Bulb Boy is a 2D point and click horror adventure developed by ‘Bulbware’. It’s coming to Xbox One 6th of October but already out on PC and Nintendo Switch. This game looks creepy but we hear it’s quite unique. Let’s take a look.
Players control Bulb boy who lives in the bulbhouse (get it?). One night though, Bulb boy suddenly wakes up from a terrible nightmare to learn that terrifying monsters are around and that his family has disappeared. What’s a bulb to do? He has to use his “glass head” to save the day.
Point and click games always have puzzles. They have to, otherwise there really can’t be much to the gameplay. So there will be puzzles. The horrifying monsters are there and will put up a fight, so defeat them you must. Also, what’s a point and click game without some secrets. Yeah, so go find them.
Bulb boy has a big task ahead of, good thing he has abilities. He can withstand electricity and even unscrew his head to accomplish certain things. Bulb boy also isn’t the only playable character. That’s right, you can play as other family members and relive Bulb boys childhood memories.
We checked out some gameplay and the game works well with the whole bulb head mechanic. For example we saw bulb boy screw of his head and place it on a knights armour and then he used the weapon in the armours hand to slice a monster. He attached his head to a chandelier for greater light. The monsters are definitely creepy and the horror is done quite well, we would say.
Overall, Bulb Boy is a unique game but we don’t believe it’s our type of game. Not a big fan of the style and it doesn’t seem interesting enough but then again this could be just the thing for other gamers, so we do encourage that you do your own little research on the game. The graphics are good and the sounds are nice too. The developers ‘Bulbware’ did a good job with this game. Bulb boy might be worth checking out. Bulb boy must use his inner light but one thing always lights things up… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: