Dual Gear is a new turn based strategy action game developed by ‘Orbital Speed Studio‘. It has been saids to be coming 2018 (year soon over) on the Xbox One, PS4, Mac and PC. This game caught out attention straight away. Hope it’s very good. Let’s take a look.
The world of Dual Gear is originally set in 2064 where powerful nations built the Gaia Belt which is the orbital energy station for receiving the newly discovered energy source. It was later attacked by terrorists after a test and the successful completion of phase one of the Gaia Belt in 2101. TEC deployed the orbital defence gear to defend and they were successful but the damage was heavy and even earth suffered from the battle. So TEC focused more on surface tactical units known as Dual Gears. Off course successful projects like that don’t stay at home but sold multiple units to clients around the world. Was that attack the last anyone will hear of the terrorists?…
In Dual Gear, players get to control the Dual Gear units. The gameplay is off course turn based and you see everything in third person. You will control each unit separately, one by one. It’s a combination of real time shooting and quick performance cut scenes. This means players will need tactical thinking, good management, reflexes and awareness. Dual Gear has two elements that must be taken into account: action point (AP) and generator output (GP). All skills need action points in order for that skill to be used within that turn but they also need enough generator output to pull it off. The example given was a Dual Gear using a powerful weapon. It might require 1 or 2 action points during this turn but it will cost some Generator Output and if you don’t have enough, that attack isn’t going to work (it’s easier when you see it for yourself).
There’s more. Units also have a sort of health and shield system in place. The two elements here are: Armour power (AP) and Core power (CP). If you get hit anywhere then the armour power decreases for that part hit, like the right arm. If that hits zero then the core power will now start to decrease upon taking damage. If that part then hits zero now, then that part is destroyed. That’s right, Dual Gear allows the targeting of specific parts of Dual Gear units. Off course there are consequences for destroying parts of a Dual Gear. For example losing a right or left arm will off course mean you can’t use any weapons that arm wielded. If a leg is destroyed then that Dual Gear will not only travel at a much slower pace but will also consume more Generator Output (GP) than normal which also means using certain skills and weapons will be more restricted.
So if an enemy unit spots one of your own it won’t do anything at first. If you start moving then it can and will fire at you. It stops firing when you stop moving again. This design choice was to allow players to not panic and think about what they want to do now. This means players will need to be aware of how much AP and GP they have before making any moves or strategizing. Management is key here so don’t be in a hurry or a rush.
Customisation is very detailed in Dual Gear as well. The options are of a wide variety. The Dual Gear is made up of five main parts. Cockpit, head, back pack, arms and legs. Each part can be customised. You can equip your Dual Gear with high weight legs which grant higher durability resistance to damage but this means less movement speed and more GP is consumed when moving. This makes you wonder about the different parts available. We hope there’s a range. Also you can customise the style. You can add camouflage, add patterns, change the colour to make that Dual Gear your very own. Also players can select an emblem. If you are going to fight at least look good while doing it.
We checked out some. Gameplay and we saw different built Dual Gears with different weapons, weight, speed, attack range and more. Launch missiles, swing with blades and snipe from a distance. You can see how much Generator Output is being used and how much each skill will consume. When the enemy fires at you you can dodge attacks which is where the reflexes come into play. So far the action looks good and seems like a real detailed turn based strategy game.
Overall Dual Gear looks like a good game. The graphics looks good and the sounds are good too. The machines are very loud though so be careful with your speakers. The developers ‘Orbital Speed Studio’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to Dual Gear coming out. Now Dual Gear might have a lot of history but it’s history is nothing compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Ashen is a new action RPG developed by ‘Aurora44‘ but published by ‘Annapurna Interactive‘. It is coming out on the Xbox One and PC. Ashen straight away has gotten our interest. There’s combat, danger, survival and a brutal world. Let’s take a look.
In the world of Ashen, nothing lasts forever. Players control a “wanderer”. This wanders is alone, travelling and surviving alone. That’s going to change. This is a strange world as for starters there isn’t a sun. So how does everything survive (ask the game)? There is natural light but that comes from eruptions. These eruptions is what covers the whole place in ash (ash + en = ashen). There are multiple survivors and it’s wise to work together to survive. The game is centred around this.
When you find survivors in Ashen you must decide what to do concerning them. You can ignore them or lead them to your settlement. If convinced to stay they can be of some serious help to you, offering their skills and abilities. Some might be skilled blacksmiths and other crafting skills or even “foraging expertise”. The point is that surviving alone in Ashen is a bad idea.If you want to find a place to call home then you will need some members.
Ashen is a multiplayer game as well. In your very large world you will encounter other players. You can work with them to fight evil, off course send an invite to join your party or leave them alone. Don’t be a bully now. The whole of Ashen literally is about working together, meeting people (real and) computer so keep that in mind when exploring.
The world in Ashen is huge and there is lots to see indeed. Expect forests, fields, broken structures, fjords, palaces, bogs and more. Even more interesting is that, according to the developers, no two gameplay experiences are similar. Basically the game works in a way that your adventure changes depending on where you are “at any given moment”. This means if you went to the bog first then things will be different if you had instead gone to a palace first for example, not just what happens at that exact location but surrounding things and more in the world itself. Interesting right? We know.
Off course let’s get to the interesting parts. The combat and the monsters. Combat first. The combat should make a number of Dark Souls fans happy as it’s a similar style. Being patient is needed for the combat in this game. You need to watch your enemy, see the attacks coming and know when to dash and dodge. Every fight you get into regardless of how far you progress could be your last so always be ready and prepared.
In terms of the enemies, there’s more to say. You can expect some scary monsters, spiders, flying things which swoop down, giant flying whale creatures, actual giants and more. There are thinkings hostile enemies that don’t like you and then there are indigenous creatures. You see those nice looking plants and flowers over there? Pick some. Congratulations you are dead. Even the plants and vegetation can be dangerous enemies capable of killing you.
We checked out some Ashen gameplay and it looks good so far. The graphics are quite cartoonish but done well. Movement speed is good, you can roll, evasion is fast enough, enemy attacks are telegraphed nicely (well at least for smaller ones), game difficulty seems acceptable from the start, crafting is important so loot everything you find and kill. Also Ashen has a stamina based combat system. Your attacks and moves cost stamina. Players will need to know what fights to pick and decide their actions carefully. You can decide to never see other players or never have any A.I. We are given that choice. The A.I by the way work very ell. They dodge attacks, know when to heal and fight good.
Overall Ashen looks like a very good game indeed. The sounds are very good and the controls are very responsive. The world design and enviro meets have great variety and we like that. We do hope for more variety in enemies though but how frequent we see them, we don’t know. The developers ‘Aurora44’ have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing Ashen come out. Now Ashen might have a massive world but what’s even more massive is… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Skyforge is a very large game and it’s got the content and game world to make a Battle Royale possible. If you didn’t know about the Skyforge Battle Royale by now, then just read our previous G-Blog about it right here. We mentioned that there is a lot of strategy in this battle Royale which sets it apart from the others like Call of Duty‘s Blackout, Fortnite and Pubg. Let’s take a look into that.
The first thing that clearly makes a difference in gameplay is the character abilities. The first three that are available from the start are the recruits. Tough, agile and accurate. Now only two of the recruits have good abilities.
Tough Recruit – is the weak link here as this character class only bonus is having 10% more health. So instead of having 100 health, the tough recruit has 110. This honestly makes almost completely no difference in combat. There are some moments when you survive a firefight and thanks to the extra 10 health you come out with only 6 health left. So it isn’t completely useless, just the least useful.
Agile Recruit – has 25% more stamina and also has faster sprint. The accurate recruit (as the name suggests) grants slightly increased accuracy with all weapons that you must fire. So with agile recruit, you can get to weapons faster than anyone else early game because obviously you are faster. You can also traverse the battle field better because of the larger stamina. This means heading from place to place to find weapons and more is something easy with this character.
Accurate recruit – When playing as the accurate recruit you should feel more confident in combat as you will always have the advantage in terms of aiming. Some weapons like the plasma thrower have bloom as you fire, meaning your shots get less accurate as you hold down the trigger. This character class will suffer less from that thanks to the slightly increased accuracy.
Now the other nine character classes are much different with more various abilities. They must all be unlocked though, by spending in game currency called ‘Token of the king’. You earn these every time you play. Depending on what place you get after a round of Battle Royale determines how much you get. For example if you died 5th, you get like 490 while winning you get 700. It coasts 500 to ‘rent’ a character for one match. Strange but here’s how it works. You can rent for one match and then after using them, spend 500 more. If you rent a character class 50 times, you permanently unlock the character. That’s too much in our opinion but if you keep playing and have fun, you will horde up those token of the king currency and be able to purchase a character every time. Let’s look at those characters.
Morgan, the Filibuster – has a special weapon and item. The weapon is a explosive cocktail which can be thrown at enemies to light them and the ground on fire. they will take serious burn damage and reduce their accuracy. The item is a bottle of rum that when you drink restores a small amount of health over a few seconds and it also increases your melee damage. The cons of the Filibuster is that you can’t use other grenades or medkits you find in the match. A great way to use the Filibuster is in ambushes. Lead them around a corner, or wait behind a rock or tree and throw your cocktail at them, then shoot them as they panic. Then heal up after the fight. She is also the best character at the start of a match as she can drink to increase her punch damage and kill enemies who try to pick up weapons near you. Fun fact, the cocktail does so much damage that players having maximum armour shards and full health will get brought down to 60 health meaning you yourself only need to fire a few shots to finish the kill.
Dolph, the Mercenary – has a ability and perk. The Mercenary has infinite firearms ammo. So rifles, dual pistols, heavy pistol, dual sub machine guns, dual shotguns can all be used with ever having to find ammo. You still need to reload though which is a big downside. The perk is that you have 20% more health so basically 120 instead of 100. The cons for the Mercenary is that you can’t use mines, grenades, weapon scopes or gadgets. A great way to use the Mercenary is to be aggressive right from the start. grab a firearm and hunt down others early game, you will always have the advantage since you have more health and have infinite ammo while every else is running around looking for ammo. Try and find armour to make yourself tougher to kill. Fun fact, the Mercenary when he has heavy armour is the most durable character in the whole game having 50 more points of health than anyone else so the chance of the Mercenary winning a 1v1 is almost always guaranteed.
AVER RP-800, the Android – has a gadget and perks. The Android’s gadget when used allows you to detect enemies and reveal their location to you in a large radius. The perks is that the Android always shoots accurately and has infinite sprint. The cons of the Android is that this character takes increased damage from energy weapons and cannot use other gadgets like the active camouflage for example. A great way to use the Android is to be constantly on the hunt for items and weapons, traveling around the map quickly thanks to the infinite stamina. This can be done with confidence because if you approach a bullion for area with chests, then use your detect gadget and expose any enemies in the building, area or even following you, giving you the clear advantage in that fight. Fun facts, thanks to infinite sprint the Android is the one character that players, when using, have no excuse for getting killed by being outside the safe zone. Also the detect gadget doesn’t seem to detect camouflaged characters. Also having the experimental boots is most effective with the Android thanks once again to infinite sprint.
Kerr, the Devourer – has some abilities. The Devourer does 50% more damage… to monsters! So A.I monsters on the field are easier to kill. Also every time the Devourer kills either a monster or player, he gets a growing bonus to health and damage. The cons of the Devourer is that you can’t use armour or armour shards which isn’t much of a negative honestly. A great way to use this character is to grab a weapon and run away in search of monsters, forget other players. Kill as much monsters as you can find as each monster (the green coloured ones) grant 3 more health while stronger ones add more, also killed monsters drop loot. So if you killed ten weak enemies you will have 130 health instead of 100. If you happen to slay some players too you may end up with over 160 health and the amount of damage you do will be really high. It’s all about the kills. Fun fact, did you know X35 Earthwalker himself got over 200 health when playing as the Devourer killing many players and monsters.
Alecto, the Faceless – has a special ability and a perk. The Faceless has permanent active camouflage and the first attack you launch when invisible gets a 30% damage boost. The cons of the Faceless is that your camouflage gets disabled when you attack, take damage or pick up an item. You are also slightly exposed when you swap weapons too. Also you cannot use other gadgets and have 25% less heath so 75 instead of 100. A great way to play the faceless is to be patient and stalk your enemies, waiting for the best time to attack them from your invisibility. You can also sneak into locations ad loot everything quite comfortably thanks to your invisibility but be careful as you can still get spotted. Snipers and blasters are weapons work well with the Faceless. Fun fact, the Faceless is one of the most hated characters by players so it’s very funny when you stalk a character, wait for them to open a chest and then you kill them and take the prize for yourself.
Anna-Malia, the Hacker – has some abilities. The Hacker can summon a random item right in front of you. The other ability is that this character can instantly teleport forwards (off course there is cool down) and gets a speed boost right after the teleport temporarily. The cons of the Hacker is that you can’t use other gadgets or traps (like mines) and your maximum health is reduced by 20% so you have 80 instead of 100. A great way to use the Hacker is to keep creating the random item as soon as the gadget is available as you never know what you can get. Maybe something powerful or useful. Use the teleport to help you traverse the map faster and find the items you need before getting into fights. Also If someone gets the drop on you, then quickly teleport forwards and use that speed boost to get out of there. Fun fact, that ability to summon a random item can even give you a legendary weapon! Like we said, you never know what you will get so keep using it.
Ivy, the Sapper – has special traps and a ability. The Sapper can detect enemy mines from a great distance and even disarm them, meaning that you should never fall into traps. Also the Sapper always has three mines that can be thrown into desired positions (off course cool down). The cons of the Sapper is that you cannot use other mines, gadgets and grenades. A great way to use the Sapper is to always from time to time plant a mine behind you as you travel to hit following enemies or those just happening to be running past. You should also plant a mine at the entrance of a building you are looting so uninvited guests will pay the price for trespassing. You can also throw a mine near an enemy player who will then take big damage making killing them all the much easier. Fun fact, once X35 Earthwalker himself was at an elevated location near the final closing of the safe zone and three all three mines in there, the other 3 players all ran in towards the centre and all took heavy damage while he shot from the top and killed all without taking any damage.
Joe, the Engineer – has a special item. The Engineer has a portable auto turret which he can plant to have it fire at both monsters and players. The cons of the Engineer is that you cannot use mines and you have reduced stamina and your stamina recharges slower. A great way to use the Engineer is to go look for monsters and kill them with help from your turret. They not only drop loot but, for the engineer, turret parts which when enough is collected upgrades the turret making it deal more damage and more durable. Once your turret is at least level 2, make sure to plant that turret when you spot an enemy coming your way to give a nasty surprise. The engineer can do ambushes as well. Fun fact, X35 Earthwalker himself was facing one more player and the circle was getting really small, so he planted a level 3 turret. The last player jumped into the safe area but was getting hit by the turret and focused on that instead of the legendary soldier himself and was quickly defeated.
Selena, the Night Huntress – has two perks. The Night Huntress receives a 30% bonus to damage and movement speed at night time. The con of the Night Huntress is that she is 20% slower during the day time. A great way to use the Night Huntress is to literally go on the hunt when it is night time. As soon as it’s dark you really feel so much faster and not even strong monsters can defeat you. So hunt down players as it’s most likely you will win every time. Also take down some monsters for extra loot to get some ammo and powerful items to prepare for the final moments of the match. Nothing is more scary than a Night Huntress hunting you down at night, there isn’t that much you can do if she spots you. Fun fact, when the Night Huntress has the light armour at night time, she’s is the fastest thing in the game. it’s gets worse when she has the experimental boots. A floating rim reaper.
Thanks to all these different characters, the Skyforge Battle Royale has the most unpredictable and epic matches. Different strategies are being used during the same match by multiple players and some completely destroy others depending on the environments, situation, weapons and items at hand. Even though some characters are clearly stronger than others most of the time, any character can win. X35 Earthwalker has won a Skyforge Battle Royale match with each character which you will be able to see for yourself eventually on the X35 Earthwalker Youtube channel. Skyforge’s Battle Royale definitely stands out from the others like Call of Duty’s Blackout, Fortnite and Pubg and we’ve definitely had way more fun in the Skyforge Battle Royale matches. We trust that this information will be useful to players of this game. Off course we didn’t give away X35’s personal developed strategies. Now Skyforge Battle Royale may have many characters but even if they work together, they are no match for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Aftercharge is a online 3v3 competitive shooter game developed by ‘Chainsawesome Games‘. It is coming out… well that’s the thing. some say later this year but steam says January 2019. So it’s up to you to personally track that information yourself over time. It’s coming out on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Let’s take a look.
Now let’s start with the Aftercharge story… there isn’t one… really. basically what we do know is that there are invisible robots who want to destroy some glowing extractors but said extractors are being guarded by invincible security squads. So invisible robots vs invincible troops. As mentioned before, this is all 3v3 competitive. The maps in Aftercharge are small like the teams so the action is always happening and rounds are short which is good for these things.
In Aftercharge, the invincible security team don’t have to worry as they can’t die but need to spot the invisible attackers and take them out to protect the extractors. The robots need to be real clever. They sneak to sneak around the security members, maybe cause a distraction or two and off course work together.
Being invincible is over powered off course so to balance it out, not only are the robots invisible but they also can revive allies as much as they want and there are no cool downs to abilities. What? Abilities? Oh yeah. Both teams have abilities and a character pool. Each of the characters have very different abilities from each other. Already this is sounding cool.
We checked out some Aftercharge gameplay and learnt a lot. Robots can attack security to knock them away, throw distractions, stun, thruster jump, out up a bubble shield and more. The security can put up shield gates to block entry, a scanning device to find invisible enemies, a exposing grenade to reveal robots, traps like mines and disablers and off course more. It definitely sounds chaotic. There is a lot going on.
Overall Aftercharge looks like a cool fun game. We can see how things can get very competitive since it’s simple, silly, chaotic but has some depth to it. It is strategic. The graphics are quite cartoonish style and look nice. The character designs seem alright so far. The developers ‘Chainsawesome Games’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker want to see what Aftercharge accomplishes. Now Aftercharge may have invisible guards and invisible robots but even if they worked together, they wouldn’t stand a chance against… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Darksiders III is the new action, adventure, hack and slash game developed by ‘Gunfire Games‘ but published by ‘THQ Nordic‘. Darksiders III is off course the latest Darksider game and is coming out the 27th of November on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The Fury is coming soon. Let’s take a look.
Darksiders III is now all about Fury the only female of the four apocalypse horsemen. By the way isn’t it interesting that so many popular games, anime and books got inspiration from the Bible (Think about that). Basically the story is that the earth has been taken over by the seven deadly sins who off course have their own minions and evil creatures serving and assisting them. The charred council won’t let this slide so they send Fury to solve the problem… by fighting, slashing and destroying all enemies and things that stand in her way. It says, “from the heights of heaven dow through the depths of hell”. sounds like a big battle if you ask us. Fury must restore balance to the situation and also aims to prove that she’s the most powerful of the horsemen. Isn’t death automatically suppose to be the strongest of the four horsemen?… whatever.
Now in Darksiders III the protagonist, Fury, fights differently from the others. Fury relies on both her physical abilities with her whip and magic. Now this magic also allows her to use her other forms well hollows to be exact. The Force hallow basically gets her very physical. She wields Scorn as quite a big hammer for powerful defense shattering, heavy damage attacks. This hammer while not as powerful as Thor’s mjolnir can also act as a focal point for magnetic attraction. This means she can pull in rocks, enemies and even energy and then make it all go boom. She can even travel along certain walls and ceilings if she maintains that magnetic force ability as a sphere.
Another Hallow is the one we all know called Fury, where she wields the whip and magic at the same time acting as more of the all rounder and default form, handling pretty much any situation. Another Hallow is Flame. Now her Scorn takes the form of two flails that are on fire. So this means a whole new menu of attacks and the blazing fire means explosive area of effect attacks too. While in this Hallow she can go through lava and fire without any damage and even perform a very high fiery jump. This all means she can reach areas she couldn’t before with this hallow. Rumour has it that there are more hallows for players to discover and use to their play style and advantage. Do you prefer evasion, quick attacks and high mobility or would you rather smash things in your way? You decide.
The world in Darksiders III works and reminds us off Metroid Prime in the fact that it’s a open ended big world with multiple areas that players will have to revisit at times to access new locations, discover new things, fight a boss that you couldn’t before, etc etc. It works very similar. For example there was. apart in Metroid Prime where you needed the plasma beam to get through a iced of area or certain doors in a place you already been too. In Darksiders III you will need the flame hallow to get through some lava to reach that other area. So get use to your locations as you advance the story along.
The main real enemies in Darksiders III are off the course the seven deadly sins. They are powerful and dangerous and one is apparently very lazy…. you might even say it’s slothful… fine we’ll stop. Their personalities are off course determined by what sin they represent. each one fights differently and has a different style. Wrath carries two large sword like melee weapons which he uses to crush and destroy, Sloth when he decides to finally fight is not as slow and lazy and as you would expect in battle, Envy’s appearance is very misleading so don’t underestimate the terrible fashion statement that is it’s robes. We are sure you can guess the rest of the names.
We checked out some gameplay and the first thing that came to our minds was Dante’s inferno which was a fun game by the way. Fighting monsters, demon looking things, combat in Hell, a weapon that extends like Dante’s scythe combined with the use of magic like Dante’s cross. Smashing open objects to collect energies or souls that pull towards you, executions etc. This is a good thing though as the way Dante played was great for it’s time. Darksiders III brings a smoother and more superior graphics game. The evasion is very good as Fury looks like she just about dodges some sweeping attacks and confirms that timing is important for those dodges.
Overall Darksiders III looks like a very good game so far but we are more concerned with the story and how it delivers. Will it be a simple here’s a checklist of bosses, kill them, game over? The graphics and sounds are very good. The combat is smooth. The whip weapon needs to look more exciting though. The developers ‘Gunfire Games’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are not exciting or looking forward to this games as there isn’t anything that gets us excited or makes us want to play it, that doesn’t mean it isn’t good though and there are fans waiting for this game. Now Darksiders III may be have a strong female horseman but even she is nothing when against… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Mega Man 11 came out and many gamers jumped on it. Off course Youtubers and streamers got in on the action too (they can’t miss their chance for views right). So far the majority all agree that Mega Man 11 is a very good game. People are a fan of the graphics and the music. Many are also saying that the game is difficult as well. That’s where we disagree. Take a look.
Mega man games are normally known for being very difficult as in many people struggle to even beat the game. Mega Man 11 doesn’t have the same pattern. This will probably trigger some players of Mega Man but we don’t care. We find Mega Man 11 to be too easy. Off course we will explain why. The levels and how players are suppose to beat them reminds us off Spelunky. As in the first time you try them, there will be some surprises but if you sort of take your time and see what’s going on, you can get through them without dying. Spelunky becomes easy once you know all the tricks but with Mega Man 11 it’s easier because the enemies and what they do is predictable and almost all of them move very slowly.
Next is the fact that the weapons you get from defeating the eight bosses are very good most of the time. The acid barrier from Acid man provides additional protection especially if you combine it with the power gear ability. So if there’s a room that looks dangerous due to projectiles then this shield makes everything easier. Tundra storm, which you get from Tundra man, combined with the power gear allows you to basically clear the whole room so rooms with many enemies on screen can’t lay a finger on you. The weapons in Mega Man 11 are great and we like how effective they are, just keep an eye on your ammo for each weapon.
The bosses themselves are not that difficult at all either. Some like Block man have some very easy to dodge attacks like charging in a straight line or dropping things from the ceiling but give you time to react. They do have patterns so once you learn their patterns which doesn’t take long, beating them then isn’t an issue. They get even easier if you know their weaknesses. In case you didn’t know, each boss is weak against a weapon that you get from another boss. They take a lot more damage. For example Torch man is easily beaten by the Tundra storm from tundra man. Bounce man gets destroyed by the pile driver from Impact man. Block man doesn’t stand a chance against the chain blast from Blast man. Fuse man hates bounce balls from Bounce man. You get the point by now.
So the levels and bosses aren’t difficult, in fact it can even be easy. What makes Mega Man completely easy? Glad you asked. It’s the fact that players can purchase items and upgrades to help you out. You can buy multiple energy tanks to full restore your health if you are about to die. You can get a bird item (Beat call) which protects you from falling into pits. Shoes that protect against spikes that instant kill you. Automatic charged shots, a mystery tank which can turn weak enemies into 1-ups, Super guard which halves all damage you take for the duration of that stage (dying removes the effect as well), make your shots bigger meaning easier hit on enemies and many more items. If you can’t beat the bosses while all damage is halved, your shots are bigger, have reduced knock back and can fully restore your health more than five times in a single fight then put down your controller, turn off the console and slowly back away from the game and never play it ever again. You can’t tell us that Mega Man 11 isn’t really easy.
The last thing that Mega Man has that makes things even easier is the new game mechanic called the Double gear system. Now once again, we like this addition to the game. It’s powerful, it’s fun and looks cool. It doesn’t change the fact that it does make things easier. You can do so much extra damage to bosses when you combine your weapons with the power gear but also slow down time (technically Mega man speeds up) to avoid attacks and escape from traps. A boss is about to do something, then slow down time and dodge without issue. Off course you must make sure to not overload the device otherwise you can’t use it again for a good while. When you combine the boss weaknesses, options you have for dealing with levels, the different weapons, the double gear system and off course the numerous items you can buy and equip, Mega Man 11 is an easy game. Don’t sit there and get mad, either grow up or square up.
If you go into the challenges section there are 9 different challenges for players to try, and here is where things get difficult. This is also where things get competitive as leaderboards come into play. Off course there is more than what you see as Boss Rush splits into two challenges one the second needing to be unlocked. Here are the challenges listed:
Time attack – complete each stage as fast as possible
Jump saver – get to the boss area using as few jumps as possible
Buster break down – get to the boss using as few attacks as possible
score attack – defeat enemies and collect all the points you can. Get extra points for defeating multiple enemies in a row
Balloon Rush – go through the stage while destroying blue balloons, get time penalty for hitting red balloons or missing blue ones.
Medal collector – race to collect all the medals as fast possible if any is left behind, you get sent back
Playground – complete challenges within a time limit
Boss rush – time attack but with the eight stage bosses
For Light’s Trial – fight through 30 “ultra tough” areas. Complete a minimum of 10 to get your score uploaded to the leaderboard
So the challenges are clearly harder but the main game is where we are focusing on.
Now as we stated in the beginning, we think Mega Man 11 is a very good game, it looks good, it played good, new additions are good, some of the bosses look cool and it’s definitely fun. We just think it’s too easy. Now Mega Man 11 may be a very good game but it’s nothing when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Spyro Reignited Trilogy is the new Sypro bundle developed by ‘Toys For Bob‘ but published by ‘Activision‘. It is coming out the 13th of November on the Xbox One and PS4. No PC. The purple dragon is back and he’s improved. Let’s take a look.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a Spyro bundle that contains three of the past Spyro games: Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage and Spyro: Year of the Dragon. Many gamers will remember these games from back in the day. In case you want a quick reminder we will briefly go over each game.
In Spyro the Dragon, Gnasty Gnorc came back from exile. He trapped the dragons in crystal (who knew dragons were so easy to defeat) and raised an army of gnorcs. Spyro must save the day. In Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage, Spyro has been called back to the land of Avalar but this time to defeat Ripto the sorcerer who started war against the homelands. Spyro again must defeat them. In Spyro: Year of the Dragon, the dragon realm is celebrating well… the year of the dragon, when. cloaked figure shows up to steal all of the dragon eggs. An whole army of Rhynocs are under a sorceress’s spell and now guarding those eggs, keeping the good guys away. Spyro once again must be the hero and save those eggs. Pu all three of these games into one bundle and you’ve got Spyro Reignited Trilogy.
Now what’s the point of getting Spyro Reignited Trilogy if you have already played these games? Let’s see. Spyro Reignited Trilogy not only has the three games but all three have been improved with HD graphics and just from the trailer it’s obvious the game is looking much better… but wait… there’s more. There are more puzzles, more dragons and off course, more eggs. There are more challenges as well. When you combine these additions to the game, they equate to more time spent in these games. Also, yes, switching between the three Spyro games is easy (It better be).
We checked out some Spyro Reignited Trilogy gameplay and so far it looks good. It’s definitely an improvement that’s obvious to the eyes. The enemies look much more lively too. The levels feel like a 2018 game and the environment, lighting and greenery are very good also. It’s good to see that Spyro still has his same move set but we also hope that new abilities will be brought into the game. The official trailer was just good, it would have been better if more memorable areas in the game were displayed instead. Spyro doesn’t look crazy, extra scaly or anything but looks normal like he should.
Overall Spyro Reignited Trilogy looks like a good game. Old fans of Spyro would definitely enjoy this as it’s the old experience just with much better visuals and a few small additional things. So no major changes. The developers ‘Toys for Bob’ have done a good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Spyro Reignited Trilogy offers the gaming community and how fans react to this. Now Spyro may be looking better but he’s clearly nothing compared to the good looks of… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Battle royale is definitely becoming quite the trend now. Multiple popular games have battle royale or got popular because of battle royale. Everyone knows about Fortnite, Playerunknowns battlegrounds, Call of Duty’s Blackout and another new one called Realm Royale. All focus on having many many players like 100 drop into a field all look for chests, weapons and equipment to fight until one player is the last one standing. Well Skyforge has one too and it’s looking awesome. Let’s take a look.
Skyforge is a very large MMORPG featuring many monsters, many characters, a large story, many weapons, powers and abilities. So Skyforge is one of those games that is suitable for a battle royale. In fact, we never knew Sky forge had a battle royale until one day when going through our games it showed it on display. That was a shock. From when you enter battle royale mode you are instantly greeted with someone the others don’t really have. A character selection screen. This is where things get real interesting and you should take your time here.
Each character in Skyforge’s battle royale has abilities or maybe perks is the better word. For example the engineer can deploy a turret once every 40 seconds which fights for him. The downside is that the engineer has less stamina and the stamina recovers slower, also he can’t use mine items. The night huntress is stronger than anyone at night time because only at night she gains a 30% damage buff and movement speed but during the day her movement speed is reduced by 20%. The accurate recruit has no negatives but one positive which is that they get slightly increased shooting accuracy. The devourer gets a growing bonus to their health and damage every time they kill a monster on the map or another player but can’t use armour or armour shards (health only). We only mentioned four just now but remember, there are eight more each with their own special abilities, pros and cons. Off course 9 of these characters require players to rent for a match. As you play you earn resources which can be spent to rent characters for one match. If you rent and play them enough times, you permanently unlock them. So you can try them out before focusing on a main.
If you read the last paragraph a little carefully you would have spotted two other big differences that Skyforge has. Skyforge’s battle royale has a night and day cycle. When the time of day changes the map gets affected as well. For example some plants glow and look alive at night which can draw attention, highlight certain areas and off course being night means it’s harder to see your opponents. There are more changes too. but we won’t spoil everything. Also there are monsters and enemies on the map that aren’t human players. Enemies from the main story mode are here. They normally mind their own business but get too close and they are up for a fight. Why fight them? Simple because they could be holding onto some powerful and unique items. Enemies are also colour coded. Green are weak, blue are tough and while purple are real monsters and require real fire power to defeat. Pick your battles wisely.
Players when traversing the giant map will come across stations which are also marked on your map. One of them is a healing station where you activate for free and gradually regain health. That sounds very good, there must be a catch to it right? Well honestly no but you must take into account that they are in open spaces which means while you are healing someone might come along and shoot you. It’s good, it’s free but has a small risk. There is also suppose to be a armour repair centre as well. So be on the lookout for these as they can come in handy. X35 Earthwalker, the legendary soldier himself as used the health station twice successfully. It turned the fight in his favour.
The main way to find items and weapons is in chests which again are coded by colour, green is bad, blue is good and orange is awesome. The things that players can carry with them are three types of weapons. Guns that use bullets like the rifle, energy based weapons like a blaster and explosive heavy ammo weapons like a grenade launcher. Players can also find med packs that recover health, mine type items that can be planted, gadgets that can have powerful effects and grenade type items. All items and weapons are classed by colour, green is the lowest, blue is average, purple is powerful and orange is a weapon and a half. Med kits can be use repeatedly but have a cool down. There are mine items that when planted will pull in a nearby enemy and knock them down leaving them vulnerable. There are gadgets that can even grant the players temporary active camouflage like in Halo. There are grenades that work as a flash bang to blind and even a psi field that disables enemies. Find what works for you and the situation.
Skyforge’s Battle Royale is definitely more strategic and deeper than Fortnite. For starters the different characters with different abilities means that there are favourable situations and battles for some and not for others. If you can plant a turret then maybe you should focus more on staying the closing circle, wait for others to come and set up a turret to help. The night huntress will most like travel and fight and night times while she has the advantage. The devourer will at the start of a game seek to destroy weak hon human enemies to get stronger to overpower everyone else. So players have to keep all this in mind. What’s good is that before a match starts players can run around at the starting area and see what characters other players have chosen allowing you to prepare for when they come.
Since there is quite the range of weapons and items, players need to quickly decide what they want to go with the strategy or approach in mind. Snipers are good especially if you get your hands on a gadget that grants active camoflague. A flash bang may be more useful than a explosive grenade in multiple situations. You can even find armour that increase speed or big armour that grants damage resistance. There is a gadget that allows you to jump higher than the master chief, but not as high as spider-man. There’s a powerful equipment that lets you hover and move really fast across the ground. That could go well with two handed sub machine guns for that quick travelling damage. We aren’t going to give everything away but there are multiple layers and deep strategy to this game over the other battle royal. For example in footnote it’s all about finding a shotgun and building really fast. That’s gets boring quick. In Skyforge there are many effective ways to survive and get the kill.
Already it’s perfectly clear that Skyforge’s battle royale is the best looking of them all. Look at the giant battle field. The design and visuals are beautiful. There are temples, water, stairs, underground sections, elevated areas, nice vegetation which look better at night and lots of room and places to explore and fight in. The matches are faster paced too simply because the safe zone gets smaller more frequently. You have a goof amount of time to gather and explore at the start but that ring closes quite fast forcing quick decisions, picking your fights wisely and running into others much faster. More players are catching on to Skyforge and so match start up much faster too.
One big negative about the game so far is the lag issues at times. Which thankfully isn’t frequent but they are annoying and could ruin things for you. Also three matches now the match started but we couldn’t jump down to get into the map, a bunch of players were stuck n the starting zone which is very frustrating especially when you spend resources to use a character but now it’s wasted. We hope the developers look into this fast.
Overall Skyforge’s battle royale is very good. We can confirm that X35 Earthwalker, the one true Earthwalker has won many matches and currently always places within the top ten (except for that one match where a glitch happened). There is a lot of variety in weapons, characters, items, monsters (sort off), strategies and more. Skyforge is without a doubt the battle royale that we have the most fun with and the matches are the most interesting and even less skilled players stand a chance. We at X35 Earthwalker recommend this game to all fans of battle royale. Now Skyforge may have the best battle royale but it still ain’t as good as… the ‘Earth Walk!’
My Hero One’s Justice is a new action fighting game developed by ‘Byking‘ but published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. My Hero One’s Justice is coming out the 26th of October 2018 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. Fine we’ll say it… Plus ultra. Let’s take a look.
If you couldn’t figure it out (get out from under your rock) My Hero One’s Justice is a fighting game of the popular anime called ‘My hero academia‘. That’s right so all the popular characters, both hero and villain are here and ready to clash big time. Is there a story yes, and players can experience both sides. Basically players must fight for the justice you want. So if what you want is for the heroes to defend those in need and prevent evil or be the source of evil and cause massive destruction, then well you must fight for it.
So pick the character you want and bring your justice to life in My Hero One’s Justice. Off course if you are Tomoura shigaraki and want to cause trouble then expect All might and Izuku Midoriya as obstacles. Also if you are a hero like Shoto Todoroki and want to save the day well, what makes you think the bad guys will let you? So expect many characters like Shota Aizawa, Tenya Lida, Ochaco Uraraka, Katsuki Bakugo, Chizome Akaguro (hero killer stain), Himiko Toga, Dabi and more. Players can even play as Endeavor who is available only to those who pre-order.
Now players can use almost anything in the battle field to their advantage. For example the environment is destructible so destroy buildings and walls to make extra paths, cover to use or to extend combos. So even get use to using the buildings and walls. My Hero One’s Justice also allows sidekicks. You can have two sidekicks and like in other beat em up games can be used to make powerful attacks, extend combos, interrupt enemies or even as a distraction. Strategy is needed here so experiment and find out what works.
Off course a fighting battle game like this will have online combat. So Detroit smash heroes and villains from around the world to make it clear who’s better. If you are really competitive, then check out the leaderboards and fight your way to the top earn the right to call yourself the number one villain or hero. Not that it matters as neither number even stands a chance against X35 Earthwalker. Rumour has it that both All might and All for one got one shotted by X35 Earthwalker himself.
We checked out some gameplay and it looks fast paced. Characters can dash around; however Tenya’s dash lasts longer and stronger (as it should be). Players as we mentioned can fight along walls, get into the air, evade projectiles, combo like crazy and use powerful ultimate moves (not sure if they are called ultimate or not). My Hero One’s Justice so far does look very good, fun and action packed indeed. It is also quite clear that there are layers to the strategy and things can get sort of deep. So be prepared for that. Also there’s some character customisation and cool and silly stuff you can add to make your character your own.
Overall My Hero One’s Justice is looking good. The graphics are good, the sounds are good, the actions is smooth, the effects are cool, the locations and environments are familiar but we hope they get creative with the battle fields. More information concerning the story would be nice but let’s stay patient. The developers ‘Byking’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing who will be on the receiving end of the United States of smash. Now My Hero One’s Justice may be looking cool now but it’s coolness is in fact lame when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Starlink: Battle for Atlas is a new action adventure game developed by ‘Ubisoft‘. It is coming out the 16th of October 2018 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4. Starlink: Battle for Atlas is suppose to be a large world containing large action. Let’s take a look.
In Starlink: Battle for Atlas, basically players are a part of a group of heroic interstellar pilots. They are all about defeating an evil robot force known as the Forgotten Legends and freeing the Atlas star system from them. This group of pilots are supposed to be so good that even Star Fox Mcloud is even a part of it. Off course Fox Mcloud is only available on the Nintendo Switch. With someone like Fox on your team, you know that team is going to make things happen. Even better is that you can play as Fox.
The way how Starlink: Battle for Atlas works is that first you control a pilot and there is actually a good number of them in this game. For example there’s: Judge, Shaid, Fox Mcloud, Calisto chase da silva and even more. Then players build and off course customise their starship. Choose the hull and the wings and from four ship classes. Also Starlink: Battle for Atlas allows players to collect and build your own modular Starship model and connect it to your controller, allowing you to use it. You can equip your model and make other modifications and the changes take place in the game in real time. Pretty cool. New and different features are always great to have. It also provides more options. By the way, you can play with the figures and toys as well.
What’s a space planet blasting ship game without weapons? Well Starlink: Battle for Atlas has weapons. The shredder is a kinetic weapon that fires rapidly and is basically like a rotating chain gun. The levitator is a stasis weapon that firs missiles that upon impact, freezes your enemies in place meaning they can’t fight back. The flamethrower is a fire based weapon (obviously) that does continuous damage in a wide arc and can weaken enemy defences. The frost barrage is all about slowing down your enemies making it easier to land your heavier weapons on them. It fires as missiles. The implored basically fires black holes, not only that it can be combined with elements to make crazy combinations like flaming or icy black holes etc. There are more weapons than mentioned here (we know that they are).
The Atlas Star system is huge. Expecting multiple planets? If yes, then you are right. Starlink: Battle for Atlas has multiple planets like Sonatus, Krite and Necrum. There are more but when you see these planets you might be impressed. A lot of work has gone into the designs of these planets. Expect giant flowers, rocky mountains with hollowed forms that look like creatures live inside. Expect deserts and structures that look like table mountain. Expect different wildlife and creatures going about their business. Expect areas to look like they are split into to climates, expect beautiful but very deadly plants that lure you in and then will devour you. These world are very lively and we at X35 Earthwalker are liking what we see so far.
The enemies in ,Starlink: Battle for Atlas, are everything from other star fighter ships to creatures on planets or giant monsters that pose a serious threat and even bases and enemy structures and defences that will shoot you down. Basically no where is really safe. You can get attacked while travelling from one planet to another, you can get jumped by enemies from out of no where when trying to hack something or other tasks. You can even get attacked on a random fun tour of the planet and suddenly run into something not friendly.
We checked out some gameplay and it does look very good right now. The graphics are very good indeed. The visuals and environments are excellently good. We like the different designs of the planets. The combat, and action flows nicely. Not much information on enemies but from what we have seen, they vary quite a lot from what look like complete aliens, to nature enemies and should keep things exciting. Being able to travel how you want in space and then go to planets, enter the planets atmosphere and being able to control it all is very good.
Overall Starlink: Battle for Atlas looks like a very good game that both children and adults will enjoy. Variety in ships, weapons, planets and enemies. Variety and options are key in gaming. The use of outside figures and collectibles is a good idea and some will be into that as it does have some advantages. The developers ‘Ubisoft’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what this game accomplishes. Now Starlink: Battle for Atlas may have variety but it’s range doesn’t compare to… the ‘Earth Walk!’