Death Squared is a new multiplayer puzzle game developed by ‘SMG Studio’, coming out ion February 14th for Xbox One, PC and PS4. Death Squared is a cooperative puzzle game for 1, 2 or 4 players where each player gets to control a squared shaped robot which needs to be guided to a matching colour-coded goal. This does sound easy but with puzzle games, it never is. There are traps and hazards which will destroy and kill your robot.
Straight away from looking at the game, We at X35 Earthwalker could tell that it’s fun and has some humour to it. We could tell that from the design of the robots. The robots may come in the four colours red, blue, green and yellow and have similiar looks but it’s the prints on their faces that gives it away. There are many prints. like an ‘X’, mustache, laughing face, cross bones, heart, tiger stripes and even a skull. It would be better if these robots have voices and actually talk to the players but we will see. The same faces can have different markings so customisation of the robots is there.
The entire level is made of squares and literally, there is a lot of details on the squares. Some squares have different markings, colours and coating. The graphics of the game is very good. The scenery looks like a giant section in a mechanical factory. It looks the the whole thing is like a simulation by a computer with square levels in an area surrounded by lots of space. The music is more like ambiance, just a simple tune in the background. This may be like this because the developers wants all the focus to be on communication between the players.
X35 Earthwalker has checked out some of the levels already and he said, “The levels throw a lot of stuff in there for the players to think about. It actually causes players to stop, think and plan amongst each other, before continuing. Some levels have blocks that hologram squares which is tangible for the robots of different colour and move when the same coloured robot moves. There are levels where pieces and even rotating parts move as the robot of the same colour move. There are switches which activate spikes from the ground that destroy any robots on top of it. There are levels that have lasers that will destroy any robot that of a different colour that makes contact with it. There are even levels that combine all of this stuff together, creating crazy scenarios. I like what I see so far”. We agree.
This is the kind of game that will get you vex with your friends and family. Maybe your younger sibling accidently gets your robot killed because he moved when he wasn’t supposed to. Maybe your friend forgot that all this time they can move through any hologram squares that’s the same colour as they are, wasting many minutes. Or that one friend who decides to get his friends killed but tries to make it seem like it was an accident. This game starts of very fun but will quite quickly become a challenge and then a head scratching challenge. If you don’t have any temperance (self control) and long suffering (patience) then be careful as you don’t want to get too mad with friends and family. So think twice about this.
It has been said that there is a section in the game called the ‘Vault’ which has a bunch of levels that are only for the brave. We guess that these levels must all be very hard to complete to near impossible to solve. We hope there are some levels like that though because there are always gamers out there who won’t stop until they beat it. Those guys will have fun.
Overall this seems like a fun puzzle game that will keep you occupied for a good while. A lot of work has gone into it. The developers ‘SMG Studio’ did a good job with this game and we at X35 Earthwalker want to see what becomes of this game. Even so… You must not forget to do the ‘Earth Walk’!
For more information check out the link below: