Mecha Break is definitely looking like it’s going to be the ultimate mech action. Mecha Break is developed and published by ‘Amazing Seasun Games‘. Mecha Break is an Xbox exclusive that’s said to be coming out in 2025 on the Xbox Series X/S and PC. Let’s take a look.
Now Mecha Break was one of the many awesome games that Xbox showed off at the game show case that X35 Earthwalker was excited for. For darn good reason too. There’s off course additional information on Mecha Break and it would be good for more players to know what’s up.
the story in Mecha Break is easy to understand but we hope they use the room for evolution effectively. There was a catastrophe but right after it Corite showed up. Corite is described as a “mysterious carbon-silicon mineral”. So clear;y there’s more to it. The good thing is that it became a big game changer in the energy industry. The bad thing though is that it has a pathogenic nature, bringing slow devouring spread that’s currently uncontrollable.
Now the Marcens Zones is heavily polluted and this is a major threat the entire world basically. So what’s the solution? Big mechs and technology. Take control of a third generation BREAK Striker. Of course you ain’t alone. Secret organisation S.H.A.D.O.W. (no hedgehog) is here to help… we all know how this turns out.
The main factor of Mecha Break is obviously the cool big bad mechs. So let’s check them out:
- Pinaka – Medium Support – Field maintenance | Cover airdrop
- Stego – Ultra Heavy Attacker – High caliber turret | Fire Suppression
- Aquila – Heavy Sniper – Energy Sniper | Aerial Firepower
- Inferno – Ultra Heavy Attacker – Heavy Firepower | Mob suppression
- Skyraider – Medium Attacker – Transform ready | Frontline Bombardment
- Hurricane – Ultra Heavy Defender – Mob Suppression | Stronghold Defence
- Welkin – Heavy Brawler – Melee Combat | Versatile Weaponry
- Luminae – Light Support – Field Maintenance | Weapon Switch
- Narukami – Light Sniper – Energy Sniper | Area Cloaking
- Tricera – Ultra Heavy Defender – Fortress | Field Maintenance
- Alysnes – Medium Attacker – Removable Armour | Weapon Switch
- Panther – Medium Brawler – Line Breaker | Weapon Switch
- Falcon – Light Attacker – Aerial Combat | Transform Ready
As you can tell there’s different sizes, weight class, functions and roles. So wise players will check them all out, understand the cored inferences and find their style. This does matter as Mecha Break has different combat modes. 6v6 Hero shooter, 3v3 Deathmatch and most exciting the PvPvE Extraction Shooter. Off course different modes means different objectives so maybe a different approach and therefore a different mech.
The mechs also have their equipment, weapons and support etc. The official Mecha Break website has done a very good job of displaying the gear and providing information. It could have been better still. For example the Inferno model can use the ‘Charged splitter’ which ” launches energy blast ammunition when both cannon units (main weapon and side arm) are charged, dealing area damage.” This just open up more questions though concerning the weapons, effectiveness and damage types.
Now Mecha Break does allow players to design and create their own mech as well which is a wonderful choice. Choose your colours, patterns, decals (we hate decals), physical parts and features and more. Hopefully it is in depth enough to allow unique mechs and not every having similar things. You want to explore and fight in Mashmak islands with style. Speaking of Mashmak islands. That’s 200 square kilometer combat area.
We checked out some Mecha Break gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. As you progress, you’ll unlock a range of characters and encounter more pilots. Make sure to collect materials needed for upgrades. There are Corite pulse storms which are spreading quite rapidly. Lots of hostile set ups and garrisons. The ballistic rounds, energy weapons, projectile effects, flying, thrusts and mobility is looking excellent so far. The game is just looking that good. This brings more hope and builds anticipation.
Overall Mecha Break looks fantastic right now. Now there are some unanswered questions which will effect things but we like to be positive over here. There seems to be a lot going on and not just blasting everything you see. Even your main hangout the S.H.A.D.O.W. hangar has secrets of its own. Players need to be observant and look around as they go to discover more. The biggest factor is obviously the combat here and the types of mechs. It needs to be a whole grade above everything else. We also hope for an expansion on the number of game modes. Not everything should be about other players. Something for solo players too besides a story mode. The developers ‘Amazing Seasun Games’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep our eyes open for this game. Now Mecha Break
For more information check out the link below: