Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is definitely on the way and is coming with a battle Royale mode called ‘Blackout’. The developers are ‘Treyarch‘ and ‘Beenox‘ while the publisher is ‘Activison‘. Many have a lot to say about battle Royale. Now let’s see what we have to say.
Battle Royale are very big games containing so many factors and things to consider. Therefore they are never easy to get right. The size of the map, what type of weapons should be in it, vehicles yes or no? That’s just some stuff. There’s nothing with a game trying battle Royale. Too many immature people say that if you try battle Royale like call of Duty did, then you are just copying Fortnite and desperate. That’s stupid. Fortnite and Pubg didn’t invent battle royale, even old wrestling games had that. If the game has a suitable setting, universe size, genre etc then they can try it.
Call of Duty’s Blackout so far definitely looks serious. The map use for Blackout has been declared the largest map ever in Call of Duty history. There’s a dam, hill and mountainous elevated areas, buildings, sand, a bit of greenery, water and a good amount of cover and open space. This is allowing for multiple forms of combat whether standard shoot outs while using cover or letting your opponents chase you and then going round to take the high ground for that elevation advantage. This giant map will have many battles and hyped moments for sure.
Unlike Fornite Blackout will have vehicles. The developers on their website said land, sea and air vehicles are available. We have seen, Mongoose from halo – We mean the ATV which can have one driver and one passenger who can shoot, a cargo truck which holds 4 passengers (and off course one driver). Concerning the sea there is the zodiac inflatable boat which has one driver and a passenger, it’s all about speed. For air there is a helicopter and we know everyone will be fighting over this thing. Again (not doing a comparison) but remember when playing Halo Reach trying to secure an objective but multiple enemies in a falcon flying over you shooting you down. Helicopters will be a problem.
Off course there is more. Those stupid RC – XDs cars things are here too. So players have to keep their ears open at all times or a small car comes in and messes up your whole plan. There’s something much worse in these battle Royale matches. Call of Duty fans are no stranger to them… zombies. Imagine all that battle Royale Blackout style goodness finding a nice place to take cover but zombies are there. they will not be a game change in our opinion since they should be easy to kill but firing will give away your position, may cause you to use up ammo, or force you out of a certain location.
off course there will be standard weapons. So expect to find pistols, assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns and the most feared, in some cases, the sniper rifle. With a map like the one for Call of Duty Blackout, all of these will have some use. There are multiple items. Some allow you to set up traps like trip wires. There are grenades, healing kits and much more. How much more? There are 17 considerable perks, 3 tiers of armour and health, 12 equipment items, 24 different weapons and 8 primary ammunition types and 125 items in total but off course games like this always gets updates and expansions so expect much more.
We checked out some gameplay and everything looks quite good. No offence but the best way to sum it up is that it looks like an improved Pubg. Glider suits are used for entering the battlefield which looks cool, graphics are very good, the environment seems to be designed well but more variety is needed for the future. A battle royale will off course have some nerfs and buffs as big games like this will be almost too difficult to get right the first time. We like the idea players on foot could be hiding from a helicopter and a crew on the sea is patrolling by all coasts. This danger from all directions really does hep keep things as a battle Royale.
Overall Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout does look very good. Doesn’t seem to be much lag or hit detection issues. The graphics again are very good. We hope for more items in the future and that they should be kept separate in another mode. The developers Treyarch and Beenox did a very good job with this mode. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing how well this all goes. Now Call of duty’s Blackout may seem like it has all the good stuff but all it’s good stuff combined doesn’t stack up when compared to the goodness of… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: