows to allow you to jump across or interact with other things. You can use your ability to also solve puzzles or ruin them and even deal with shadow enemies.
We checked out some gameplay of Projection: First Light and off course many gamers will instantly think about Limbo. Again, another simple game with simple controls, limited colours and travelling in one direction mostly. The graphics are very good for what it is and the sounds are also very good having sound tracks made with antique instruments. At the end of the day it’s another game like Limbo. Meaning most gamers should know what to expect round about. We currently aren’t impressed.
Overall Projection: First Light so far seems like a good game and familiar. We saw giant beings that definitely come of as hostile. Bosses tend to raise the bar of interest for us but it isn’t enough. The developers ‘Shadowplay studios’ and others did a good job. From a game development point of view they did a good job but we will need to see more in order to get us interested. We at X35 Earthwalker have played Limbo and it’s one of those things we play once and we get what it’s about and we are now done with it. Project: First Light will need something more. Now Project: First Light may have light manipulation but even with that power it’s still too weak against… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: