Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire is a new open world action RPG developed by ‘The Gentlebros’ and published by ‘PQubed Limited‘. Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire is said to be coming out in the second quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, Android, Nintendo Switch, IOS, PS4 and PC. Now if you like cats, this game might be for you. Let’s take a look.

In Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire the world os basically cats and dogs with off course more emphasis on the cats (not barking fair). There’re two kingdoms and they are at war with each other. They are: the cats of Felingard and the advancing dogs of the Lupus Empire. Why can’t cats and dogs get along? Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire tells the “tail” of two kings who have to work together in order to reclaim their thrones. This is where the player comes in. Control the cat and dog and do your best to get your thrones back. Off course it won’t be an easy journey.

Those who played the previous Cat Quest game will somewhat know what they are getting into when they enter Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire. Except this time there will be more battles, more explosions and more magic to make you into a fur-midable enemy. Cat Quest but basically bigger and expanded upon. There is a wider range of attacks and weapons too. Some of the new weapon types include staves and even master swords. Obviously master swords are better.  

Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire allows two player co-op. Someone controls the dog while the other controls the cat. Readers should hopefully by now know how we feel about co-op in games. Players should have the option of playing with friends and others in local co-op. Good move developers. Even more good since there are dungeons to dive into explore. Your team mate can help watch your back as there are traps in there. Challenges and problems are easier to solve with others.

Like with other RPGs players need to get tactical and quite creative. Players should make combos concerning their abilities, weapons and more. For example the attributes of the passive abilities allow for  quite a bit of options. There’s more to this game than just simply hitting attack all the time. Get the right timing for dodges and evade all damage, know what types of enemies you are facing and what’s the best way to put them down.

There are side quests too in Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire. What RPG doesn’t have side quests? They aren’t suppose to be just missions to pass the time. Each one is said to have it’s own story which off course will help explain what’s going on in the Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire universe. The lore will be expanded and probably hear some interesting stuff.  

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not what we thought. How you move around on the map is very cool. You are literally running from area to area, walking around ponds, seas and seeing all the world structures too. Also enemies will just run up to you too and try to “axe” you a question. Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire has actually gave us a bit of a surprise. Not bad. From what we have seen, the graphics look very good and the sounds are good too. Clearly good work has went into this game. 

Overall Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire seems like a very good game so far. From the smoothness of the gameplay to how expanded it is. There’s quite a bit going on in this game and we like what we see but the game does seem to easy in terms of combat and difficulty. It looks so easy to evade and handle enemies and we hope there are more enemies and greater difficulty. The developers ‘The Gentlebros’ have done a good job with this game. Now Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire may have some serious cats and dogs but none are as serious as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Devil's Hunt

Devil’s Hunt is a new third person action game developed by ‘Layopi Games‘ and published by ‘IC Entertainment‘. Devil’s Hunt is said to be coming out in the third quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Will this Hell game be any good? Let’s take a look. 

In Devil’s Hunt players take control of Desmond was the son of a rich entrepreneur who is now in the middle of a huge war. A battle between good and evil, angels vs demons. Desmond is being called the sole factor in this war. Strange that a man is the factor in a war between super natural beings but whatever it’s a video game. So what’s special about Desmond? More like what’s smart about him as he signed a pact (that always goes well right) and now he has demonic powers and has become Hell’s executor. Who’s side will he take?

That’s right. In Devil’s Hunt, players will need to decide who’s side they are going to take. The demons or angels. Your decisions in this game will decide the fate of the world and off course humanity. Players should have much to enjoy Devil’s Hunt thanks to the story and in game lore. It’s suppose to be quite deep. The developers claim to have numerous cutscenes. On their official game site is says, “One and a half hour of high quality in-game cutscenes”. They sound very proud of their cutscenes.

Yes you will be fighting demons in Devil’s Hunt. So far Devil’s Hunt may have reminded some gamers of another Hell fighting game… Dante’s Inferno. Yep, like with Dante, you must fight demons using the demonic powers you have acquired to survive and make your way through Hell. This kind of concept hasn’t been done well most of the times by different games. Only Dante’s Inferno hell traversing, demon slaying gameplay was good. We hope Devil’s Hunt can pull it off. Besides, they aren’t going for a horror approach but an action one. 

There are a wide range of attacks and abilities for players to gain, try out and work with. Slash and tear with your demon claws, punch in the face of demons with your fists and more as you combine the new demon powers with the skills you have as a human. There are loads of enemies so off course there needs to be different strategies for facing certain types. The combat has to stand out to make this game stand out. 

We checked out some gameplay and things look quite good so far. The Doom’s grenade, ground slam and eruption attacks already show off a bit in the variety of attacks but everything, mainly the animations seem quite weak. We hope this is just because it’s early game development and not anything like the finished product. Players will need to keep their eyes open for hidden areas, secrets and mirrors which are to be smashed. We like that demons can harm their allies too in they are in the way of an attack. There are quick time events too like a demon suddenly grabbing you etc. There’s a number of good mechanics 9n Devil’s Hunt. What it needs is a quality boost and hopefully a good variety in boss or mini boss enemies.

Overall, Devil’s Hunt looks like an alright game. Once the quality and smoothness of the animations, sounds and gameplay gets boosted, this game will definitely be good. The focus and work that goes into the story is very good. Seems like a fun demon smashing game for now. The developers ‘Layopi Games’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker hope to see more of what Devil’s Hunt has to offer. Check out some gameplay for yourself. Now Devil’s Hunt may have demons but they are no match for…the ‘Earth walk!’  

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Colt Canyon

Colt Canyon is a new 2D action shooter game developed by ‘Retrific‘ and published by ‘Headup‘. It is said to be coming out in the third quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. The Wild West just got wilder. Let’s take a look.

Colt Canyon is a simple indie game with a simple storyline with quite simple controls. So players control a cowboy who must rescue his partner who was kidnapped by a group of armed and dangerous people. You see the whole screen so keep an eye on the corners especially as you never know when enemies might show up firing all guns. Since things can surprise you that’s why some describe it as atmospheric.

Colt Canyon

Colt Canyon is a western style Wild West kind of game so off course you will have guns. Players have a revolver and even TNT. Fire and blow up your enemies and march right through without a care in the world. Keep an sharp eye out as there are hidden treasures and weapons around. You might find a shotgun and we all know a shotgun packs more power than a revolver. Treasure is always good so why not take some with you. 

Two things to take into account is that Colt Canyon has rogue like elements concerning the rooms and levels and there is even permadeath so die once and it’s all over. So replayability is definitely there. Stealth is a optional feature in this game. You can sneak past enemies and off course sneak up to enemies too for that advantage. It’s the choice gamers must make. All out loud with guns blazing or more stealth for the clean kills. We think decide based on the the situation in the game.

Colt Canyon

We checked out some Colt Canyon gameplay and it looked how we imagine it would. Running around, open space, aiming your shots, avoiding danger and blowing stuff up. It’s also quite easy to die if players get careless. There are other people you can also save in Col Canyon and it’s up to you. There are many other unlock able characters that you can play as but best of all is that Colt Canyon has local co-op multiplayer. So grab your siblings, your mom, dad or friends and shoot some bandits and cowboys together. Also, when you rescue your partner, remember that you need to also make your way back.   

Overall Colt Canyon looks like a good fun game. Casual gaming and simple. We like that there are upgrades for you and your allies to improve combat effectiveness. This adds a bit more layers to the game. There isn’t that much to say about this game though as it’s simple. The developers ‘Retrific’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Colt Canyon may have TNT and lots of guns but those weapons will have zero effect on… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a new action side scrolling role playing game developed by ‘ArtPlay’ and published by ‘505 Games‘. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is said to be coming out in the third quarter of 2019 on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. Now this game will remind certain players of a past game. Let’s take a look.

The story in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is quite straight forward. Players control Miriam, an orphan girl who is afflicted by an alchemist curse. This curse causes her skin to slowly crystallise. She must fight fight her way through a castle that’s just loaded with demons and monsters. She must reach the castles master and stop him. This master is called Gebel and his flesh is also slowly crystallising but at this point, he’s more crystal than flesh. So defeat evil in a race against time type plot.

Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night

So certain gamers who look at Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night will be reminded of Castlevania. The action, side scrolling, many scary looking monsters and even the scenery all looks like it. That’s the point. People really enjoyed Castlevania and so a good idea is to go for a similar style but do it better. So yes, the jumping, attacking, exploring, creed environments and scary monsters are there but there’s more. Players will need to get their hands on good weapons. This can be done by unlocking, crafting and  collecting them. So yes, explore the area and see what you can find. 

Literally there isn’t that much to say about Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night because it is similar to Castlevania. The graphics are very good and the environments are very detailed as well. The movement animations are very good indeed. Each movement is done well. There are numerous and we mean numerous enemies of different types, behaviour and looks. There are many bosses too with the dragon boss grabbing probably the most attention right now. The gameplay looked good right now. 

Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night

We’ve seen many cool weapons too in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Blades and swords that have different ranges and effects. We’ve seen guns and other projectile weapons. Even what looks like magic. There’s a summoned dragon mouth that breathes special flames on enemies. Special abilities and effects in abundance too. Off course not everything is known and we hope there is a huge variety of options when it comes to weapons. This game has the setting and potential to do so. 

Overall Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night seems like a very good game so far. Gameplay is definitely good so far. The level design and environments are very good and detailed. The variety of enemies is good too and we hope there is more. The developers ‘ArtPlay’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has to offer gamers. It definitely looks bigger, and better than Castlevania. Now Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night may have demons and many weapons but all of them are useless when it comes against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Remnant: From the Ashes

Remnant: From the Ashes is a new third-person co-op survival-action shooter game developed by ‘Gunfire Games‘ and published by ‘Perfect World Entertainment‘. It is coming out the 20th of August on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It looks like Remnant: From the Ashes plan to make an intense survival game. Let’s hope they got the formula right. Let’s take a look.

In Remnant: From the Ashes, players start of in a world that is pure chaos now. Basically something evil, something ancient has caused all these problems The even bigger problem is that this ancient evil is in another dimension. That sounds fair right? At least the covenant in Halo attack from orbit. The chaos mainly comes in the form of dangerous creatures that come from different dimensions also. As you can see, humanity has their hands full.

Remnant: From the Ashes

Humanity isn’t going to accept this. They fight back but off course are losing. Players play as one of the last remnants of humanity. Humanity has the technology and means to go to alternate realities and other realms through portals. The main mission is to find where the evil is coming from and stop it. So get weapons, work together and scavenge for resources in order to survive and hopefully win. 

Lets get to the main points about Remnant: From the Ashes. It’s post apocalyptic so expect busted cities, streets and not much people. Oh and lots of enemies. These creatures shouldn’t really be avoided though as defeating them will get you experience. Also you can get materials which are for building or modifying armour, attachments and off course weapons. We hope that there is a good range of modifications, weapons and armour.

Remnant From the Ashes

Since you are travelling through and to different realms and realities there will be different worlds with different designs and environments. The world we can travel to are said to be dynamically generated worlds that change each time you play in them. So expect new encounters each time you enter that world. There will be new objectives and quests too. There are four worlds and all have their monsters waiting and ready for you. So Remnant: From the Ashes is suppose to give us different experiences all the time.  

Concerning the enemies we have seen quite the variety. We’ve seen darkness red glowy enemies that look like trees and can duplicate themselves.. Mechanised enemies that go on all fours and has a cannon on their backs. Humanoid beast enemies that walk with large axes. Half insect half horse enemies that move in groups. What looks like a fire breathing bone or vine dragon. Giant butcher looking enemy wearing an apron and looks like it will eat you. Enemies that look like giant versions of the Interns from Oddworld Munches oddysee. We are definitely liking the variety of enemies you can face in the game. They even have their own group names like The Root and Pan.

We checked out some Remnant: From the Ashes gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. Traversing and exploring the worlds, coming across enemies, face them or leave them alone. Gather resources, upgrade and get stronger. Big powerful enemies, small numerous enemies, using good guns and even melee weapons. We even know that there are some powerful bosses who will not give up their lives easy. From what we have seen it looks good. We will wait to see more though and see if we are impressed or not.

Overall Remnant: From the Ashes looks like a good game. We have no information on the game difficulty though. We hope games like this have a long curve in terms of progression so that players don’t end up just walking through enemies and slapping monsters around too soon. It should be a survival and struggle right to the end. Graphics look alright so far. The developers ‘Gunfire Games’ as done a good job with this so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game but we need to learn about a few more things. Now Remnant: From the Ashes may seem promising but is a complete fail when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle

Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle is the new DLC expansion, in the Attack on Titan franchise, developed by ‘Omega Force‘ and published by ‘Koei Tecmo’. It is said to be coming out 5th of July 2019 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This expansion really needs to offer a lot in order for fans to go for it. Let’s take a look.

Now most would have heard about the Attack on Titan games already. By now we already know what to expect in terms of gameplay, graphics, style etc. Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle is an expansion so not an entirely new game. So what does this expansion have to offer? By the way those who already own Attack on Titan 2 will need to purchase the upgrade pack and it will download.

Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle

Firstly the DLC follows the storyline of season 3 of the anime. Expect Kenny, expect dealing with the fake king and things you remembered from the anime. Off course there is more. There are over 40 playable characters. The story mode is played through selected characters points of view. Main heroes are active in this too. The original episodes have been included as well. They said it’s to give a “more fulfilling attack on titan experience.”    

There will be two main game modes in Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle. Using the omni directional mobility gear to face human enemies who are anti-personnel and will take you out if given the chance just like in the anime, aerial combat. The second mode all about wall reclamation. Basically it’s what Attack on Titan is all about… recovering outside territories… outside of the wall. Control,a. team in which you select the leader and set out to face the titans and reclaim the land.

Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle

What’s also completely new is a new weapon called the Thunder spears. These spears are needed in order to take down the armoured Titan. After all a normal blade won’t work against him. It’s an expansion at the end of the day so don’t expect a full game from this. There is quite a bit of action to get from this though. 

We checked out some gameplay and from what we can see, it’s Attack on Titan really. A lot of combat, his speed fighting and things can get quite intense when facing the anti-personnel equipped humans who fire shots at you. We all know Kenny will be a problem so be prepared to face him too and the super sized abnormal Rod Reiss Titan all are here. 

Overall it’s what we though it would be. The chance to face fast speeding humans with guns is very good and many fans would like to try that. The greater range of playable characters is a god move too. It’s just the Attack on Titan video game experience. That’s all. It is a very large expansion with quite the action going on. The developers ‘Omega Force’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker will see what this expansion will truly bring in time. Now Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle may have giant titans but even those guys are small fry when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Yaga is a new action roleplaying game developed by ‘Breadcrumbs Interactive‘. Yaga is said to be coming out in the fourth quarter of 2019  on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This game plans to actually make the players decisions effect the game. Let’s take a look.

In Yaga players control Ivan. Ivan is a blacksmith. While everyone is out living ordinary lives, Ivan lives life differently. He’s working hard at his forge, crafting, building, hammering etc making cool weapons and items. He plans to go on another adventure. He is in a situation that’s effected by three people. The Tzar who is jealous of Ivan and keep giving him impossible quests which Ivan is unaware actually weaken and destroys the magical creatures and ancient spirits, a witch called Baba Yaga who plans to protect the spirits and use Ivan for her goals and last of all Ivan’s grandmother who simply wants him to find a wife. Ivan clearly has his hands full. Oh did we mention that Ivan only has one arm? Yep, just one.


The developers describe this story as one “about greed, manipulation and dealing with impossible odds.”  Don’t feel sorry for Ivan though as he knows how to work with his disability. A forged attachments that allow him to wield crossbows, shields and other weapons. So players must equip themselves to suit their style or the situation and head out on a strange adventure. One more thing. Yaga is set in slavic folklore. 14 century slavic folklore through the eyes of Eastern European peasants. So expect a lot of superstition, house spirits, magic (off course), unclean spirits (copying the Bible) and pagan beliefs. This will not be your simple adventure.

Now Yaga  is going to attempt to be the game that gets the players decisions to effect the game done right. How you play and what you do effects things. You can pick pocket people, steal, trick, lie, attack and be totally unfair. The peasants and other characters will remember that you did these things and they will act accordingly. An NPC might place a curse on you while another might place a charm on you for helping them out etc. We hope they actually make it so that decisions and behaviour does matter.

There are levels and it’s done by a level generator which produces a mix of combat and roleplaying all from a huge library of quests and special rooms like shrines, merchants and more. Each level is different and has it’s rules. The area or region of the level will effect things, the focus of the story will effect things. Think for a bit first before making your way through the level. So expect different action and levels of drama each time. 


While out on adventures make sure to gather all the materials and resources you can find. These are needed for all the crafting that Ivan does. Yaga gets quite detailed too as there are different types of Wood (like Minecraft), different types of ores and enhancements which you can find and even collect from fallen enemies. You can even get charms and curses which are long term effects for your character. They can seriously have big impacts concerning combat and even interacting with characters and things in the world. Some perks may grant different effects depending on your character and how you’ve played already. NPCs can charm or curse Ivan  and even witches and priests in exchange for donations. Remember this.

The combat is always one of the main questions. Combat in Yaga is mainly close range. Where the hammers and melee weapons are effective. Where you position Ivan during combat is very important. You have to be just outside of attack range from enemies and then run in at the right moment to do a couple of strikes. Timing is key. We did mention magic before so you know that’s a part of the combat. Talismans and magic items will add in completely new factors like shields, ranged attacks and more.  


We checked out some Yaga gameplay and it’s not exactly what we thought it would be. We liked how the folklore changes each time and Ivan has things differently each time. The talismans can be found throughout the world and they can add effects to your attacks and defences, mess with enemies and boost your stats. Magic items have supernatural powers and are rare. Do not use them too much or you will attract attention…

Overall Yaga seems like a good game. It’s quite deep in terms of crafting, materials, multiple play throughs, enemies, combat and in game mechanics. They better pull of the actions have consequences mechanic well. The developers ‘Breadcrumbs Interactive’ did a good job with this game so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear out for what Yaga will truly bring to the gaming community. Now Yaga may have folklores and different tales but stays awesome is.. the ‘Earth Walk!’

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projection: first light

Projection: First Light is a new action adventure game developed by ‘Shadowplay studios, Sweaty chair and Blowfish studios‘. Projection: First Light is said to be coming out this year (2019) on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Mac and PC. Now this game does have a very cool mechanic. Let’s take a look.

In Projection: First Light, players control a girl called Greta. This girl is living in a strange world. Basically it’s a shadow puppet world. Greta is on a journey of “self-enlightenment”. She will travel through different cultures and explore them. The places named are: Indonesia, China, Turkey, Greece and England (19th century). Now these places are very different from each other allowing for level variety and creativity. Off course this shadow puppet world is mythological. So don’t get all historian on the game.

projection: first light

Now Greta will not be completely alone in Projection: First Light. Within each culture she will be assisted by heroes who have been described as legendary. How they will assist you? Not clear right now. They could be a guidance who show up to give help and tips. They could maybe grant a special ability for that culture at the time etc. We have had a bit of fun trying to think who these ‘legendary’ heroes could be.    

Projection: First Light introduces players to the main mechanic of the game early. Near the start of her journey, Greta receives the ability to control and manipulate a source of light. Players can use this ability to therefore effect shadows. In Projection: First Light, shadows are platforms and walls. So by moving and shifting this source of light, you can lengthen and even move shadows to allow you to jump across or interact with other things. You can use your ability to also solve puzzles or ruin them and even deal with shadow enemies.  

projection: first light

We checked out some gameplay of Projection: First Light and off course many gamers will instantly think about Limbo. Again, another simple game with simple controls, limited colours and travelling in one direction mostly. The graphics are very good for what it is and the sounds are also very good having sound tracks made with antique instruments. At the end of the day it’s another game like Limbo. Meaning most gamers should know what to expect round about. We currently aren’t impressed.

Overall Projection: First Light so far seems like a good game and familiar. We saw giant beings that definitely come of as hostile. Bosses tend to raise the bar of interest for us but it isn’t enough. The developers ‘Shadowplay studios’ and others did a good job. From a game development point of view they did a good job but we will need to see more in order to get us interested. We at X35 Earthwalker have played Limbo and it’s one of those things we play once and we get what it’s about and we are now done with it. Project: First Light will need something more. Now Project: First Light may have light manipulation but even with that power it’s still too weak against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Ion Maiden

Ion Maiden is a new action first person shooter game developed by ‘Voidpoint’ and published by ‘3D Realms‘. It is said to be coming out in the second quarter of 2019. We know there’s an early access out already but we don’t care about that. Ion Maiden aims to bring back the old ways of first person shooters. Let’s take a look.

The story in this world of Ion Maiden is that there’s an transhumanist mastermind called Dr Jadus Heskel. He has a full fledged “cybernetic cult” with numerous members. He has released them into the streets of Neo DC. Off course this causes chaos, destruction and loads of problems. This is where the players comes in. Players control Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison who’s aim is to take down Dr Jadus Heskel.  

Ion Maiden

Now Shelly isn’t a stranger to explosions as before these recent events she use to defuse bombs for the global defence force. but now she’s causing explosions in her battle against the cybernetic cult. Now Ion Maiden has a lot to live up to as it aims to bring back the style of the old first person shooter games like Duke Nukem 3D. If you couldn’t tell from looking at Ion Maiden, it has the retro style look as well. 

Players can expect the old gameplay style too in Ion Maiden. Strafing left and right, running and gunning, all that good stuff. There is no regenerative health, just like in Ultimate Doom, so avoid getting hit at all times. There are no mandatory check points either, so players better learn how to survive. The levels are multiple paths you can take to complete levels and you can expect enemies around every corner who are quite trigger happy. 

Ion Maiden

First person shooters like this need a wide range of weapons and options. Ion Maiden claims to have that. There are grenade launchers that can explode and release bullets like a shotgun, Shelly’s signature revolver which is more unique than your average Wild West gun, shotguns, dual wield sub machine guns, a cross bow, stun baton, grenades a chain gun and more. We hope Ion Maiden gets the weapon options right. Many games have guns that are clearly way better than others. Some guns will never get used unless the others run out of ammo. Options are a good thing.

There is some more stuff going on with Ion Maiden though. It won’t be simply running around. Players can climb, swim, duck and jump. Imagine jumping in ultimate Doom. Some guns have different firing modes and there are different types of ammo too. There are seven different zones to fight through and each of those zones have their own levels so get blasting, shooting and exploding and don’t forget the running.

We checked out some gameplay of Ion Maiden and it’s what we thought. It’s what any gamer who knows of Ultimate Doom and Duke Nukem 3D would imagine it would be. Run around, firing lots of shots, ducking and dodging incoming fire, discovering secret areas, finding new weapons, picking up health, gathering ammo and eventually facing the dangerous bosses that will be more than ready to fight.

Overall Ion Maiden seems like your old first person shooter game. It looks exactly like those old games but off course with some more modern ideas. We don’t think Shelly is cooler or better than Duke Nukem but she definitely sounds like the “bomb” (see what we did there?). The developers ‘Voidpoint’ have so far look done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will be keeping an eye on Ion Maiden and see what it brings. Now Ion Maiden may have lots of guns and explosions but nothing hit harder than… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Biomutant is a new third person combat, action, open world RPG developed by ‘Experiment 101‘ and published by ‘THQ Nordic‘. Biomutant is said to be coming out in the second quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game certainly stands out from everything else at the moment. Let’s take a look. 

Not a lot is known about Biomutant right now. Concerning the story we know that there is a tree. Not an ordinary one. It’s called the tree of life (once again getting their ideas from the Bible). This tree is for some reason bleeding death from it’s roots. A plague is also on the loose and it’s negatively effecting everything, including the land. There are different animal tribes and are currently not in agreement and against each other. So it’s up to one, the player to solve this. Either unite everyone or put everyone down. 


Now since Biomutant is a open world game players will assume there are ways of traversing the world. There is. Players can get around by foot (off course), jet-ski, mechs and even a air-balloon. Interesting since the game is set in an post apocalypse world. There are more methods of travelling like mounts but you’ll see for yourself. There’s more to this world than what you see. There is more under the planet surface and even high up. There are mountains to climb, tunnels to explore, the wildland which has seen better days, bunker networks and even an archipelago which looks cool by the way. 

So if it isn’t clear by now, players will need to be big on exploration in a game like this. Biomutant has a lot to do. First of all you have to learn what’s happening with the tree of life, handle the plague and deal with the tribes… but wait… there’s more. There are more mysteries to be solved, probably concerning the inhabitants. There are certain characters for you to find and meet. Some creatures need to be dealt with and discoveries to be made. The players action are said to play a part in the story, a major part. We have heard this all the time. Most games don’t do a good job at handle the “actions and decisions effect the story” system. We hope Biomutant can do this well. By the way, the story will be told through a narrator.


Biomutant does remind us of Metal Gear Survive in one very particular way. Areas that require certain equipment for the player to explore safely. In Metal Gear Survive you had the dust which was toxic for humans and you need an oxygen tank to temporarily survive. In Biomutant, players will need an gas mask and oxygen tank in order to explore the Dead Zones. Equipment is very important in this game. Players can equip protective hazard like gear to protect from bio-contaminated enemies and substances. You can even equip thermos-resistant clothes to handle those really cold areas. So the kind of gear you equip and wear is completely up to you but it makes a difference.

Biomutant wants to keep things new and exciting and here’s how. It’s third person combat and there’s some good emphasis on mobility and agility. You can move how you want and that’s how it should be. Combat is a mixture of melee, shooting and even powers and abilities from your mutations. The melee is martial arts. Your character can learn new Wushu combat forms through natural progression or from master fighters. Some make sure you know some kung-fu. Decide when to get up close and beat your enemy down and when to get some distance and range down the pain. We are looking forward to seeing how they mix these things together.


If you was paying attention you would notice that we mentioned mutations. Your character is able to have his genetic structure re-coded. This will off course effect many things. For starters how you look will be different. Your attributes will be affected. If you receive exposure to radioactivity like the kind found in bunkers you” experience psi-mutations, your mind will be affected and you’ll learn abilities like elevation and telekinesis. If you get exposed to bio-contamination that will cause physical mutations like getting a barbed tail or even mantis claws. So there are many ways to develop your character. 

There is crafting in Biomutants too. Developers claim players are “totally free when crafting weapons”. You can craft guns like shotguns, revolvers and rifles (off course). Craft melee weapons, whether they be heavy melee type, or sharp like slashing and piercing. You can add different parts to add modifications like a battery powered chainsaw (Gears of war inspired) and go even further with bio-contaminated sludge vials. We did say players should explore, as you may encounter a character who might  craft some stuff for you. These things can include, a jump pack, bionic wings (sounds awesome) and even upgrade your automaton.

We checked out some gameplay and from what we can see, things look great. The graphics are very good, the world and areas look really interesting. The sounds are just good so far. The different animal mutant enemies don’t look so tough. The customisation and outfits your character can wear are showing some good variety right now. The giant monsters look like a real problem though. So far we are seeing high potential with Biomutant.

Overall Biomutant seems really good. Not much information on the main character though. This open world looks like players will have lots to do. We hope the creativity expands more. More interesting mutated animal enemies and a good amount of super dangerous enemies that players can’t face in combat. The developers ‘Experiment 101’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Biomutant fully has to offer. Now Biomutant may have some kung-fu but their skills are nothing compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’  

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