Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is an Open world Action Role Playing Game develop by ‘A44 Games‘ and published by ‘Kepler Interactive’. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is said to be coming out in the summer of 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game will be in the Xbox Game pass as well. X35 Earthwalker is interested to see what this game delivers in full. Seems that Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn has a lot to prove already. Let’s talk a look.
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn has a busy world. Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction (as always) due to evil on the loose. What evil? An army of the undead who belong to the old gods. What happened? The door to the afterlife was opened. How and why? We aren’t telling you. Now what’s called the coalition Army is taking the fight to them. It’s humanity vs gods… well more like budget discount gods. As always we are betting that these so called gods are actually going to be lame and disappointing. Maybe Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn can prove us wrong.
Players control Nor Vanek. She is part of the Coalition Army. A dangerous member for sure. She has a pet/companion/friend called Enki. This little creature has magical powers. Nor is definitely going to need Enki and its powers for this fight. Enki basically looks like a small wolf with straight goat horns and pointy narrow elephant ears. A corrupted evolved Umbreon maybe. Enki would have been better if it was bigger in size. Nor Vanek looks cool and military. Definitely liking the hair too. Adding more variety to the gaming world. She has competent written almost all over her. What we don’t like is that the developers went for another safe play with the generic female body type. slim, default standard issue that you see of npc in like almost every game. Developers these days are too scare to add meat and curves (not fat) to female designs. We need more variety. We also don’t like her eye lashes. It’s the same big eye lashes that you see on the internet today and we hate them. They never look good. Otherwise we like the look of the two stars of the game.
Now for the combat. This is the main things going on here. We see a main melee weapon mainly an axe. There’s a rifle for that long range action. Lastly of course there’s magic and that mystical business. There’s a whole combo system with special moves for different purposes. There’s a poised shot, a counter attack, charged pistol shots, sprint attacks, attacks you sync up with Enki and more. You even get a nice breakdown of the special things you do and their numbers on the HUD. Effective system by the looks of it. This does remind us of Fable 3 which had melee weapon, gun and magic. Hopefully Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn blends these things together well enough. There’s almost endless room for creativity. So no excuse here. Will there be magic infusion? What about area of effect abilities? We know that executions very cleanly utilises your weapons. We need to see that sort of blend in the game as well. Also each weapon needs to actually be effective. Lords of the Fallen made their ranged weapons very useful. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn needs to get this right. combat does look clean though. We see smooth movement, turns and strikes.
Next is the world. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is an open world game. So we expected a big world with multiple locations and variety. We see basically villages, walled cities, rocky and snowy places, canyon and dusty places, palm trees, coasts and bodies of water. We do like how this world looks. Not depressing and dead. There’s some life and colour in this world. Will collectibles be a thing in? There are chests for players to find. For example you might get Blast Grenade. Obvious what it does but what’s not obvious is that Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn seems to have a system where getting multiple of that item can upgrade it. Increasing its number of uses and stuff like that. Players will need to find other members of the Coalition Army like the weaponry and explosives experts to unlock new services and upgrades. There’s spots and checkpoints that you can get to restore health and take a little break.
We checked out some Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. We aren’t impressed with the enemies. They seem to be mostly humanoid with some having auras and shields. We see some others like giant spiders. We hope to see a cool variety but right now the enemies list looking weak. We do like that enemies receiving killing blows can lose their limbs. nice, gory and adds some flavour to the combat. There’s also a mechanic for the sniper gamers. If you score a long range kill shot on an enemy (assuming it’s kill only), you get a bullet camera to see the journey of your shot. Nice touch to the rifle gameplay. Enemies can be interrupted with certain attacks, especially charged shots. Multi jumping for more mobility and aerial control. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn has a lot of going on in the game. From combat, world, mechanics, options, mobility etc.
Overall Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn looks like an excellent game. Graphics are very good and the animations are very good also. Let’s quickly address some of the drama. People telling others online to boycott and avoid this game because sweet baby inc had some part in it at some point. sweet baby inc sucks and ruin almost everything they touch BUT they are NOT the developers. The developers are A44 Games. A44 Games worked really hard on this game. They even delayed the game to make sure to get everything top and ready. Boycotting the game will only truly punish A44 Games. A bunch of people worked hard and did their best to deliver a game and people are going to attack them to attack sweet baby inc. That’s pathetic. At least now A44 games learnt the truth about sweet baby inc and avoid them from now on but maybe they didn’t know before as many people still don’t know anything about sweet baby inc. Judge the game based on the game itself and not outside drama. If Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn sucks to you then avoid it but if it’s good then give it a go. Very simple. A44 Games has done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game. Now Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn may have a war with the gods.
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