Deep Rock Galactic is a new co-op first person shooter game developed by ‘Ghost Ship Games‘ and published by ‘Coffee Stain Publishing‘. Deep Rock Galactic is said to be coming out May 13th 2020 on the Xbox One and PC.This game caught our attention and it’s good to see more great Xbox games coming out. Let’s take a look.
Deep Rock Galactic is all future sci-fi. Players control Dwarves. Not the lame ones but cool, tough, actions ones. Basically you are miners in space and your latest operation takes place in Hoxxes IV which has the highest concentration of valuable minerals ever discovered. So your mission is to get in there and get all that good minerals. Off course it isn’t that simple this time. Deep Rock Galactic has detected there’s lots of hostile life and even the fauna can kill you too. Get in as a team, work together, kill the dangerous lifeforms, mine the minerals and get out of there alive.
Straight from the get u Deep Rock Galactic is all about co-op action and working together as a team. Team work is all over the official website too. There is no solo hero here, unless you’re the dwarf that clutches it for the team. As they say “Dig together or dig your own grave”. Nothing is similar as the levels are procedurally generated so don’t act like a now it all. It’s always teams of 4. What we don’t know is whether you can play the game by yourself and have AI controlled allies or it’s players only as in if you buy this game and have no friends or whatever you can’t play or get anywhere in the game. We hope the developers don’t make a mistake like that but if it’s players only then so be it.
These dwarves have some serious technology. Deep Rock Galactic spares so expense in that department… and that department only. These dwarves of the Deep Rock Galactic have some of the heaviest weapons around. The gadgets are very advanced too. We got flamethrowers… that’s right… it’s lit! There’s even launchers launch climbable platforms made of concrete at walls. There’s what looks like laser cutters, machine guns, blasters, explosives, drilling machines and more.
It’s strange though as the mining company, Deep Rock Galactic have a lot of secrecy. For starters they encourage people to take up these highly dangerous missions. Once you enter Hoxxes IV you are on your own with the team. The company aren’t responsible nor will they hold your hand. Regarding promotions and moving up the ranks the commented “Provided of course you are fortunate and skilled enough to survive your work.“ Lastly they won’t even tell you what you are really mining up. Due to classified means we managed to ease drops on the Deep Rock Galactic big officials. They said and we quote “Due to the particulars being Classified, we are currently not at liberty to reveal the exact composition of the materials you will be excavating, however.”
We checked out some Deep Rock Galactic and it’s what we expected. The caves are so dark, you need the scout to light up the place for visual reasons. The engineer set up the place to the dwarves advantage like automated turrets. The Gunner just destroys everything, actively engages the enemy and denies them from getting to the squad. The driller just makes it his responsibility to mine everything. They can defend themselves also but main thing is to dig. What’s also interesting and very cool is that the environment is 100% destructible. You can mine and destroy it all. So keep that in mind when dealing with enemies and placing turrets.
Overall Deep Rock Galactic looks like a good game for sure. We like that you can grow and progress and through the company. We like the graphical style and it looks good. The environments look good but not much to say about the level design as of now. Each of the dwarf roles are clearly different from each other and have their own use. Yet each dwarf can defend themselves. The developers ‘Ghost Ship Games’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to the mining action of Deep rock Galactic. Now Deep rOCK galactic may have tough, advanced space dwarves but thy don’t stand a mining chance against… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: