Deep Rock Galactic is a new co-op first person shooter game developed by ‘Ghost Ship Games‘ and published by ‘Coffee Stain Publishing‘. Deep Rock Galactic is said to be coming out May 13th 2020 on the Xbox One and PC.This game caught our attention and it’s good to see more great Xbox games coming out. Let’s take a look.

Deep Rock Galactic is all future sci-fi. Players control Dwarves. Not the lame ones but cool, tough, actions ones. Basically you are miners in space and your latest operation takes place in Hoxxes IV which has the highest concentration of valuable minerals ever discovered. So your mission is to get in there and get all that good minerals. Off course it isn’t that simple this time. Deep Rock Galactic has detected there’s lots of hostile life and even the fauna can kill you too. Get in as a team, work together, kill the dangerous lifeforms, mine the minerals and get out of there alive. 

Straight from the get u Deep Rock Galactic is all about co-op action and working together as a team. Team work is all over the official website too. There is no solo hero here, unless you’re the dwarf that clutches it for the team. As they say “Dig together or dig your own grave”. Nothing is similar as the levels are procedurally generated so don’t act like a now it all. It’s always teams of 4. What we don’t know is whether you can play the game by yourself and have AI controlled allies or it’s players only as in if you buy this game and have no friends or whatever you can’t play or get anywhere in the game. We hope the developers don’t make a mistake like that but if it’s players only then so be it.

These dwarves have some serious technology. Deep Rock Galactic spares so expense in that department… and that department only. These dwarves of the Deep Rock Galactic have some of the heaviest weapons around. The gadgets are very advanced too. We got flamethrowers… that’s right… it’s lit! There’s even launchers launch climbable platforms made of concrete at walls. There’s what looks like laser cutters, machine guns, blasters, explosives, drilling machines and more.

It’s strange though as the mining company, Deep Rock Galactic have a lot of secrecy. For starters they encourage people to take up these highly dangerous missions. Once you enter Hoxxes IV you are on your own with the team. The company aren’t responsible nor will they hold your hand. Regarding promotions and moving up the ranks the commented “Provided of course you are fortunate and skilled enough to survive your work. Lastly they won’t even tell you what you are really mining up. Due to classified means we managed to ease drops on the Deep Rock Galactic big officials. They said and we quote “Due to the particulars being Classified, we are currently not at liberty to reveal the exact composition of the materials you will be excavating, however.”

We checked out some Deep Rock Galactic and it’s what we expected. The caves are so dark, you need the scout to light up the place for visual reasons. The engineer set up the place to the dwarves advantage like automated turrets. The Gunner just destroys everything, actively engages the enemy and denies them from getting to the squad. The driller just makes it his responsibility to mine everything. They can defend themselves also but main thing is to dig. What’s also interesting and very cool is that the environment is 100% destructible. You can mine and destroy it all. So keep that in mind when dealing with enemies and placing turrets.    

Overall Deep Rock Galactic looks like a good game for sure. We like that you can grow and progress and through the company. We like the graphical style and it looks good. The environments look good but not much to say about the level design as of now. Each of the dwarf roles are clearly different from each other and have their own use. Yet each dwarf can defend themselves. The developers ‘Ghost Ship Games’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to the mining action of Deep rock Galactic. Now Deep rOCK galactic may have tough, advanced space dwarves but thy don’t stand a mining chance against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Blackout Club is a new first person co-op horror game developed by ‘Question‘. The BlackOut Club is said to be coming out the 30th of July 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. From what we know it’s a co-op horror game and those are the hardest horror games to successfully make. Let’s take a look.

In the world of The Blackout Club. There’s a small modern town where a group of teenagers live. You, the players, are also a teenager. For some reason, every morning you wake up to find yourself covered in scratches or mud. You also have no memory of the night before. No, the isn’t because of alcohol. It gets worse, sometimes you can have no memory or recollection of whole days. They come to the conclusion that this isn’t sleep walking either. There are other teenagers just like you who are experiencing the same things. They group together becoming friends and forming a team or should we say club to figure out and look into what’s going on around here. 

The Blackout Club gets stranger as it doesn’t take long to figure out that right beneath your feet is a whole network of underground tunnels. It gets creepier though. You can at times here music from below. Is is beckoning the youngsters or is someone just having a rave down there. Turn up! We mean let’s be careful. After all when is the last time you lived somewhere that had underground tunnels and music being played? So the youngsters get second thoughts about investigating but last night, your best friend vanished. Also a group of adults wants to get rid of you all. You have to fight back now. If you want to expose them, then you’ll need evidence. So turn your cameras on and start recording. 

So yes, the idea of the game is simple. Work together with friends and others to investigate the tunnels, watch each others backs and gather evidence that proves what’s happening here to the whole world. The best way to do that is to use your cameras and phones to record what you find and any encounters. Do all this while avoiding getting captured and maybe even killed. So it’s all about teamwork here. 

There’s more than just the streets and the tunnels. There’s even the woods nearby, which can work for you or against you. It’s been made clear that the game is multiplayer so 1-4 players co-op is here. It’s also drop in and out style so you can just get reinforcements in easily and leave when you have to. The developers claim The Blackout Club has high replayability. That each mission is procedurally generated. So players can expect different experiences from other players each time. How the levels are generated are affected by your progression and character level. Other factors that are different will be environmental obstacles, enemy patrols and off course loot locations.

Now let’s talk about the enemies. They are a strange lot. We know they are adults. We know they are called The Shape. We know that if you draw too much attention to yourself, they will come after you. Worst of all is that The Shape can only be seen when you close your eyes. Wait what? What kind of adults are these. This is a problem. Players will need to watch out for each other even more. 

We checked out some gameplay and it’s sort of what we thought it would be like. It is quite a detailed world with areas to explore. The graphics could have been better, the sounds are good though. Not sure exactly how the close your eyes mechanic works but we will learn more in the future. You can use weapons like a teaser to get adults of you and even use a crossbow to fire tranquilliser darts too. There’s some levels of strategy to The Blackout Club. Multiple ways to handle different situations. You can also customise your character. Hair styles, new clothing, gestures. Levelling up will also grant access to ability upgrades and new expansion slots. We just have to make this clear. It’s a fact that horror games with multiple players aren’t scary. You have help and company gives confidence. What the Blackout Club is trying to do is a very hard thing. Diamondz L45 didn’t complete Dead Space because she found it scary but when X35 was present and giving advice she made it through levels. She would have zero fear if X35 was playing as well. We literally haven’t seen a co-op horror game that is actually scary at all. 

Overall The Blackout Club just seems like an alright game. Nothing makes us just want to play it and we have seen co-op meant to be scary games before and they never really work out that well at all. We hope to see more information concerning the Blackout Club to hopefully see more good stuff. The developers ‘Question’ have put quite a lot of thought into this game and it does show. Now The Blackout Club may have dangerous adults but those adults are a joke when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Remnant: From the Ashes

Remnant: From the Ashes is a new third-person co-op survival-action shooter game developed by ‘Gunfire Games‘ and published by ‘Perfect World Entertainment‘. It is coming out the 20th of August on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It looks like Remnant: From the Ashes plan to make an intense survival game. Let’s hope they got the formula right. Let’s take a look.

In Remnant: From the Ashes, players start of in a world that is pure chaos now. Basically something evil, something ancient has caused all these problems The even bigger problem is that this ancient evil is in another dimension. That sounds fair right? At least the covenant in Halo attack from orbit. The chaos mainly comes in the form of dangerous creatures that come from different dimensions also. As you can see, humanity has their hands full.

Remnant: From the Ashes

Humanity isn’t going to accept this. They fight back but off course are losing. Players play as one of the last remnants of humanity. Humanity has the technology and means to go to alternate realities and other realms through portals. The main mission is to find where the evil is coming from and stop it. So get weapons, work together and scavenge for resources in order to survive and hopefully win. 

Lets get to the main points about Remnant: From the Ashes. It’s post apocalyptic so expect busted cities, streets and not much people. Oh and lots of enemies. These creatures shouldn’t really be avoided though as defeating them will get you experience. Also you can get materials which are for building or modifying armour, attachments and off course weapons. We hope that there is a good range of modifications, weapons and armour.

Remnant From the Ashes

Since you are travelling through and to different realms and realities there will be different worlds with different designs and environments. The world we can travel to are said to be dynamically generated worlds that change each time you play in them. So expect new encounters each time you enter that world. There will be new objectives and quests too. There are four worlds and all have their monsters waiting and ready for you. So Remnant: From the Ashes is suppose to give us different experiences all the time.  

Concerning the enemies we have seen quite the variety. We’ve seen darkness red glowy enemies that look like trees and can duplicate themselves.. Mechanised enemies that go on all fours and has a cannon on their backs. Humanoid beast enemies that walk with large axes. Half insect half horse enemies that move in groups. What looks like a fire breathing bone or vine dragon. Giant butcher looking enemy wearing an apron and looks like it will eat you. Enemies that look like giant versions of the Interns from Oddworld Munches oddysee. We are definitely liking the variety of enemies you can face in the game. They even have their own group names like The Root and Pan.

We checked out some Remnant: From the Ashes gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. Traversing and exploring the worlds, coming across enemies, face them or leave them alone. Gather resources, upgrade and get stronger. Big powerful enemies, small numerous enemies, using good guns and even melee weapons. We even know that there are some powerful bosses who will not give up their lives easy. From what we have seen it looks good. We will wait to see more though and see if we are impressed or not.

Overall Remnant: From the Ashes looks like a good game. We have no information on the game difficulty though. We hope games like this have a long curve in terms of progression so that players don’t end up just walking through enemies and slapping monsters around too soon. It should be a survival and struggle right to the end. Graphics look alright so far. The developers ‘Gunfire Games’ as done a good job with this so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game but we need to learn about a few more things. Now Remnant: From the Ashes may seem promising but is a complete fail when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Earthfall is a new co-oprative shooter game developed by ‘Holospark‘. It is coming out July the 13th on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game has been described by many to be like ‘Left 4 Dead’. There has been quite a number of people waiting for this game. Let’s take a look.

earth fall takes place at the so called end of the world. Basically a global meteor strike took place and that off course devastates the earth… but it gets worse. Aliens emerge from the meteors. They swarm and ravage the place. No mercy. So humanity does what they can. Get together. Grab some weapons. Put up defences and fight back. This is exactly what players must do in Earthfall. 


Now off course piling up bins and boxes will not stop aliens. neither will a golf club work well against a swarm of them. You’ll need the good stuff. There are 3D printers that can be used to create barricades, defences like turrets and even weapons. imagine having those printers at school. Earthfall just keep everything simple. Just grab your friends or meet some new ones. Complete objectives, defend and holdout in strongholds and makeshift fortresses. Simple and fun.

Now this is a four player co-op shooter game so team work is quite important. Off course you can still play with game solo and have bots fill in your team. We do not know how useful they are though. There are four characters to choose from: Roy, Danny, Maya and Jonas and each one has their own personality but all want to save earth. 


There is said to be a variety of aliens which tests your skills and level of adaptability to the situation. There is a Whiplash alien that can grab a player, rendering them useless and run away with them which is incredibly annoying. There is another called a sapper which pounces and like with the pouncing in Evolve, take continuous damage until someone helps you. Also a spitter which, you guessed it, spits at you for projectile damage. Off course there are much more like large melee aliens that just can’t wait to get their hands on you. 

We checked out some gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. Four players, with co-op action, running around together, finding weapons and items. Taking on groups of aliens, covering each others backs, running away from a boss enemy, running out of medkits etc. These kind of games are lots of fun and it’s good to finally see some developers bring them back. Everything looks great and fair so far. The aliens could use more variety in their design as they all look sort of similar while the action is happening. The big brute melee enemies do need more health. Maybe there is selectable difficulty. 

Overall this game is looking excellent. The graphics are great. We know that they used Unreal Engine 4 for the visuals. The sounds are very good as well. The aliens seem like an interesting enemy but right now look too easy to beat. We also hope there is a good variety of defences, aliens, and weapons to add that extra gaming flavour. The developers, ‘Holospark’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Earthfall truly has to offer. Now aliens are a problem but there is one solution that always work and that’s… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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A Way Out

A Way Out is a new co-op game developed by ‘HazeLight Studios‘. It’s coming out the 23rd of March on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. In this game you need someone watching your back at all times. Let’s take a look.

In A Way Out, their are two main characters: Vincent and Leo. Players will take control of one of these two in a risky and daring escape from a maximum security prison. That is no easy feat in itself but there’s more to the game than that. You could say things get real after escaping prison as that’s when the emotional side of the game comes out. You get to know the characters and their stories become revealed. 

Now the most important bit of information concerning A Way Out is that it’s a co-op game only! That’s right. You actually need someone to play with you otherwise you can forget about making any progress whatsoever. This will naturally make things difficult. You need a friend to have the game also do just play it… actually the developers have did something rather cool to help fix this. A Way Out only requires one of you to actually buy the game. It’s called a ‘Friends pass’. So as long as you have the game, you can play with any of your friends. Pretty awesome if you as us at X35 Earthwalker.

A Way Out

Now there is a number of actions that the two get themselves into. Their will be stealth, shoot outs, melee fights and even car chases. This means your friend better not have the aim of a Storm Trooper but have a drivers license. Now it’s all going to be split screen which is always fun and brings back good memories of other great co-op split screen games like Halo. Now since this is a very different kind of game, some gamers will have their doubts in whether to buy this or not. Electronic Arts announced that there will be a co-op trial at launch so gamers can see for themselves if this is their kind of game or not. Smart move EA. 

We checked out some gameplay of A Way Out and from we have seen it does seem interesting but we need to know more. Leo is the cocky, makes rash decision and always quick for a fight while Vincent is more cool, thinking and more calm about things. You can see this in how they interact with their surroundings. for example there’s a part where they are fishing and Vincent takes his time and successfully catches a fish while Leo gives up and splashes in frustration. It’s actually quite hilarious. It’s a real deep story with loved ones, problems and more. This will reach a certain audience of gamers.

Overall A Way Out seems like a real good game. It’s style and set up really shakes things up in a good way. Let’s hope others see it that way. The graphics are nice. The sounds are nice too. The game has lots of interaction. Like playing instruments, baseball and talking to others. Pretty cool. The developers ‘HazeLight Studios’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what gamers have to say about this game. Team work is great but no amount of team work is enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Warhammer Vermintide 2

Warhammer Vermintide 2 is the sequel to Warhammer: End Time – Vermintide. It is a first person co-op action game developed by ‘Fatshark’. I’s coming out early 2018 for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The rats are back but wait… there’s more! Let’s take a look.

Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide was a vicious first person co-op that many gamers jumped into and slaughtered some rats. Like seriously, who likes rats? We don’t. In Warhammer Vermintide 2, those rats are back but wait… There’s more! The warriors of chaos are here! Even worse they have teamed up with the relentless Skaven ratmen. They have a dark pact and one goal in mind… to destroy humanity and do what they want with the realms of man. Clan Fester of the ratmen is really vexed with man for what happened at Ubersreik. This time they ain’t about to let a couple of humans ruin everything. They got friends who will make a difference.

The warriors of chaos are is made up of dangerous norsemen who’s clan goes by the name ‘Rotblood’. They are crazy and serve Nurgle, the god of pestilence. He sounds like a pleasant god doesn’t he. Who doesn’t want pestilence? Now they have one goal in mind and that’s to completely destroy the empire. They literally want to leave nothing behind. Now the warriors of chaos are quite a variety as some look humanoid and weird dangerous weapons like axes while others just look like deformed monsters with tentacles, horns and worse. Now imagine this force but teamed up with the ratmen. That sounds like a problem.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 - X35 Earthwalker

The heroes are back! The five from Ubersreik: Bardin Goreksson, Kerillian, Victor Saltzpyre, Sienna Fuegonasus and Markus Kruber are here but things are better than before. There are 15 unique careers  with their own play styles, own talent tree, active and passive abilities, access to unique weapons and equipment and adds depth to character progression. So be prepared to get in deep with your characters as there is much more experimentation to be done.

Now Warhammer Vermintide 2 has added some new things and really mixed some stuff up. This time the fight will be focused on Helmgart. There is also a new Spawn Director which makes sure that overtime you play through the game, it is different. The enemy spawning and formations are always changed up and pretty much unpredictable. There is a new and improved loot system. The rewards you get are completely connected to your hero and your the career you are currently playing. There is much more weapons and accessories in Warhammer Vermintide 2. Much more. So now character build will be more deeper, more to think about and off course more important.

It has been said though that matchmaking has been completely improved with a support for dedicated servers. this should make all the difference. Another new feature is something called ‘The Keep’. The Keep is the new head quarters for the heroes. The new base of operations. This is where all the tactical stuff happen. This is where all the planning is done as well. Here you decide what missions to go on. There is also a practice room where players can test and try out abilities, weapons and talents. We hope it’s like that special room in Dead Space 3 where you could construct and build weapons to test on Necromorphs with unlimited ammo. For those who are about showing off and war glory, you can also hang up and display your battle trophies.

There is also the ‘Heroic Deeds System’. this is new and will shake things up for even veteran players. The best way to explain this to use the exact words from the Warhammer Vermintide 2 official website, which says “Experience special scenarios and unique trials through the Heroic Deeds System. These consumerable quests will place you in strange new settings, dramatically change the mix of enemies you face, limit the use of weapons and abilities, or give you unusual mission objectives.” This sort of reminds us of the spartan ops from Halo 4 where there were full missions but nothing like the campaign and anything could sort of go in there. Let’s see how Warhammer Vermintide 2 handles this.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 - X35 Earthwalker

We checked out some gameplay and can confirm that things do look better. The combat still looks as stiff and not much mobility as before but the combat it’s self is different. The enemies seem to have slower heavy attacks and light fast attacks. Their amour seems to play more of a role as well. The heroes movements during battle seem more complex than before which will make fights more engaging and interesting. The graphics are definitely improved as the surroundings look great and the sounds of strikes and clashing with amour is also very good.

Overall Warhammer Vermintide 2 looks like a complete improvement over the prequel Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide. Graphics, sounds, combat, features, loot system, enemies are all taken to a higher level; however it hasn’t won us over at X35 Earthwalker. The first game didn’t impress us at all and we actually didn’t end up enjoying it. The combat felt so stiff. off course many enjoyed it and we are sure many will enjoy the sequel as well but we will need to see and know more to find out if it is our thing or not. The developers ‘Fatshark’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for Warhammer Vermintide 2. Now Warhammer Vermintide 2 may have new enemies but that still isn’t enough to defeat… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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