X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an action arcade game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an amazing game that’s also proof that reviewers and gamers are not smart and bad at judging games. We see scores of 7/10 and “dings of dat nature”. They probably scored it that low because they suck at the game and cried it’s too hard, even though there’s difficulties to pick from. We wanted to write again about Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection. Read up.

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrectionis easily the hardest serious game ever made. Notice we said serious because there are many games out there that are just meant to be rage games. Those games don’t count. Most are not well made, no real story, just there to make people get mad and unfairly start again. Like ‘Getting over it’ and ‘Only up!’ for example. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is actually a serious full on game and the fans know the story. Simple but to the point. Save the kingdom, rescue the princess and defeat the demons and monsters. 

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection has difficulty settings: Page, Squire, Knight and Legend. Game feels completely different on each mode. Good design here. Page, Squire and Knight are for those who have no skill. Cowards who aren’t good enough and so play these difficulties to make themselves feel better. Legend is the only mode that matters. Legend is actually the default difficulty and the one intended by the developers. So play that or proceed with shame. 

Legend difficulty is what makes this super hard. For the record, X35 Earthwalker has played and beaten Celeste, Wu long fallen dynasty, Elden Ring, all Halo game campaign on Legendary difficulty, Dead Space hardcore mode, Tetris, 2v2 in a real time strategy army game and much more. So X35 knows hard games. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is harder than all of them without question. Even DSP (Dark style phil) who has beaten EVERY souls game stated without question that Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is “Way harder than dark souls”. 

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection has many factors as to why. First of all is the sheer number of enemies that can and will appear to attack players. Second is the that while some enemies have fixed spawns, more are random ones. Some enemies will spawn practically on you, punishing rushing in some parts and being still too long in other parts. Then there’s the combinations of the enemies like evil magicians who will will use temporal magic to slow you and your actions down. Enemies who launch projectiles, enemies who dive straight towards you, enemies who take more than one hit, enemies who can be invulnerable etc.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Then there’s the levels. Where do we even start? The developers are cruel. They designed some parts to ruin players on person. Certain enemies appear in certain parts to literally block you or slow you down. There’s one infamous moment and sadly a weird streamer named “little mixer” in part 14 of his Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection run fell for the trap. X35 watched him fell to his death. X35 knew it was coming because no player who  gets there for the first time will know it’s coming. X35 on his first attempt didn’t fall for this trick though. What do you expect from the smartest person in the world and the best gamer of all time. This trap is beyond brutal. To get to that point in the level takes hours of failure and many deaths. Then to just take victory away from the player when the check point flag is literally in sight. It’s the biggest troll in gaming history. The bosses are tough but they are easy compared to the levels. 

Above is the hardest level in the whole game. X35 faced this level for the second time. First time on Nintendo Switch and second time on the Xbox. This level is brutal. So difficult and takes time as well. So no quick attempts at the place you died at. Now off course Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection isn’t no where near as difficult if you basically cheese the game with Transmogrifog or medusa. Players like ryukahr and ‘little mixer’ spammed that spell so frequently. Those spells are basically the strongest in the game. Medusa especially is broken. Fast cooldown, clears the screen, chance of items including armour and quick to unlock. X35 is better than both of them as he stuck to lightning spell way more overall, which isn’t broken. So try to play without frog and medusa spam. Even more pathetic is that ryukahr, ericvanwilderman, dsp, Maximilian dood all beat the game ONCE. That means you haven’t beaten the game. Everyone who plays ghost n’ goblin games know you have to beat the game twice. X35 beat the game twice plus more.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Overall Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an amazing game but definitely the hardest. Wanted to just bring more attention to the game and give it that respect. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is fun, one of those games that you struggle in for a long time but you’re still having fun… except for that one level. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is available on pretty much all platforms today. Try for yourself. X35 Earthwalker had an awesome time with it. Never forget it. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection may be the hardest game in the world but it’s still too easy for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Teared

Teared is an action platformer arcade style game developed by ‘Juanmod‘ and published by ‘Jandusoft‘. Teared is said to be coming out in the first quarter of 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has played so many games and recognises many factors. Teared wants to bring some familiar arcade action. Let’s take a look.

Teared is all about the action and less of the story… just like old school games. Players control a hero apparently who is on a journey and will face all kinds of threats and foes. The trailer makes it clear that players must get the knife. Seriously, Teared reminds us of Ghost ‘N Goblins. Using the daggers. Games like this can go in real hard when done right.

X35 Earthwalker Teared

In basic arcade style, Teared has 9 levels and we hear there are 2 bonus stages as well. There’s also bosses. Said to be colossal. There’s also supposed to be a range of enemies to face like spiders, even dragons, cyclops, skeletons and more. Teared has room for precision with your attacks. Players might have to aim for some spots.

Apparently there’s 3 weapons that you have to find. Teared states that these three weapons are distinct, providing their own advantages. We can easily see how to make multiple distinct weapons in a game like this. Based on the visual style and the animations, we don’t expect much from the bosses… hopefully this games proves us wrong.

X35 Earthwalker Teared

We checked out some Teared gameplay and it’s what we expected. Teared is all about the action. You jump in and start throwing daggers at foes while progressing to the right. As a platformer there’s jumps, gaps, water, magma, elevation, bridges and more. There’s things or should we say monsters active in the background. 

Overall Teared seems like an alright game. At the base and core this is a straight up arcade style get your score for your actions. It’s combat and killing foes. See a variety of levels and beat the game. Visually and animation wise Teared doesn’t look that good. So what matters here is how good the core is. The developers ‘Juanmod’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker like to see honest games do well. Now Teared may have arcade action but it’s not on the level of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Pixel Cafe

Pixel Cafe is an arcade visual novel game developed and published by ‘Baltoro Games‘. Pixel Cafe is said to be coming out the 30th of November 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has big respect for coffee barista games all because of just one game. So X35 will look at this. Pixel Cafe is looking to be a bit of a journey. Let’s take a look.

Pixel Cafe is all about a small town girl who sets out own her cafe serving adventure… basically. Her name is Pixel who’s a barista and she has big goals. Small town girl no longer… hopefully. So she will do some travelling, reach different locations and work jobs. Pixel will have a variety of bosses who you will have to interact with them and make sure to pay attention to the dialogue. So yeah, serve drinks, serve food and do your best. 

X35 Earthwalker Pixel Cafe

Pixel Cafe definitely has that that whole arcade world map thing down. A very beautiful and detailed looking world map. Pixel Cafe has multiple locations and players must get Pixel to travel around. She’s moving to make her dreams happen. So yeah, take time to appreciate the world map. Question though is whether the map will expand as you play or will you see the whole map from the start but off course some places are locked up? 

X35 Earthwalker Pixel Cafe

Pixel is so cute but she Pixel has quite a bit going on in her life. Significant memories that have obviously impacted and shaped her life. Players will get to see and learn of these things. It does explain a bit and allows you to know more and care more for Pixel. So players will have conversations with family and others who maybe knew your family or friends. The dialogue matters, after all it is a visual novel so be prepared to read…. you can read right? 

X35 Earthwalker Pixel Cafe

We checked out some Pixel Cafe gameplay and it’s what we expected. Things seem to make sense. Some of these bosses though be giving some serious suspicions right of the bat. Time management is a party of this game. Players will need to think on their feet and decide the order of doing things. After all things get bigger and more difficult as you progress. Customers will get more annoying too. Also, try not to get fired. 

Overall Pixel Cafe looks like a very good game. We liking what we see. You get to see Pixel learn from her memories of their past and grow as a person. You see the journey and some struggle… maybe.  It’s not just drinks but food also that you have to serve to the customers. Use your hard earned cash to decorate and fill up your apartment with furniture and more. It’s a journey, so grab a drink, possibly a snack and reading glasses if you need them. Then get ready. The developers ‘Baltoro Games’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an eye open for this game. Pixel Cafe may have drinks, memories and a dream but those are just simple things in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Quantum recharged

Quantum: Recharged is an arcade, retro style game developed by ‘SneakyBox‘ and published by ‘Atari‘. Quantum: Recharged is said to be coming out the 17th of August 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Atari VCS, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. It’s good to see a re-release of an old game and modernised. X35 Earthwalker will see how interesting this is. Let’s take a look.

Quantum: Recharged has a very simple premise. Players must encircle and trap the enemies with your ship to create zones that destroys them. Pretty cool and different from the straight up bullet hell or arcade shooter. So the aim is to avoid damage at all costs. Be quick and stay mobile. Players will need to get sort of tactical.

X35 Earthwalker Quantum recharged

So those who play the original will know what to do in Quantum: Recharged. Quantum: Recharged has the improved sounds, graphics, visuals, animations, scenery etc… But wait, there’s more! arcade mode off course as you got to play the game first. There’s leaderboards which means things get competitive. All those with no life will score high. Power ups, as new flavours need to be added. Power ups include things like an extra life, unlimited dodges and even freezing your enemies.

X35 Earthwalker Quantum recharged

Challenge mode is a thing. Quantum: Recharged challenge mode has 25 so called, “hand-crafted” levels which have their own challenges. For example, defeat a certain number of enemies within a time limit. Not very challenging if you ask us. Step it up Quantum: Recharged. The best thing they got going for them though is the fact that Quantum: Recharged has local co-op. So grab a family member or fiend, hand them a controller and have some fun.

X35 Earthwalker Quantum recharged

We checked out some Quantum: Recharged gameplay and it’s what we expected. Quantum: Recharged is definitely fast paced. Very fast. So make sure to get use to the speed. Dash around, avoid damage and danger, encircle foes and beat them. It’s so arcade and classic looking. Flashy, lights and action. 

Overall Quantum: Recharged looks like a fun game. A good fun game. Classic fun and simple formula. The developers ‘SneakyBox’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how this game does. Quantum: Recharged may have a rerelease but it’s still hasn’t got the same quality level as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Callisto Protocol. Riot Mode

The Callisto Protocol, that next level survival horror game is back at it… not like a crack addict. The new game mode is here! It’s called Riot Mode. We heard about this mode but off course had to wait. Not anymore. X35 Earthwalker, the best and greatest gamer of all time, gave it a try. There’s lots to say but we will try to shorten this, maybe explain more on the podcast, regardless; read this or you a bum. Let’s take a look. 

Riot Mode is all about survival… surviving for as long as you can actually. There’s no set goal like get to wave 50. You just keep going until you die. We aren’t a fan of horde modes like that. We prefer a set goal. Something to conquer. You spawn in a room and make your way through to the main map. More on the room later by the way. Once in, you Riot Mode begins. Each wave spawns in enemies from the main campaign. So be prepared to deal with them all. As you slay and survive waves, you earn Callisto credits. 

X35 Earthwalker The Callisto Protocol. Riot Mode

In Riot Mode you use the Callisto Credits to buy weapons or upgrades or even ammo. Whatever. For example you can upgrade the stun baton for more damage or buy the Assault rifle. What we don’t like is the restrictions on the load outs. You can only have one pistol weapon and one rifle type-ish weapon. So you can’t have Hand Cannon and Skunk Gun as both are small and classes like a pistol. You can’t have both Assault rifle and Riot Gun. Both are long two handed weapons. Not fun.  Be careful how you spend as some things are more needed than others at certain times.

Around the map are other stuff too. You can find health packs and GRP battery dispensers. They are quite cheap but increase in cost as you really progress in waves. So decide, do you want to heal, or get more damage on a weapon? You can stack up on health packs too. You can even buy ‘gate fuses’ which can be used to activate traps in rooms. For example there’s a connector corridor that has a rotating razor trap which travels in a straight line. You can use that to mow down foes. There’s also a closing spike compactor trap which you can use to tap and smash enemies. One shot them.

X35 Earthwalker The Callisto Protocol. Riot Mode

Now Riot Mode is apparently very difficult. We have seen youtubers first attempt and one got to wave 27 and died. Another called dan got to wave 42. It might just be a skill thing though as X35 Earthwalker on his first attempt got to wave 61. If you are a master at The Callisto Protocol and dealing with enemies then you will have minimal issues. The problems start when swarms of different enemies mix together. If you have fat guys throwing their weight at you, while a security robot has you in his line of sight, while an exploder its rapidly approaching… then you will experience pain. Unfair pain. Some enemies you can’t ignore and have to dodge; however some attacks keep you in place or stagger you, setting you up for strikes.

X35 Earthwalker The Callisto Protocol. Riot Mode

Arguable the biggest threat is the two head. He doesn’t wait his turn in combat. He comes for you no matter what. He does big damage and you have to respect it. Prioritise him. Yet if the biophage in security uniform are on you, then tough luck as he is major aggressive and will keep you dodging or getting slapped around, while two head approaches. The best weapon is rampage mode. When activated you have unlimited ammo and literally one shot EVERY enemy for 30 seconds. Use this mode wisely. It will save your life. Rampage Mode is the best thing in this game.

X35 Earthwalker The Callisto Protocol. Riot Mode

Remember that starting room? Well there’s more to it. It’s actually the room to pick your starting perks. What?! Perks?! Yeah, the game doesn’t tell you. X35 Earthwalker discovered this by himself. You unlock them as you play and progress. X35 Earthwalker unlocked all in his first try (He is the best after all). There’s like 15 perks. You can select a maximum of 3. Then jump in. 

Now for the rewards. When you play, you unlock the Hazmat suit. It’s a cool design. We definitely like this. Other from that… nothing. So let’s talk about this. Riot Mode is definitely fun and can get real intense. It’s a great addition to The Callisto Protocol. It is lacking some things though. The fact that there’s no goals and i9t’s a go on forever thing means it suffers from the same problem as other modes. It gets boring fast. When X35 Earthwalker got to wave 55, he did get bored and tired. He pushed on only because he set goals for himself like get to wave 60 or pass 100000 score. He did both by the way. 

The other issue is that there’s nothing to earn. You get the hazmat suit and that’s it. It’s not even like you need to reach wave 60 to get it. You basically just have to play. So Riot Mode will die quite fast. Developers need to understand what players want. Riot Mode needs goals, Riot Mode needs prizes and rewards. Riot Mode needs something to keep players going. The combat is as solid as ever. The Callisto Protocol is currently the best survival game right now. Riot Mode has good potential but it must be capitalised on. 

X35 Earthwalker The Callisto Protocol. Riot Mode

Quick update: X35 Earthwalker literally just did his third attempt at Riot Mode and He got to wave 102! That’s right. Possibly the first to do it too. It took too long. Developers, you need to make those later waves shorter. X35 got seriously bored, especially in the last 20 waves. So much sacrifice for no reward. That right… got nothing for doing it besides just a platinum medal in game. Oh well. Part of the X35 Earthwalker gaming achievements.

X35 Earthwalker has set himself another goal in Riot Mode and once that’s complete, then there’s no other reason to play again. So developers, look into this and make some adjustments. Now Riot Mode may be crazy but it’s too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

Asteroids: Recharged is a action arcade shooter game developed by Sneakybox and Adamvision studios but published by Atari. Asteroids: Recharged is said to be coming out the the 14th of December 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Asteroids is back and it’s coming new stuff. Let’s take a look.

Let’s keep this simple with Asteroid: Recharged. It’s Asteroid. Like come on. If you don’t know what this game is then we don’t want to help you. Just open up another page on your search engine and type in ‘asteroid game’. You’re welcome. Now concerning the rest of y’all who aren’t uncultured swine, read the rest of this G-blog post. Asteroid is back and modernised. This includes new, better controls and off course superior graphics.

X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

Asteroid: Recharged is not just controls and visuals. There’s new gameplay mechanics and features too. There’s new power ups and weapons to help you. There’s rail guns, spread shots and even reflector shields and more. There’s not just asteroids. There’s these annoying  UFOs that have some anger issues. They are after you. So take them down… if you can.

X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

We checked out some Asteroid: Recharged gameplay and it’s what we expected. You are the computer cursor arrow thing. You move around, dodge, stay alive and blast everything really. The UFOs look stupid but they don’t care. They want to kill you. The best thing about Asteroid: Recharged is that there’s local co-op… unlike Halo Infinite. Every mode gives the option for local co-op. Excellent decision.

Overall Asteroid: Recharged looks like an excellent game. Simple game but seems to work well. The action can get serious when asteroids start closing in from all around. We like the visuals of a destroyed large asteroid. Looks excellent. Modernising old retro games is an easy job and are mostly done good. The developers ‘Sneakybox’ and ‘Adamvision studios’ have done an excellent job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to just wait and see what Asteroid: Recharged will do. Now Asteroid: Recharged may have been modernised but what’s always modern is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Centipede: Recharged

Centipede: Recharged is an arcade retro game developed by ‘Adamvision Studios‘ and ‘SneakyBox‘ and published by ‘Atari‘. Centipede: Recharged is said to be coming out the 29th of September 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Those horrible insects are back. We got to blast them. Let’s take a look.

Centipede: Recharged is an old school game brought back basically. Remember those fast moving long centipedes that tried to make its way towards you? Well it’s happening again. Seriously? Who likes centipede? They are horrible creatures with a nasty and dangerous bite. They are fast and have harmed people. So we should blast them. So yeah, that’s what Centipede: Recharged is about. Dangerous centipedes are coming your way and you need to blast them but in modern fashion.

X35 Earthwalker Centipede: Recharged

As you can obviously see, Centipede: Recharged is modernised. There’s new visuals, new animations and off course some special effects and particle effects. Just think about what they did with Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 and some space invader games. It’s basically a remastering of the old classic games. Same thing basically but everything looks better and hopefully controls better. So those who are a fan of the original Centipede should automatically like Centipede: Recharged.

Yes we are aware that there are other bugs too like spiders and a scorpion but clearly the main enemies are centipedes and plus it’s the name of the game so give us a break here. We like the fact that local co-op play is here too. More games need these options. Good job Centipede: Recharged. So work together with a friend or family and crush those horrible bugs together. Two blasters are better than one… unless you are the one getting blasted. So remember that.

X35 Earthwalker Centipede: Recharged

We checked out some Centipede: Recharged gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. There’s challenges too. Well 30 of them. There’s an endless arcade mode too. So there is some replayability in there. We also spotted some power ups. That’s right, this isn’t the same Centipede you use to know. There’s power ups effects like bombing in a row, side shots and even scaring enemies away. There’s more too so it will be interesting to see what others do.

Overall Centipede looks like another nice modernised classic game. A simple job that so far looks done right. Again, if you liked centipede then you will most likely like Centipede: Recharged. It looks good but we expect more though. The developers ‘Adamvision Studios‘ and ‘SneakyBox‘ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker like what we see but expect more though. Now Centipede: Recharged might have dangerous bugs but those get easily crushed by.. the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Hot Wheels Unleashed

Hot Wheels Unleashed is a racing arcade game developed and published by ‘Milestone s.r.l‘. Hot Wheels Unleashed is said top be coming out the 30th of September 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Hot Wheels Unleashed is here to bring the heat. Let’s take a look.

Hot Wheels Unleashed doesn’t need any explanation really. We all should know what Hot Wheels is. The racing car toy brand. They have many cars, released many tracks and the like. Many children were excited for Hot Wheels. Having the cars jump across tracks, go down big hills, go too fast around a corner and fly off the tracks and more. Basically it’s a video game now. Players can control the actually toy designed cars and race in Hot Wheel designed looking tracks. So yeah, you should know what to expect now.

X35 Earthwalker Hot Wheels Unleashed

What’s really good about Hot Wheels Unleashed is that players can build their own tracks. If this feature wasn’t in the game, we would not pay any mind to this game. Building your own tracks had to be in Hot Wheels Unleashed. The tracks can even have Hot Wheels styled features and props. You can have mechanical beings like giant spiders and even a dragon head that can hinder the other racers by either trapping them in sticky web or crushing them in their jaws. So these tracks can get real crazy. 

We checked out some Hot Wheels Unleashed gameplay and it’s what we expected. When building  your tracks, everything in the environment can be a part of the track. Stage objects mixed with track modules brings new possibilities. There’s split screen multiplayer. Two player split screen is a thing but you can also face up to 12 players in line races. So the action is definitely available here. We like that there’s drifting to handle those corners. The overall speed of the game seems to slow though. Maybe their target audience is primarily children and youngsters so they don’t want the game too difficult but the speed looked lame to us. There does look like there’s drift speed boosts and a lot of speed pads to make you go faster but it doesn’t look like much of a speed boost. We will have to wait and see. Yes we are aware it was pre-alpha footage so it can change. We hope it changes.

Overall Hot Wheels Unleashed seems like a good game so far but nothing special or great at all. We need to see more. This could be a real cool racing game. We need loads of environments like race tracks over the ocean and have the backgrounds and environments alive with creatures and nature etc. They might be going for the racing at home feel like with the actual toys but we need that creativity. The developers ‘Milestone s.r.l‘ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what Hot Wheels Unleashed can do. Now Hot Wheels Unleashed may have actual toy cars but it has no effect on… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is a arcade action platformer game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Let’s just say this right now. Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is fantastic, brilliant and worth your time. Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is a brutally difficult game. If you plan to take this game on then keep that warning in mind. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

Let’s get this out of the way. X35 Earthwalker not only beat Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection but 100% it too. This was done on the Nintendo Switch. X35 Earthwalker is the only gamer that we know who has done this on a pure Legend difficulty run which means you don’t lower the difficulty to beat a specific level or part. 100%-ing this game was too painful. There’s two specific levels in the shadow versions that brought the vast majority of the pain. Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is cheap and we aren’t talking about price. This game is cheap in terms of how unfair it is. This was all done ON PURPOSE. Some gamers of lower intellect say that Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is badly made or some parts weren’t made well but actually those things they are talking about were designed that way intentionally to troll the players. Capcom are a bunch of dirty trolls when it comes to this game and it shows and makes players suffer. More on that later though. 

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is what fans of the series would expect and appreciate. There has been Ghosts n’ Goblins, Ghouls n’ Ghosts (the best one), Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts and Ultimate Ghosts n’ Goblins. This is known as the probably the hardest video game series in existence. X35 Earthwalker has beaten this series. We can say that Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is the hardest of them all. The others are easy compared to it. We are saying all this to give gamers an idea of how hard this game is and what you bums are getting yourselves into. So yeah you Ghouls n’ Ghosts fans will definitely be happy with this game for sure. If you hate it, it’s mostly because you suck at the game. Now the tradition of beating the game twice is still there. Going through the game once is 50% of the game. You only truly beat the game when you go through it TWICE. It’s been that way for every game in the series except Ultimate Ghosts n’ Goblins but it had a huge twist. This is where youtubers like ‘ericvanwilderman’, ‘ryukahr’ and ‘darksydephil’ have ALL FAILED. These guys beat all the levels ONCE  on legend difficulty and then bailed like cowards. This means they didn’t beat the game. They didn’t get the main ending or true ending either. Nothing. They folded. So X35 Earthwalker is better than all of them.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

Now the big difference here with Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is magic. Yes there was magic in Ultimate Ghosts n’ Goblins but it’s way bigger here. You got to collect the umbral bees to return to the umbral tree to get magic. These magics are game changers. Very powerful. Players will need these to truly beat the game. We love the big variety of magic here and what is available. You’ve got flame walls to cover you from ground based enemies. You’ve got passive upgrade magic like kitted out which lets you hold multiple weapons. There’s magic like transmigifrog which turns enemies into… well… frogs. Off course the iconic lightning magic is here so you can blast them all away… no team rocket. In most parts magic makes the game easier while in possibly two areas it feels like it’s a necessity. Concerning the youtubers we mentioned earlier we did notice they relied too heavily on magic while one did gorgon spam which is lame. The gorgon magic is like the cheapest magic in the game. It turns all small to medium sized enemies into stone. They can’t move or hurt you. Not only that, there’s a chance that when you kill them while stoned (get it) they drop items including armour. It’s overall the best magic in the game. Our free tip to all players who want to 100% the game and get magic quick. You have to aim for the umbral bee net magic. That magic will save you soooooo much pain and troubles. Just get it. Shut up! Don’t argue with us, just get the net and thank us later.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

The bosses are big but not a big deal for the most part. Most players agree that the hard parts of Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection are the levels but the bosses are easy in comparison. The bosses are easy. The only one that gives real problems is cerberus. He has the most unpredictable and random actions. It can go so wrong very easily. The others have a more fixed way of beating them. The Bosses are basically remakes of the original bosses from the previous games. Fun fact the cyclops originally was called a unicorn in the first game. These boss fights are good fun though. In terms of difficulty from hardest to easiest we would say: cerberus, shielder, dragon then cyclops.

The design style of Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection game looks very nice indeed. We like how the game looks. It isn’t what we wanted though. We don’t think this is the best style for this game but we certainly appreciate all the work that went into it. As we said before it looks good. The music is very good and we like the variety they got going on. The Execution Grounds music might be our favourite and then Crystalline City. 

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

The levels are designed very well in Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection. There’s so much to say about the levels. There’s so much reference and designs done to pay respects to the original games. With zone 1 & 2 the bottom levels are based on Ghosts n’ Ghouls while the top levels are based on Ghosts n’ Goblins. These levels are made with difficulty in mind. The levels constantly spawn many enemies. They never stop, forcing players to move quick but you can’t rush though as that leads you into all the traps. Some levels have areas where you reach a specific spot and then numerous enemies spawn. The developers Capcom are real trolls here. The worst we’ve seen. There are some spots like by a jump where a specific enemy will ALWAYS spawn just to meet you where you would land if you jumped. There’s multiple moments like this.

There’s a part in hellfire hamlet where it looks safe but a Fire Fennec will always land there and knock you. You aren’t safe there. There’s even a cursed moment in Cavern of the Occult, the shadow version, where at the very end, after you’ve struggled so hard to get there (hardest part of the game for us), you have to jump of the stone dragon and land on solid ground. The developers double layered the troll here. First there’s a drawing, an exact copy of the landing area in the background but earlier. It looks exactly like it but slightly darker so players jump thinking it’s the right time but it leads to death. That’s the first part. The second part is worse. After you fall for the first troll (which we know you did) and try again you jump to land on the safe ground, except a plant monster pops up basically at the edge waiting to knock you back into the bottomless pit to die. How horrible.  piece of crap scumbag move capcom. You scumbags. Expect trolls and things to ruin you.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

We do like that there’s a good amount of variety in Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection. We like that weapons seem more balanced than previous games. These weapons have their moments and reasons for using them. We have tried all and enjoy them all for the most part. We really like the hammer as well and it’s satisfying to kill many enemies be untouchable and even kill bosses with it but it’s sill the worst weapon overall in the game. Now Let’s talk a bit about the negatives of this game. Back to the weapons. The developers haven’t learnt from previous games. Everyone knows that the daggers (according to official booklets from previous games they are swords) are the best. No debate needed. They should have mixed things up. Unless you have the kitted out passive upgrade you can only have one weapon. The only weapon everyone would pick and it’s the one you truly only need is the daggers. That’s bad design. Like for example why would you pick the lance over the daggers? Exactly, never. No one we’ve seen online pick lance over daggers either. Balance the weapons to make it so that players really have to decide at times what’s best for what’s going on.

Second complaint is how the levels get locked away after you’ve beaten the game completely as in the shadow levels. The first time makes sense as you are sent back to the start to go through the levels again but in shadow mode. After you’ve beaten the shadow mode levels why do they lock away the levels again? That’s a dumb move. We already beat the game… relax for a moment. The third complaint is that when you beat a level more than once skulls will appear next to the name of the level. These skulls make the level harder. We believe the maximum is two skulls. It could be three though. When two skulls are there, the levels have more aggressive spawns, there’s therefore more enemies. We can’t control this at all. This is a problem because when X35 Earthwalker first went through all the levels, all was well but then he entered levels again to find the umbral bees and black chest. Then he beat the shadow versions of the levels, which forced him to play through them all again to unlock the levels so he can go for the umbral bees and black chests AGAIN. By this time the levels got skulls. This means when trying to beat the hell holes, and find all the collectibles, X35 had to do that with a harder version of the level. That’s not fair. This whole game isn’t fair so that’s saying something. The fourth complaint would be the Red Arremer final secret magic where you transform into Red Arremer. It’s inferior to the real thing. You can’t fly forever like the actual demons, you have limited mobility and it’s not fun to play as. We rather be Arthur than red arremer which shouldn’t be the case. It’s a let down. Our big award for getting all the umbral bees is a lame red arremer form. Not happy. The fish complaint are the actual red arremers themselves. They are too hard to beat. We found a way to beat them but it isn’t guaranteed. There are some places where you can’t use the technique. Lightning magic level 3 is the best solution to those demons but that’s end game when you have loads of umbral bees. When everyone first faced the red arremer no one knew what to do, even the seasoned ghouls n’ ghosts veterans were like how do you kill this guy. 

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

Now to be positive again here’s some more stuff we truly like. We like that Ghosts n’ Goblins has good stuff from the previous games like level design from the first two games. Upgraded weapons due to having special armour just like Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts. In order to get the true ending and real final boss you need to collect all of the demon orbs just like needing to get all the rings in Ultimate Ghosts n’ goblins. The special armour you get as a reward for truly beating the game which includes beating all hell holes, collecting all demon orbs, beating the final true boss and getting the true ending. This special armour actually makes you invincible. Enemies can’t beat you. Falling in bottom pits and falls can still kill you but no enemy can kill you. You can’t get killed. It’s awesome. Now that’s a good reward. We liked that they kept the arcade feeling of the game. We do care about the score and getting the items for points. The magics are versatile and fun to use allowing for different tactics. We liked the challenges set for players in this game. They are all fair and doable but are actually challenging. When you complete them all, you feel real good for sure. 

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts n' Goblins Resurrection

Overall Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is a fantastic game. You will hate the game during some parts and you will completely disown the game and say you’ve never heard of it when trying to 100% it but it’s great fun. We have watched many gamers, some of which are actually skilled, fail and die many times in a single level. Like over 100 or even 200 deaths on the first few levels. It’s so tough that not even ‘ericvanwilderman’, ‘ryukahr’ and ‘darksydephil’ can beat this game on legends difficulty. Remember that going through the levels once isn’t beating the game. It’s the best game in the ghouls n’ ghosts series yet easily. It didn’t go for innovation like Ultimate Ghosts n’ Goblins but decided to stay to the original style which off course worked out very well here. There’s so much more we can easily say about this game but we have to end it here. It’s long enough as it is. Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection is currently one of the best games of 2021 easily and an easy 10/10. Play it… unless you suck. Now Ghosts n’ Goblins Resurrection may be 10/10 but it’s not perfect unlike… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Thunderflash is a new action adventure arcade shooter game developed and published by ‘SEEP’. Thunderflash is said to be coming out the 26th of February 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PC. This game is coming with the old school style for sure. Ley’s take a look.

The story in Thunderflash is very simple. Here’s what it says, “The Kashmir is being occupied by a criminal organization known as Bloody Wolf, and your job is to make your country proud by taking them all down.” So you are dropped straight in the action with your gun. Firing at everything that moves. It doesn’t matter what it is. you see a squirrel… then shoot it. It shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Just one look at Thunderfash and you know it went for the old school 1980’s look. Pixels and everything.

There are two characters right now: Bad boy commandos Rock and Stan. That’s what they call them. You can either play Thunderflash solo or cop with a friend. Co-op makes a big difference for games. It’s a simple game. Just fight your way through numerous enemy soldiers, vehicles, explosions off course, drones and even bosses. Thunderflash does remind us of ‘Smash TV’ with the style and top down shooting but also reminds us of Contra due to the intensity of the combat. So if you did like either of those two games then there should be something for players here. Now off course an arcade shooter game needs lots of weapons or at least gun power ups. In Thunderflash you can get powerful weapons to use against the horde of enemies. There is also a boss rush too so when you beat the game you can face the bosses and show them who is boss (get it?). 

We checked out some Thunderflash gameplay and it’s what we expected for sure. It’s top down, running around, shooting enemies coming at you in squads, power up, try to survive and take down the boss. Arcade style, lives remaining, pixel graphic style, scrolling screens and of course explosions. Thunderflash isn’t something big and new or anything special. Just something a number of players will enjoy, either for old time sake or because the style is their type. 

Overall Thunderflash seems like. simple but alright game. You get what it says on the box. Just old school shooting action. You can’t get mad at it. We wish the game did look better graphically. We have not seen enough but we know what exactly it is. The developers ‘SEEP’ have done a alright job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to listen out what what gamers say about Thunderflash. Now Thunderflash may have old school action but that’s too old for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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