X35 Earthwalker FAR: Changing Tides

FAR: Changing Tides is a vehicle led adventure game developed by ‘Okomotive‘ and published by ‘Frontier Foundry‘. FAR: Changing Tides is said to be coming out the 1st of March 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. FAR: Changing Tides is looking cool and quite familiar at the same time. Let’s take a look.

FAR: Changing Tides is all about a boy named Toe. No not Toe from Happy’s Humble Burger Farm. this boy finds himself in a flooded world. things are destroyed, abandoned and in some parts, not safe. It’s just Toe and his ship. You are the captain of the ship off course. Your objective? Finding a new home. This off course won’t be a simple or straight forward journey. 

X35 Earthwalker FAR: Changing Tides

Now FAR: Changing Tides does look familiar to X35 Earthwalker. That’s because FAR: Changing Tides is part of the FAR world. The first game X35 Earthwalker already wrote about in the G-Blogs. It’s FAR: Lone Sails. Where you was also a captain of a ship but you was in a desert world. Your ship went through the sands and you had some dangerous weather hazards and conditions to deal with while doing maintenance on your ship. FAR: Changing Tides is the same world but different area. Instead of sand, it’s water this time… for a bigger deeper challenge.

So expect a similar formula. There’s some water hazards like stormy seas. Your ship also has the ability to dive and go under water. This opens up a whole world of exploration. This world isn’t dead either. Ocean life exists and you can come across jelly fish and other creatures. We like the transition of being on the water surface to being under the water. Looks awesome. 

X35 Earthwalker FAR: Changing Tides

FAR: Changing Tides is an adventure of Toe and his ship. Maintenance of the ship is still a real thing. As your journey, you must find and unlock parts for your ship. fix your ship and make repairs where needed. As you progress you’ll learn a whole lot more about your ship and it’s abilities. So go light the furnace, raise the the mast and even hoist and angle the sails. Players are very much involved with what’s going on. 

X35 Earthwalker FAR: Changing Tides

It doesn’t end there. In FAR: Changing Tides you have to go out of your ship and explore the waters by yourself too. Players will have to search the depths of the waters to find salvage and hopefully fuel. You put on some equipment and head on out. Even down there you see sea life too. We loved that the whale was there and it does look intimidating but it’s a cool moment and we hope to see more of that in FAR: Changing Tides.

We checked out some FAR: Changing Tides gameplay and it’s what we expected. It does look cool. We naturally prefer the water world over the desert as there’s more going on in FAR: Changing Tides. FAR: Lonely Sails had no life really, there’s no creatures or exciting dangers from like a giant creature or something. So it’s unfair but that’s what’s happening. There’s definitely puzzles for the players to overcome, along with the environmental hazards which we hope are real dangers and exciting.

Overall FAR: Changing Tides looks like a good game. Here’s what they said concerning the sounds and music, “A dynamic soundtrack reacts to player and environmental actions, amplifying key moments in the game and heightening the atmosphere”. We don’t see this being impactful but let’s see. We like the visuals and water. The jellyfish looked awesome, the whale was cool and the waters look fantastic. The animations are  excellent for the creatures too. The developers ‘Okomotive’ have done a very good job. X35 Earthwalker will have to see what FAR: Changing Tides, surfaces. Now FAR: Changing Tides may have a flooded world but it’s way too shallow for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Evil Dead: The Game

Evil Dead: The Game is an action adventure game developed by ‘Boss Team Games‘ and published by ‘Saber Interactive‘. Evil Dead: The Game said to be coming out in February 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Evil Dead: the game is looking kind of interesting right now. Looking like another zombie game so we hope to see something special. Let’s take a look.

Evil Dead: The Game is off course based on the Evil Dead… the characters and the franchise. It’s a multiplayer focused game. A team of four characters must work together to battle against evil forces. These evil forces came from the necronomicon ex-mortis. So you know these are bad dudes. There’s quite the range of characters to choose from. You can play as lord arthur, pablo simon bolivar, Ash, scotty, “and more”. You know they have their own voice lines, dialogue, brought to you by people like Bruce Campbell. Work has gone into this game. 

X35 Earthwalker Evil Dead: The Game

Now Evil Dead: The Game this can be treated as a multiplayer zombie game. After all X35 Earthwalker are the gaming experts. So you therefore know what to expect. The enemies are called deadites. The four characters must work together to survive. Exploration is needed, so don’t be a coward and sprint through to avoid stuff. Looting is a mechanic, so that means crafting is a thing. So go make the weapons you need and the weapons you want. There’s a “managing your fear” mechanic too. We would like to know more about this. The players main objective really is to find key artifacts which are needed to seal the breach between worlds.

X35 Earthwalker Evil Dead: The Game

Now working together is all good and stuff… but you can be the player to control the Kandarian demon in Evil Dead: The Game. That’s right. Someone can be that thing. It’s job is to hunt down the characters and swallow their souls. The kandarian demon can possess deadites, the environment and even the survivors themselves. This creature is clearly a problem. So watch out.

We checked out some Evil Dead: The Game gameplay and it’s what we expected. Besides the chainsaw hand, it looks like another zombie game. You swing, slash, bow and arrow, smash, shoot and fight your way through the enemies. Covering each others backs, surviving and now off course watching out for the kandarian demon who is exclusive to Evil Dead: The Game. We see clean animations and the visuals of the characters are nice. Still we see basic character design but they are based on already existing characters. Things look good. The graphics are very good.

Overall Evil Dead: The Game looks like it’s going to be good but we haven’t seen enough to make it stand out as it’s own thing from the many zombie games. Back 4 Blood is out, so you see what we mean. Off course the kandarian demon, especially being controlled by a player does shakes things up. So we will have to see how it all plays out. The developers ‘Boss Team Games’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker like to see new mechanics and ideas. Now Evil Dead: The Game may have a kandarian demon but that thing gets wrecked by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker A Memoir blue

A Memoir Blue is a you could say is an heavy story telling adventure game. Interactive fiction. Developed by ‘Cloisters Interactive’ and published by ‘Annapurna Interactive’. A Memoir Blue is said to be coming out the 10th of February 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Here’s a serious story. Let’s take a look.

A memoir blue is clearly another big story experience. This is how it’s described, “A song from years ago triggers a flood of memories for champion swimmer Miriam. Embark on an evocative journey through her turbulent childhood and the complicated relationship she shared with her devoted mother.” It’s an adventure yes, especially for the main character but we are going for the ride.

X35 Earthwalker A Memoir blue

Remember that Annapurna interactive was also publishing Twelve Minutes, that same game that went viral and many people were watching and playing it. So we do have some expectations for A Memoir Blue. It’s interactive so players will need to click here, move there etc. Games like this will require focus and attention. The story is revealed and information is in the details.

Now A Memoir Blue sounds like it’s going to be a serious game. In terms of theme, emotions and story. It says, “turbulent childhood and the complicated relationship she shared with her devoted mother”. This alone tells us what to expect. It’s not going to be an all sunshine and rainbows type thing. Expect hardships, sacrifice, shocks and more.

X35 Earthwalker A Memoir blue

We noticed the graphic style change, in A Memoir Blue, from when we are controlling the main character in the present versus past recollections and the flood of memories. Many believe that a parents love for their child is something serious. Specifically a mothers. This should play out here. Our character becoming a champion swimmer isn’t a easy thing, she must have pushed, trained and worked real hard with a supportive mother by her side. A Memoir Blue’s story has the potential to be big.

X35 Earthwalker A Memoir blue

We checked out some A Memoir Blue gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected.m It definitely seems more visual based than reading. We like the relatable factor concerning how this whole adventure happened in the first place. Sometimes, all you need to hear is that one song, play that one game, hear a certain line and it brings back some memories… good and not so good. So we can believe and relate to that.

Overall A Memoir Blue seems like it can be a good game. We hope it isn’t all visual, as in sit back and watch. It’s a video game after all, get us involved. We like how visually good the environment looks. Nice graphics for sure. We are very unimpressed with the character model design. Lame. The developers ‘Cloisters Interactive’ have done a good job here. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open for this game. Now A Memoir blue may have a deep story but it’s real shallow compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Exo One

Exo One is a action adventure game developed by ‘Exbleative’ and published by both ‘Exbleative‘ and ‘Future Friends Games‘. Exo One is another Xbox exclusive, said to be coming out November 18th 2021 on the xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC. This game caught our attention. Let’s take a look. 

Exo One is described as a surreal, exoplanetary exploration game. This isn’t a bad description. In Exo One, you literally control an alien craft. this alien craft has the ability to manipulate gravity. It’s all gravity based movement. You can transform your craft from sphere to glider to traverse these alien worlds and landscapes. It’s not hard to understand. There’s smooth ground, paths and even ramps, then use the sphere to zoom along. When you take to the air, the glider is your best friend. Getting use to the gravity based movement system will take some time for some players.

X35 Earthwalker Exo One

Now Exo One isn’t as simple as you’d think. There’s quite the bit of a system behind this. Listen to this, “using the geology beneath you and the clouds above to build colossal speeds and heights.” This tells us quite a bit. We hope Exo One works with this though. there needs to be multiple paths for players to decide how to move and only the most observant will pick the best surfaces and paths. Players can with the glider form float on boiling cloud formations.

X35 Earthwaker has been observing the different locations. There’s the ocean with falling fire. The waves look very good but it needs to be cleaner and maybe a bit of steam. The cloud layers and desert looking places look cool. We are always fans of canyons and deserts if done right. We have a good amount of obstacles in that desert-ty area. The mountainous dark sky area looks cool but lacks structures. No where near enough. We hope for even more environments. After all there are many planets. there’s room for creativity. So the developers need to do better.

X35 Earthwalker Exo One

We checked our some Exo One gameplay and it’s mostly what we thought it would be. The best things hands down about Exo One is the environments and visuals. It does feel like exploration. We like the jumping and flying around aspects as it does give opportunities to view the worlds and structures around you. Sadly the so called alien worlds and structures don’t look alien enough. They aren’t cool enough. They must step up their design game. We want to see more animations and things happening in the world around us.  

Overall Exo One does look like a good game. It can easily be something special. They just need to step up their game from a design aspect. We need more alien and better designed structures and stuff in the worlds. We need more action and life going on. Other from that, ewe are liking what we are seeing. The developers ‘Exbleative’ did a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Noe Exo One may have alien planets and business going on but that stuff is too simple for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Aeterna Noctis

Aeterna Noctis is a 2D action adventure platformer game developed and published by ‘Aeternum Game Studios‘. Aeterna Noctis is said to be coming out there 15th of December 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game looks cool and seems to have a lot to it. Let’s take a look.

Aeterna Noctis is another cool looking 2D described also as a metroidvania style game. This might remind players of Castlevania Symphony of the Night. It’s a dark world, castle looking areas, crazy laboratory area, monsters, swords, multiple routes and rooms etc. So many players should like Aeterna noctis. Oh and for the last time, when we say Noctis we don’t mean Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV. There’s quite a thing going on here with Aeterna Noctis.

X35 Earthwalker Aeterna Noctis

Many gamers should know what to expect when it comes to games like Aeterna Noctis. Listen to this,”Taking the role of the ‘King of Darkness’ you must help him regain his power. So basically start of not powerful, be careful in each fight as things can go wrong, semi easily. Find upgrades, find weapons, eventually face bosses and become a real power house. We hope there are areas that you don’t have the ability to access until you get further, gather new powers and then have the means to enter. There needs to be short cuts. and something mystical but flashy mystical. 

We checked out some Aeterna Noctis gameplay. Aeterna Noctis has what looks like a lot of enemies. We are seeing the standard simple enemies as in they just stroll left and right. Some are aggressive and attack, some weird weapons like swords. Some are like creatures while others are humanoid. There’s even trap like enemies as in cannons that activate when you’re near it. They are stationary on the ground then rise up with levitation to attack. We even saw ghost based enemies. A ghostly knight. We love variety of enemies and Aeterna Noctis definitely seems to have that.

Overall Aeterna Noctis looks like another god game. We like the animations here. Very good animations. The standard for games have risen overall. We definitely liking that there’s multiple;tiple areas. 16 different but connected areas. We have seen a bit of the described “skill-based platform section”. Difficult platforming does belong in game types like Aeterna Noctis. The developers ‘Aeternum Game studios’ have done a very good job so far. Light vs darkness. We at X35 Earthwalker are going to keep an ear open for Aeterna Noctis. Now Aetrena Noctis may have an eternal battle going on but there battle is too little for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Nexomon

Nexomon is a adventure Role playing game developed by ‘VEWO Interactive‘ and published by ‘PQube‘. Nexomon is said to be coming out the 17th of September 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4. It’s already out on PC though but who cares. We want to shout “gotta catch them all” but we hear few stuff is different. Remember we are writing as someone who doesn’t know anything about Nexomon. Let’s take a look.

Nexomon… no not Pokemon. Okay let’s drop the crap. We are all thinking of Pokemon but guess what? Pokemon doesn’t own the idea of finding creatures, training them, battling and catching them all. Others can do it and we are happy to see this. So we definitely want to see what Nexomon has to offer and how it was different. Sadly we never heard of Nexomon which tells you how weak PC is. So have a good mindset and check Nexomon out.

X35 Earthwalker Nexomon

Here’s a big difference right of the boat. Players get to choose from seven starting Nexomon. More options for gamers. This alone brings some interest. How will they balance the 7 starter Nexomon? Will one clearly be the weakest of the group? We will have to see. Another big difference right here is the story and it’s most likely the biggest difference between Nexomon and pokemon. Nexomon isn’t about just beatng gym leaders and being the best and maybe running into a criminal team like magma, aqua and off course rocket. The world is actually in danger and there’s a Nexomon king. Who is this king? An actual nexomon or just a dude with the strongest nexomon? Players must save the world from this nexomon king. 

Now off course you have the formula of finding Nexomon, catching them, collecting them all, evolving them and off course battling with them. The combat is there. It’s 2D animated style. Each nexomon has some animations. The animations are nothing special but it’s nice to see. Simple but nice. There are 9 elemental types: Mineral, fire, normal, ghost, plant, water, electric and psychic. These off course have advantages and disadvantages over each other. There are characters known as ‘legendary champions’. So these must be the big guys for players to defeat. We hope it’s done in a different style to Pokemon with their gym leaders and elite 4 etc. We hope it isn’t a simple here they are in a set building. Let’s go in there and fight them.

X35 Earthwalker Nexomon

We truly don’t need to say more as you should know what to expect from Nexomon. There’s no way around it. It’s basically pokemon but more emphasis on a story and some slight differences. There are 300 different Nexomons so there’s already a lot to find. We will say that the variety of locations in the world of Nexomon seems nice, nothing amazing or new but nice. There’s big forests off course, there’s snowy areas and even volcanoes. Variety is always a good factor in gaming. Speaking of variety… there is ten different regions for players to explore.

We checked out some Nexomon gameplay and it’s what we expected. We do like how there’s more Nexomon presence and action on the main screen, where you are travelling, running around etc. It makes the world feel more alive. The design of the Nexomon from what we have seen so far is good. We like the variety. Some look silly, some are sort of lame but there’s some that do look quite cool… but we haven’t seen them all. Wwe hope there are some better ones. The co bat has no extra or deeper layers to it. Seems standard to us which means nothing new and cool but very easy to understand and get into.

Overall Nexomon looks like a good game. A good fun game. If it has what pokemon has and more then it should be good indeed. We do hope to see more concerning the Nexomon and the regions and if truly there’s anymore to combat than the standard we are use to. We hope there’s heavy presence of Nexomon in the Nexomon world to make it stand out more and show more life. There’s opportunities here. The developers ‘VEWO Interactive’ have done a very good job with the game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see who can catch them all… Nexomon. Now Nexomon may have 300 creatures for us to catch but even that is too easy of a challenge for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker - Lost in Random

Lost in Random is an action adventure game developed by ‘zoink‘ and ‘thunderful‘ and published by ‘Electronic Arts‘. Lost in Random is said to be coming out the 10th of September 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Lost in Random is out here with a very strange world with strange rules. Let’s take a look.

Lost in Random is truly a strange but mystical world. The story is very interesting. There was a queen who is described as a mad queen. She controlled a mysterious black dice. She made a rule that every child of Random must roll the dice on their 12th birthday. This one roll decides everything. What number you get decides where you must stay for the rest of your life. For example a 1 means you go to one croft which is a tough place as it’s described as living a life of struggle. Getting a 3 and you go to threedom, which is a “chaotic realm destroyed by civil war”. Get a six and you get to live a life of luxury in the queens dark palace. Well that’s what you’ve been told anyways. X35 Earthwalker don’t trust her. 

X35 Earthwalker - Lost in Random

In Lost of Random, players control Even who has a sister named Odd. See all the many number references yet? They got separated at the roll of the dice. Odd got a 6 and so had to go. Even didn’t get a six. A year later, Even got a strange signal. What does it mean? Even doesn’t know. Maybe it’s from Odd and she’s in trouble.So Even sets out. Follows the signal and ends up at a mysterious place called… the valley of dice… where she found a living dice. This dice has amazing powers like altering the world around them and even mess with time. So yeah, Even and the living dice whom she named Dicey are on an adventure.

Players will off course have to travel to and explore the 6 realms. One real for each number on the dice which are conveniently named after the numbers too. Exploration is a part of Lost of Random. Players will ned to look around to find clues, find secrets and solutions. Even will encounter multiple citizens who are off course quite different, especially depending on which realm you find them. Someone in Onecroft might be miserable while someone in threedom might be heartless.

X35 Earthwalker - Lost in Random

We checked out some Lost in Random gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. The enemies in this game definitely look evil. It’s the queens army. Combat is all about the dice. Build up energy and let dicey roll. Then decide your actions from that. You must be ready to switch things up at any time. Collect cards to build a deck and use them to your advantage. Some cards grant new powers and attacks. Some cards work very well together for combos and maximum potential. You can even get a bomb to deal with grouped up enemies. Oh and make sure to complete the quests you find in Lost in Random. They help out citizens and help break Random’s curse.

Overall Lost in Random looks like an alright game so far. The story is the best part of this game. The story is an excellent for us but thew rest of the game doesn’t appeal to us as much. Lost in random isn’t simple though. Talking with the citizens and completing their quests have “branching dialogue options” which allows for more information concerning them and the world. The graphics are a weird style but they done it very well. We like the world design here, it’s excellent. After the story, next interested in the combat. Will need to learn more. The developers ‘zoink‘ and ‘thunderful’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what Lost in Random accomplishes in the gaming industry. 

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X35 Earthwaker Tails of Iron

Tails of Iron is a adventure role playing game developed by ‘Odd Bug Studio‘ and published by ‘United Label‘ and ‘CI Games‘. Tails of Iron is said to be coming out the 17th of September 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Rats have had enough. They ready to go to war. Let’s take a look.

Tails of Iron is set in a world where rats and frogs are the people. The frogs and rats have been at odds with each other for a long time. They have warred and killed each other. Players control Redgi who is the heir to the throne. Your kingdom is damaged, broken even and you need to reclaim your kingdom. After king ratus, beat the frog clan before and had peace, the frogs came back, with a bigger army, after king ratus got old and useless on the battlefield. It’s now your turn to be the hero. 


The moment you see Tails of Iron you’ll notice the graphic style. It’s hand drawn 2D. This isn’t easy to do. It takes a lot of time and it definitely works here. The style works for this brutal action which is about rats and frogs. The animations for the characters are excellent for this style. It’s smooth, clearly seeable steps and makes the rats look better. Rats are hated for a reason after all.

Now the frog clan in Tails of Iron also has a leader and it’s Greenwart. He is a merciless leader who will kill all the rats and take total control. The frogs are armed with swords, shields, bows and armour. Some frogs are basically bullfrogs as in they are huge. Players will have to time their dodges to avoid powerful and even unblockable attacks. You don’t fight alone. Players can meet different rat characters who can help you out. So gain companions and fight this serious war.

X35 Earthwaker Tails of Iron

We checked out some Tails of Iron gameplay and it’s what we expected. We do like the layers to the combat mechanics. You have the dodge yes, but there’s also a block and a parry as well. This off course means timing, learning and practicing is needed. There’s different weapons you can wield like sword, spear, bows and even a shield. Each has their own attack styles. There are side quests to complete to get extra gold which means more spending. The kingdom is big and has different biomes, 6 to be exact. So off course that means secrets that need to be found. Find blue prints so you can build new weapons. We definitely like the cooking side of Tails of Iron. You can gather ingredients to cook meals that grant buffs like boosting health. That reminds us of Final Fantasy XV.

Overall Tails of Iron looks like it’s going to be a very good game. Now we hate rats but Tails of Iron is looking cool. We are interested in the different types frogs we will have to face. We know the bosses will be huge. That’s just how these types of games roll. The developers ‘Odd Bug Studio’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker might just keep an eye on this game. Now Tails of Iron may have violent frog and rat wars but they are too small to be off concern too… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Twelve Minutes

Twelve Minutes is a point and click adventure game developed by ‘Luis Antonio’ and published by ‘Annapurna Interactive‘. Twelve Minutes is said to be coming out the 19th of August 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC. Rumours about how Twelve Minutes might come to other consoles too but remember they are just rumours.

Twelve Minutes is very simple to understand and we like that. Basically players control a man who is having a romantic evening with his wife. Welcome it was romantic but then a police detective busts into your home and accuses your wife of murder. That’s bad but it gets worse. The police detective beats you to death! Like what the heck. Like this is actually funny. Don’t you just hate it when you are having a quiet time at home and then some random police detective rolls up to your house and beats you to death. You can’t make this up. Except the developers clearly did for this game. Back to what the game is about. After dying you wake up again, twelve minutes before your engagement with the police detective. You are stuck in a time loop until you change the future. You have twelve minutes. So yeah, don’t get beat to death. 

X35 Earthwalker Twelve Minutes

There’s a bit more going on with Twelve Minutes than on the surface. Remember when we said that players have twelve minutes? We meant in real time. You have twelve minutes. You got to think how to use your twelve minutes wisely. This makes us wonder though concerning what Twelve Minutes will offer   as it’s a game with a simple concept. It could get boiled down to trial and error. So how deep is this game. Will it be like the Stanley parable, having many endings and twists. There has to be some depth to it otherwise it will be another quick small game. Something to think about.

We checked out some Twelve Minutes action and it’s pretty much what we thought it would be. We like that what we can see is very limited. You see one room at a time. You can only see what’s there when you enter, like the kitchen for example. The lighting and colours also add to the atmosphere. It can help display dread and fear. You do seem sort of powerless though as the character we control isn’t powerful or special in any way. The guy even had a knife and still lost to an unarmed police detective. The guy can’t even fight good So players need to think outside the box to deal with this evil police detective. We hope to see more gameplay.

Overall Twelve Minutes seems like it’s going to be a cool game because of the curiosity and mystery but an alright game. We are interested to know what’s going on but Twelve Minutes itself hasn’t got enough going on. Work went into this for sure but we need more. The developers ‘Luis Antonio‘ have done an alright job but it definitely looks like more is needed. Now Twelve Minutes may not be a lot of time but it’s more than enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea is a adventure survival game developed by ‘Studio Fizbin‘ and published by ‘Headup‘. Lost at Sea is said to be coming out the 15th of July on 2021 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. Being lost at sea is a whole problem in of itself but there’s a bit more going on here. Let’s take a look.

Lost at Sea is all about Anna. She is described as being in the later stages of her life. She is now alone though. Which is also a problem. So she’s in a situation where she’s going over her life, her memories. She has to construct her memories though. You must find objects and stuff of interest. Anna is basically thinking about her life and is now asking the question… “Did I do it right?” Many have asked that question but not all. So yeah, help Anna out. Lost at Sea style.

X35 Earthwalker Lost at Sea

Now all this Lost at Sea action takes place on an island. This island isn’t normal. There’s different biomes on the island. Each biome represents a different phase of her life. Players have to explore each biome and phase of her life. This means solving riddles and piecing things together. This is all happening while Anna’s fears are hunting you, chasing you. Your fears are here to prevent you from progressing and keep you in sorrow. 

X35 Earthwalker Lost at Sea  

We checked out some Lost at Sea gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s more like an exploration chill game with a big focus on emotions and feelings. A game that has some sort of lessons concerning life for players. This game is literally supposed not be about life. We at X35 Earthwalker will be the judge as to wether their advice is accurate or not. Players can take their time. We like the different biomes, the night sky, the lights and even the trees. There’s differently some creativity here and we like that. Lost at Sea shouldn’t have been described as an adventure game though. 

Overall Lost at Sea seems like an average game really but with heavier content. We like the graphics and visuals. The theme is good but we hope it can be handled well. Nothing truly stands out about the game except that beautiful night sky with stars and the orange balloons. Lost at Sea can be great but we need there to be more. The focus should be on the fears and how it looks like a darkness. The developers ‘Studio Fizbin’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have see what Lost at Sea accomplishes. Lost at Sea may have questions about life but they don’t understand life as well as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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