Moon of Madness is a new first person psychological horror game developed by ‘Rock Pocket Games‘. It is said to be coming out this year 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Now some gamers have quite the expectations and views concerning psychological horror games. We hope the developers deliver a scary experience. Let’s take a look.
Players control Shane Newehart who is a technician stationed at the Invictus. The Invictus a mars research outpost. Basically the Orochi scientists have heard a mysterious signal that they recorded. This signal is coming from mars. They built Invictus in order to learn the true nature of this message. The analysts broke it down and learnt that something intelligent was behind this signal. Off course Shane Newehart doesn’t know about any of this. He still has to do his job though.
All players have to do, in Moons of Madness, as Shane is just keep the Invictus up and running until the transport ship Cyrano arrives to do their ‘transporting’ job. This new team will take over. Sounds like a simple job for a technician but gamers should know by now that it wouldn’t really be a game if it was that simple. you learn that the station is in terrible shape. Greenhouse is flooded which means food is an issue, martian dust is leaking into the infirmary which means possible contamination of medical goods, also the security system is on lockdown which means safety is an issue.
In Moons of Madness players learn the the whole station is trash at this point. Everything is falling apart and you need to be an Isaac clark from Dead Space and put your technical skills to use. This is made much harder as you start to experience unusual things. You are hearing and seeing things that aren’t there. Call it visions (most likely not) or hallucinations… but are they? What if they are real? Who knows. It’s up to the player to get through all of this and keep the Invictus station together. Keep your head.
Do not forget that Moons of madness is also an psychological horror game. This means that the main culprit in the bringing the scares will be the atmosphere. Expect to be all alone and isolated. The music will set the tone nicely. Having ominous music, then loud moments and then at times dead silent. Some areas will be dark, there will be shadows and off course there will be sounds. What do you hear around the corner? Is something in the room with you? Also our main character Shane will suffer from hallucinations. So that figure, form, creature you see… is it real. Players will need to know the difference quick. We at X35 Earthwalker like to see games do well and successfully pull pf what they aim to do in games. Psychological horror games like Visage need the right balance of scares, quite moments and death threats.
We checked out some gameplay so far Moons of Madness is looking real good so far it looks good and what we thought it would be. First person works well for this kind of game. We like that there is actual danger with actual creatures. Setting it in space where help is millions of miles away works fine. Will there be any stealth or hiding required? Whats the ration of real creatures to hallucinations? We have questions. The graphics are looking good and we hope it stays that way. For a game like this the pacing must be quite slow. If it rushed too fast it will be like Dead Space.
Overall Moons of Madness looks like it will have lots of action and mystery but may be lacking in terms of scares. We will have to obviously see more though. The developers ‘Rock Pocket Games’ have so far done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what Moons of Madness has got. We hope they do it well too. Now Moons of Madness might have some scary moments but nothing is scarier than the power of… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: