We really like Destiny 2. It is a great game and if you read our last gaming blog post on Destiny 2, you will see why. So is it good? Yes off course; however out does have it’s issues. Let’s take a look.

Destiny 2 definitely has a better story but not by much. We mean there is a in game story this time but it wasn’t done very well. We get introduced to a cool new enemy called Ghaul but we don’t get to know much. Sure he explains that he started from the bottom as an outcast and is now a boss but that’s all really. We were hoping for more scenes of Ghaul. Maybe more of his presence and sightings of him in the game. We haven’t finished the story but we believe we are on the last mission though. As it stands right now. It’s just that the guardians get attacked by Ghaul and his army, then Ghaul never does anything, ever again. Which is lame when you think about it. Destiny 2 had opportunities to make many big things happen with this character.

The difficulty of this game is too low. X35 Earthwalker himself went for all the adventures and handled lots of side quests, not grinding or anything but just completing them. When he reached the adventures that recommend that players have at least a light level of 90, he was already well over that level. Matter of fact for some he was already over 200. All the enemies died so easily and nothing phased him. Sure he had low health and at some points but that’s when he dives into the centre of armies and is too busy pimp slapping everyone around. Otherwise it’s never a problem. They should have added difficulties to Destiny 2 giving the players the option as to how hard they want the game too be. As it stands, toooooo easy. Still fun though.

The Strikes need more variety. We feel like there is only 3 or 4 raids in the game. Maybe there’s more but we haven’t seen anymore. With all their money, team and technology we hoped that they would create lots of strikes that have a variety of locations with many different boss enemies. The amount of consumables you get , specifically the tokens on each of the different worlds is too little. Sure you get 3 for finding the region chests but that’s about it. Unless it is a region chest you will always get one. One for completing public events, one for opening chests around, one for beating high profile enemies. Just one. Eventually you will find all the region chests and so getting these items to unlock rewards takes longer than it should do. The worst is the crucible tokens. You only get one per match and Lord Shaxx requires many tokens to unlock the rewards, meaning the game wants you to spend lots of time in matches. Not everyone wants to do that.

The negative point about Destiny 2 that many players have grumbled and complained about is the shaders. More accurately it’s the fact that shaders are now one time use. This is really bad now that we have gotten further in the game. Shaders basically paints your armour pieces and weapons a certain colour design, giving some weird to awesome looking armour. Now there are four armour pieces: head, chest, boots and arms. Plus 1 or 2 more if you count your weapons. Now we used a certain shader on our gun and man does that gun look so amazing now. We wouldn’t sell it to anyone. We used one shader on our arms and that shader looks real cool. We want our whole armour to look like this but we only got 2 left but 3 more armour pieces. The shaders are one time use which is bad because in Destiny 2 most players are dismantling their armour for better gear almost every 10 mins. Destiny now wants us to buy shaders and stuff with real money, as if we didn’t spend enough to get the standard version of the game already.

Overall Destiny is still a good game but it’s just stuff like this which turns Destiny 2 from a excellent game to a great game. This off course isn’t everything but these stuff we point out, are very easy for the developers to correct and improve on but will they do it? So Destiny 2 is still a game worth playing but prepare to encounter some annoying stuff. There is one thing we know that is never annoying… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Let Them Come - X35 Earthwalker

‘Let them come’ is a new fast paced shoot em up game developed by ‘Tuatara Games’. It’s coming out the 3rd of October for Xbox One and PC. Now this game sounds simple and technically is but let’s take a look.

In Let them come you play a mercenary for hire, called Rock Gunar. Right now he has one mission… “to eradicate alien scum, one wave at a time”.. because after all who wants to take them all on at once? Now Rock Gunar has quite the experience on the field. He even spent 20 years in the special forces and has had cameo roles in alien, aliens, men in black and predator; however we don’t remember seeing him in any of those but whatever. 

Players stay in the left handmade of the screen always in Let them come. You are set up with your big gun that mows down enemies. The aliens all rush you in an attempt to kill you once and for all. All you have to do is keep firing and kill them all, one wave at a time. Now it sounds simple, which it is but it’s truly difficult. This is because there are many types of aliens coming at you. For example: ‘Grunt’ is your simple run at you enemy, ‘Shielder’ can protect itself from frontal attacks, ‘Wasp’ are small, fast and able to dodge bullets, ‘Dangler’ moves along the ceiling and can lay eggs to release ‘Spiderlings’, ‘Wyrm’ appears from underground and fires a projectiles, ‘Burster’ which can explode if it gets close and many more aliens. 

To deal with all this, there is a lot of weapons, ammo and upgrades for players to use to survive. Secondary items like a combat knife, throwing knives, a zapper, chainsaw, riot shield and more. Ammo like, shock, incendiary, cluster, explosive, piercing and more. Upgrades like, cluster mod, rapid fire, red cell shot, cooling, power suit and more. So make sure to have the items that will help you like using the knife to attack swat away wasps and have piercing ammo for dealing with Shielder aliens.

So in Let Them Come, players will unlock new weapons and will have to select their loadout. Some levels are very dark and so you must use explosions and tracer fire to see and counter the horde strategically. Off course there is an online leaderboard for competitive reasons. There is a boombox that allows players to decide what music they want to listen to as they blast away aliens. There are also some powerful and dangerous bosses that are ferocious. They will not go down easy at all. If you haven’t guessed it yet, Let Them Come is a pixel art game so it’s pixel graphics.

Overall, Let Them Come is a very cool game. It’s done well and the humour is there. Lots of weapons and options, Nice music and gives us choice of it. Many different aliens to fight. It does it well. The developers ‘Tuatara Games’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to this. Let Them Come might be worth checking out. Sure, let them come but what’s always here is… the ‘Earth Walk!’. 

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Unknown Fate is a new action adventure game developed by ‘Marslit Games’ and coming out later this year for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Unknown Fate is a very interesting but very strange game. Let’s take a look.

Players control a man called Richard who somehow passed seamlessly from the real world to some surreal universe. So wait. How did Richard suddenly seamlessly passed from the real world to this strange place? We demand answers. That’s also the main thing of the game that the developers hammered in, is that players will have many questions but will receive all the answers they need; however the game claims that there is still much for us to see. How mystical and strange.

In this strange surreal universe in Unknown Fate, players will encounter unfamiliar artefacts and strange creatures. There are scenes which represent or resembles Richards former life. Basically all the different things that happen in Unknown Fate will make players have many questions. Richard just has the urge to know more. He wants to learn about this place. The creatures here etc. Honestly not a lot of information is out there about Unknown Fate but enough to get what’s going on.

We checked out some gameplay and we have seen some strange creatures indeed. Some humanoid who seem to have powers and abilities. Some are in conflict with each other. Some seem to be friendly towards Richard while others are hostile. One thing we can definitely confirm is that the graphics in this game is awesome level. It looks beautiful. The visuals, the environments all are very well done indeed. 

Overall Unknown Fate looks like a real cool game. The graphics are excellent, the sounds are work very well and very good. The music creates appropriate atmospheres and works well. The level of creativity in this game is very high indeed and we like that. The developers ‘Marslit Games’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for Unknown Fate. This game is worth checking out. Now this game has a lot of questions but what cannot be questioned is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game developed by ‘studioMDHR Entertainment’. It’s coming out 29th of September for Xbox One and windows 10. This looks like a interesting little old game. Let’s take a look.

Straight away you can see that Cuphead is a olden time style game. Everything from the graphics to the music. Even the trailers like the announcement trailer has 1930’s written all over it. This instantly gives it a charm. Come on look at some of those hand drawn cel animation. This game is simple meaning anyone can pretty much give it a go. Would they do well? That’s a different story.

In Cuphead you play Cuphead but thankfully there is a two player co-op and the second player gets to be Mugman. How cute. The story basically is that both Cuphead at some point must have  made a deal with the devil. Which as we know never ends well. You have to be stupid to do that. Things go wrong and now they are trying to repay their debt to the devil. They will go through strange worlds with strange enemies and strange characters. Everything strange.

The game is said to be heavily focused on boss battles. So expect many bosses. We have seen some already like the cigar boss, a large flower, a bow and arrow wielding being on a cloud etc. There’s enough bosses for everyone. Cuphead has also been described as super hard. Don’t let this frighten you because many times we see people who’s job is gaming and yet they don’t do well in certain games at all. There are many enemies and it’s one of those where you have to pay attention because you could die in the next second.

The enemies are all so strange and cartoonish that you won’t see them as threatening but might creep some people out a bit. Now there are some interesting in game mechanics. We hope you like the colour pink because anything that’s pink in the game can be parried. Which will result in you not being harmed and getting a double jump which can be useful for like getting to secret areas probably.

We checked out some gameplay and it’s literally what we thought it would be. Funny but strange big bosses who some pretty much train you by forcing players to emphasise certain skills like dash while other bosses are incredibly difficult having danger come from pretty much everywhere. It seems like on of those games that anyone will just casually play and have fun and maybe get a bit frustrated.

Overall Cuphead seems like a great game. Fun and for everyone while challenging. The graphics and sounds are something that hopefully must people will just love. It’s that old style and it does it well. The music is also very good. The developers ‘studioMDHR Entertainment’ did a excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to this game and to get into it. This game is worth checking out. Cuphead made a deal with the devil but what has absolutely nothing to do with the devil is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Revolve is a new action, puzzle platformer developed by ‘Rusty Bolt’. It’s coming out September 22nd for Xbox One and PS4 but already out on PC. We at X35 Earthwalker came across this game but we have never heard about it. Let’s see what’s good.

In the world of Revolve, players control Reevo, which is a drone. Reevo is trying to escape a dystopian world. So what? another flying away to escape game? Not exactly. In Revolve, you do not control Reevo directly. You can only jump, use speed boosts, brake and switch gravity. These four actions however; require energy to do.

This is where the challenge of the game comes from. Reevo’s energy refills by itself but slowly, meaning you can’t spam jump and boost all the time. It’s up to the player to make quick and good judgments on when to boost, when to switch gravity and when to jump or brake to keep going. The timing has to be right. Don’t jump when you don’t need it, wasting energy. This is actually a good mechanic.

Revolve is said to have physics and momentum based gameplay. So take that into account.The steam version of the game has a level editor so get creative. There are 70 levels and some have zero or inversed gravity. You can also race against the ghosts of other players to see if you are top escaper or not.

Overall this game seems very interesting. The mechanic at work here is a great idea. The graphics are very good. The music and sounds are very nice also. The environment fits what’s happening in the world of Revolve. We like what we see. The developers ‘Rusty bolt’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker appreciate games with interesting mechanics. This is worth checking out. You may be able to switch gravity in this game but you can’t switch… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Planet of the Eyes is a new action-puzzle adventure game developed by ‘Cococucumber’. It will be released 12th of September for Xbox one and PS4 but already on PC.

Planet of the eyes looks real cool. Another 2D platformer action game. Players control a service robot who is stranded on a mysterious world. It’s a narrative story style so make sure to listen to fully know what’s going on. Through out the game you will find audio logs which are fully voiced. There are physics based puzzles that need solving. So you can see why Planet of the Eyes is classed as a action-puzzle adventure game.

It’s what you would expect from a 2D platformer. The controls are simple in terms of jump, move and action from what we can see. You can interact with objects like pull, push, hold onto etc. Ledges fall from above to crush you or environmental hazards like crushing ceilings and floors, pits, electrical and heat hazards. There is a lot of dangers in this world. The developers on the website made it clear that deaths are in abundance. It says, “Robot deaths galore”.

We checked out some gameplay and everything looks good. The graphics are excellent for what it is. The sounds and music are definitely high quality. The environments and many different levels in this game are of a great variety. 

Overall, Planet of the Eyes seems like a real good game. The developers ‘Cococucumber’ did a great job. This isn’t exactly our type of game but we know for a fact that some gamers will love this. This game might be worth checking out.

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