X35 Earthwalker Dredge

Dredge is a single player adventure game developed by ‘Black salt games‘ and published by ‘Team 17‘. Dredge is said to be coming out the 30th of March 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. Fishing can be good fun… sometimes. X35 Earthwalker has the best wisdom for those who want to fish. Dredge might be on to something. Let’s take a look. 

Dredge has a simple story. You are out here fishing. You like fishing? Well we don’t care and neither does Dredge. So fish already. Yes it isn’t just all fishing. There’s also something sinister going on. This isn’t just fishing. There’s something. We aren’t going to say. Yes, we do know.

X35 Earthwalker Dredge

So yeah. Head out on your boat, catch some fish and make a profit. Maybe you will buy a bigger boat to catch even more fish or maybe for traversal reasons. Regardless it’s all about the fishing. When you have time though… make sure to talk to the locals and residents. Most are normal-ish but there’s some who need to be kept an eye on. 

Once you are equipped maybe you can dredge the depths of the waters to find treasure or just some buried secrets that are relevant to the plot. This archipelago has mysteries and you have to find out what’s going on. Certainly has nothing to do with a creepy dude holding a book.

X35 Earthwalker Dredge

We checked out some Dredge gameplay and it’s what we expected. What we like the most though is that cool sea creature. A game like Dredge needs actual danger and threats to bring in some interest level. Players will need to keep an eye on the waters. We hope the difficulty is there. There needs to be some sort of fear. After all a straight up fishing game normally doesn’t sell well. We can already see how to do this game. 

Overall Dredge seems like an alright game. We aren’t impressed at all nor interested. It’s missing some elements. We like that there’s some mysteries happening. We like the style of the cargo layout and holding. We like there’s progression and our favourite is the big sea creature but everything seems to be to a smaller level. The developers ‘Black salt games’ have put some work in. We at X35 Earthwalker like underwater creatures and will have to listen up for news concerning this game. Now Dredge may have a big fish but it’s not scary enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Valheim

Valheim is a survival adventure game developed by ‘Iron Gate‘ and published by ‘Coffee Stain studios‘. Valheim is said to be coming out the 14th of March 2023 on the Xbox Series X and Xbox One. It’s already out on pc and when it was we never heard of this game. Valheim is making its way to Xbox. This game has finally caught the attention of X35 Earthwalker. Let’s take a look. 

Valheim is set in a sort of purgatory but viking style. Basically you died in battle because you suck. You got carried to the ‘tenth world’. Now you have show that you’re the boss here. So face the monsters that odin dropped here a long time ago. Hopefully you can earn odin’s favour and get out of here… maybe to valhalla.

X35 Earthwalker Valheim

Valheim large world and there’s lots to see here. So get to it. Exploration is a big part of this game. Check out the locations when you have the time. There’s forests and we mean big forests. There’s mountains and rumour has it they are quite cold. Valleys that look a little too friendly and off course the sea. Get a ship and start sailing. Maybe build a little place for yourself.

That’s right… build. You can build in Valheim. Construct bases, fancy buildings, viking longhouses and maybe more. There is customisation for your buildings both the inside and outside. There’s a building tier system as well. The higher the tier the more you can upgrade, expand and have the means to defend your base. Hopefully there’s a base defence system and actual events. 

X35 Earthwalker Valheim

Not just building in Valheim but also crafting off course. Make sure to gather materials to craft your weapons, armour, tools and ships. You can even grow fruits and vegetables. You got to eat off course. Survival is at the core of Valheim. So there’s progression for sure. You will do the traditional  start of trash and make your way up to the top. 

X35 Earthwalker Valheim

Now off course is the bosses. More like monsters who are a menace. Apparently odin dropped these guys here, so beating them should prove your worth and allow for progression in this world of Valheim. We currently don’t have any faith in these monsters being impressive, scary or even intimidating. Hopefully they are something to talk about.

We checked out some Valheim gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. It’s got something going on, that’s for sure. The world is the strongest point about Valheim. Nothing else is truly standing out but we are interested in the level of depth to the crafting, building and customisation. The caves be looking kind of clean though.

Overall Valheim is looks like a good game so far. We aren’t impressed with it though but these kind of games is what some gamers truly dive into. The graphics are good for the graphic style. The world is excellent. Some factors aren’t clear but oh well. The developers ‘Iron Gate’ have done an alright job. X35 Earthwalker know exactly what survival games need to be top tier. Now Valheim may have a large purgatory like world but it would have been conquered instantly  by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Alterity Experience

Alterity Experience is described as a “closed-door adventure game” developed and published by ‘Onitron studios‘. Alterity Experience is said to be coming out Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PS5 the 16th of February 2023 but it’s off course already out on Nintendo Switch, PS4 and pc. So what? There’s suppose to be an alien experience here. X35 Earthwalker is superior to aliens. Let’s take a look. 

Few have asked but yes we do write about some games that’s already out. If it’s coming to next gen consoles then that’s fine. We like to show a variety of games, not just the big ones that big companies act like sheep for rushing to get a post out. There’s many good games or cool games but aren’t big at all.

Alterity Experience is set today in the “cornwell family ranch house, located in Lucy county firefly national park, in the northern state of California.” They really zeroed in haven’t they. Players control a dude named Anton cornwelll. He’s a farmer and rancher. Let’s just say he is about to have a strange and maybe alien experience right at his home. Your job is to survive through it.

X35 Earthwalker Alterity Experience

What’s going on is that for multiple weeks there have been claims of what’s called ‘luminous phenomena’ in the park at night time. It gets worse. Farmers in the country have been finding some strange fluorescent purple substance spread on their plantations. Of course, the local authorities are useless in this situation. Not only have you spotted this purple crap on your own plantations but also near your home.

There’s not going to be any combat. You aren’t going to pull out a shotgun, like you should, and face this issue. The game explains “Your reactivity and a home automation application are the only weapons you have.” Lame but it’s all we got. Apparently there’s another element involved here. There’s described something, as an object of unknown origin. It’s said that this might be the ‘key’ to your survival here. It’s in your home. Just got to find it.

X35 Earthwalker Alterity Experience

We checked out some Alterity Experience gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s very slow paced. It has the standard indie game feel to it. You are roaming around your home, staying vigilant hopefully, ready to counter any luminous phenomena. This includes glowing purple lights at windows and you use the apps home defence systems to close gates, lock down the place etc. There isn’t anything really interesting going on here. It’s very simple and easy to understand. Sadly it’s not our thing at all but it will be someone else’s experience.

Alterity Experience is overall and alright game. There is no problems, sounds are clear and designated for what’s going on. The graphics are good too. We would definitely more going on and we don’t how the end will be satisfying or exciting. The developers ‘Onitron studios’ have done an alright job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what this game accomplishes on next gen consoles. Now Alterity Experience may have luminous phenomena but it’s too dull for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Pathless. X35 Earthwalker

The Pathless is an action adventure game developed by ‘Giant Squid‘ and published by ‘Annapurna Interactive‘. The Pathless is said to come out February 2nd 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. It’s already out on PS5, PS4 and pc. The Pathless looking like it want to hit hard. X35 Earthwalker know a good game and what’s a special game. Let’s take a look.

The Pathless is about a hunter. This hunter is a master archer. Your mission? To deal with an evil in this mystical land, that affects the whole world. You aren\”t alone as you get an eagle as a companion. Hunter and Eagle in a massive forest to take down evil. Sounds cool. Quick tip: That eagle is important. Be good to it and build a good relationship with it.

The Pathless. X35 Earthwalker

Now this game gets action quite right. It’s smooth. An acrobatic character for sure. Dive around, soar through the air, fire shots and stay agile. After all The Pathless takes place in a massive forest. It’s actually very fluid as well. Powerful consoles like the Xbox Series X will have a a good day with this game.

Players will be hunting down corrupted spirits. There are ancient ruins which of course have puzzles. That’s a classic. Temples that haven’t been maintained in a while and even really tall spires. Expect this game too have a nice journey as the ones behind ‘Journey’ and ‘Abzû’ are on the case. Atmosphere should therefore be right.  

The Pathless. X35 Earthwalker

We checked out some The Pathless gameplay. This game looks clean. Bringing back the light to the land is going to be a challenge for sure. The most standing out thing is the gameplay. The movements, the animations and the agility of the hunter are top tier. Loving it. We know there are big threats out there. Those corrupted spirts are no joke. They might even be the one to hunt you. Defeat them and get that light restored. Boss battles on deck!!!

Overall we checked out some The Pathless gameplay and it’s a bit more than what we expected. That’s rare as well. The Pathless looks like a very good game. Atmosphere is being taken seriously. The partial effects are nice. The graphic style works with this game. We ain’t mad at it. You already know the music is going to be excellent. Orchestrated nicely. The developers ‘Giant Squid’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are glad we discovered this game. Now The ‘Pathless’ may have a beautiful adventure ahead but it’s not enough for…. the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker. bumblebee: little bee adventure

Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure is an adventure exploration game developed and published by ‘EpiXR Games‘. Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure is said to be coming out the 10th of February 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and PC. 9th of February for the Nintendo Switch. Now players will control a bee. X35 Earthwalker has experience with these developers. Hope they have improved. Let’s take a look.

Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure has a very simple story. You control a bee. The bee is looking for a new home. The journey begins in a school building. Things aren’t so safe in there but you push on. That’s the story. You are a bee and flying around.

X35 Earthwalker. bumblebee: little bee adventure

Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure is described as ‘story-driven’. So already there are expectations here. We doubt how effective this game will be concerning the story. 

You will encounter a number of things. “distant places” and some animals. Maybe they have a talk about animal life. Complaining about their weaknesses. Who knows. It’s Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure after all.

X35 Earthwalker. bumblebee: little bee adventure

We checked out some Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure gameplay and it’s what we expected. The main prize of this game is the exploration. Just fly around and go wherever you want. Players may come across items. Maybe even an energy potion to keep you going. There’s even golden flowers hidden around. Collect all of them if you want. 


Overall Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure does not look like a good game so far. If you want a chill and relaxed atmosphere then there’s better options. There’s limitations on the flying. You shouldn’t need energy potion to boost. Boosting should be available always. flying around and exploring is the best part of this game. It needs to be as free and fun as possible. We don’t see the story driven narrative side of this game. The developers ‘EpiXR Games‘ have to do better in developing games. X35 Earthwalker is not feeling this game. Now Bumblebee: Little Bee Adventure my have a journey but it needs to bee better for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Clash: Artifacts of chaos X35 Earthwalker

Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is an action adventure game developed by ‘ACE Team‘ and published by ‘Nacon‘. Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is said to be coming out the 9th of March 2023. X35 Earthwalker has seen many weird games and it looks like we got another one. Let’s take a look.

Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is all about the action. Combat action. Straight hands in this game. So basically what’s going on is that players are a Pseudo. A Pseudo is a master of martial arts “who lives as a recluse in the strange land of Zenozoik.” You eventually come across a boy, who’s a small creature. He has powers, quite weird, and it bringing the attention Gemini. Gemini is “the mistress of the artifacts”. You choose to protect the boy. Off course this move comes with risks.

Clash: Artifacts of chaos X35 Earthwalker

Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is all, about the hands. Remember we said that. Battle is what’s happening. As you travel and explore you will face foes. It has been declared that your fists are your best weapons. Be fast as well. So fists plus speed is your top advantage. Dodge attacks that come your way. Blocking off course is a thing and sometimes it’s better to block. There’s parrying, so timing is everything. What’s strange is this line, “counter a parry to land a special attack”. Maybe it’s a typo but if you can counter a parry then that’s a bad mechanic. A parry takes timing anded skill and it should be rewarded. Being able to counter a parry makes parrying pointless. 

We checked out some Clash: Artifacts of Chaos gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. We like the different martial arts that you can learn and put to use. Some of these martial arts moves are basically references to other popular things or show or maybe an anime. We won’t say though. As you continue to fight and win you can “improve your characteristics” and level up your moves. We like the mechanic that before fighting you can challenge your foe to a little game. Dice. The winner gets advantages. This includes shackles on the opponent to limit movement, fog covering the arena, summon in help and more. The combat might get crazy after all.

Overall Clash: Artifacts of Chaos looks like it’s going to be a fun game. A good game as well. Even those it’s about giving others the hands, don’t forget you are after the great artefacts. There’s also mercenaries after you for real. We hope there’s a lot going on in this weird world. hopefully elephant dude is chill. Doesn’t look like it. The developers ‘ACE Team’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker know about martial arts and will be the judge of it. Now Clash: Artifacts of Chaos may have rapid fire punches but it doesn’t have the quantity or speed to keep up with… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Wild Hearts

Wild Hearts is an action adventure game developed by ‘Koei Tecmo Games‘ and published by ‘electronic Arts‘. Wild Hearts is said to be coming out the 16th of February 2023 on Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and pc. A gaming concept like this is easy to get right. So much potential. X35 Earthwalker will see if it is being done right. Let’s take a look.

The story of Wild Hearts is like legend story. There’s these massive animals or beasts, whatever you want to call them, and they are called Kemono. Kemono, not kimono. Get it right. The kemono got angry or something. They went on a rampage such a long time ago that no one remembers why. We already know the twist for this game. You made it too obvious developers. Back to the story. The Kemono rampaged through Azuma, which we hear was doing really well before the rampage. That’s it.

X35 Earthwalker Wild Hearts

Well that isn’t exactly it. The kemono are unstoppable. No one could beat them. Then one day a hunter showed up. This hunter was clearly a whole cut above everyone else. This hunter had effective weapons and ancient technology. This technology is called Karakuri… not to be mistaken with the Yu-Gi-Oh! monster arch type called Karakuri. So we can see all the references here. This one hunter “could turn the tide of battle.” So yeah, here’s where the player comes into play. You will also use ancient tech to hunt and take down the kemono.   

X35 Earthwalker Wild Hearts

Now off course if you are developing a monster hunting game then the only real competitor is Monster under. So how is this different? Well Wild Hearts is more focused on the technology. We don’t see this was a huge difference yet but hopefully it will be more clear when we see more of Wild Hearts. In terms of the technology being a big deal, it has to be clear in the gameplay and mechanics. We like the vehicle method of transportation. That circular vehicle reminds us of Jack Atlas’ duel runner in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds. We hope to see more big things and signs of technology being the dominant factor and in the hunting and fights against the kemono. They got to get this right.

We checked out some Wild Hearts gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. The karakuri can take on multiple forms or should we say be shaped into those forms. Karakuri can be used to set traps. The karakuri is also for building, resource gathering and off course training. So yeah, use both the karakuri and your weapons (don’t forget about those) to face the kemono. Now we hope they do the battles with these creatures right. They can’t be a here’s their level, go in, beat them and cross it off your list. These beasts need to live up to their fame. Be powerful, massive and an actual challenge. 

Overall Wild Hearts seems like a good game but we want it to be much better. The potential is there. The graphics are looking good and the locations are looking nice with variety. The locations and environments matters in a hunt. We do hope to see improvements to the game as a whole. The kemono need to have variety and more kemono need to show up and bring variety instead of the predictable lot. The developers ‘Koei Tecmo Games’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will hope the potential of Wild Hearts is maximised. Now Wild Hearts may be the next big monster hunting game but it’s scale is far too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker. Deliver us Mars

Deliver Us Mars is an atmospheric Sci-fi adventure game developed by ‘KeokeN Interactive‘ and published by ‘Frontier Foundry‘. Deliver Us Mars is said to be coming out 2nd of February 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker sees loads of potential with this game. Deliver Us Mars better not ruin its chance. Let’s take a look.  

Deliver Us Mars is off course the sequel to Deliver Us the Moon (2019). So fans of that game should be smiling by now. Deliver Us Mars is set 10 years after the events of the last game. Basically what’s going on is that you are on what’s described as an high stakes mission. You must recover the ARK colony ships which were “stolen by the mysterious Outward.” There’s stuff going on with earth too. Earth’s resources are depleted… cue in Thanos. They should have listened to him. 

X35 Earthwalker. Deliver us Mars

Players who like the puzzles in their adventures can expect this in Deliver Us Mars. So, yeah use your brains for once in a game… maybe. There’s even climbing mechanics now. We actually like the look of this. It makes sense when it comes to planet exploration. We should be climbing walls and exploring canyons. Deliver Us Mars allows the traversing of Mars.

Like a sequel should, there are references and even picks up the story concerning points and characters from the first game. the developers diid say that they welcome any and all fan theories. We trust that Deliver Us Mars will be an impactful and strong gaming experience by itself. There are a number of ways to handle this game but let’s see if the developers go down one of those routes.

X35 Earthwalker. Deliver us Mars

We checked out some Deliver us Mars gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. Looks like the story is right in your face with the focus. How much emotions will players display? How much would we actually care. Driving across the terrain of Mars in a vehicle just looks like a good time. They need to pay attention to details concerning this. We want to see dust. We need either a rear mirror view or be able to see 1180 to see a a real storm kick up. There’s potential. X35 Earthwalker out here giving developers free points.

Overall Deliver us Mars is looking like a good game right now and can even be promoted to a great game. The focus in the story has to be right. Nothing cringy please. Some developers just don’t learn. The graphics are looking good but it needs to be cleaner especially when it comes to the environments. It’s easy to get away with sounds in a game like this. The main character is looking weak. Not impressed or rooting for her yet. The developers ‘KeokeN Interactive’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how Mars is handled in this game. 

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X35 Earthwalker. Chasing Static

Chasing Static is a horror adventure game developed by ‘Headware Games‘ and published by ‘Ratalaika Games‘. Chasing Static is said to be coming out the 12th of January 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4. It’s already out on the pc. X35 Earthwalker knows of many games and has taken notice of this one. Chasing Static has a usual setting. Let’s take a look.

Chasing Static is set in the “untouched wilderness of rural Wales.” Now this is unique. How many games can you name right now that is set in Wales? Exactly. So automatically we are interested a bit and listening. So basically what’s happening here in Chasing Static is that something mysterious and not good has happened to the villagers of Hearth. They are missing. There’s also a facility. You got no good information about this place. It’s clearly been abandoned… but like any “good” protagonist in a horror movie, who isn’t black, you’re going in to investigate. 

X35 Earthwalker. Chasing Static

Players will have to actually investigate what’s happening here. Use equipment and rely on your ears to understand what’s going on. Now  take note that this is a short game. It’s been described as a bite sized terror. The average playtime is approximately 2 hours. You can tackle the story at your own pace as Chasing Static is suppose to be non-linear. 

We checked out some Chasing Static gameplay and it’s what we expected. We do like that this game went for the whole PlayStation 1 (PS1) look. The graphics looks old but the sounds are suppose to be excellent. Think of it like the game Infernax… designed to look like an old school game but has modern mechanics, feel, sounds and design. So yeah, we can appreciate that from time to time.  

Overall Chasing Static seems like an alright game. A quick horror experience for players. nothing deep but what should be a good experience. We do like the sound mechanics of it. There’s big scare opportunities for when player5s use the experimental Frequency Displacement Monitoring Device. Don’t waste it. The developers ‘Headware Games’ have done an alright job. This isn’t for X35 Earthwalker. Not our thing at all but others will be interested. 

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Grime. G-blog. X35 Earthwalker

Grime is an action adventure game developed by ‘Clover Bite‘ and published by ‘Akupara Games‘. Grime is said to be coming out the 25th of December 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS5 and PS4. We heard it will also come out on Nintendo Switch but no date has been confirmed. It’s already out on pc though since like last year. X35 Earthwalker saw this game last year. Let’s take a look.

Grime is an unusual game but easy to understand what you are dealing with. You control this void black hole head but rock body dude. Your origin has been described as “An unusual material collapses in on itself, the world shudders and contracts, and suddenly you are squeezed into existence.” What we do se is that there’s two beings. One by the looks of it breathes life into the other. This also causes our character to form as well. This does suggest that this whole game takes place inside a body. Interesting and weird. The enemies have been said to be born from this world itself.

Grime. G-blog. X35 Earthwalker

So use your dash wisely, parry your enemies and smash them to death. Or maybe crush them. there’s lots of enemies and the action stays being action. airborne enemies exist too so watch out. Absorb your foes to get stronger and maybe acquire new abilities. You fight with a weapon. there’s multiple in fact and they aren’t ordinary. They are made from living creatures that can mutate their form during combat. Swords that claw, a centipede whip and even a big axe that cuts the enemy multiple times with its jagged teeth. Find your favourite weapon or pick the best one for the job.

Grime. G-blog. X35 Earthwalker

Now off course there’s bosses in Grime. A number of them. They are all much bigger than you and will try to destroy you. Find a way to beat them and then absorb their abilities. These abilities are described as game changing and may even allow you to explore places in the world you couldn’t reach before. So don’t be afraid to back rack if needed. You can also absorb other tough enemies to make progress on your skill tree. This is where the combat customisation takes place. Grime claims you can upgrade “only those traits you feel most suited to your unique style.” So find your style and make it stronger.

We checked out some Grime gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. You can describe the environments as surreal. Clearly unusual places but require exploration still. there’s deserts, civilisations and off course caves… “rendered in unearthly 3D.” It’s quite fast paced and will be an adventure for sure. Grime is trying to stand out from other games. Didn’t hear anything about this game when it was on pc. Now that it’s coming to consoles it has a chance to do better. It’s not coming alone though. We hear that the free dlc called ‘The colours of rot’ is bundled in as well. so it’s the game plus more. 

Overall Grime looks like a good game. We like the art style, how good the graphics are. We like the animations which are very good but not the best. We like the combat and combos but it feels like more could have been done with it but you can’t go too crazy now. We do wonder about the difficulty of the game though. We hope it is punishing but only allow an easier mode for the weak players. The developers ‘clover Bite’ has done a very good job with this game so far. X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game. Now Grime may have you absorbing abilities but it could never absorb… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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