Sonic is back and he is back in Force (see what we did there?). Sonic Forces is a new action platform game developed by ‘Sonic Team’ the ones who did ‘Sonic colours’ and ‘Sonic generations’. It’s coming out November 7th for Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch and PS4. Sonic Forces looks epic. Let’s take a look.
In Sonic Forces the world has been destroyed by Dr Eggman (took him long enough) and a powerful new villain. That’s right, a new guy is here. It gets worse… it’s a line up of all the famous villains and some new ones too. So expect to encounter: Dr Eggman (off course), Chaos, Metal sonic and Zavok. The new enemy though is called ‘Infinite’. Let us guess… even though all these powerful enemies are here, for the sake of plot the heroes still win somehow. Don’t you just love fiction.
Since it is a Sonic game you would expect fast paced chaotic action with robots everywhere, loops, ramps and jumps etc, well Sonic Forces has got it all. There are three types of gameplay. You can zoom and dash through the ruined landscapes and fight hordes of robots as the modern Sonic, charge through perilous levels and platforms of the past as classic Sonic and most interesting of all is that you can create your own character, from hundreds of different items and accessories, who uses powerful gadgets to take on enemies across iconic zones. So pure speed and combat, or classic platform dashing, or create your own hero and fight. Some classic sonic gameplay below:
Now there have been many fans that are concerned about Sonic and the recent games. Well we at X35 Earthwalker have checked out some gameplay for ourselves and can confirm that Sonic Forces is going be great and exactly what the fans want from a Sonic game. Thanks to the three game types you can play in the style of the classic sonic games across familiar but modified levels, play in the new and exciting high speed direction of the Modern sonic as all games should be moving forwards and lastly get the gamers themselves involved by making their own character who they can show off and share online. It’s a excellent combination. Sonic Forces has done things right. Even more gameplay below:
The graphics are fantastic. The sounds are excellent and the music is what you would expect from this year we live in. There are some tunes with a beat and some tunes that have a more classic feel. The environments and scenes are actually worth stopping to look at with the water, buildings and even ruined areas. Having the iconic villains back is actually really cool. Metal sonic is a boss and many know this. Chaos is back to spread more chaos (see what we did there?) and off course Dr Eggman. It honestly wouldn’t be a Sonic game without him.
Overall Sonic Forces looks like it has done everything right. From graphics, to the story, to the villains and the game types which can be played. Fans will love this. The developers ‘Sonic Team’ did an outstanding job with this game, We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to see what more epic action Sonic Forces has in store for us. This game is definitely worth checking out. Now Sonic is fast, real fast and fast is good but he certainly is not as fast as… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: