X35 Earthwalker Temple of Horror

Temple of Horror is a… well… horror adventure game developed and published by ‘EpiXR Games‘. Temple of Horror is said to be coming out the 26th of October 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. This game on first looks doesn’t inspire much confidence right now but X35 Earthwalker gives games chances out here. Let’s take a look.

Temple of Horror has a more ominous setting. Basically you are dead. The end. Well maybe not dead. It just says that your soul is trapped in the Temple of Horror like many others. The Temple of Horror is not a good place as it’s name suggests. It’s described as unreal and filled with wandering lost souls, “evil monsters” and “forgotten evil” that are trying to make their way out of the temple. This says a lot already.

X35 Earthwalker Temple of Horror

Your objective in the Temple of Horror? To get out of here! Obviously. Now you need to avoid all the dangers that’s present in the Temple of Horror. Some things you have to just straight up hide or run from. You can’t beat them. Other things you can outsmart. On top of all that, there’s even traps. The description describes them as ‘”countless deadly traps”. So expect them everywhere.

Now off course a place like the Temple of Horror must have many secrets and mysteries concerning not just it’s denizens but also the place itself. When did this place exist? How do souls get here in the first place? How do you leave? What happens if you leave? Who runs the place? Or does the place run itself? Is the place alive? etc. Obviously the game developers are not as deep and intelligent as X35 Earthwalker so no the game won’t explore as deeply as we can but it’s stuff that sort of smart players would think about.

X35 Earthwalker Temple of Horror

We checked out some Temple of Horror gameplay and it’s less than what we expected. The game is very slow paced and not just the characters movement speed. Lifts are so slow too. the beings in the place and mazes are not impressive so far. We know these developers past work and things aren’t always great. We played Tanky Tanks and that game was fun but has multiple issues. The Temple of Horror is going to be a big game for them. People must start of small and grow that’s true but we don’t have confidence in Temple of Horror right now.

X35 Earthwalker Temple of Horror

Overall Temple of Horror doesn’t look like it’s going to be good. The game claims to have environmental puzzles, scary ones too. Multiple souls to rescue, that the enemies have different skills that the players must learn to know how to deal with them. We expect the bare minimum but will give this game a chance. EpiXR have a lot to prove. Now we at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what others think about this game. Now Temple of Horror may have countless souls trapped but this little place is a joke compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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The Eternal Cylinder X35 Earthwalker

The Eternal Cylinder is a adventure survival open world game developed by ‘ACE Team‘ and published by ‘Good Sheherd Entertainment‘. The Eternal Cylinder is said too be coming out the 13th of October 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC. It was already out on previous generation consoles like the Xbox One. The Eternal Cylinder is definitely a unique game. X35 Earthwalker knows what’s good. Let’s take a look.

We will try to keep this quick. We knew about The Eternal Cylinder a long time ago. This game is unique for sure. No questions asked. The eternal Cylinder is set in cool but strange alien universe. In this world, players control creatures called Trebhums. These creatures are definitely late bloomers as they start of at the very bottom of the food chain barrel. they are weak, fragile and easy to hunt and kill. Trebhums do have the unique ability to evolve and mutate based on flora and fauna they eat. This leads to new physical properties and abilities. So yeah… eat up.

The Eternal Cylinder X35 Earthwalker

Oh, lets not forget about the other star of the game… the massive cylinder which keeps on rolling and crushing EVERYTHING in its path. With all your exploring, eating and strategising, make sure to keep on the move to avoid death by crushing cylinder. The Eternal Cylinder is has replayability value. Listen to this description, “This unique ecosystem is a massive, procedurally generated land with unique animal AI, real-time world destruction, and organic exploration and puzzle design to create emergent gameplay that ensures no two playthroughs are ever the same.” This is a massive thing to say.

We have seen a number of unique aliens who are also inhabiting this world. There’s actually quite a lot going on. The Eternal Cylinder is also open world. This means exploration is needed. There’s even puzzles that players may need certain mutations to make certain things possible. Do not forget that it’s a herd, soo you need to manage a group of creatures, keep them safe and make decisions for the group. What’s also real good are the aliens. These creatures have some unique designs for sure. Just look at them other website. The Buddugh Gropp, Gharukuk, Tongledroplet and Celestial Trewhaala are all strange but do look dangerous. So players must learn the different alien species to know what’s aggressive, what eats meat and what’s docile.

We checked out some The Eternal Cylinder gameplay and it’s what we expected. The Eternal Cylinder has lots going on which makes players want to look around and explore… but there’s also a factor forcing the player to sort of act quickly. This in a way reminds us off a fantastic one of a king game called Pikmin. You can’t just mess around. You have to always be progressing and pushing towards a goal. There’s a carroty of biomes which makes sense as this is a whole planet. There’s desert, tundra, infected and savannah. Each has different threats and aliens. Good job.

Overall The Eternal Cylinder is an excellent game from what we can see as of now. We do wonder about just how active there world is in this game and how good the so called ‘unique animal AI’ actually is. We have questions but that will have to do for now. The developers ‘ACE Team’ have done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will be looking out for the action in this game. Now The Eternal Cylinder may have an unstoppable element crushing things but it’s not even a problem for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Darkest Tales

The Darkest Tales is an action adventure platformer game developed by ‘Trinity Team‘ and published by ‘101xp‘. The Darkest Tales is said to be coming out the 13th October 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. The Darkest Tales is not about to have it easy. X35 Earthwalker will tell it as it is. Let’s take a look.

Let’s keep this simple. You are in the realm of dreams. This place is distorted childhood dreams as well. You are a teddy bear, a stuffed bear. No joke. You must save your owner, Alicia, from this place. This mission is not going to be sunshines and rainbows although you can expect some of that though. Dreams can be anything after all. Get ready for a fight.

X35 Earthwalker The Darkest Tales

Only the stuffed teddy can save Alicia in The Darkest Tales. Alicia is a grown up and only something from her past can do it. The Darkest Tales has aimed to be a deep and complex story. The games description said “you’ll have to come face-to-face with the difficult questions of life more than once.” Now this does get our attention a bit. Brace yourself. 

The Darkest Tales is a game full of danger. So there’s going to be enemies. This nightmarish and distorted world. The fairy tail like place has recognisable locations and beings. Rubber duckies who are blood thirty, the little mermaid but she looks more like a sea witch than friendly, sleeping beauty is here too and she ain’t friendly or sweet either. Worse of all… there’s… there’s… violent gingerbread men! Not the gumdrop buttons!

X35 Earthwalker The Darkest Tales

Good thing this teddy bear ain’t no wuss. He built melee weapons and a bow. His arrows are needles. Even got a grappling hook too. Combat is a part of this game. You will need to time your attacks, get sort of tactical and deal with the obstacles. It does seem like there’s more than. one ending. We hope so. We don’t think The Darkest Tales has a deep combat system. Must be simple for what the game is and it’s style. We do lie the different types of enemies, including the big threats you have to avoid and run from. This game will need loads of surprises and some glimpses of dangers to come.

We checked out some The Darkest Tales gameplay and it’s almost what we expected. You are travelling from left to right, limbo and side scrolling style. The animations are very good though. This game has got good attention to details as well. The teddy bear can gain experience and get skills. Which suggests a skill tree. The combat is actually active and it isn’t the same but it reminds us of Ori and the Will of the Wisps. There’s got to be secrets in The Darkest Tales and maybe that’s what links to the multiple endings. There’s even a giants’ castle in the clouds… which needs exploring.

Overall The Darkest Tales seems like a cool and maybe freaky experience. A dream world that’s a nightmare. Traps, obstacles, enemies, evil forces and a way to fight back. The fairy tales will be distorted and ruined for you. How tough can one stuffed teddy bear be? The developers ‘Trinity Team’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open for this game. The Darkest Tales may have a hero teddy bear but it’s not enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Moonscars

Moonscars is an action adventure platformer game developed by Black Mermaid and published by ‘Humble Games‘. Moonscars is said to be coming out then 27th of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Moonscars is brining in that dark tone for sure. X35 Earthwalker sees many games try to do it right. Let’s take a look. 

Moonscars has a weird story going on here. Basically players control a weird dude named Grey Irma, who’s described as the ‘fierce clayborne warrior’. You strike under moonlight. Your purpose? “Finding the Sculptor, and unravel the mystery of her existence”. Yes. That’s it. That’s definitely lame and we aren’t impressed right now. Obviously when you play the game you will get more information. What’s not lame is how Moonscars looks. That’s more interesting. More on that later.

X35 Earthwalker Moonscars

Moonscars is set in a 2D dark, sad world filled with shadows, evil and despair. The darkness here wants to destroy you. Like seriously. Nothing here wants to sit down and have tea with you. It’s one of those games where the difficulty is said to be high and so the player is expected to die… a lot. With each death, the player is expected to learn from it and become better. In Moonscars, death is an opportunity. To “mold yourself into a master warrior”. We will leave that there.

Moonscars does look good. Not very good but good for sure. The world looks depressing, sad and dark. You don’t want to be here. Even our character looks the opposite of positive. The background fits well with the game and the location. The animations are very good for the graphic style. The attacks look well defined and very clear. The running animation isn’t good though.

X35 Earthwalker Moonscars

We checked out some Moonscars gameplay and it’s what we expected. Run around, explore, slash, jump and die. You can parry strikes and create openings for yourself. Time your dodges and be patient for some enemies. Moonscars will not be a merciful game. That’s the expectation but we wonder about the amount of hand holding in this game. We do want to see more though. 

Overall Moonscars is a good game from what we can see so far. We do want more information. Beises your slashing players can also use special weapons. There’s also magic that you can use. A game like Moonscars definitely needs magic or some sort of mystical power. There is room for bosses of variety in this world. The developers ‘Black Mermaid’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open concerning this game. Now Moonscars may have darkness and death holding but it’s all weak stuff in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising is an open world action adventure game that came out on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4. Immortals Fenyx Rising is another game that’s being slept on heavily and it’s sad to see it. X35 Earthwalker have been taking this game seriously so far. This game is fantastic and more gamers should have been talking about it. Immortals Fenyx Rising came out in 2020.

Immortals Fenyx Rising is set in greek mythology. So expect all the scum bag false gods to be here. Especially the worst of them all… zeus. We like how the game portrays zeus as an idiot and scum bag but in a humorous way. The humour is good and we get a lot of it through almost all the characters. Our character Fenyx has some good moments and a few times Fenyx is just annoying. Hermes is typical but more cowardly here… but it works. Prometheus and zeus having their dialogue and telling the story of your adventure. Immortals Fenyx Rising is a the main character is a nobody loser who grows to become great and powerful.

The combat is not complicated or difficult. It’s got enough room for strategy and variations in combat style but simple enough that pretty much anyone can get into. Making Immortals Fenyx Rising friendly for new gamers and veterans of combat. Open world games, well the good ones anyways will have a lot going on. There’s many missions from racing from one point to another within a time limit, doing a hunt to find a treasure chest, firing an arrow through obstacles and paths ‘wanted’ style and straight up combat to the death. Nothing complicated here.

X35 Earthwalker Immortals Fenyx Rising

Opening chests, completing objectives throughout the map brings rewards in the form of resources, new gear and armour variations. The map is very big and there’s different areas with their own style and theme. There’s 7 in total and all are loaded with stuff to do. Immortals Fenyx Rising has options for travelling. There’s sprint which works well, there’s mounts which if you get a high grade one has tons of stamina. There’s also fast travel which can be used on vaults and giant statues. So getting around isn’t a problem. What’s satisfying though is being up somewhere high and then jumping off to glide and boost all the way to another location. Makes you wan to try.

X35 Earthwalker Immortals Fenyx Rising

Gear makes all the difference in Immortals Fenyx Rising. Your helmet, armour, weapons and arrows can all be upgraded from defence, to number of arrows to straight up damage. Each of the armours and helmets have an effect like 40% damage increase after a parry or 10% damage increase. There’s armour sets too. What sucks is that most of the effects of the armour are bad or it’s a ‘why should I pick this when another armour gives something better’ situation. They need to improve that for sure.

There’s lots to say about Immortals Fenyx Rising. Lots more but we won’t. X35 Earthwalker is having a great time for sure. There’s such more to do, explore and see. Immortals Fenyx Rising is currently available in the Xbox Game Pass. Immortals Fenyx Rising may be a fantastic game but it’s whole world is too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Little Orpheus

Little Orpheus is a side scrolling adventure game developed by ‘The Chinese Room‘ and published by ‘Secret Mode‘. Little Orpheus is said to be coming out the 13th of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. Little Orpheus trying to make something big happen. X35 Earthwalker like games that go big and not home. Let’s take a look.

Little Orpheus has an interesting story going on here. Players control a cosmonaut dude named Ivan Ivanovich. The year is 1962. The location is Soviet Siberia. Ivan is dropped into an extinct volcano in the Little Orpheus… which is his exploration capsule. The mission is to explore the centre of the Earth. He disappears… but three years later he’s back with claims that he saved the world. Also his capsule, the ‘Little Orpheus’ was powered by a nuclear bomb. He returns without that too. So yeah, the people in charge are mad. He has to explain what happened. So he recalls the events. These events is your gameplay. He is telling the story.

X35 Earthwalker Little Orpheus

So according to Ivan a whole lot of stuff happened on his adventure. Forests, civilisations, water, facilities and more. There’s numerous places in this game which have very different looks and environments. We like the areas in Little Orpheus. It’s a side scrolling game, so like Infernax, Limbo and Greak: memories of azur, what you see is what you get. So be observant and take in everything on the screen. The details should be fantastic. Modern Side scrolling games tend too.

X35 Earthwalker Little Orpheus

Now a game like this would be beautiful but get boring fast. Little Orpheus doesn’t have an empty world. There’s living creatures and sentient beings here. This includes giant creatures, monsters and other hostile beings. There’s dinosaurs who want a meal, giant bugs who want to get some nutrients (by eating you) and even larger threats. Players will need to use their wits (if they have any), quick thinking and observation skills to survive through this. Shouldn’t be too hard… right?

We checked out some Little Orpheus gameplay and it’s what we though it would be. Matter of fact it heavily reminds us of ‘Planet Alpha‘. Both games had imaginary and big beautiful worlds. Both games have life in them with creatures and cool environments. both main characters are space looking dudes like travellers. Both have dangers and giant creatures which will end you if you aren’t careful. Let’s hope that Little Orpheus isn’t a baby difficulty game and has some challenge with maybe some scares. Games like this need to make sure to be as memorable as possible. 

Overall Little Orpheus has very good potential. We like the different environments and how good they look. We like that something may be following you in the background and we hope that only observant players can spot them before the counter. Not every main threat should have this though. We hope the survival and encounters are realistic. Graphics are good but we expected a bit better. The developers ‘Chinese Room’ have done a very good game so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will see if Little Orpheus ticks off the boxes.

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X35 Earthwalker PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC

PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC is a action adventure game developed by ‘Now Production‘ and published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC is said to be coming out the 26th of August 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker likes the majority of Pac-Man games. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC

PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC. In this world, Pac-man himself returns home, on his birthday, to learn that the ghosts have kidnapped Pac-man’s family and friends. This off course ruined the birthday party. So basically we now have to rescue Pac-man’s loved ones and beat those ghosts up. That’s the story… so get to it.

X35 Earthwalker PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC

Pac-man heads out on this big adventure. The detonation is Ghost island. Pac-man needs to explore the six areas here.  Now off course this is a remake of Pac-man world. So expect improved graphics, visuals, controls, sounds and more. Off course the main villains the boss of the ghosts. The scumbag known as Toc-man. So yep. It’s Pac-man vs Toc-man.

X35 Earthwalker PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC

We checked out some PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. There’s multiple bosses, those ghosts are an annoying and there’s even car racing. There’s classic pac-man mechanic like like get the pellets but there’s also platforming gameplay as well. Become a giant pac-man head and start munching down. 

Overall PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC just seems like a good fun game. Something that almost all Pac-man fans can get behind. Gamers always like to see a remake of an old game they truly enjoyed many years ago. PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC looks like it has been done well. The developers ‘Now Production’ have done a very good job. We at X35 Earthwalker hope this game does it’s job. Now PAC-MAN WORLD Re-PAC may have Toc-man but he’s too pathetic for…the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Tribes of Midgard

Tribes of Midgard is an action adventure game developed by ‘Norsfell‘ and published by ‘Gearbox publishing‘. Tribes of Midgard is said to be coming out the 16th of August 20222 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. It’s already out open PS5, PS4 and PC. Once again haven’t heard of this game at all until it’s now on it’s way to Xbox. We like norse mythology games. X35 Earthwalker will be the judge as always. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Tribes of Midgard

The story in Tribes of Midgard is simple. Basically Midgard is under attack. dangerous spirits, mythical creatures and off course giants… real mean big giants all want a piece of the action here. They just might bring on Ragnarök… as in the end of the world. So what’s the solution? Cut, shoot, smash your enemies as powerful warriors. Players control a einherjar. What’s an einherjar? Well it’s an elite warrior who died and got taken to Valhalla by Valkyries and they get to battle for eternity and eat proper good food all day. You interrupt your eating to come down and face the troubles on Midgard.

X35 Earthwalker Tribes of Midgard

Tribes of Midgard is a familiar style. Top view, run around, numerous enemies and smash them with characters of different classes. Yep. There’s multiple classes. In Tribes of Midgard players can choose from Ranger, berserker, hunter, warrior, seer, sentinel, warden and guardian.  There’s a good variety here but we hope there’s clear differences. Guardian is like the tank and can taunt enemies. Warriors love melee combat and even spell casting. Seer can weaken their enemies while empowering their allies. So yeah, make sure too read them all to find out what they are about.

We checked out some Tribes of Midgard gameplay and it’s what we expected. What’s also available that we expected is that there’s multiplayer. Grab some allies and face the foes together. A game like this needs co-op. We like that there’s different types of giants. We saw a flaming one too. Just looks like a casual fun game. 

Overall Tribes of Midgard looks like a not serious but fun game with some depth to it. There’s more going on in Tribes of Midgard but we won’t say everything. The graphics are nothing special. Alright even but the art style is good. We like the mechanics, the classes and the more causal gameplay. The developers ‘Norsefell’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker like combat casual multiplayer games and will have to see what this game brings. Now Tribes of Midgard may have mythological beings but those things are too pathetic for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Raji: An Ancient Epic

Raji: An Ancient Epic is an action adventure that we at X35 Earthwalker had a good time with. This game is excellent. Right off the bat we will say that. Raji: An Ancient Epic was developed by ‘Nodding Heads games‘ and published by ‘Super‘. For the X35 record (which is superior to everyone else’s record), we want everyone to know we have played and beaten both the original and Enhanced Edition of Raji: An Ancient Epic. Here”s our quick thoughts. Let’s take a look.

Not only have we completely Raji: An Ancient Epic with style but we also got every Xbox achievement for the game too. So X35 Earthwalker is well versed in this game. First of all Raji: An Ancient Epic is definitely a journey game. More relaxing and chill than serious. That sort off changed with Enhanced Edition. Bit more on that latter. There’s no other game that gave an experience like Raji: An Ancient Epic. It’s certainly unique. X35 Earthwalker would recommend that gammers try this game at least once. It’s not the best game or the greatest but it’s certainly special. The simple of story of a big sister who just wants to save her brother turns into a battle to save the whole world as she realises that there’s much more going on bigger than her and her brother. We really do understand the whole big sister, little brother and how they just have each other.

X35 Earthwalker Raji: An Ancient Epic

We enjoyed the hindu mythology that’s at the centre of this game. The website claims it’s a blend of hindu and balinese but one is clearly more identifiable and big than the other in Raji: An Ancient Epic. We like those story walls that gave some quick information on these mythological figures like shiva and durga for example. We don’t know exactly how accurate Raji: An Ancient Epic is with the hindu mythology especially where it said that both shiva and durga are half of another being who they came from. Hindu mythology has so much disagreement and questions and stuff that just doesn’t make sense. We see this online between hindus who don’t agree. Regardless it was nice and interesting to learn. Still hate brauma though as he started all this. He gave a demon eternal life and a god slaying weapon… what could possibly go wrong.

Let’s quickly explain the original vs Enhanced Edition. Enhanced Edition added new things. There’s a new game mode, there’s Hindi voice option for the dialogues. There’s new enemies as in stronger variants of the original enemies. Some like the standard big demon with the club now has new moves altogether. They are more aggressive. There’s a bigger version of it that can send out spiritual versions of itself to attack you. Those annoying monkey like demons are harder to interrupt, they can juggle you in groups, more aggressive, have an actual pounce attack and have a big brother version of them which attacks with a sword tail. The enemies are overall stronger and harder to beat. More enemies show up and at times can be a bit unfair. Enhance Edition made us have to sit ups a few times when fighting instead of just leaning back and relaxing. By the way. The gameplay above is of the Enhanced Edition. The ones below are of the original game.

Raji: An Ancient Epic Enhanced Edition is the time to try this game. The game now looks even better. They fixed Raji’s face and she looks so much better now. It’s harder, more modes, additional options and actually poses a challenge now. We still like the look of but hate those stupid fish guardians who try to eat your platforms. We liked the giant flying peacock and it did look impressive in the skies above. The city hiranya nagari is still the best level in the game. Such a beautiful area. There’s lots to see and experience Raji: An Ancient Epic. When you go through the levels, you should try to look around. One, you get too see all this game has going on and two, you can find the favour of the gods to improve your fighting capabilities.

We did notice this negative. Some of the abilities you can get through using your favour orbs from the gods that you find don’t work properly or at all. The lightning that’s suppose to strike from above… we don”t see it. We actually ended up ignoring that ability completely. The freeze enemies as you continue to hit them isn’t effective enough from our experience. The fire abilities all work but it;”s the lightning and ice that has one that isn’t effective or doesn’t work.

Last major upgrade to Raji: An Ancient Epic from the Enhanced Edition is the bosses all got tuned up. They are all stronger and harder. The naga as in that giant snake was cool but he now sprays venom to attack you if he knows you are hiding behind that structure. He didn’t. The first big demon boss has these long chains with flames to hit you and he chases you down which is a complete upgrade from the original boss. Rangda seems the same but her attacks might be faster and more relentless in tracking you. She is so disturbing being a incredibly old demon lady with claw nails and sausage, banana dangling breasts. You can’t get her horrible image out of your head. The big boss mahabalasura is also stronger. Has new attacks, more active and will catch players off guard. He will rush you down. 

Overall, Raji: An Ancient Epic especially Enhanced Edition is an excellent game. We seriously enjoyed it. It’s colourful, beautiful to look at and has amazing environments that you want to explore. It’s also simple. We haven’t seen a place like the city hiranya nagari in any game to this day. It’s worth playing for sure. Now remember that this G-blog isn’t a full review, just a quick thing about it. There’s way more and so much more to talk about in detail and say but we will leave it here. An easy 9/10 from X35 Earthwalker. Raji: An Ancient Epic may have gods and demons but they are all a complete joke compare too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker - Solstice

Solstice is a hack and slash action adventure game developed by ‘Reply Game Studios‘ and published by ‘Modus games‘. Solstice is said to be coming out the 20th of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. Solstice is looking real serious right now. X35 Earthwalker likes to see big new games that are bringing some fire. 

Solstice is definitely looking big right now. There’s a ‘holy kingdom’ of keidas which has a balance situation going on. Then wraiths show up. These feral creature invade and they are all about getting rid of all living things. There are beings called chimeras who are like hybrid warriors. They alone can face and defeat the wraiths. We won’t say more.

X35 Earthwalker - Solstice

In Soulstice, you control two sisters who have basically been reborn as chimera. Briar got a huge strength boost. Superhuman levels. Same for her toughness. Her sister, Lute, was sacrificed to bind her soul to her sister. She is now a ghost who has mystical powers. That’s how hybrids are formed after all. Two people must unite and one must be sacrificed. So Briar and Lute are powerful enough to face the wraiths now. They have multiple abilities and weapons to bring to this battle.

X35 Earthwalker - Solstice

Don’t forget that wraiths can corrupt their victims/prey and can even take it to the next level to possess their bodies. They overran a city and really ruined it. Briar and Lute get sent there to handle the situation and get the city back… but off course the group or Order they are working for has hidden agendas. So yeah, can they be trusted? We don’t even trust Soulstice. The city f Elden has multiple secrets and to find and puzzles to solve. 

We checked out some Soulstice gameplay and it’s what we expected. Lots off team work with your spirit sister. A ghost sister has many abilities. Stuff you would expect as well. Shielding, pushing back, attacks, enhancing and lots of support. We see a variety of attacks coming your way. We do like that the wraiths look like wraiths. They are ghoulish, long, and actually look like they come straight from a horror world. Scary maybe. There’s detail here. Enemies need to look scary and dangerous… most of the time. We know there are different types off course. For example there’s: Wraiths, Corrupted and Possessed. Let’s just say Lute may be able to help with that.

Overall Soulstice looks like it’s going too be a very good game. We like the animations and the visuals of the game. The combat looks smooth and that matters here. As always there’s so much we can say but we will leave it there. We can see all the potential and mechanics that can be done here in Soulstice. The developers ‘Reply Game Studios’ better not mess this up. This can be big for sure. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how big Soulstice becomes. Now Soulstice may have hybrids and wraiths but those beings are pathetic compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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