
Extinction is a new action game developed by ‘Iron Galaxy‘. It’s coming out the 10th of April 2018 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game stands out straight away for the fact that there are giant ogres swinging massive sized spiked clubs at us. let’s take a look.

Extinction has caught the eyes of many and for good reason. The first thing that came to our heads when we saw this was ‘Attack on Titan‘. Giant creatures, that easily over power humans and off course is a major threat to them. Pushing humanity to extinction and only certain people can has the skills or ability to kill them. Pretty cool. 

The story is quite simple. Basically humanity is continuing to fight and kill each other in wars while the real threat, the real enemy were watching from the shadows, out of sight. Now they strike. Monsters who make it their goal to destroy humans. Now that we think about it, the story is also like Gears of war, with the locusts always being there. The most significant monsters are ogres that stand at 150ft tall. Those large ones also have much smaller minions that are around human size but still bigger. No one can stand up to these creatures, especially the big ones, except for a few who have been trained in the ways of the ancient order. Only with that kind of power can you hope to beat these things. 


Players control a character called ‘Avil’ who is one of the last of Earth’s defenders. Off course this won’t be an easy task. Now Extinction claims to have a deep story campaign. We at X35 Earthwalker are actually interested and will certainly like to know more about this story. Will humans rely on a certain device or artefact to destroy all the ogres or will humanity literally have to kill them one by one? Players must save as many civilians as possible. There are many side missions also up for completion and doing so will reward players with upgrades.

To beat such powerful creatures who have overwhelming strength will require speed and mobility, which is what we have in Extinction. Enjoy free movement as you can like Indian Jones use your whip to grapple and reach locations, run along walls, travel up vertically or horizontally  and more to manuever around these creatures to find their weak spots. The environment is fully destructible. This again changes things as walls you could have used could get destroyed and being behind a wall may not be as safe as you think. There are different game modes like ‘Extinction mode’ which is basically defending against wave after wave of monsters and there is ‘Skirmish mode’ where gamers can create battlegrounds of their own with different objectives which other players online can take on with a scoring system.

We checked out some gameplay of Extinction and we can say that it’s got quite a deep combat system. Mastering your grapple while is key. The ogres aren’t all same, there are different types which have different armour like gold, iron, bronze and more crazier ones. For example the gold armour is easy to grab onto with your whip, the iron armour can’t be destroyed but they have locks on them which can be destroyed so aim for that, the bone armour is mystical and can only be destroyed at specific times so timing is important, spiked armour is basically a no touch zone, as in if you land on those parts, you take damage and worst of all armour is the bright steel armour which can’t be destroyed regardless, as in nothing you can do. Scary right? The fights look smooth and real does make players focus on precision. We just hope the ogres don’t turn out to be a big joke as in slow movements and easy to beat. They better be fast, deadly and nothing to play around with.

Overall Extinction does look awesome. the graphics are great. The concept is really cool. the enemies are really cool. The story is interesting. The fighting system is great and the upgrades do shake things up and does make things easier for the main character Avil. Yes there isn’t a multiplayer but the online high score system is suitable for a game like this for now. The developers ‘Iron Galaxy’ did a fantastic job. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what this game has got for us. Now 150ft tall orgs with clubs could crush anything but it still can’t crush… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker

Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker is a new online 4 vs 4 action fighting game developed by ‘Soliel Ltd‘ and published by ‘Namco-bandai‘. It’s coming out later this year on the Xbox One, PS4 and Microsoft Windows. Naruto is very popular and some of the games weren’t as successful. what about this one? Let’s take a look.

Now let’s get the main thing first. Naruto to Buroto: Shinobi Strike is a 4 vs 4 fighting game. Even crazier is that all 8 fighters are present on the field and fighting all at the same time! Imagine Dragon Ball Fighter Z but all 6 fighters are going at it at the same time. Actually that sort of sounds like Dragon ball Z anyway. This instantly creates a lot of requirements for players. firstly there is so much more to manage and watch over during the fight. There is more danger and attacks incoming that need to be evaded, and countered. So much more room for strategies and support. Do you all go for your 1 v1’s or does one break at certain points to help out another or cover for another? Do your fighters switch who they face? There is so much more going on in this fight already.

Now there are different fighter types to take into account. There is Attack, Ranged, Defence and Heal. By the way, each Ninja can be anyone of these types. Attack types have higher attack power and speed. Ranged types have powerful projectiles and excel at fighting from a distance. Defence types are all reducing, blocking damage and reinforcing defences. Healing types are just about healing themselves and the others. So basically keeping everyone alive. Players must switch between their four ninjas according to the needs of their team. Do you need more damage, keep things at a distance, heal up or get defensive. Again, quite a lot to take into account. Now that we think about it, this does remind us of Final Fantasy 13 where you have different roles like the Ravager (attack), Sentinel (defence), Medic (healing). This sounds very cool so far concerning Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker.

Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker

There are multiple game modes. We know that there is Barrier battle where the attack and defence forces go at it in full combat but attacks forces must defeat the enemy boss who is sealed away. So undo the seal first and then defeat the boss. Flag battle is basically capture the flag but off course there is a ninja twist to it. Get the flag from the enemies… but will the enemy let you? There are sub modes like Subjugation, Escort and Extermination. The names should give gamers an idea of what those are about. Each game mode does sound very different from each other in the most part. The actual differences does actually mean different strategies are required unlike game modes where the same tactics can be applied. Besides the more options the better to some extent.

We checked out some gameplay of Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker and it looks very exciting in terms of ninjas. You can run, dash, zoom, throw a shuriken and then teleport to the destination of that thrown object. There is lightning like attacks, running along walls and different surfaces and attacks coming from tress and distances. Multiple attacks and abilities. It can get quite hectic because everything is happening around you. You could be fighting an enemy and having a tough battle, chasing them around and trading attacks and then suddenly a message flashes on your screen letting you know that you have the enemies flag or they have your flag forcing you to make a decision: do you go and get your flag or do you swap ninjas or have faith in your team to handle the situation and finish the fight. Gets you thinking. Knowing when to use techniques to get you out of strings of attacks, knowing when to stay still and target with stronger ranged attacks. Lots of situations and lots of different techniques to choose between and use.

Overall Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker does look like a very good game. Some might even say explosive game. The graphics are a step up from previous Naruto games. The characters and surroundings look like an anime and a good one. The action is smooth from what we have seen even though there were some complaints concerning the beta but that’s a beta and we can trust that the end product is better. The developers ‘Soliel’ did a excellent job with this game and we at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what else this game has really got for gamers. Now Ninjas are cool and Naruto is powerful but they certainly do not stand a chance against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Unholy Heroes

Unruly Heroes is a new 2D action adventure game developed by ‘Magic Design Studios‘. It’s coming out later this quarter of the year on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This game has quite the story to tell. Let’s take a look.

Let’s start from the very beginning. Unruly Heroes was inspired by a famous Chinese legend which we are sure many have heard of. It’s called ‘A journey to the West’. The Monkey king legend. So straight away there are some expectations in terms of the story, it’s depth, music and messages for the gamers. Already we at X35 Earthwalker are interested. 

The developers claim that Unruly Heroes will be an epic adventure and that it will be an unforgettable experience. We can see this being true. The concept behind the game and inspiration should make that easier to accomplish. There are four characters and straight away the creativity is shown. there is a human who seems to be spiritual based and is surrounded by light, maybe to symbolise a moral or holy nature. The next is a fat pig (KiHong) who appears to laugh a lot, suggesting that he’s the most laid back and relaxed one. The next is a large blue monster but humanoid, having knowledge and uses martial arts. The last is a monkey (WuKong) who has a staff and looks a bit too cool to be a regular staff wielding monkey.

Unruly Heroes

Not much information is given concerning game but we have checked out some gameplay and it reminds us of ‘Rayman Origins‘. The gameplay looks awesome. Dash, run, jump, and off course lots of combat. Their are bosses to defeat and each of the four characters have different fighting styles. KiHong is very agile and relies a lot on strength tactics as well. The monkey is heavily reliant on his weapon which can change size and he can even turn into a bird. The large blue monster is martial arts hand to hand combat heavy with mighty strikes. The human who acts too graceful has  mystical powers and uses light to strike enemies whether in balls of light or worse. So yep it’s quite clear who our favourite character is already.

From what we have already seen Unruly heroes looks awesome. KiHong has some awesome looking aerial moves and serious combos. There is a giant monster who looks like it’s going to become a problem. This game off course supports four player co-op which sounds awesome by the way. There is also a PvP mode which sounds even cooler. Hopefully none of the characters are OP. The bosses seem to have their own characteristics and styles which we certainly appreciate. The graphics and style are excellent indeed. Hand drawn art work and it looks amazing so far. Maybe if we saw more it might make our top 5 list.

Overall Unruly Heroes looks awesome. The concept is there, the graphics are amazing and the music is what we wanted. When you hear it, you think of Chinese legends which is what it should have. The developers ‘Magic Games Studios’ did an awesome job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to Unruly Heroes and what this game has to offer. Now the Unruly Heroes may been skilled fighters but even them combined aren’t a match for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Super Weekend Mode

Super Weekend Mode is a new 2D Action shooter game developed by ‘Pixelteriyaki’. This game came out the 14th of February on valentines day. Released on Windows and Mac. This game is considered crazy. Let’s take a look.

Super Weekend Mode is one of those games that clearly from the concept wants to wow people with how different it is. The developers said that Super Weekend Mode is a mashup of Tetris, Space Invaders and Gradius. Now that sounds crazy and must make you wonder sort of how that works. Now we at X35 Earthwalker must make it clear that this game requires gamers to have reflexes, don’t panic, focus and persistence. if you lack any of those four things, then you will not get anywhere.

The story is incredibly basic. You are a princess and someone called ‘that guy’ took some of your stuff, so it’s only natural that you would want your stuff back. The gameplay is very basic as well meaning anyone can try Super Weekend Mode. Only three buttons. One to move one pad, another to move the other pad and one to shoot. That’s it. The story and controls are simple but the game its self is not simple in the slightest.

In order to pass the level you must either grab hearts that fall continuously or shoot the boss. Hearts aren’t the only things that falls. There are also skulls which you must not touch. If you touch one, you instantly lose a life. Dust bunnies also fall and you mustn’t let them touch the floor, so defeat them by bashing them with the side of your pad. If you miss, you lose a life. Now shot on the boss and heart collected gets you ten points. They also are worth a chain and the higher your chain, the more points you earn. Even this sounds easy, just push start and see for yourself.

Super Weekend Mode

The rate and speed that these items drop is something gamers will not be ready for. Especially in the second level where everything is faster and more aggressive. Gamers will panic. Gamers will lose and have to try again. It’s one where you will lose and lose and continually lose and only then you will get better and get the hang of it. It’s very difficult but lots of fun. You will want to try and try again just to get past the first level and see the wrath of the second level.

X35 Earthwalker Himself got to try the game and he can confirm that everything works and plays well. It’s definitely difficult but he didn’t get much time to play but made good progress in it and gave his feedback. The graphics are pixel style and look very cool. The music is fitting and works well with the game.

Overall Super Weekend Mode is a cool game. Very cool indeed. The developers ‘Pixelteriyaki’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker are going to see how the gaming community reacts to this game. Now Super Weekend Mode may be crazy but it still doesn’t come close to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Slime-san is an action adventure game developed by ‘Fabraz‘. It’s already out on PC and Nintendo Switch but coming out in March on the Xbox One and PS4. This game has been compared toSuper meat boy. Let’s take a look.

In the world of Slime-san players control a little slime called… Slime-san, who was just enjoying himself, minding his own business but gets swallowed by a giant worm. Now it isn’t safe in there because the worm’s stomach acid will digest the player so the aim is to escape by sliming your way through the worms body and back out through the point of entry… the mouth. Sounds not serious, fun and simple which is good for games like this.

