Blasphemous 2 is an action metroidvania game developed by ‘The Game Kitchen‘ and published by ‘Team17‘. Blasphemous 2 is said to be coming out the 24th of August 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. Blasphemous 2 is here to bring more weird stuff our way. X35 Earthwalker will have to see if this game got the goods or not. Let’s take a look.
Blasphemous 2 is described as the “second scripture in the blasphemous series.” The main dude is back, also known as the “penitent one”. The story continues from the DLC ‘wounds of eventide’. The weird stuff. Well their whole game is weird but do y’all remember the heart in the sky, all about the return of the miracle and the birth of a new so called miracle child. Yeah, so make sure you up to date concerning the story for the better experience.
So yeah, woken up again… but in a new and strange land. You aren’t near what’s suppose to be your final resting place. You have to pass the time somehow so might as well get up and explore this place. There are guaranteed long forgotten secrets. So make sure to discover them. There’s always something going on with how games like this end and then want to start up the sequel.
We heard there’s a whole horde of ugly and weird enemies waiting for you. Hopefully there’s at least one good looking foe. Blasphemous 2 is suppose to have a more full and non-linear world. This also means there’s more to do. Take the npcs for example. There’s a bunch of new ones. Some will help, others will ask for help. Some will send you on “death defying” missions to get forgotten items.
You know Blasphemous 2 is going to have more weird bosses. They are described as twisted and that’s fair. Off course get ready for their attack patterns and learn the right timing and openings. They should be easier to beat thanks to upgrades to the combat. New weapons, executions, bigger combos and improvable skillset.
We checked out some Blasphemous 2 gameplay and it’s what we expected. Animations look slightly better. The world has stand out locations and the overall visuals are are better overall but it’s tough to tell from here. How far will Blasphemous 2 go concerning the designs, details and bosses. They did wuss out on some things last time.
Overall, Blasphemous 2 seems like a good game. X35 Earthwalker was never interested in the Blasphemous series. The first game failed to impress or even interest him. Hopefully they do better this time. The developers ‘The Game Kitchen’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will wait to see if this game will impress us. Now Blasphemous 2 may have a hew land to explore but it’s too small and simple for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: