Super Weekend Mode

Super Weekend Mode is a new 2D Action shooter game developed by ‘Pixelteriyaki’. This game came out the 14th of February on valentines day. Released on Windows and Mac. This game is considered crazy. Let’s take a look.

Super Weekend Mode is one of those games that clearly from the concept wants to wow people with how different it is. The developers said that Super Weekend Mode is a mashup of Tetris, Space Invaders and Gradius. Now that sounds crazy and must make you wonder sort of how that works. Now we at X35 Earthwalker must make it clear that this game requires gamers to have reflexes, don’t panic, focus and persistence. if you lack any of those four things, then you will not get anywhere.

The story is incredibly basic. You are a princess and someone called ‘that guy’ took some of your stuff, so it’s only natural that you would want your stuff back. The gameplay is very basic as well meaning anyone can try Super Weekend Mode. Only three buttons. One to move one pad, another to move the other pad and one to shoot. That’s it. The story and controls are simple but the game its self is not simple in the slightest.

In order to pass the level you must either grab hearts that fall continuously or shoot the boss. Hearts aren’t the only things that falls. There are also skulls which you must not touch. If you touch one, you instantly lose a life. Dust bunnies also fall and you mustn’t let them touch the floor, so defeat them by bashing them with the side of your pad. If you miss, you lose a life. Now shot on the boss and heart collected gets you ten points. They also are worth a chain and the higher your chain, the more points you earn. Even this sounds easy, just push start and see for yourself.

Super Weekend Mode

The rate and speed that these items drop is something gamers will not be ready for. Especially in the second level where everything is faster and more aggressive. Gamers will panic. Gamers will lose and have to try again. It’s one where you will lose and lose and continually lose and only then you will get better and get the hang of it. It’s very difficult but lots of fun. You will want to try and try again just to get past the first level and see the wrath of the second level.

X35 Earthwalker Himself got to try the game and he can confirm that everything works and plays well. It’s definitely difficult but he didn’t get much time to play but made good progress in it and gave his feedback. The graphics are pixel style and look very cool. The music is fitting and works well with the game.

Overall Super Weekend Mode is a cool game. Very cool indeed. The developers ‘Pixelteriyaki’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker are going to see how the gaming community reacts to this game. Now Super Weekend Mode may be crazy but it still doesn’t come close to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Light Fall

Light Fall is a new 2D platform game developed by “Bishop Games“. It’s coming out in March on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This game has got a number of fans excited and looking forward to it. Let’s take a look.

Light Fall takes place in the forgotten world of Numbra. Off course like any other game the land is in trouble. Imminent danger. Players control a small little black flame looking dude which has the shadow core. The shadow core is key for success and survival for there are many challenges and enemies along the way. We definitely hope the enemies are actually interesting and pose a real threat to the players. 

It says on Steam that, “Control the shadow core and use it the way you see fit”. Now this can’t be true. Games like this normally have obstacles that require a certain way to get past them. This means at most there could be two ways of doing this. You can smash through certain things. Use the core as a platform meaning it’s quite limited, so we will have to see how much freedom we are actually given.

Light Fall

What’s interesting in Light Fall is that the dark prevails over the light. Probably one of the biggest mechanic of the game is the side kick. The side kick is ‘Stryx’ who is described as a old and grumpy owl. This owl will either give you useful advice to help you or will mock you when you fail. Stryx is also  Light Fall’s narrator. So players may not like this owl but we are sure it has a lot to say so make sure to listen to it.

Light Fall does offer a lot for gamers to do. It’s suppose to be a large world. There are many locations to explore like the Vipera’s Forest, Lunar Plain, the unknown Depths and even the Marshlands  of Sorrows. There are alternate paths and short cuts sort of like Super Mario Bros 3.  Also for the completionists out there are hidden Easter eggs and off course collectibles. At this point, games like this need this kind of stuff. So it’s more than just a simple platformer.

We checked out some gameplay and from what we have seen it looks cool. There is a free mode where you get complete control of the shadow core but then your character stays still. The movement seems quite quick, the wall bouncing is nice. Also when and where you jump of objects or hills effect how far you go, so things like getting a running start does change things. You can use the core to smash things, block lasers, push buttons etc. There are what seems like bosses to beat in the future like Orlog, Shen and Firas. The difficulty seems very low, especially since you can create a platform at will multiple times to cross large gaps. We hope it gets real difficult.

Overall Light Fall seems like a cool game. Graphics are excellent, animations are great here. Definitely made very well and has the setting and concept to definitely stand out but we haven’t seen anything that makes us at X35 Earthwalker want to play it. This game is similar to Outland but Outlamd set the bar far too high. Games like Light Fall do not reach that bar. So we would rather just play Outland again. Light Fall needs to answer why we should bother with this game. We will have to see.

The developers ‘Bishop Games’ did a good job with this game but we have written about other games similar and this one doesn’t stand out more than the others. We at X35 Earthwalker need to see more of what Light Fall has to offer. Now the Light there may be falling but there is one thing that can’t fall and that’s… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Omen of sorrow

Omen of Sorrow is another one of those games that is unique and got our attention. Omen of Sorrow is described as a classic 2D four button fighting game, developed by ‘AOne Games’. It has been stated to come out on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The date is dodgy as well probably 2018. Now this game is said to have deep combat mechanics to mix things up and create a better experience for gamers of different skill levels. Let’s take a look.

Omen of Sorrow has gotten quite a bit of attention. The reaction from gamers have been mostly positive. Literally, most of the comments have been good. There isn’t that much information on the game but we at X35 Earthwalker checked out some gameplay. So far we aren’t impressed. We actually do not see what makes the combat deep here. We can’t see any deep combat mechanics. Off course you’ll probably find out when you play it but we don’t have the game and can only go by the information given to us.

Omen of sorrow - X35 Earthwalker

In terms of the characters we know of five currently. Gabriel who looks like Van Helsings son but didn’t keep his fighting style. Dr Hyde is well… Dr Hyde. You know… the guy who is a monster version of a normal doctor with great strength. Cabal, who is basically a combination of a werewolf and an Ing from Metroid prime 2. Zafkie, who is an angel. She has angelic wings, she descended from the sky and talks about vanquishing and stopping evil before it can hurt others. Lastly Radegonda who is like a female version of the red devils from ghouls and ghosts but more grey and has butt cheeks. These five all have nothing in common except for the two humans, that’s if Gabriel is a human. The variety is looking good right now.

Omen of Sorrow is definitely a good looking game. The graphics are great. Omen of Sorrow was made with unreal engine 4 graphics. The combat is very smooth and the action just flows nicely from each attack and strike. The sounds are good as well and works well. This game was inspired by mythology and horror. 

Overall we at X35 Earthwalker think that Omen of Sorrow is just okay right now. We don’t see why this is unique from other fighting games. We don’t see what’s so special. This doesn’t mean the game isn’t good. It’s clear that a lot of hard work went into this game and the developers, ‘AOne Games’ did a great job here. We just need to know and see more before we can change our verdict. You gamers might love this so don’t let us stop you. Omen of Sorrow is worth checking out

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