So the main challenge of this game is to move fast. This is because the wall of stomach acid is constantly chasing you. So all that hopping, jumping, and sliming around need sot be done with precision, timing and little mistakes to survive and progress through the worm. Now Slime-san isn’t some simple, he has some tricks. Fr example he can break through certain weaker obstacles with a dash move. Since he’s a slime he can go through cracks and certain surfaces too.


The worm has swallowed quite a number of things. There is a town filled with survivors. They are described as colourful characters. In the town is where players can do their shopping for things that will help Slime-san out. We have many questions regarding this town. Like what part of the worm is this town located? Like with other towns in games this one has secrets. So be the kind of player who likes to explore.

Now Slime-san is loaded. For starters their are 100 levels! The new game plus mode brings in an additional 100 more level. So 200 levels in total! There are secrets, collectibles and stuff to unlock. There are partially digested apples for players to collect to unlock mini game, shades and outfits. You can even unlock competitive multiplayer arcade games which his really cool when you think about it. There are three game modes to unlock: Speed running, New game+ and Boss rush mode. The names are self explanatory.

We checked out some gameplay and we can say this game looks cool. There is quite a number of mechanics in this game. Walls that you can pass or become solid platform, bouncing on the walls, moving platforms, avoiding the red surfaces, items that grant abilities or new actions. There is a lot going on here. Definitely can see why some compare this to Super meat boy. It’s fast and will be difficult to many gamers.  

Overall Slime-san seems like a really good game. The graphics are pixel style and work very well here. lots of work went into the music as over ten composers, like “Adhesive Wombat”, “Ties”, “MegaNeko” and more contributed to make over 20 songs. That’s team work for ya. The action is fast pace and there is loads of content. The developers ‘Fabraz’ did a nice job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker want to see how well Slime-san does on the consoles. Slime-san may be moving fast but not fast enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition

Final Fantasy XV isn’t done yet. Not at all because Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition is coming out 6th of March 2018 on the Xbox One and PS4. The developer of Royal Edition is off course, ‘Square Enix‘. This edition is actually jammed packed. Let’s take a look.

One thing that is for sure about Final Fantasy, well the latest games, is that they have awesome graphics. We believe they have the best graphics and visuals. They continue to show this, especially in Final Fantasy XV. Now Royal Edition isn’t a new game. It’s basically an improved version but has much more to offer. If you are Final Fantasy fan, then you definitely have to check this out.

Off course when you buy Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition you will get the actual game. You will also receive lots of DLC content like Ragalia car skins, item sets and weapons. You will also receive complete control of the Royal vessel, that boat in Final Fantasy XV; in addition players can freely explore the large body of water located between Altissia and Cape Caem. It gets better. There is an brand new dungeon available for players to take on. It’s called ‘Insomnia City Ruins: Expanded Map’. So go check that out.

Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition - X35 Earthwalker

But wait! There’s more! Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition also includes all season pass content. That’s right. This means: Episode Prompto, Episode Gladiolus,Episode IgnisandMultiplayer Expansion: Comrades.Now Royal Edition sounds more than worth it but it gets even better. Armiger has been unleashed. After collecting all 13 royal arms, players will unlock a more “action-oriented mode of the Armiger”. So if you thought all that warping around and weapon variety was action enough, you haven’t seen anything yet.

Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition takes things further. This edition also includes new gear, new bosses and a first person mode. First person mode! In Final Fantasy XV! It makes you wonder how that will work. Like would it be the whole campaign and everything is first person or will the first person mode be available only at specific parts like in fights and boss battles? Or maybe it’s the opposite and the first person is only available for the open world parts and exploration. We will have to wait and see. This certainly changes up how the game is played. What if this first person mode leads to VR in the future. Who knows?

Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition - X35 Earthwalker

Now some gamers never see the point in getting certain editions of games and we understand in some cases. Some editions have the same high price but all that’s new is like a few levels and some skins which isn’t worth what they are charging. This edition though… has jammed packed this thing. All season pass content, new features, a new vehicle, more bosses etc. All for $49.99 or £36 (rounded up) if you pre-order. If you haven’t gotten the game before, this is the edition to start with. 

Overall Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition is awesome. The developers, ‘Square Enix’ did an unbelievably outstanding job with this game edition. We at X35 Earthwalker are more than happy with the amount of effort and work that goes into the Final Fantasy games. This is worth checking out. Now Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition may be jammed packed, but still hasn’t got enough to challenge… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Hellraid is a new first person fantasy action game developed by ‘Techland’. It’s said to be coming out this year but that’s weird as the year is soon over but we will have to wait and find out. it will be coming out on Xbox One, PS4 nd PC. Let’s take a look.

In Hellraid, you play a demon slayer who well… slays demons. This is a great career to have as the world has been invaded by the forces of hell. That’s how you know it’s serious. You have to close all the gates so no more demons can show up on earth through them. 

Hellraid does have character customisation and it’s said to be quite deep. not hugely deep like sims or but deep enough for it to matter. So select your armour, accessories and clothes. Then choose and combine active and pass abilities from a vast class-free skill tree divided into interwined branches of combat, magic and agility. So magic, melee and ranged combat is involved in Hellraid.

Hellraid sounds so simple and easy to predict already but sometime simple is what gamers need to make a game great but more importantly fun. Now the combat is the deepest and most interesting part. In terms of melee, you can counter, dash, parry, use shields and more. In terms of magic, you can cast lightning bolts, dangerous area of effect spells and off course shoot fire balls. In terms of ranged combat, there is throwing knives, explosives and even a crossbow. 

Now Hellraid has quite a bit to offer gamers. The enemies are said to be adaptive kind of like with the neighbour from the game Hello Neighbor. An advanced weapon crafting system. As long as they keep it simple it can’t go wrong. Three game modes… Arena, mission and story. They are making sure that we spend time in this game. Best of all the game is co-op. That’s right. slash and hack up demons, causing serious damage with up to three of your friends in all three game modes. No limits so far with Hellraid.

We checked out some gameplay and it so far looks really good. The action is what you would expect. Many enemies all wanting a piece of you. You can slash enemies in two with an axe, or smash skeletons in with a mighty hammer or burn things alive or freeze enemies solid with magic. You can switch between range, melee and magic at will and keep the pace of the fight going. The action is smooth and runs nicely.

Overall Hellraid looks like a very good game. Again, it is a simple game as in get out there and smash some monsters but it’s why it is fun. it’s a simple mission with a simple point but deeper game mechanics and systems. Some enemies adapt like learning to block certain strikes you like to do. The graphics are very good. The sounds and music are very good. The developers ‘Techland’   did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker want to see more of Hellraid. Now portals that open, can be closed but one thing that never closes down is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Warhammer Vermintide 2

Warhammer Vermintide 2 is the sequel to Warhammer: End Time – Vermintide. It is a first person co-op action game developed by ‘Fatshark’. I’s coming out early 2018 for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The rats are back but wait… there’s more! Let’s take a look.

Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide was a vicious first person co-op that many gamers jumped into and slaughtered some rats. Like seriously, who likes rats? We don’t. In Warhammer Vermintide 2, those rats are back but wait… There’s more! The warriors of chaos are here! Even worse they have teamed up with the relentless Skaven ratmen. They have a dark pact and one goal in mind… to destroy humanity and do what they want with the realms of man. Clan Fester of the ratmen is really vexed with man for what happened at Ubersreik. This time they ain’t about to let a couple of humans ruin everything. They got friends who will make a difference.

The warriors of chaos are is made up of dangerous norsemen who’s clan goes by the name ‘Rotblood’. They are crazy and serve Nurgle, the god of pestilence. He sounds like a pleasant god doesn’t he. Who doesn’t want pestilence? Now they have one goal in mind and that’s to completely destroy the empire. They literally want to leave nothing behind. Now the warriors of chaos are quite a variety as some look humanoid and weird dangerous weapons like axes while others just look like deformed monsters with tentacles, horns and worse. Now imagine this force but teamed up with the ratmen. That sounds like a problem.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 - X35 Earthwalker

The heroes are back! The five from Ubersreik: Bardin Goreksson, Kerillian, Victor Saltzpyre, Sienna Fuegonasus and Markus Kruber are here but things are better than before. There are 15 unique careers  with their own play styles, own talent tree, active and passive abilities, access to unique weapons and equipment and adds depth to character progression. So be prepared to get in deep with your characters as there is much more experimentation to be done.

Now Warhammer Vermintide 2 has added some new things and really mixed some stuff up. This time the fight will be focused on Helmgart. There is also a new Spawn Director which makes sure that overtime you play through the game, it is different. The enemy spawning and formations are always changed up and pretty much unpredictable. There is a new and improved loot system. The rewards you get are completely connected to your hero and your the career you are currently playing. There is much more weapons and accessories in Warhammer Vermintide 2. Much more. So now character build will be more deeper, more to think about and off course more important.

It has been said though that matchmaking has been completely improved with a support for dedicated servers. this should make all the difference. Another new feature is something called ‘The Keep’. The Keep is the new head quarters for the heroes. The new base of operations. This is where all the tactical stuff happen. This is where all the planning is done as well. Here you decide what missions to go on. There is also a practice room where players can test and try out abilities, weapons and talents. We hope it’s like that special room in Dead Space 3 where you could construct and build weapons to test on Necromorphs with unlimited ammo. For those who are about showing off and war glory, you can also hang up and display your battle trophies.

There is also the ‘Heroic Deeds System’. this is new and will shake things up for even veteran players. The best way to explain this to use the exact words from the Warhammer Vermintide 2 official website, which says “Experience special scenarios and unique trials through the Heroic Deeds System. These consumerable quests will place you in strange new settings, dramatically change the mix of enemies you face, limit the use of weapons and abilities, or give you unusual mission objectives.” This sort of reminds us of the spartan ops from Halo 4 where there were full missions but nothing like the campaign and anything could sort of go in there. Let’s see how Warhammer Vermintide 2 handles this.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 - X35 Earthwalker

We checked out some gameplay and can confirm that things do look better. The combat still looks as stiff and not much mobility as before but the combat it’s self is different. The enemies seem to have slower heavy attacks and light fast attacks. Their amour seems to play more of a role as well. The heroes movements during battle seem more complex than before which will make fights more engaging and interesting. The graphics are definitely improved as the surroundings look great and the sounds of strikes and clashing with amour is also very good.

Overall Warhammer Vermintide 2 looks like a complete improvement over the prequel Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide. Graphics, sounds, combat, features, loot system, enemies are all taken to a higher level; however it hasn’t won us over at X35 Earthwalker. The first game didn’t impress us at all and we actually didn’t end up enjoying it. The combat felt so stiff. off course many enjoyed it and we are sure many will enjoy the sequel as well but we will need to see and know more to find out if it is our thing or not. The developers ‘Fatshark’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for Warhammer Vermintide 2. Now Warhammer Vermintide 2 may have new enemies but that still isn’t enough to defeat… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Earth Atlantis

‘Earth Atlantis’ is a new side scroller shooter game, developed by ‘Pixel perfex’. It’s going to come out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC later this year but already out on the Nintendo Switch. Just straight away, from looking at Earth Atlantis we were immediately interested because this game looked different from everything else. Let’s take a look.

In Earth Atlantis the world a huge disaster struck. It was called the Great Climate Shift. Basically ninety six percent of the earths surface is now underwater which means humanity is in a critical state. That is obviously bad… but it gets worse. The machines have gotten a serious upgrade and adapted to the situation. They somehow adopted the shape and form of certain water animals like crabs, squids and even sharks. The whole ocean is filled with these things! It’s up to the player who is a hunter to find these large monsters and take them down.

That’s the whole point of Earth Atlantis. As the hunter, players must hunt down these large and powerful monsters in the ocean and destroy them. This will not be an easy task as there will be a lot of enemies which makes sense as there is a lot of fish and machine in the world. There will be enemies that fire projectiles. enemies that will attempt to ram you and enemies that will keep their distance but all will destroy hunters who are slow and have no reflexes. 

Now the most impressive and cool thing about Earth Atlantis is how the game looks. The olden map colour style looks very nice and makes the dull colours actually work. it fits the scenario of the game very well. It’s like you are looking at a moving map from Harry Potter or something. The animations of the machine sea creatures are awesome. They way how they turn around is is the best part of it. You see it clearly. It’s these looks and animations that really got us wanting to know more.

Earth Atlantis - X35 Earthwalker

We at X35 Earthwalker checked out some gameplay and what we saw pleased us. There are two game modes: quest mode and Hunter mode. Twenty five large monsters to hunt plus 4 enemy ships (what’s the story behind the enemy ships). There are also four ships for players to choose from and use, each with their own weapons and abilities. The graphic style is suppose to give players the feeling of a 14th century ocean exploration and it does that very well

Overall Earth Atlantis looks like a very good game indeed. The graphics are awesome. The animations are excellent. The sounds and music are very good. The environments are done well and make it clear that this is still earth but off course post-apocalyptic. The developers, ‘Pixel Perfex’ did an amazing job with this game. It is worth checking out. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to this game. Now Earth Atlantis may may have an ocean full of monsters but not even monsters can handle… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Episode Ignis

Final Fantasy XV is getting a new DLC called ‘Episode Ignis’, developed by ‘Square Enix’. Episode Ignis will be available on the 13th of December for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. We at X35 Earthwalker certainly love the amount of effort and work that goes into the Final Fantasy DLC’s. A lot of content is on the way but now it’s Ignis’s turn. Let’s take a look.

All Final Fantasy gamers will currently know Ignis. He is the composed and serious one but stays cool. he is the tactical and brains of the group. We couldn’t play as him in Final Fantasy XV but worked with the players but now… It’s his turn to shine. In Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis. Players control… well… Ignis (who else?). This DLC takes place as Noctis is still unconscious after the trial of Leviathan. Ignis has an adventure of his own. He puts his tactical mastery to use in Altissia to protect the city.

Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis - X35 Earthwalker

Now we love Ignis at X35 Earthwalker because of his personality and because strategy and getting tactical is definitely our thing. Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis is suppose to be not only breath taking but emotional. The developers want to really get the players into what’s happening here. Ignis will protect his comrades, especially Noctis at any cost… even if it means sacrificing himself. Now this kind of friendship and duty they have for each other is beautiful. Friendship can be the strongest bond there is and the Bible teaches this as well.

From what we have seen of the DLC gamers can expect some huge battles, towering enemies, being out numbered and facing familiar foes once again. Everything looks smooth and the combat looks awesome. At times it looks like Ignis is more dangerous than Noctis. The tactical ones are normally the ones who win. The Zoom around the battlefield, travel from roof top to roof top and use elemental attacks and even work with allies to defeat your enemies, defend the city and off course Noctis. The action certainly hasn’t turned down here.

Already a number of Final Fantasy fans are excited and have good things to say about what they have seen already. We know Episode Ignis means serious business because Ignis means business. Seriously look at his face. Look at him straight in the eyes… now that’s serious.

Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis - X35 Earthwalker

Overall from what we know and have seen, this DLC might just bring some feelings to gamers. The graphics look great as always, the attention to detail is excellent as well. The sounds still sound relevant and nicely done. As you go through the game some of the stuff happening in your surroundings are just worth taking a look at like when that air ship got punched by that large humanoid being. The developers ‘Square Enix’ did an excellent job with this DLC so far. This is worth checking out. Now Ignis may have an episode now but one thing always had an episode and that’s… the Earth Walk!’

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