SD Gundam Battle Alliance is an action role playing game developed by ‘ARTDINK‘ and published by ‘Bandai Namco Entertainment‘. SD Gundam Battle Alliance is said to be coming out the 25th of August 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. SD Gundam Battle Alliance is looking sort of serious. X35 Earthwalker is here. Let’s take a look.
SD Gundam Battle Alliance takes place in a strange place called G: Universe. It’s a world where the Gundam canon story has been completely distorted. It’s not correct. So you need correct this distorted time line. How do you doo that? By fighting off course. What else is there?
Listen to this. They say you can “develop new Mobile Suits to add to your arsenal. Gather Capital and expansion parts to transform your favo(u)rite machine into the ultimate MS.” There’s Also co-op as well. After all you roll in a team of three. If you ain’t got no friends for whatever reason, you can play with bots.
We checked out some SD Gundam Battle Alliance gameplay and it’s not what we expected at first. It went for the miniature cutesy toy style for design. They are all short and look like toys fighting. The combat definitely looks like it flows. Smoothly too.
Overall SD Gundam Battle Alliance looks like it’s going to bee pure action. Those who are fans of the Gundam world and lore, will definitely enjoy this. Maybe not the style though. Let’s see how big this game is and else they got too offer. In time. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t Gundam people but we check tings out still. The developers ‘ARTDINK’ have done a good job soo far. Now SD Gundam Battle Alliance may have a distorted history but it would instantly be fixed by… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Tribes of Midgard is an action adventure game developed by ‘Norsfell‘ and published by ‘Gearbox publishing‘. Tribes of Midgard is said to be coming out the 16th of August 20222 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. It’s already out open PS5, PS4 and PC. Once again haven’t heard of this game at all until it’s now on it’s way to Xbox. We like norse mythology games. X35 Earthwalker will be the judge as always. Let’s take a look.
The story in Tribes of Midgard is simple. Basically Midgard is under attack. dangerous spirits, mythical creatures and off course giants… real mean big giants all want a piece of the action here. They just might bring on Ragnarök… as in the end of the world. So what’s the solution? Cut, shoot, smash your enemies as powerful warriors. Players control a einherjar. What’s an einherjar? Well it’s an elite warrior who died and got taken to Valhalla by Valkyries and they get to battle for eternity and eat proper good food all day. You interrupt your eating to come down and face the troubles on Midgard.
Tribes of Midgard is a familiar style. Top view, run around, numerous enemies and smash them with characters of different classes. Yep. There’s multiple classes. In Tribes of Midgard players can choose from Ranger, berserker, hunter, warrior, seer, sentinel, warden and guardian. There’s a good variety here but we hope there’s clear differences. Guardian is like the tank and can taunt enemies. Warriors love melee combat and even spell casting. Seer can weaken their enemies while empowering their allies. So yeah, make sure too read them all to find out what they are about.
We checked out some Tribes of Midgard gameplay and it’s what we expected. What’s also available that we expected is that there’s multiplayer. Grab some allies and face the foes together. A game like this needs co-op. We like that there’s different types of giants. We saw a flaming one too. Just looks like a casual fun game.
Overall Tribes of Midgard looks like a not serious but fun game with some depth to it. There’s more going on in Tribes of Midgard but we won’t say everything. The graphics are nothing special. Alright even but the art style is good. We like the mechanics, the classes and the more causal gameplay. The developers ‘Norsefell’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker like combat casual multiplayer games and will have to see what this game brings. Now Tribes of Midgard may have mythological beings but those things are too pathetic for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Raji: An Ancient Epic is an action adventure that we at X35 Earthwalker had a good time with. This game is excellent. Right off the bat we will say that. Raji: An Ancient Epic was developed by ‘Nodding Heads games‘ and published by ‘Super‘. For the X35 record (which is superior to everyone else’s record), we want everyone to know we have played and beaten both the original and Enhanced Edition of Raji: An Ancient Epic. Here”s our quick thoughts. Let’s take a look.
Not only have we completely Raji: An Ancient Epic with style but we also got every Xbox achievement for the game too. So X35 Earthwalker is well versed in this game. First of all Raji: An Ancient Epic is definitely a journey game. More relaxing and chill than serious. That sort off changed with Enhanced Edition. Bit more on that latter. There’s no other game that gave an experience like Raji: An Ancient Epic. It’s certainly unique. X35 Earthwalker would recommend that gammers try this game at least once. It’s not the best game or the greatest but it’s certainly special. The simple of story of a big sister who just wants to save her brother turns into a battle to save the whole world as she realises that there’s much more going on bigger than her and her brother. We really do understand the whole big sister, little brother and how they just have each other.
We enjoyed the hindu mythology that’s at the centre of this game. The website claims it’s a blend of hindu and balinese but one is clearly more identifiable and big than the other in Raji: An Ancient Epic. We like those story walls that gave some quick information on these mythological figures like shiva and durga for example. We don’t know exactly how accurate Raji: An Ancient Epic is with the hindu mythology especially where it said that both shiva and durga are half of another being who they came from. Hindu mythology has so much disagreement and questions and stuff that just doesn’t make sense. We see this online between hindus who don’t agree. Regardless it was nice and interesting to learn. Still hate brauma though as he started all this. He gave a demon eternal life and a god slaying weapon… what could possibly go wrong.
Let’s quickly explain the original vs Enhanced Edition. Enhanced Edition added new things. There’s a new game mode, there’s Hindi voice option for the dialogues. There’s new enemies as in stronger variants of the original enemies. Some like the standard big demon with the club now has new moves altogether. They are more aggressive. There’s a bigger version of it that can send out spiritual versions of itself to attack you. Those annoying monkey like demons are harder to interrupt, they can juggle you in groups, more aggressive, have an actual pounce attack and have a big brother version of them which attacks with a sword tail. The enemies are overall stronger and harder to beat. More enemies show up and at times can be a bit unfair. Enhance Edition made us have to sit ups a few times when fighting instead of just leaning back and relaxing. By the way. The gameplay above is of the Enhanced Edition. The ones below are of the original game.
Raji: An Ancient Epic Enhanced Edition is the time to try this game. The game now looks even better. They fixed Raji’s face and she looks so much better now. It’s harder, more modes, additional options and actually poses a challenge now. We still like the look of but hate those stupid fish guardians who try to eat your platforms. We liked the giant flying peacock and it did look impressive in the skies above. The city hiranya nagari is still the best level in the game. Such a beautiful area. There’s lots to see and experience Raji: An Ancient Epic. When you go through the levels, you should try to look around. One, you get too see all this game has going on and two, you can find the favour of the gods to improve your fighting capabilities.
We did notice this negative. Some of the abilities you can get through using your favour orbs from the gods that you find don’t work properly or at all. The lightning that’s suppose to strike from above… we don”t see it. We actually ended up ignoring that ability completely. The freeze enemies as you continue to hit them isn’t effective enough from our experience. The fire abilities all work but it;”s the lightning and ice that has one that isn’t effective or doesn’t work.
Last major upgrade to Raji: An Ancient Epic from the Enhanced Edition is the bosses all got tuned up. They are all stronger and harder. The naga as in that giant snake was cool but he now sprays venom to attack you if he knows you are hiding behind that structure. He didn’t. The first big demon boss has these long chains with flames to hit you and he chases you down which is a complete upgrade from the original boss. Rangda seems the same but her attacks might be faster and more relentless in tracking you. She is so disturbing being a incredibly old demon lady with claw nails and sausage, banana dangling breasts. You can’t get her horrible image out of your head. The big boss mahabalasura is also stronger. Has new attacks, more active and will catch players off guard. He will rush you down.
Overall, Raji: An Ancient Epic especially Enhanced Edition is an excellent game. We seriously enjoyed it. It’s colourful, beautiful to look at and has amazing environments that you want to explore. It’s also simple. We haven’t seen a place like the city hiranya nagari in any game to this day. It’s worth playing for sure. Now remember that this G-blog isn’t a full review, just a quick thing about it. There’s way more and so much more to talk about in detail and say but we will leave it here. An easy 9/10 from X35 Earthwalker. Raji: An Ancient Epic may have gods and demons but they are all a complete joke compare too… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Gears of War 6 is off course in development. There’s no way they will let Gears of War end in Gears 5. We are just going to be talking mainly about what Gears of War 6 needs to be great. It’s obvious that Gears of War has been going downhill. Many players have left the game and the developers have made bad decisions. It’s bad and things need to change. Only X35 Earthwalker is wise and intelligent enough to advise and know what needs to be done. Let’s take a look.
Now if you search right now for information of Gears of War 6, you will find websites that claim to have information with titles like ‘Everything we know’. Yet they have no information, just speculation. A complete waste of time. No shame. Desperate for views. X35 Earthwalker is greater, better and above all those others. If the developers, the Coalition, do not listen and continue down their stupid path of pleasing the Gnasher only using losers, Gears of War will continue to suffer and players will, as they have already, go to other games. Make Gears of War great again.
First of all Gears of War 6 should be called ‘Gears of War 6’. Not Gears 6. That’s stupid. Call it Gears of War 6. We all recognise, grew with and love Gears of War. Gears isn’t good enough and doesn’t sound cool. When someone types GOW, we think Gears of War… not god of war. Next they need to bring back unlockable rewards. What do we mean? Remember Gears of War 3… otherwise known as the best Gears of War game. It had prizes and rewards for players who did certain things. For example if you got 1000 kills with the Lancer, you unlocked this and if you got 2000 kills with the retro lancer, you unlocked this, etc. These feel rewarding, gave a sense of progression, things to aim for and not everyone had everything. There was variety. Your skins and characters showed others that you accomplished this and that. Aaron Griffin was a rare one. You got him through accumulating so much wealth in horde. You had to spend a lot of time in horde to get that kind of money. So when people saw you with one of the coolest characters in Gears of War history, they knew you put in work.
Speaking of Aaron griffin, bring him back! the coalition are so stupid and have not wisdom or good decision making skills whatsoever. Gears 5 didn’t get an Aaron Griffin at all. The current best character and many players were looking forward to him but he didn’t show up at all. What a disappointment. Give players the characters they love. Not some random pilot dude who only showed up in a dlc and we didn’t even know what he looked like. We don’t care for that character at all. X35 Earthwalker does care about Aaron Griffin. Players like super star Cole as well. There’s a lot we can say but wise people don’t say everything. For example Gears of War 6 needs to bring in Beast mode from Gears of war 3. That mode was excellent in concept and just needed some touches to perfect it but a fun and very good game mode indeed. Bring that back as well. Like we said, we won’t say everything.
Next is to make rifles useful again. We have done multiple G-blogs that have included or talked about this already. Rifles are suppose to be the main weapons of the game. Marcus holds a lancer. The Lancer is the star iconic gun of the game… not the gnasher. Rifles are a joke overall and rifles get removed or nerfed all the time to make gusher more and more dominate. It’s a gnasher only game now. Lancer is useful only when two or more players focus an enemy. Solo players suffer. Gamers like variety and we like to play with more than just one weapon.
Lastly… for now… bring back variety of weapons. Gears of War Judgement was the best at this. So many weapons and so many options which allow for different gameplay styles. Long range and support with markza. Rush and aggressive with sawed off and gnasher. Rifles made up the cover based and positioning battles. Gears 5 has no such variety of gameplay style. You play every game and match the exact same way. Lame. Stop catering to the gnasher only losers who get excited from stroking the gnasher. These guys are a much smaller size of the player base. Think about the ants and needs of the other larger size base of players. Gears of War 3 is the best hands down. Be more like 3. Bring back the Retro Lancer. If you are too trash of a player to handle players who use the retro then play with the bots and develop strategies to deal with it.
Simply put, there’s a number of things that the coalition (the developers) need to do. If they don’t then expect Gears of War 6 to lose players also and for Gears of War to continue top be mocked and laughed at. Gears of War use to be up there with Halo… Halo! As pillars of Xbox. Not anymore. Do something right for once coalition. Use your brains. X35 Earthwalker is off course looking forward to Gears of War 6. Now the developers suck, that’s obvious and that’s according to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Severed Steel is a First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Greylock Studio‘ and published by ‘Digerati‘. Severed Steel is said to be coming out the 22nd of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, 21st on Nintendo Switch and 20th for PlayStation. It came out 2021 on PC but it seems like no one cared. X35 Earthwalker has already noticed some specific things about Severed Steel. Let’s take a look.
In Severed Steel you play as… Steel. Steel is described as nimble. Just watch her move and you’ll see that nimble isn’t the word for it. This girl got almost all the movement needed. She out here running along walls and sliding around. She’s also only got one arm. So yeah, that’s quite the disadvantage but don’t give up on her yet. Steel does make up for a missing arm with a useful attachment. Very useful attachment. So go out there and shoot the enemies.
Now just by looking at Severed Steel, experienced players should already notice certain, familiar mechanics. Severed Steel feels like a combination, to some extent, of Super Hot, Titanfall 2 and Vanquish. The sliding around but most importantly the bullet time. There’s a lot of bullet time. Opportunities for lining up your shots and taking in the situation. You are also running along walls for that extra mobility. So rush an enemy, go along the wall and get behind them, then slide past with bullet time to end them with style. We like this as we need games of different types. An action focused more casual shooter game is respected and needed. Good job.
We checked out some Severed Steel gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. Did we forget to mention that you can interact with the environment and even destroy it? Well we didn’t forget. The environment is destructible. You can even throw objects at your enemies to give you the advantage. With your arm cannon you can truly blast away the competition. We like the abundance of mobility. There’s even flips and dives in Severed Steel. There’s a variety of weapons from regular firearms to shotguns and even explosive weapons like a grenade launcher. Get to it.
Overall Severed Steel looks alright so far. Severed Steel isn’t a big story adventure. Nope. It’s just straight action with lots of bullet time, mobility, gunning and different weapons. We would like more information concerning the difficulty of the game and the enemies. The enemies have been described as “dynamic, unscripted, squad-based AI”. We don’t trust that right now. The developers ‘Greylock Studios’ have done a alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker need to see more. Now Severed Steel may have lots of action but it’s not big enough for the ‘Earth Walk!’
Solstice is a hack and slash action adventure game developed by ‘Reply Game Studios‘ and published by ‘Modus games‘. Solstice is said to be coming out the 20th of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. Solstice is looking real serious right now. X35 Earthwalker likes to see big new games that are bringing some fire.
Solstice is definitely looking big right now. There’s a ‘holy kingdom’ of keidas which has a balance situation going on. Then wraiths show up. These feral creature invade and they are all about getting rid of all living things. There are beings called chimeras who are like hybrid warriors. They alone can face and defeat the wraiths. We won’t say more.
In Soulstice, you control two sisters who have basically been reborn as chimera. Briar got a huge strength boost. Superhuman levels. Same for her toughness. Her sister, Lute, was sacrificed to bind her soul to her sister. She is now a ghost who has mystical powers. That’s how hybrids are formed after all. Two people must unite and one must be sacrificed. So Briar and Lute are powerful enough to face the wraiths now. They have multiple abilities and weapons to bring to this battle.
Don’t forget that wraiths can corrupt their victims/prey and can even take it to the next level to possess their bodies. They overran a city and really ruined it. Briar and Lute get sent there to handle the situation and get the city back… but off course the group or Order they are working for has hidden agendas. So yeah, can they be trusted? We don’t even trust Soulstice. The city f Elden has multiple secrets and to find and puzzles to solve.
We checked out some Soulstice gameplay and it’s what we expected. Lots off team work with your spirit sister. A ghost sister has many abilities. Stuff you would expect as well. Shielding, pushing back, attacks, enhancing and lots of support. We see a variety of attacks coming your way. We do like that the wraiths look like wraiths. They are ghoulish, long, and actually look like they come straight from a horror world. Scary maybe. There’s detail here. Enemies need to look scary and dangerous… most of the time. We know there are different types off course. For example there’s: Wraiths, Corrupted and Possessed. Let’s just say Lute may be able to help with that.
Overall Soulstice looks like it’s going too be a very good game. We like the animations and the visuals of the game. The combat looks smooth and that matters here. As always there’s so much we can say but we will leave it there. We can see all the potential and mechanics that can be done here in Soulstice. The developers ‘Reply Game Studios’ better not mess this up. This can be big for sure. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how big Soulstice becomes. Now Soulstice may have hybrids and wraiths but those beings are pathetic compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Arcadegeddon is a cooperative multiplayer game developed and published by ‘Illfonic‘. Arcadegeddon is said to be coming out the 5th of July 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. Arcadegeddon wants to bring a wild gaming adventure. X35 Earthwalker will be the judge of how good it is. Let’s take a look.
Arcadegeddon has a pretty cool story. Basically there’s a local arcade. It’s about to be put out of business due to a mega corporation called ‘Fun Fun co’. Massive competition. One sided. The arcade owner, Gilly, has a big plan. He took all the top games in his arcade and connects them all into one… big game. A super game if you must. Problem solved… not really. Fun Fun co hacked the game and put in a virus. So yeah… it’s time to save the game.
Don’t forget that this is a cooperative multiplayer shooter game. This means you can enter the game with your friends and fight your way through these levels. There’s a mix of PVP and PVE in Arcadegeddon. This opens doors. Expect to face other players (hopefully not try hards) and off course enemies and threats. The levels have been described as ever changing. So players should expect some freshness in the gameplay. There’s 3 biomes right now but another on the way. There’s: Aftermath, Mystic Isles, Nerve centre and Downtown is on the way. We expect to see big variety in the biomes then.
We checked out some Arcadegeddon gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. Use guns, guns and even more guns. There’s quite a range with different functions. Explosive, rifles, snipers, sub machine guns and more. Definitely more. There’s hordes for you to face as well. watch the trailer we placed here to see what we mean. Looks like it’s going to get crazy in here. By the way, there’s local gangs that chill in Gilly’s arcade. they will give you challenges. Completing them will earn you street cred. We won’t say more.
Overall Arcadegeddon is looking like it’s going to be a straight up silly fun game. Nothing serious. Just run around with your friends or family and gun down the horde. Bring out explosives, shot gun blast and more. We need to see more about how the biomes function and those changes. The gangs are plentiful and got lots of variety for sure. We hope they play a bigger role than just challenges. The gameplay looks nice too. The developers ‘Illfonic’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open concerning how much fun it is. Now Arcadegeddon may be many games connected together but even together it’s too weak for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is an action Massively multiplayer online developed by ‘Mediatonic‘ and published by ‘Devolver Digital Games‘. Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is said to be coming out the 21st of June 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS5. Fall Guys was at one point very popular. It’s popularity has gone down but many people still play and more are on the way. X35 Earthwalker has his thoughts. Let’s take a look.
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is the latest and best version of Fall Guys. You know… the game with the running, jumping, pushing, grabbing and off course… falling. Originally it was on the pc and ps4 we believe but that’s one of the reasons why it lost a lot of popularity to Among Us. Many gamers couldn’t play it. Xbox players again getting excluded is a problem. Well, no exclusion now. Xbox and Nintendo players are allowed in from their consoles. New players are arriving, which means popularity will rise again, especially with an announcement. We are interested to see what’s new.
Now the question is, “What’s new in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout?” Well there’s new games and obstacles. More customisation off course. Blast balls definitely looks like a more active and intense final round game. Off course the game will be enhanced and look better. So expect 4k and 60 frames. Especially the Xbox Series X. It’s nothing completely different. It’s just more of Fall Guys. We hope they ave new music. Music the keep the same active silly atmosphere.
We checked out some Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s the same good game off course but more. There’s the new levels and obstacles and tons of customisation with better game performance and visuals. There isn’t all that much to talk about. It’s Fall Guys… but… welcome… It’s Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. They have done the right thing by sticking to the Fall Guys formula but we hope something big and sort of new will also be brought in. It’s good to take some risks. We don’t want Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout be exactly the same.
Overall, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout looks like another great game. Another fun game to play on the xbox casually. Nothing serious, just silly fun. We need more of that. The developers have done a good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game. Now Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout may have new obstacles and stuff but none of that is enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Deadcraft is a zombie survival action game developed by ‘Marvelous‘ and published by ‘XSEED games‘. Deadcraft is said to be coming out the 19th of May 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Deadcraft is not trying to be another zombie game. It has interested us. X35 Earthwalker will have his say. Let’s take a look.
So here’s the run down of what’s happening Deadcraft. It’s a world that has been completely ruined by a deadly virus. You control a guy called Reid. He is half zombie. Now being half zombie comes with it’s challenges. People may not like you or trust you. This means you can’t just live with humans in a colony really. Your survival is one thing. Survival. You got to survive. In this ravaged world.
Now there’s multiple things you need too do to make that happen in Deadcraft. You can arm yourself, grab all kinds of weapons and get to work on all dangers that comes your way. You can also grow your own army of zombie followers. This alone is a very cool concept. It’s not just slay the zombies and it’s not just destroys the humans. You are in between the two. You can communicate and co-operate with the humans. This off course leads to visions, impacts and opportunities.
Remember we mentioned survival? Well. Yeah, they are taking that sort of seriously. Not as serious as Metal Gear Survive though. In Deadcraft, players need to get food and water. You will also need money too. So earn your living. We did mention that you can communicate and co-operate with humans. So survival does take some work. You can’t just sit there. You could always just take what you want by force.
Deadcraft takes things to another zombie level. You are half zombie, remember? This comes with abilities your own. They are quite comical. Some have to do with your messed up arm. There’s powers for sure. There’s also a crafting system too. You can build some real nonsense weapons and defence turrets etc. Watch the official trailer and you will see examples of that. This game has a Deadrising silliness but not as comical and silly. You can get creative, have fun and fight for your survival while keeping your brains.
We checked out some Deadcraft gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. It’s serious but goofy still. It’s destroying zombies and crushing humans. Running an army. Fighting with allies, crafting all kinds of stuff and being cool while doing it. Just look at the gameplay for yourself.
Overall, Deadcraft seems like a good game. It’s definitely doing something different and we like that. Half zombie dude with abilities, trying to survive in this messed up world. Deadcraft has what it takes to explode. Deadrising fans should like this. We definitely need to see more of this game though. We need to see more of the combat and other factors. The developers ‘Marvellous’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what Deadcraft brings. Now Deadcraft may have a half zombie but that is not impressive when you compare it to… the ‘Earth Walk’
Source of Madness is an action rougelike game developed by ‘Carry Castle‘ and published by ‘Thunderful‘. Source of Darkness is said to be coming out the 11th of May 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Source of madness has got something going on here with it’s design approach. Looks different from others. X35 Earthwalker has his say. Let’s take a look.
Source of Madness is an action rougelike but it’s been described as a “side-scrolling dark action rougelite” game. Side scrolling is nothing weird so who cares but the dark action part is what should grab attention. Source of Madness definitely delivers with this. It’s a dark and horrifying world. Basically what’s happening is that you are a new acolyte and you head out on a nightmarish oddyssey. This is all set in a place called ‘Loam Lands’. This place is messed up. Like you wouldn’t want to live here, messed up. Yet here you are and expect darkness, evil and madness.
There’s so much madness in Source of Madness that there’s even a place in the Loam Lands, called the Tower of Madness. The mysterious citadel of the moon. Exploration is required and you need to brave the dangers. There’s so much dangers, ambushes and lots of monsters. They are designed to creep you out. Look disturbing, gross and like they will leave a cursed rash on you. Some described it a s lovecraftian inspired. Now check this out. Here’s the quote concerning the monsters, “The horrific monsters you face are never the same, concocted with procedural generation and animated using a neural network AI.” Think about that for a moment. If this is literal, that would be awesome and we would love to see how that works. This could be the big mechanic… if they get it right.
Source of Madness is all about exploring, staying alive, fighting dangerous creatures and off course finding gear. We mean equipment like rings, equipment, robes and armour like stuff. after all this is a magical world. Expect magical battles and attacks. It’s not your simple stand still casting spells. It’s movement, action and pressure from enemies coming after you. Take a look at some gameplay and you’ll see what we mean.
We checked out some Source of Madness gameplay and it”s not what we expected at first. Source of Madness definitely looks like a good game. Very different too. Something new. We do have some concerns though. The visuals just alright in our opinion. Not impressed. There is some form of communication with beings in the game. There’s mysteries to uncover and understand. What’s happening, how did this all start? Is there a way to fix things? Players will need to find out for themselves.
Overall, Source of Madness looks like it’s a good game. Looks like it’s setting itself apart from others. We like how the world is designed. It’s clearly fictional, loads of danger, magical and interesting. We like the style. We have some hope for this game. We do wonder about the weapons and variety available in Source of Madness. A game like this has to have brutal difficulty with an insulting mode for those who need it easier. They need to nail that new mechanic this game has. Do it right! The developers ‘Carry Castle’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep and eye out for this game. Now Source of Madness may have disturbing creatures but they don’t mean a thing to… the ‘Earth Walk!’